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Watch Your Step

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:05 am
by JamesRenard*
B146: Marco Stonecastle - Start

Marco felt like the luckiest guy in the world.

He'd been up for nearly twenty hours straight, having woken up in the middle of nowhere and wandering aimlessly all throughout the previous day. He was fortunate enough not to meet anyone during his past exploits, although he did happen to come across a couple of bodies (those of Sally and Cyrille) during the middle of the night, which had shook him up badly and prevented any form of sleep for hours after that.

After many hours and as the darkness was starting to give way to dawn, he'd come across the greens. He had been about to venture further and explore the tennis court, when the announcement from the big man in charge suddenly rang out and stopped him in his tracks. It had been torture to listen to, hearing that nineteen of his fellow students had died since everything had started. What was even worse was that some of the hockey team, notably Alex and Staffan had been behind some of the deaths. 'And these were people I hung out with on a regular basis, damn, what is it with me being close to murderers?' Marco had thought.

And then came the piece de resistance, the icing on the cake; the danger zones. Marco had sleepily wondered if he'd just gone and entered one. When his collar had started beeping, he knew for sure that he'd been standing right by the edge of it. He'd lumbered as fast as he could to vacate the greens, thankful that he hadn't gone deeper into the area. If he had, well, there was every chance that the countdown would finish before he could escape, and the grass would be decorated with his arterial blood. So yeah, he counted himself lucky.

'I'm safe, I'm away from the danger zone,' Marco thought, strolling through the trees and lightly rubbing his fingers against the collar, careful not to pull or yank at it, lest his head be violently ripped from his shoulders and making his escape from the greens completely pointless. As he continued his slow walk, he could see a building beyond the trees, and immediately thought about how good it would be to duck inside and catch a few z's.

He approached the back of the building and surveyed the exterior. 'Hall of Mirrors, huh?' he thought, walking around the front to where the entrances would be, not paying any attention to the rest of the funfair and what horrors he would possibly encounter if he went in that direction. There was broken glass littered all over the place, Marco careful to step over it when entering the hall, yawning loudly as he did. He needed a place to sleep, and in the darkness, it seemed like a suitable place to finally get some shut eye. And in his tired state, he didn't even stop to consider if there was anyone else already inside.

He sat down against one of the many mirrors further inside the building on the ground floor, resting his bag beside him, feeling his eyelids get heavier before shutting completely. Moments later, Marco Stonecastle was fast asleep.

Re: Watch Your Step

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:05 am
by BetaKnight
((Roman Jackson continued from Orientation))

Roman wasn't exactly sure how he had wound up standing in front of the Hall of Mirrors. He held the map up closer to his face, trying to hide from Acacia. This was not how this was supposed to go. He felt completely flummoxed. Normally he had an excellent sense of direction. He was the family navigator for all family trips since he had turned 11.

However, this was definitely *not* the residential area or the town center. Somehow, they had got turned around and headed almost due south of their intended target.

It must have happened last night. Or maybe at oh-dark thirty, when the light was still bad. How on earth did I not notice that we were going the wrong way? At least we're still alive and moving. And that during that announcement, that man didn't mention Alex's name.

Roman shivered as contemplated the two story structure that loomed before him. The morning light illuminated only the first turn of the hall. After that, the glass dispersed the light, essentially turning any reflective surface into a mirror that reflected infinity. Trying to stare too far ahead give him a sense of vertigo.

He chewed on his bottom lip, trying to reach a decision. Staying out here left them exposed to anyone who wandered past. Going inside gave them shelter, but they couldn't really see if anyone was already inside, waiting for them. Indecision ate at him. To stay or to go. What to do, what to do….

Turning back to Acacia, Roman had to confess his mistake. "So, umm, yeah," he began as he folded up his map to highlight the area they were currently occupying. "Obviously, this is not where we meant to wind up. I meant for us to go to the residential area, but I must have gotten us completely turned around because here we are." He stabbed the Hall of Mirrors on the map with his finger. "I mean, right? This is where we're at? Because it logically couldn't be anything else. Unless a lot of the buildings on this place looks like fun houses."

He realized he was rambling now. Taking a deep breath, he regrouped himself. "However we got to be here, this is where we're at. I think. So I guess my question to you is, do you want to go inside and try to find a safe place to rest for awhile or do we want to try and hit a different spot?"

