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The Magi

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:45 am
by Outfoxd
((Raymond Dawson, Neill Robertson, and Robert Barron continued from Going Round in Circles))

It was amazing how close you could get to a group of people when they'd all accepted that they were going to inevitably die in the next few days.

Ray, Neill, and Robert had been traveling, somewhat aimlessly, after the incident at the grounds-keeper's hut. About the only criterion for their path had been to stay away from gunfire, to avoid conflict. No sense in accelerating their respective demises. They walked, and when night fell, they rested. And when they rested, they talked.

They talked about Robert's start in badminton and the subsequent accident that ended his career. Ray could relate; if any injury ended his wrestling career, he would've had nothing but left to him but his family. They talked about Robert's religious beliefs, and how he reconciled that with his recent discovery of his homosexuality. Ray gained more respect for him; knowing the nature of Robert's family and affirming this fact meant he was a hell of a strong person.

They talked about Neill's novel (a process that took maybe an hour and a half, some sort of winding narrative about France and vicars and other stuff Ray didn't know much about but managed to be interested in regardless. Neill was a talker, that was for certain, and Ray was glad he could give him an ear to listen. He got the feeling people didn't do that for Neill too often.

They talked about Ray's family, because Ray felt he didn't have too much outside of that to tell. He told them about his sister, and how he had been her guardian when their mother and brother weren't around. This much surprised Ray; he didn't talk, especially not about personal things like this. Then again, he hadn't been close to anybody but Alicia until now. These guys might as well have been his brothers, they'd been through so much shit at this point. He held no illusions that he'd get back to her, no worries, either. Alicia was smart, and strong enough to deal with her condition on her own. He'd been there for her formative years, and was happy to have done it.

They talked, and they killed time.

Ray even showed the two other guys a few wrestling moves; more to occupy time than to get them skilled. It'd take them years of practice to get good at it, like him. Years they didn't have. It was the gesture that counted.

When morning came, they kept traveling, three boys who had managed to find some form of comfort in the night.
They had no plan, no idea what to do, beyond living.

They had made it to the logging road by about midday, their travels flanked by felled trees. They walked side-by-side. Ray hung back a little.

"How many you guys think are left?" He asked. Another time-killing question, albeit a depressing one. The silence was starting to bother Ray, an oddity since he rarely used to talk.

Re: The Magi

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:45 am
by Killer_Moth*
Bobby liked these guys. As they were spending time together, he wished that he could go back, do something differently, made it that he'd been properly friends with these guys, instead of by the sidelines. Here, he was finally getting proper friends outwith GodSpeed, and they were likely going to be dead in days.

The fact that they had shared so much of each other was affirming to him. After having experienced what he could only assume was the worst the island could offer, it was nice to see something positive come out of it. Of course, he knew that a lot of it was trying to keep each other sane. He hadn't yet suggested that they pray together, not wanting to force religion upon them, but it was an idea that was niggling the back of his mind.

As the day progressed, he could feel that Ray at least was having the full reality of the situation sink in on him. His questions were honest, but a touch on the morbid side. Bobby tried to relax his spirits. "It's difficult to say. Even if we knew how many were on the trip in total, I'm not willing to trust the announcements. Who knows how much of what he says is true, or is tailored to break our morale. There could be people on the other side of here who think that we're dead, because they heard something different. And I'd like to believe that most of us are still holding onto basic human decency."

He tailed off, remembering Rachel's face after she had struck down Edward. No emotion, no sense of regret. Maybe his words were just that, and the rest of the class had descended into savagery already. "Well, some of us, at any rate."

Re: The Magi

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:45 am
by xylophonefairy*
He had no idea how he had suddenly come by such a bounty of luck. Admittedly, being cast away on an island full of murderers who until four days ago had been his graduating class was generally not in most people's definition of 'luck'. But how many people on the island could really say that they had made some true friends? He knew them better than he knew his own sister, and nearly as well as he knew his brother, after four days in each other's company. That was what happened if you had little to do besides talk and walk and eat and sleep and try and stay out of trouble. The last they had done with bounding success, ever since they had encountered Rachel and her descent into insanity (was it just him, or were all the GodSPEED members other than Bobby slowly starting to go crazy?), they had barely seen anyone.

