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Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 4:23 am
by Gwbiii*
((Bridget Connolly, Reiko Ishida, and Sarah Xu continued from Some People Care))

The sun rose steadily as usual, beating down on the heads of three individuals who walked along the road. Bridget walked in front, holding her improvised weapon. The other two trailed behind slightly, Sarah holding her rifle, and Reiko completely unarmed. None of them looked particularly elated.

There were no words exchanged between the three parties. They needed to concentrate on their surroundings, to be sure that no one attacked them, or something. In any case, there would be plenty of time for them to talk when they made it to their destination. At least, there would have been if it wasn't for the screech of a distant megaphone.

"Hello, students of Bayview Secondary School..."

The girls stopped in their tracks, listening intently to the dissonant voice promising them a way off the island. Bridget turned to the others, a mixture of joy and disbelief on her face. It may have been the first time she'd smiled in over a week.

The girls were experiencing a wide range of emotions. Initially, the thought of escape was a joyous one, with the three listening excitedly to the announcement. That joy was quickly erased however, by a specific part. The commet barring about those who had been... participating... in the game.

All eyes were on Reiko at that point. Instead of the shared excitement of moments earlier, each was feeling something different. Sarah was more or less in denial, while Reiko wore a mask of grudging acceptance. Bridget wasn't sure how she felt about this revelation, but she did know one thing; she was getting on that boat no matter what.

Sarah was the first to speak, her voice wavering nervously as she tried to maintain her confidence. Despite her best efforts, that caveat had put a dent in her excitement. She wasn't about to admit failure, though.

"I'm, I'm sure it'll be okay."

She wasn't absolutely certain, so much shit had happened already that she'd come to expect being kicked in the teeth, but it was a rescue attempt, right? They were there to rescue them, so their concerns were probably just a matter of safety, which was understandable, and Reiko was harmless, unarmed and remorseful, and Sarah would escort her and vouch for her, it had to be okay.

"I'll talk to them, they'll understand, it'll be okay."

Reiko wasn't so convinced. Maybe she was just being cynical, but she'd seen enough in this hellhole to know enthusiasm didn't get you anywhere. Still, she couldn't exactly say no to Sarah's hopeful expression, nor even the remotest possibility of escape.

"Might as well try." Reiko said with a firm nod. She still wasn't convinced, but she would go with it.

Before they left, Bridget suggested they leave their weapons, explaining that the rescue party might not react so well to an armed group. In truth... she had other reasons for thinking it'd be best to keep them ready.

They transfered their things into one of the bags, stashing it somewhere hidden and safe. If things went well, then they wouldn't have to come back for it, and with that done, they were ready to move. Unfortunately, Bridget had a feeling that things weren't going to go as well as Sarah hoped.

"They're not going to wait for us forever."

((Bridget Connolly, Reiko Ishida and Sarah Xu continued in The Cavalry Arrives))