Re: Watch Your Step

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:05 am
by xylophonefairy*
((Acacia Salinger continued from Orientation))

They had walked all night. Well, not quite, but it felt like a significant chunk of it, with only snatched hours of rest here and there. They had heard the announcement, names she recognised, read out on the list of the dead. Names she recognised read out on the list of killers too. She was relieved that Alex's name hadn't been read out, she had no idea how she would have dealt with her grieving twin in that situation. Nineteen people dead, many of whom were probably stronger, and brighter than she was. It was all fluke, all luck. She could easily have wandered into the path of one of the apparent maniacs who were killing people left, right and centre. But she hadn't. And now they were...

Where were they? She'd been completely useless on the navigating front for a while now, instead blindly following Roman and trusting his sense of direction, without any confirmation as to how good that was. Apparently, no very. They'd vaguely agreed, once they'd figured out what direction they were going in, that they should head towards the Residential Areas marked on the map. There might be soft beds and shelter there. But apparently they'd taken a wrong turning somewhere, as looming above them was a sign saying "Hall of Mirrors".

Failing to stifle a yawn as Roman said something about going wrong, no shit, sherlock, she came up beside him to look at the map and see where he was pointing. She nodded several times, cocking her head slightly to one side. The sign above the door certainly seemed to match up to the text on the map (which now that she thought about it, wasn't especially detailed, so perhaps she could forgive him for going wrong and leading them towards this creepy place rather than a nice warm house) so at least they knew where they were. She didn't even like funfair's that much. Especially not abandoned ones.

The morning light was fairly chilly and she shuddered suddenly.
"I vote inside," she said, her voice croaky from lack of use. "Anyone coming in might be confused by the mirrors and not be able to find us anyway.

She put her hand on the doorknob and carefully swung the door open, holding the gun out in front of her in her right hand, which as the door creaked open she supported with her left, the ways she'd seen cops on TV doing it, and hoped to God that she didn't look stupid. There wasn't anyone in immediate view from the door, and she turned to Roman with s shrug.
"Shall we look around, see if anyone's here?" she said softly.

Re: Watch Your Step

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:05 am
by JamesRenard*
Marco had no idea how long he'd been asleep. It could have been one minute, five minutes, or possibly even a couple of hours. All that he knew was that something was making some noise and it had prematurely woken him up from his much-needed slumber. 'Come on, five more minutes, please?' he thought.

A door opened further down the corridor from where he was slumped against the mirror. It let a little bit of morning sunlight into the building, enough to brighten up the area immediately next to entrance, but not enough to substantially illuminate the rest of the hall. There was the sound of what seemed like whispering, but Marco couldn't tell who was there, or what they were saying.

Everything that was lit up near the doorway looked blurry, which Marco guessed was just his eyes not focusing properly after his so-called sleep. He went to rub his right eye to try and sort his vision out (as much as it could), but when his fingers didn't make contact with concave-shaped glass and metal framing, he realised that his glasses must've slid right off the bridge of his nose while he was asleep.

'Ohhhh crap, not good, not good, where are they?'

He patted his hands down over his lap, over his legs and then finally along the floor, wincing when a triangular piece of glass that had belonged to a broken mirror painfully dug into his palm. 'They didn't just grow legs and wander off, did they?' he thought, clutching his bleeding palm with his other hand. While the idea of spectacles suddenly sprouting limbs and scuttling away like a crab on a beach would have sounded funny in a different time and place, right now it was no laughing matter. 'Perfect, it's too dark to-oh wait, I have a flashlight. Duh.'

Mentally kicking himself for completely forgetting about a key piece of his inventory, he located his bag and reached inside, his non-bleeding hand coming into contact with something that felt cold and was cylindrical. He pulled it out and tried to turn it on, but to no avail. 'C'mon, where's the on button? Am I even holding it the right way-'


"Oh SONOFABITCH!" Marco shouted as he hurled the accursed object away from him, hearing it bounce against a pane of glass opposite him, enough to chip it slightly but not to crack or break it, and then land on the floor with a clang. The candelabra rocked slightly as it came to a complete rest not far from Marco, his head now buried in his hands, tears and blood dripping down his jacket.

Re: Watch Your Step

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:05 am
by BetaKnight
It was trite. It was practically cliché. It was a scene out of every B horror movie ever made. Two unassuming teenagers standing in front of a rundown building in a decaying fun fair, pausing to debate the safety the hall of mirrors offered from the monsters they were running from.

Roman nearly giggled as the thought ricocheted around in his head. Whenever he was overly tired, strange ideas randomly appeared in his mind. And of course, the more inappropriate, the funnier they were. ‘We're really being held captive so that can someone can indulge their childhood dream of making a terrible, terrible horror movie. This thing will be MST3K quality. But Acacia and I, we're gonna be okay because we're not making out. We should be fine as long as nobody says…"

His eyes widened as Acacia uttered the fateful statement.