They had a lot of time to kill, but even that wasn't usually enough to let him tell people about his novel. That had a dual purpose though. Seeing as he doubted he would ever get off this island alive he wanted the world to know. That little snippet probably wouldn't make the main programme, heck, maybe wouldn't even make the DVD, but surely there was some fanboy out there, someone who might have heard it and thought 'actually, that's a good idea'. And at the start of the book, when they wrote it, there would be a little dedication to him.

For Neill Robertson, 1989-2008

He wondered what his gravestone might say. Would he even get one? Perhaps, if he died before Bobby and Ray they would make him one. He would for one of them. A bit of wood, carve a short eulogy out of it. Perhaps the skateboard would be a useful gravestone? It wasn't much use for anything else, the island terrain was far too uneven for skateboarding to be useful, hence why they were a predominantly urban occurrence.

"They always matched up in previous series," Neill said softly in response to Bobby. "The announcements and deaths, I mean. I haven't been keeping count, though," he added, scratching the back of his neck, surprised at his own feeling of detachment. They were his calssmates, his friends, and yet they seemed far away, as though they were in a dream. He looked to either side, seeing the dead trees, stumps sticking into the air forlornly. Neill frowned and indicated their surroundings. "The Graveyard of Broken Dreams," he said thoughtfully. "That would be a good title for my book," he added, murmuring almost imperceptibly.

Re: The Magi

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:45 am
by Dr. Nic*
[Boy #14 - Alex White. Continued from Late Dawns and Early Sunsets.]

"Again the dance..."

After having spent way too much time sleeping after giving Jimmy fucking Brennan one hell of a beating, Alex was on the move again. He didn't really know where he was going, just who he was going after and why. Andrea Raymer. The bitch with the pills, the girl with the connections and all the pretty little precious prescriptions. Yeah, she would definitely have what he wanted. What he needed. What he was fucking dreaming about all god damn night long. All night with that damn dream, all night with that image in his head of catching up with Andrea and showing her just how that gunpowder of hers works when it comes into contact with fire. Taking her bag and all those pills and...

"Fuck, man... I've got a problem."

Yeah, that was pretty clear. But really, should that matter now? It's not like he really has a chance of making it off this damn island, out of this hellhole he'd been dragged in to. And really, what did he have to go back to? Most of his problems could be traced back to his family so really, why would he want to go back to them? Most of his friends were there on the island with him, killing and dying and going with the flow of things, so it's not like they would be around if he made it out of this as the winner or got out with some half baked escape plan. Really, what did he have to go back to? What reason did he have to cling to that moral compass his father was always harping on about, telling him to do the right thing and follow the law and protect those who can't protect themselves and all that other--



"That's all it ever fucking is. Just great big piles of bullshit."

Doing what his father told him, keeping his grades up and always doing more then necessary... That's what got him here. All of it was responsible for him being on this damn island. He always had to be the nice guy, the one with all the friends, the one with the perfect grades and all the extracurricular activities he could handle. He always had to be that guy and he could never be anything less. But what if he didn't want to do all that? What if he just wanted to be a slacker like everyone else, what if he just wanted to sit back and waste his time on video games or something like that? But nooooo... he had to be perfect. He had to start taking pills to keep up with everything. He had to become an addict just to conform to the image he was given.

But not anymore.

The only thing people expected of his now was to die. The only thing people wanted him to do now was to kill. And really, was there really a reason not to? Maybe everything would be better if he just went the way of Janet Victorie-Ser or those other people you see on these shows, throwing themselves off of cliffs and into rivers and just...

"Pulling their collars. They pull on the collars and it all ends."

That's right. It would be so simple. Just tug on the collar hard enough and it would all be over. All the expectations and all the annoyances and all the damn demands. But really, did he want to do that? Just give up like that without a fight, just lie down and die after he had so much fun with Jimmy?

"Oh hell no. I'm not going out like that. Not now, not ever. If I'm going to die, I'm going to die fighting."

Well, that answers that question. Really though, who was he talking to and why? Oh well. Maybe it was just another little quirk... like when he was back there with an unconscious Jimmy. Or after Andrea and Nick ran off. Or before he ran in to Milo and Liz. Or...

"I really need to stop talking to myself. It's weird..."

That would probably be a good idea.

"I'll go talk to them then."

Catching his eye a little further down the road stood three people. Three boys, all seemingly just standing there exchanging small talk and when Alex got a little closer, close enough to hear... well, that it exactly what they were doing. Morbid small talk, but small talk none the less. Something about the deaths and whether they matched up or not. Like, maybe Danya was lying. Why would he lie? Oh well, there will be time to worry about their conversations when he is close enough to be part of said conversations. For now, he just had to choose his approach...

How does a casual stroll and humming music sound?

So there he was...

Just taking a nice, relaxing stroll.


"Again the dance~"

And singing.

"Do the maniac dance."

He was just fucking with them... right?


Re: The Magi

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:46 am
by Outfoxd
Ray saw the guy coming down the road before any of the other boys did. He couldn't tell much about him at this range, just that he was roughly about Ray's size, maybe bigger. That and he could hear the boy humming, the sound carried on a slight breeze that the trio was downwind of. Considering what island they were all on, seeing a guy walking by himself, humming a song, was deeply unsettling.

Ray put his hand back to touch the spear that he had secured on his pack, taking comfort in reminding himself he was armed. He'd seen too much in his short time on this island to not be prepared for meeting another one of his fellow students. The boys kept walking, and it looked like the humming guy was on a course heading directly toward them.

"Got a live one." Ray said to the other two boys, sounding a whole hell of a lot calmer than he felt.

Re: The Magi

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:46 am
by Killer_Moth*
"Yeah, but you're making the assumption that the material released wasn't changed. I'd suspect that anything you've seen before can't really be trusted." Bobby was almost enjoying this, getting a chance to debate things again, even given the circumstances. Morbid though the subject may be, it was helping to talk about it.

The sound of the song drifting through the air was drawn to his attention by Ray. Immediately he tensed. he approaching figure had to have seen the small group. That he was approaching so nonchalantly meant that he was either supremely confident, or incredibly dumb. Either way, and especially given their recent track record, Bobby doubted that he would want to get into anything with this guy.

On the other hand, Ray was calm about the whole thing. That meant a lot. If Ray was unconcerned then was there any reason for Bobby to worry? "I see him. Let's see what he wants, shall we?"

Re: The Magi

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:46 am
by xylophonefairy*
Neill didn't actually notice the boy, he was facing in the wrong direction as he came up behind them, and it wasn't until he caught Bobby and Ray's glances that he turned around. The song was drifting towards them, caught on snatched of wind, and Neill found himself frowning. This guy had an odour of crazy about him, and after their encounter with Rachel, Neill had become a lot more wary of crazy people. For all they knew the kid had a weapon and would run at them any second brandishing an axe.

Pull yourself together man!

Ray and Bobby didn't seem to share his axe-weilding concerns, and as a result, Neill fought very hard to keep his feelings of generic terror under wraps. Sizing him up (shorter than he was thus not too threatening), Neill fumbled through his memory banks to try and get a name. It came slowly, they'd had very limited contact in the past. White. Alex White. He was pretty sure that was it. Neill glanced back at the others just as Bobby spoke.

"Let's see what he wants, shall we?"

"His name is Alex White, that's all I know about him." Neill said softly just after Bobby finished speaking. For some reason he felt a need to get that information into the open before they actually made contact. Still, it appeared to be his turn to speak, so he turned to Alex and tried in vain to suppress the fact that he wanted to run away and hide in a tree.

"Hey!" Neill called out. "What's up?" It was a pretty lame starter, he knew that at once, but it was simple and anything would do to break the fact that they had been openly talking about the new guy without actually saying anything to his face for a couple of minutes. Scratching the back of his neck nervously, his mind reeled to the skateboard that was half sticking out of his duffel bag, and the broken drip stand that currently served as his main weapon (he had snapped it after realising that both his 'weapons' had wheels, and that post-Infirmary that wasn't overly helpful), just in case the moment came where he might have to defend them all. As if that job would fall on him...

Re: The Magi

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:46 am
by Dr. Nic*
[So sorry for the delay in getting this post finished. Holidays and writer's block made writing anything a pain.]