"Shall we look around, see if anyone's here?"

As if on cue, there was a scream from inside the building. It was guttural. Primal. Tortured. Roman wasn't even sure it was entirely human. Something heavy clattered around inside as the howl echoed and died away.

"Why on earth did you say that?" he hissed at Acacia as he dropped the map and desperately clawed through his bag, looking for his assigned weapon. "You just tempted fate and there's something in there and if we go inside, it's going to claw us to death and wear our skin for hats!"

His fingers settled around the bottom of the sun baton and he gripped it with an intensity that left his knuckles white. He could just *see* the hideous, snarling mutant beast come bursting out at them, salvia flying everywhere as it charged. Roman whimpered as he pictured it tearing the two of them limb from limb.

Re: Watch Your Step

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:05 am
by decoy73
((Simon Telamon continued from Twists and Turns))

As Simon ran through the area, the announcement still ran through his head.

"... Clio Gabriella, shot Chris Davidson right in the head ... tenth to be wiped off the map was Petrushka Ivanova as Miss Gabriella chalked up her second kill ..."

Unlike some of the other students, Simon was having trouble equating Clio, sweet, viviacious Clio Gabriella, with that of a heartless killer. All the same, in spite of his admittedly scant knowledge of SOTF, he grudgingly recognized one thing: Danya was, if not forthright, honest in a sense, meaning if Danya said that Clio Gabriella killed Chris Davidson and Petrushka Ivanova, then Clio Gabriella killed Chris Davidson and Petrushka Ivanova. This led Simon to play the small game of denial - not of Clio's actions, but of her motivations.

Okay, Chris, don't know him - maybe he attacked her and she had no choice (This fact was untrue: Chris had no intention or ability to kill anybody) What about Petrushka? Was that a mercy kill? (Now he was really grasping at straws - while somewhat likely that Petrushka had been severly injured, it didn't jibe with Petrushka's "utter lack of fighting spirit.") That was pretty much what was rolling through his head as he ran away from the warehouse. Enough so that he wasn't paying attention to the burn in his legs ... well leg, but still ... it was only when he approached the giant building when he finally paid heed to something other than his girlfriend - it was the two figures at the door of the building (Roman Jackson and Acacia Salinger, although Simon didn't know it), although it didn't stop him from running towards the building as fast as he could: he had just remembered the crossbow bolt sticking out of the housing of his leg and he needed to check out how much damage had been done to the plastic and his stump without having to look behind him.

With his leg having gained a high priority in his head, it didn't much go through his head that Roman and Acacia may not have been receptive to Simon's presence as he slammed into the wall about seven feet to the left of the door (and as such, Roman and Acacia), huffing and puffing as he turned around and slid down into a sitting position, his back to the wall, looking at the crossbow bolt sticking out of his left leg.

Perhaps I should actually start on my leg, once I lose that feeling of being unable to breathe ...

Re: Watch Your Step

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:05 am
by xylophonefairy*
"Why on earth did you say that? You just tempted fate and there's something in there and if we go inside, it's going to claw us to death and wear our skin for hats!"

"I- Fate doesn't exist!" Acacia uttered, indignant, though the scream had spooked her somewhat. She took a few steps away from the door, lowering the gun to point to the floor, her eyes staring widely into the black abyss that was the Hall of Mirrors. There was something in there, but she didn't want to know what it was. Especially not if it was going to turn her into a hat, that would be beyond uncool. "And anyway..."

She was cut off by Simon deciding to run past them a few metres away and hurtle into the wall, before turning round and singking to the ground. This was topped off by the fact that there was something sticking out of his leg. The way he stared at it, not appearing to be in pain, concerned her somewhat, and it took a few seconds in the hazy morning light to figure out who he was. In the mean time she clutched at Roman.

"Oh my God!" she said with a sharp intake of breath, as her eyes were focussing. There was a strange lack of blood, not that she would have minded. She'd tested her blood multiple times a day for as long as she could remember; blood was not an issue. But no blood where theyre should be blood; that was something strange. Pausing, not knowing what to do, she stood blankly, the gaping mouth of the building basically forgotten in the sudden arrival of... Simon Telamon.

His name was familiar. Having let go of Roman, she then clutched at him again, briefly, before taking a couple of jogging steps towards the boy, pulling her hair all around to one side as though she was about to tie it up into a low side ponytail (but without actually doing so).

"He's the kid with a fake leg!" Acacia said, unable to hide a small amount of excitement from her voice. Having taken three steps and come into fairly cose contact already, she stopped short, looking shy all of a sudden. It seemed like a strange place to introduce oneself. "Hey!" she said, more cheerfully than she intended, and immediately rearranged her face into something that showed more concern. "I mean, are you okay? Uh... is there anything we can do?" motioning to Roman as well in the last part, without seeking his approval.

Re: Watch Your Step

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:05 am
by Arscapi*
((Thea Kairos continued from Accidental Acrophobia ))

Thea had stalked her way across half the island, she figured, and was finally now starting to lose some steam. She'd walked most of the night, happy to be away from the losers that seemed to be congregating in the woods. Ricky had stayed with her and she'd had to congratulate him on coming up with a suitable distraction before she could.

As they'd walked their "host's" voice had announced the…Thea's thoughts stopped as she searched for an appropriate word…rising death toll. Thea shook her head at the thought and reconsidered her choice. Maybe she was better off with the losers in the forest at least they weren't all trying to kill each other. Jason had said he'd witnessed a shooting, and Thea shuttered trying to decide what she'd do in that situation. She was afraid that she was going to find herself in that situation sooner or later.

She sighed deeply and turned her attention to the fairgrounds they'd found their way to. This island is too weird. Like a movie that needs certain settings to move the plot along. She continued on her journey and was surprised when she came to a two-story building with three people in front of it. She stopped and looked over them. The first boy was on the wrestling team. The second boy she didn't recognize at all, although he was standing a few feet from someone very familiar.

"Acacia, oh my God, it is so nice to finally someone from the squad," Thea said walking over to the fellow cheerleader. "What's up? Why are you standing around for?"

Re: Watch Your Step

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:05 am
by Mimi
Autumn O'Leary, Female student no. 078 Start

Everything was happening so quickly, a tornado ripping through two-hundred and seventy-six lives and leaving nothing in its wake. Autumn wasn't sure how she felt, in all honesty. Petrified, sure. Lonely, of course. Maybe even a little angry, but beyond that? Nothing. Just numb. It was like someone had pulled a bag over her head and sent her out into the middle of a battlefield.

Just numb.

The scene in the auditorium replayed itself over and over again in her mind, each time seeming much more horrifying than the last. She had an aisle seat, an insignificant amount of rows behind the front—she remembered being annoyed with the seating order, it was haphazard and carelessly thrown together. She would've done it in Alphabetical Order. It was kind of funny, honestly. In what would probably be the start of the end of her life, she was worried about organization, annoyed that Cyrille LeBlanche was shaking next to her—she was dead now. She was murdered, had her life taken away from her and Autumn had been annoyed that she was terrified and acting like a child.

And then Senora Herrora ran.

The loud clacking of her heels seemed to be a singular entity among the symphony of screaming and crying, as if speaking solely to Autumn and her alone. She watched wide eyed as her favorite teacher was gunned down right before her eyes, several warm droplets of blood latching to Autumn's face as Senora Herrora collapsed to the ground. She remembered vividly trying to blink away a drop sticking to her eyelash, locking eyes with it's owner as she lay dying on the cement floor—lord knows how far away from home. She had a daughter, Lupe—one of the cutest, sweetest little girls in the world, named after her grandmother. She had a husband, too. Autumn remembered talking with her during lunch about him, he was in the army. A soldier of war. Small world, huh? Autumn kept eye-contact the whole time, the myriad of screams seemingly disappearing into the distance. She watched with an unholy mixture of morbid fascination and empathy as Senora Herrora's warm brown eyes lost their luster, one second focusing on the red-head and the next staring at nothing at all. It was the first time she'd seen someone die and part of her could only imagine what her last thought was, whether it was something completely random or regrets or happy memories.

She'd been running since then. She hadn't stopped for anything, not to drink or to eat or to use the facilities. Running was relaxing—it cleared her head. The intense burning in her chest and the throbbing of her muscles meant it was working, she'd have a plan soon enough. She'd have the control. Her life was on the line, the life that she built for herself without anybody else's help. She busted her ass to get where she was and it wasn't fair that some random nutcase off the street could just waltz up and ruin everything that she created.

Pain surged throughout her entire body, the headache left over from the multiple gassings having yet to wear off and the body that she'd pushed to the limit finally beginning to fight back. She kept running, pushing all the pain away—being strong was the key to winning. Ignoring pain would help her in the end. Stifling a shudder from the cold air against her bare arms, a consequence of throwing her cardigan away in a panic, she spotted a building in the distance. Her instinctively slowed down, quickly feeling the waistband of her jeans to make sure her assigned weapon—a real—life gun—was still safely tucked away in it. As she got closer, she made out a few familiar faces. Acacia and Thea, both from the squad. Both of whom she could probably deal with, if need be. Acacia never did pull her weight on the squad.