So, it seemed that Alex had indeed scared them, at least enough to make them visibly uncomfortable with his presence. Maybe it was the singing or the weapon in his hand or the backpack he was carrying that had a name on it that wasn't his. Maybe they were just the nervous type or maybe, just maybe, they had more than a few bad experiences on this wonderful little island in the middle of fucking nowhere. It could be a lot of things really, or just all of them together, but Alex really seemed to be making the three of them uncomfortable and skittish.


"Really, that's the only thing you could come up with?"

Alex poked fun at Neill's choice of questions. Really, it seemed silly to ask that at a time like this, in a place like this. But hey, he was nervous, Alex can understand that. He was the cause of that after all, so of course he understood why such an awkward question was chosen. But he had a better one for all three of them. A much better one that was a lot more... to the point.

"Anyways. I have a question for you three."

He took a step forward.

"Have any of you seen Andrea? Andrea Raymer, I think that's what her name is. She's about this tall, sort of skinny, white."

As he spoke, he move his left hand to show how tall she was; he held it about two or three inches below his own height for comparison. Not that he specified his height to the boys but hey, who knows, maybe they could tell at a glance. It was good to have a cop for a father, sometimes. You do learn how to give a decent description.

"About five six, maybe... hundred and ten pounds? Hundred twenty... who knows. Dark hair, tons of make up and I think she was a C cup."

...Really, was that last part necessary?

"I'm looking for her and it would be a huge help if you could tell me if you've seen her."

He took another step forward.


Now he just seemed to be that much more disturbing, moving forward every time he questioned the three of them and holding that long branch of his the entire time. It was his weapon and his source of light, but as far as the three of them knew, he lit the end of it on fire for the sole purpose of making it a better weapon at one point. Burning other students and whatnot. It wasn't on fire right now, of course, but just the idea that it was seemed a little strange.

Didn't Alex have a flashlight? Everyone got one, after all... so why would he need a torch?

"What's taking so long? I haven't got all day y'know. Answer the damn question."

...He seemed awfully impatient, standing there with his branch. Not much time had passed and he was already telling them to hurry up and answer.

Maybe they should hurry up.

Y'know, before he gets even more creepy, disturbing or downright spooky.

Re: The Magi

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:46 am
by Outfoxd
This kid was creepy as shit. And holding a flaming branch. Neither particularly endeared him to Ray, and he doubted it was working too well with either of his two group members either. Alex asked a question that was simple enough, but the way he kept advancing and brandishing that branch made Ray want to vacate the area. Fast.

If the kid wasn't holding a flaming fucking branch, Ray wouldn't have been worried (Not that he couldn't had a hidden knife or some shit on him; Ray didn't think too far ahead sometimes). He could've taken him down, pinned him, restrained him if he got aggressive. But that branch changed everything. Ray had to satisfy himself with pulling the spear loose from his pack, keeping it ready in one hand.

But that name sounded familiar. Andrea...Oh!

A couple months before the class trip Ray had unloaded some Vicodin on that Andrea chick, just to make a quick buck. He knew who Alex was talking about, but he damn sure hadn't seen her. Robert or Neill might have; Ray didn't know too much about their trips before meeting up with him.

"I know who you're talking about, but I know I haven't seen her around." He kept the spear loosely gripped in his right hand as he talked. He wanted to back up some, but he didn't want the kid to think he was intimidated or something like that.

"You guys see someone like that?" He said to his companions.

Re: The Magi

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:46 am
by Killer_Moth*
Things did not look good. Alex, who seemed to be a cipher to the group, was clearly not stable. Shouting at them, demanding answers instantly, not waiting for a response before getting aggressive, he wasn't making a good impression. Bobby felt his heart beat beginning to race as the boy approached.

Thankfully Ray seemed to be better at keeping his head together than Bobby was right now. He was calm, collected, trying to reason with Alex. He admired that in him. Normally that would have been his own approach, but the island was beginning to get to him. He forced himself to have a couple of breaths, get himself back under control as Ray spoke. It was then that Ray turned and passed the newcomers question over.