She wasn't sure if sizing up the competition was a good sign or not, but she had to look out for herself. Only one person wins.

Pulling the bottom of her camisole over the handle of her gun, she gave a courtly wave and walked toward the girls and the unidentified boys.

"Hey, guys," She said breathlessly, wiping a layer of sweat off her forehead with the backside of her wrist.

She'd have a plan soon enough. She wasn't so far gone that rationality was a distant thought. Not yet.

Re: Watch Your Step

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:06 am
by D/N
(Ricky Fortino continued from Accidental Acrophobia)

"This.... goddamn island."

Ricky was about spent. He'd managed barely any rest over the last 24 hours. They'd been walking through most of the night, since both Thea and him had this sorta unspoken agreement with each other about moving fast so that people like Winnie and Raine and whoever that kid Ricky'd thrown a punch at wouldn't be able to keep up with them.

Not that Ricky had anything AGAINST those kids. It was just... well it was what it fucking was. Law of the jungle and all that crap.

And if that announcement had been any indication, well then holy fucking shit he was right to think that way. There were actually a whole bunch of kids getting fucking killed out there, and Ricky Fortino had no intention of getting caught with his pants down and having some psycho stroll out of the woods and shoot him in the head 'cause he hadn't been paying attention.

It was all really fucking simple. He just needed to keep his guard up, he needed to stick with people he knew, and not put the attention on himself, and as long as he did that, he'd fuckin' stay alive. He just needed, well he just needed to be himself. Maybe the army would come. Maybe that Danya guy would just get fucking bored and let them all go, he didn't know. But as long as Ricky just stuck around and did his thing, he'd be fine. That getting killed and dying shit? That was for other people.

It hadn't been long after those announcements that they'd seen the Mirror Place up ahead, and while it wasn't exactly Ricky's idea of a great place to spend the day, he guessed it could be a lot worse. At this point, he'd take anywhere with a roof and hopefully a bench or something to sit down and take five. Not to mention that he wouldn't mind a chance to change his clothes and put on some cologne or something. A shower was probably out of the question, but that didn't mean he'd just let himself get fuckin' filthy and sweaty out here.

There was already another group of kids around the building, and Thea seemed happy to see them at least. Ricky took a breath and picked up some speed, jogging the last few feet towards the group.

"Hey Thea. I think James is comin', don't know about any of the others we were with though." He turned and saw that Acacia and Autumn from the cheerleaders were both there. Fuckin-A. Then there was Roman Jackson, who he mostly knew as Alex Jackson's twin, and the guy with one leg. Whatever. Seemed to Ricky like one group was the same as another in this place.

"Hey girls. Good to see ya, uh, sorry just need to catch my breath for a minute."

Wasn't really much else to say. Ricky moved to the side of the building and leaned back, welcoming the feel of something that wasn't a goddamn tree to lean against.

He did notice that Acacia had a gun in her hand, though. Because that was another thing. Ricky wanted a fucking gun. Or at least something other than a fucking shovel thing to defend himself with. But what was he going to do, just tackle the girl to the ground and take her gun in front of everyone? Yeah, that would be real fucking smart. No way, he'd just wait to see what happened next, and keep that in mind.

Re: Watch Your Step

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:06 am
by JamesRenard*
'Okay, calm, gotta calm down,' Marco thought as he brought his hands away from his face, leaving a bloody palm print on his right cheek. He reached back into the bag and located the cylindrical object that was the true flashlight, pulled it out and flicked the switch on.

Marco was nearly blinded as the floor and walls where he sat were instantly illuminated, light bouncing off the mirrors in front of and behind him, reflecting in all directions. He blinked several times and waited for his vision to grow accustomed to the change in brightness. Blurry shards of silvered glass were strewn amongst his feet, Marco silently thankful that he hadn't sat down on one of them. His glasses were sitting in the middle of the mess and when picking them he was even happier to see the lenses were intact and hadn't contributed to the scattered glass on the floor.

Marco slid the glasses on his face and everything came back into focus. The mirrors on either side of him, the glass pieces on the floor, the bloodstain on his cheek, the light at the entrance...

'Oh, yeah, somebody's there, right?' Marco wondered, looking in its direction while wiping the blood off his cheek with his jacket sleeve. It was a given that doors usually didn't go opening up by themselves, so there had to have been someone out there who was still lurking outside. Unless there happened to be a particularly strong draught blowing through the building, but if that was the case Marco would have felt it by now.