He was better now, more stable and under control. Good. He racked his memory, but there was no trace at all of his having seen Andrea since they had arrived on the island. "Sorry, Alex. I've not seen her at all. How about you, Neill?" Of course, given what had happened to most of the people he had met since he had woken up just a few days ago, it was probably better for Andrea that he hadn't seen her.

Re: The Magi

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:46 am
by xylophonefairy*
God, this was an awkward conversation. The air had gone from relaxed to tense in seconds, and Neill was aware that he must have been contributing to that what with clenching his buttocks and his fists so that dirty nails dug into his palms. The guy seemed so... erratic. Proper off the wall, and Neill didn't like to think what weapon he might be concealing somewhere. When Alex asked them where Andrea was, Neill didn't even allow himself to think who or where Andrea might be, only that even if he did know he wasn't sure he would tell. You had to be nice to people to get information out of them.

In turn Ray and Bobby said that they hadn't seen anything. He had been with them almost since he had woken up (after that brief stint with Jaclyn Krusche, which already felt like it had occurred years ago) so Neill could be fairly sure that he was guilt free without actually having to engage his brain too much.

"If you guys haven't then I haven't," Neill said, directing his answer at Bobby and Ray, and as usual, giving more information than was probably needed. He chewed on his lip anxiously, forcing himself to make brief eye contact with Alex before glancing back down at his shoes and kicking up some of the dirt. He'd barely even noticed that they were on a road, and how civilised that road seemed despite the fact it was about the least civilised road he'd ever been on. The closest was Uncle George's farm out in the nondescript, rural 'Anywhere, Minnesota'. And that had been flattened and gravel put down three summers ago.

I wonder if Uncle George is watching me now. He'd have no idea that I was thinking about him and his farm and the chickens and his three children who died in a fire before I was even born... Neill tried to shake himself out of his reverie before it got too depressing. He glanced up and forced eye contact again, looking at the other two, not sure if he'd missed anything while he'd been daydreaming. Make polite conversation.

"So," Neill said, "what have you been up to these past few days. Found a secret escape tunnel yet?"

Re: The Magi

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:46 am
by Dr. Nic*
"Well, now, that's too bad isn't it? Looks like I'm going to have to find her on my own."

Alex mused as he listened to their responses in turn, each of them denying having seen his target. Well now, that wasn't good now was it? No, not it was not. Either they were lying to him, which was a distinct possibility given how nervous and shifty each of them looked, or they were telling the truth and he was going to have a lot more searching to do. Neither outcome was very appealing. But there was little he could do about that, so he simply had to accept the fact that he'd have to spend more time searching, no matter how badly he wanted Andrea to just show up. No matter how badly he wanted to get his hands on her as soon as he could.

He just had to keep searching.

And what to do with them?

Well, they weren't exactly helpful, and certainly didn't look the part of people who would help him in his search. Even if they did, they probably wouldn't approve of how he would end up handling Andrea, so it wouldn't be worth it bringing them along. But then, he couldn't just leave them with the knowledge of who he was looking for, could he? They could ruin everything if they ran into her first. Ruin what though? All they could do is tell her that he was looking for her, they didn't know anything about his plans. No, they couldn't ruin anything but the surprise. But that still brought him back to the same question. What to do with them?

"Secret escape tunnel? Oh, no, there is nothing like that on this wonderful little island. Just plenty of nice places to explore."

A positive attitude toward the island?

"What have I been doing... well, I attacked Nick and then he burned that one poor sob, whatshisname. Then I torched the swamp with a molotov, scared the shit out of Mr. Starcraft and that blubbering girl, and finally, finally, I took a shot at Jimmy fucking Brennan. That's what I've been doing."

Well, he was being very.... forthcoming.

"But I haven't found any secret, hidden way off this island. Just a lot of enjoyable little sights."

Alex shifted where he stood as he spoke, staring at the three other boys.

"This really is a nice island, y'know that?"

A grin emerged on Alex's face as he looked around at the surroundings. Really, were these felled forests and decrepit roads what he was referring to? This wasn't nice, it looked like hell, and yet here he was talking about how nice the island was.

"All I wanted was to find my friends when I first woke up here... and now each and every one of them has either died or killed someone."


"And you want to know something?"


"I wouldn't mind joining them at this point."

How... how did he intend to do that?

"Now, what have I done? I think a better question would be... what am I going to do?"

...Well fuck.

What now?

Re: The Magi

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:46 am
by Outfoxd
Alex was becoming more and more...unsettling. Nothing about him sat well with Ray, not a damn thing. The way he talked, the way he seemed to glance around a little as if he was listening to someone else...

Oh, and the fact he admitted he had fucked up a couple people. Yeah, Ray didn't like this kid at all. Ray started moving as the kid talked, moving to the left so when he started heading down the road he'd be giving the kid a wide berth. He looked over his shoulder, gave his companions a brief nod in hopes that they would follow him.

"Don't know if we can help you with that, man." Ray said in response to Alex saying that he wouldn't mind joining his friends. "We gotta get going, but let us know how all that works out for you." He said. He sounded calm, but on the inside he was shitting an entire wall's worth of bricks.

All this time, he'd only witnessed crazy students attacking and killing people. Ray felt like if the group didn't get moving their luck would run out.

No matter what happens, you boys protect your family.

Ray hesitated for a second. Those were his dad's words, from a moment that felt like it took place a lifetime ago. He didn't know at first why he thought of it. His dad had said that to him and his brother ostensibly in reference to their newborn sister, but it took all of an instant as he looked over at Robert and Neill again to realize why he'd think of it.

"Let's get going." He said.

Re: The Magi

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:46 am
by Killer_Moth*
((Apologies for the delay in replying. Been a crap few weeks))

So, Alex wasn't what you could call stable. That was worrying, but again, it could be the island. What was more worrying was how open about it. That he'd killed, more than once, and was unrepentant about it. Bobby felt the blood drain from his face as he listened, nausea rising in his throat.

He could tell that he was being threatened. Even though he was essentially armed, and in a group that outnumbered his opponent, he knew how little that meant. After all, what if Alex had a gun? He did say he'd taken a shot at Jimmy Brennan. That would be a real game changer, and meant that they all had to walk on eggshells.

Ray was swiftly establishing himself as the leader of the group. That worked wonderfully for Bobby, who always worked better as a follower. He had all his life, he felt comfortable there. So when Ray suggested that they move along, and in a tone that politely suggested that Alex not accompany them, he just nodded, and hoped that everything would work out.

Re: The Magi

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 3:47 am
by xylophonefairy*
((Apologies for the crappiest post I've ever written, but I just want to get Neill out of the way so as not to hold things up and then disappear til my exams are over))

Neill nodded enthusiastically as Ray suggested that they make a move. There was nothing about this situation that was making him feel at all comfortable, and he wanted to get as far away from it as possible, as far away from Alex as possible. The guy was unnerving him, and he was unnerved enough as it was. He was impressed with Ray's calm handling of the situation, he had never been good in aggravating situations. His mind was immediately pulled back to the situation right before the end of year when Monty Pondsworth had almost killed him for backchat. He'd made a vow to pay Chris bacl for that some day, buy him a drink when they both turned 21/Neill figured out where everyone was getting their fake IDs from.

But Chris was dead. He'd been stabbed by Sarah Atwell a couple of days ago now. Somehow, that death had affected him more than many of the others of his friends, people he knew. The others were either too close to not seem real or too far away that he couldn't honestly care. But Chris was just the right amount of being a sort of friend, and also one that he owed a favour to, that it had bothered him. Dominic was dead too. Both the people he had met on that day, killed by the other one.

It was surreal. Too surreal. Some reality suddenly washed over him and Neill took a few steps away, feeling a little bit dizzy.

"Uh, yeah," he said, his stomach churning with the image of Chris and Dominic's dead bodies being eaten by maggots in the Bayview canteen. He indicated Ray roughly, speaking without being entirely aware of what he was saying, working entirely on autopilot. "We have places to go, people to find as well." All the people you know are dead. No, that wasn't true. But most of them are. "I wish you luck mate, that secret tunnel's gotta be somewhere, right?" Shut up with the secret tunnel. Joke wasn't funny the first time and sitll isn't.

Neill started to walk away, hoping that Bobby and Ray would shortly follow him.

((Neill Robertson continued in Don't Fear The Reaper))