Marco did happen to feel something right at that moment, but it wasn't a draught; something outside had just slammed into the exterior wall - the other side of the wall he was currently leaning against - in between where he sat and the entrance. 'What the hell was that?!' Marco thought, jumping to his feet and wildly shining his torch around in circles, nearly tripping over his bags in the process. His breathing had become heavier and his heart pounded in his ears, his mind fully woken up again and buzzing after being startled like that.

Voices. He could faintly hear voices over the sound of his heartbeat. Voices coming from outside. Curious, Marco tiptoed towards the entrance to get a better listen, picking up his bags and the candelabra (now sporting a nice dent on the base where it had hit the mirror) as he went.

The sounds got clearer. Nobody was shouting, screaming, crying out in fear or anger. They just sounded like they were having a civilised conversation instead of trying to butcher each other. 'Assess the situation before you go running out there,' he thought. 'If things really do get ugly, duck back inside and pray no one follows you in.' He then realised that if he went back inside, he could get lost and/or trapped and end up being killed anyway. 'Okay, new plan, just make a run for it back into the trees and get the fuck away as fast as you can.'

Marco gingerly poked his head past the doorframe and looked out at the gathering of students, his brain busy attempting to assign names to the faces he saw. 'Don't attract attention to yourself, make sure they're friendly first before saying anything.'

Re: Watch Your Step

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:06 am
by decoy73
((Jason Clarke continued from Accidental Acrophobia))

Jason walked towards the large building as he looked at the map in his left hand: The "Hall of Mirrors." He was nervous, the announcement had seen to that.

Nineteen dead ... People were already killing each other, and there were twelve people whom he was already suspicious of, and for decent reason: they had killed. Maybe it was self-defense, but then again, maybe not. He hadn't been there, nor could he read minds, so he was going to have to trust his gut on this one. He shook his head as he tapped the sword (formerly belonging to Winnie) in his right hand on the ground. Looking ahead, he could see both Thea and Ricky along with four other people: a redhead and a blonde (were they cheerleaders?), as well as some guy who was sitting down ... Simon Telamon. The guy with the prosthetic leg. The fourth guy was the one he most easily recognizable: Roman Jackson, twin brother (and almost polar opposite to) Alexandria Jackson, Jason's prom date.

"ROMAN!" Jason strode forward, smiling. "How's it going?" Finally, a somewhat familiar face … As he walked, he noticed Simon looking at his prosthetic leg, while his left pant leg seemed empty. "Is he okay?" It was at that moment that the island was filled with feedback.

"Ladies and gentlemen of Bayview secondary school. You are making me a very happy man indeed. Not content with your fantastic showing across day one, you decided to not only match but exceed yourselves! The second day of our little competition saw twenty-one students bite the dust, buy the farm and shuffle off their mortal coils! Kids... my hat is off to you."

Twenty-one?! That made forty people dead within two days. Immediately, he dropped his sword, and took out a pencil and eraser from his pocket as he flipped over the map to continue the list he had created, but disturbed by some of the names:

Sarah Atwell. She had talked to him a couple times, mostly to help make that end-of year video. If Danya was right, she's gone psycho.

Chadd Crossen. Jason had talked to him a few times. They both shared an interest in cars and automotive science. Now he was gone too, at least without any suffering (he hoped).

Omar Burton
Alex Rasputin - x2
Chris Hartman - x2
Cleo Gabriella - x2
Reiko Ishida - x4
Nick Reid - x2
Janet Bianchi
Ivan Kuznetsov - Best Kill 1
Rob Jenkins
Stephan Kronwall
Jackie Broughten
Colin Falcone
RJ Lowe
Maxwell Lombardi - x2
Ericka Bradley
Sarah Atwell - Best Kill 2
Maria Graham
Hayley Kelly
Rachel Gettys
Madelaine Smith
David Matson
William Hearst
Naoko Raidon

Nobody's safe ... he thought, as he checked off the new danger zones (thankfully, none of them in any spot where he was) and erased the old ones.
Simon looked at the group that had collected around him. There was the blonde girl, who immediately mentioned that his left leg was prosthetic, then asked if he was okay.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

Well, there goes that secret. Then came the tall raven-haired girl, who identified the blonde girl as Acacia, and the big guy who identified Thea.

"Great. There goes my big secret." Simon pulled the bolt out of his leg, with a slight grunt as the bolt was removed from the flesh. He noted the stain that covered the first eighth of an inch of the stick. Then he pulled up his left pant leg, revealing the transtibial prosthesis mounted on his leg. Pulling it off, he looked at the housing. Shit. There were cracks in the housing. He opened his bag, looking for the first aid kit, specifically for the medical tape inside. Taping it up wasn't going to permanently fix the problem, but it would keep the housing together long enough for a permanent fix (i.e. a new housing) to be in his forseeable future. Looking at his stump, the sock seemed perfectly okay, without he exception of a small hole with some brown and red around it. It seemed that the sock for his stump had done an excellent job of controlling the (slight) bleeding. As he was taping up the plastic, yet another voice sounded out, this one sounding very British. He looked up to see ... was that Borat holding a sword? He called the guy with Acacia "Roman," then asked if Simon was okay.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Nothing a little tape can't solve." As he was taping up the housing of his leg, the feedback came up once again. Danya. He was just loving this, treating their plight like a comedy. Only one name really stuck out for Simon ...

"... Twentieth to go down was Trevor Duncan, taking a shot to the collar from William Hearst and finding himself ever so slightly deceased. ..." So Trevor was dead now. Simon didn't know whether to feel relieved (because Trevor had attacked him) or sad (because it had all been a simple misunderstanding). All he knew was that the news stung him in his leg ... and as he looked down he noted the can of antiseptic spray in his right hand, pointed directly at his wound. Oh. He had been subconsciously continuing with his task of aiding himself.

"Alright, kiddies, all the current dangerzones are cleared. But, it wouldn't be any fun if we had none, so I'm going to go ahead and name The Infirmary, The Key and The Mansion as our latest dangerzones. Don't pull a Codreanu, folks - haul ass!" The only thing that made Simon feel any better was that aside from Trevor, who probably (and did) die in an unrelated incident, nothing bad had come from the incident at the Warehouse. Clio was safe, Nick was okay, and Gary was unhurt (if a little scared).

"So, does anyone here have an idea of what to do?"

Re: Watch Your Step

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:06 am
by chibinanashi*
((Raine continued from Accidental Acrophobia)


Raine struggled to pull him to a stop before they finally arrived at the House of Mirrors. Frantically, she wrenched her arm away from his and turned to see if Ridley and his friend had followed them at all. "Ridley! Ridley!" She called to him, her heart clenching in fear he had missed her.

Re: Watch Your Step

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:06 am
by Casey the Undead*
(Rena Peters continued from Accidental Acrophobia)

Rena was by no means an excellent, or even a mediocre tracker, but following Raine and the other kid...Jason? hadn't been too hard. As the sunlight faded, however, Rena couldn't help but wonder where exactly they were going. She hadn't taken out a map, because she and Ridley were already far enough behind the other two as it was. She watched the land around them change, and a creeping sensation etched it's way into her mind that maybe, just maybe this hadn't been the best idea she'd ever had.

She was considering turning back to Ridley and telling him that she was uncertain. She almost did it too, before she remembered her promise. He'd helped her, now she was going to help him. Even if it meant following complete strangers across an island.

Her mind wandered away from the path her feet were on, as she dimly wondered what would happen when they actually found Raine. What if Raine didn't want Rena around? What if Ridley had tired of Rena? What if they didn't get along? Rena couldn't stomach the thought that the person she'd tried so hard to find would alienate her and leave her completely alone in this game. What would happen if she was alone?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sickening crackle. What the-?

"Ladies and gentlemen of Bayview secondary school. You are making me a very happy man indeed. Not content with your fantastic showing across day one, you decided to not only match but exceed yourselves! The second day of our little competition saw twenty-one students bite the dust, buy the farm and shuffle off their mortal coils! Kids... my hat is off to you."

The first thought that hit her was that she had lived to see another day. Her heart leaped up, and she could practically feel the smile spread across her lips. She'd see another morning.

Then the smile came crashing down when the rest of the speech hit her. 21. 21 dead. 21 students who wouldn't see another morning. Her stomach flipped, her heart skipped, and her mind stopped. 19 the first day, 21 the second...40 students gone in two days. How was it possible? How could life just end like that? How could people be here one day and gone the next? It didn't make sense. How? How?

The first few names flew by, people who Rena only sort-of knew the names of, and people who had never even existed inside her world. Until now...

One name hit her. "Kill number five was none other than Eva Lancaster, with R.J Lowe showing her that it's the quiet ones that you have to watch out for... and their guns." Eva Lancaster? Why did that sound familiar? Eva Lancaster... Wait. Hadn't Ridley mentioned an Eva? Was it this one? She was going to turn to look at him, to ask him, but the names didn't stop.

Eve Walker-Luther? Her heart dropped into her stomach. The girl with the baby. A baby was going to be motherless because some monster thought it would be funny to play this game. Was this really the world she lived in? Was this the world she was going to die in?

The killer sounded familiar too. Sarah Atwell. The girl who did the end of the year video. She was a killer now? Rena hadn't known her too well, as they'd only talked for a few minutes, but...wasn't she in one of Rena's classes? Why couldn't she remember? It had only been a few days since these victims and killers had sat in classes with her, ate lunch next to her, said "hi" in the hallways to her...but it felt like years ago. Her life had become this game, and only this game. Survival of the Fittest was all that was left. Her stomach somersaulted.

Danger Zones. The Infirmary, the Mansion, the Key. Where were they? Rena fished out her map, suddenly wishing that she had paid better attention to where they were going. "Ridley, I don't know where we are, I think-"

"So, does anyone here have an idea of what to do?" Who was that? It wasn't anyone who'd been in the Woods with them. Had she followed strangers?

"Jason! Ridley! Ridley!" Now that was a recognizable voice. Raine. Ridley's Raine. They'd found her.

But who was she with? Were they friendly? Was someone going to scream psycho and run like last time? Life or death. Take no chances.

Rena turned to face Ridley, hoping to catch him before he did something stupid.

"Wait. Don't go yet. We don't know who she's with. We have to think, okay?"

Rena had made a promise. She was going to keep it. Even if it killed her.

But that didn't mean she wanted it to kill her.

Re: Watch Your Step

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:06 am
by KingKamor*
(Ridley Landon, continued from Accidental Acrophobia)

The night had brought more frustration to Ridley than any other time of day in the past 48 hours. Low tree branches scraped against his arms, bushes caught his shoes and made him nearly trip several times, and the complete lack of light had left him blinds for the most part. Even being online at all hours of the night for the past two or three years had not prepared him in the least for an island without any artificial lights at all. While the stars and moonlight covered everything with a silvery hue, nothing had any particular shape or definition to it, leading to his troubles.

As the sun began to rise above the horizon that he couldn't see, his only wish was that Rena had lead him in the right direction. Then again, he couldn't imagine that the guy who took Raine away would have been able to navigate through the night any better than they could.

CRSSHHHKKK-- "Do you kids know what makes Uncle Danya happy?"

Ridley's face went from merely annoyed straight on to pissed the fuck off. "Great, now we have to listen to this joker again."

Dawne Jiang

Rose Codreanu

Tobias Elwin

Raina Morales

So far so good. Wait, good? How is any of this good in any way at all? How fucked up can I--

"Kill number five was none other than Eva Lancaster, with R.J Lowe showing her that it's the quiet ones that you have to watch out for... and their guns.

He froze. The name echoed between his ears even as Danya continued to list off the names of the dead. "What...?" His voice was hardly audible, barely even a whisper of it escaped his lips. Eyes widening and staring ahead at nothing, he continued, "No, no fucking way, she's stronger than that. I would know. I had loved that girl. I wouldn't go out with someone who would just up and die, so why...?"

He began to feel a dampness on his cheeks, and his eyesight began to blur. His teeth clenched, and his brow furrowed as he crashed to his knees. "Ah... Eva... Eva! Fuck!!" Each breath he drew in was ragged, and each exhalation was nothing but a sob. "FUCK!"

"Wait. Don't go yet. We don't know who she's with. We have to think, okay?"

It was Rena, but he couldn't see her with his hands covering his face as if in shame. Then, his eyes opened up wide, and his hands began to search through his pockets for something. "Where is it?" He uttered under his breath. "Get out of the way!" He yelled as he took his gun out of his pocket and threw it to the side so that he could look through that pocket as well. "Damn, it did they take it? I haven't checked everywhere, though, so-- There!"

He held in his hand a tiny mp3 player, no larger than a USB stick. Immediately, he stuck the ear buds into his ears and turned it on, selecting a song from a short list of favorites. As the song filled his ears a nearly maximum volume, he sat on his knees with his eyes closed and his hands over his ears, a long, shallow sigh filtered out of his lungs. To him, it was a familiar song from a game that he had played. There was no meaning to him in listening to it, but it was loud enough to block out everything. Escaping from the world was a thing he often did in school to distract himself from his lowering grades and troubles with bullies. The only solace he had on hand was the tiny little music player. Nothing else mattered-- he only had to get away.

Nothing else matters...

Nevertheless, the tears would not stop.