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Shit Happens
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:11 am
by Slam
Surprisingly, Alex was calm.
Now comparatively, calm for Alex would be screaming their bloody head off for a normal person, but in the grand scheme of things, a very long scream, followed by pounding the walls and crying into the ground for practically half an hour was fairly good as far as Alex on a bad day went. If nothing else, she hadn't taken it out on other people, and by now she'd actually calmed down.
Yes, on the inside she was tearing into anything and everything, her head felt like it could explode at any moment, and she really
really wanted a smoke, but if nothing else, she was keeping it all on the inside. The fact that she had screamed her throat hoarse earlier may have been a factor, however.
Eventually she'd come to a slump against the wall of the terminal, the building she'd awoken in. The summer sun was high in the sky, shining clearly through the glass walls, and the weather was admittedly pleasant. She didn't give a shit, of course, but it was still a nice day. Her fingers were already forming an imaginary cigarette as the worst migraine of her life pulsed in her head. She was so drained of energy, even after the long periods of anesthetic that she could've stared into the sun without even flinching if she'd sat at the right angle.
Coming on the school trip had been a bad idea. Why she'd done it, she had no idea, maybe a last ditch effort to actually make her high school career not a total failure in the land of making friends. Maybe one of her pot buddies had invited her, she couldn't really remember, but if they had then they were a total fucking cunt, and she hoped that a chance to let them know it would cross her path soon enough. Maybe she'd just been really high herself when she bought the ticket, again, she couldn't really remember. It was a definite possibility, and if it was true it meant that weed really did kill. Whoopee.
Her breathing was laboured, the hot air burning her throat as it came in and out. She was almost afraid that she might pass out soon, despite having no experience of doing so in her life.
Survival of the Fittest. Yeah, she knew what it was (What fucking American didn't?), and yeah, she'd looked into it when she was younger. No, she wasn't one of those fucked up freaks who enjoyed it or obsessed over it, in fact she'd dedicated a good portion of her time to trolling forums that went on about it. She remembered this one time that she'd found a forum where some freaks had even roleplayed their own versions of it, like a bunch of dead high schoolers was fucking hilarious. It was one of the few times she'd actually tried to out and out hack a forum into deletion, but she wasn't nearly good enough to make that happen, especially back then. Either way, the whole thing was fucked up, and now she was right in the fucking centre of it all.
Going by what had happened in the past? Her chances were zero to nil.
She let out a long sigh, too tired to cry. Sometimes, shit happened. In her case, more often than not.
Re: Shit Happens
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:12 am
by BROseidon*
((G012 Cassandra Black, start))
Cassandra entered the terminal building of the airstrip. Why? Who knows. Cassandra had no idea what she was supposed to do.
She had done everything right. She had worked hard. She had studied hard. She had executed on her various extracurriculars to get herself into Dartmouth. She had worked her ass off to be successful one day because god dammit she wasn't going to end up like her mother and her mother had sacrificed so much for her. And now this.
She was going to die, wasn't she?
Why had she come on this trip? If she had just stayed home, just decided that she didn't need to go have fun, she would have been fine. However, she had wanted another break. She had wanted a few days to relax to celebrate a successful high school career, at least successful in her eyes. And now that celebration meant an early grave.
Cassandra had already checked her bag, the black bag that read G012. A number, that's all she was now. How had they assigned the numbers, anyways? Had it been arbitrary? Who knew, and more importantly, what did it matter?
Cassandra had already cried. She'd cried outside on the airstrip, as much hidden as she possibly could be. She still wanted to cry, but the tears had dried up.
So Cassandra decided to enter the terminal building of the airstrip, both of her bags in tow, strange sickle still in her bag. Why? Maybe she would find someone who would kill her, to end all of this. Maybe she would find someone to befriend until they both inevitably died. Maybe she'd find someone with an escape plan, who would get them all to safety. That last one made her laugh. She'd heard about the escape from the previous Survival of the Fittest, which had been four years ago. If the terrorists had taken four years to prepare for this one, another escape wasn't happening. They would be too prepared for it to happen.
Cassandra saw a girl sitting against the wall, head down. Clearly unhappy. Maybe she should just go? Naw, this person could a friend. Didn't seem like much of an enemy, at least.
"Hello?" Cassandra called out from across the entrance. "Um, not sure really what I can say here, but, yeah. Hi."
Re: Shit Happens
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:12 am
by Slam
Cassandra's voice broke Alex out of her stupor like the shattering of the glass that littered the terminal building's floor.
Her resigned melancholy warped into panic, terror, all the horrible emotions that sent her beating heart into frenzy. Her head whipped up, her body following suit as her hands crawled up the wall behind her, and her eyes that stretched into her skull bore into Cassandra from across the room.
"St-Stay back!" she yelled, anger already boiling up into her voice. Her throat burned as she shouted, however, and she couldn't stop herself from letting out a hacking cough. "Fuck, fuck..." she muttered as she rubbed it with one palm as the other kept clinging to the wall behind her. Despite her best hopes another cough came out, followed by another, and before she knew it she was in a hacking fit.
"Just stay back!" she called out again, the words distorted by the coughs that covered them, as she tried desperately to control herself.
This was too soon. Cassandra's presence did little to help her feel less like hell, only making Alex realise that she'd been hoping never to have to face another human being again in her entire life from that moment onwards. Alone was better.
She'd seen the video the terrorists had shown everyone, of course, and those two were best friends. Even if Alex actually had any friends, she wouldn't have trusted them anymore. Had she been in a better state of mind, she might have felt that her crappy social life, which meant that there were no friends to trust in the first place, suddenly had a silver lining. However, at that moment, her mind was resting solely on the potentially lethal Cassandra Black.
Her coughing died down, but she kept her hand gripped around her throat. There was water in the bag they'd given her, she'd already seen that, but there wasn't time for that now. Cassandra might as well have been the fucking grim reaper, as far as Alex was concerned, and she wasn't letting her get anywhere near her with her middle finger of death.
Re: Shit Happens
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:12 am
by BROseidon*
The other girl was coughing. Sure, she was angry. She was coughing. She was yelling at her to get the fuck away. But she was also coughing. The girl needed a drink.
"Hey, calm down. Drink some water, you clearly need it. I don't mean any harm. See, unarmed." Cassandra help up both of her hands to indicate that she was not holding a weapon.
She walked cautiously towards the girl Cassandra recognized her as Alex both hands up to indicate that she meant no harm. She stopped about five yards out from the other girl, set down her bags, and sat. The bags provided decent enough support for her back.
"So, uh, you run into anyone else yet?"
Re: Shit Happens
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:13 am
by Slam
She had come over: exactly what Alex was afraid would happen. Even whilst acting like she wouldn't hurt her, Alex knew not to trust Cassandra. Even if she wanted to make herself comfortable on her bags, making conversation with her like the world wasn't about the chew them up and spit them out, then take a big shit on them, Alex wasn't buying.
A cold metal blade was pressed against her leg. Perhaps the pockets of her jeans weren't the best place to keep her knife, the one that the terrorists had shoved in her bag, but fuck it, it was coming in handy now. With one quick motion, she had pulled it out and was brandishing it straight in Cassandra's direction.
"Don't get friendly with me." She said, her words enunciated with as much volume as she could muster through her raspy throat. Her eyes locked on to Cassandra's as she did so, and she deliberately clenched her throat to make sure that she didn't cough again.
Was she prepared to use it on Cassandra? Fuck no; she wasn't about to stab someone in the face just for coming up and talking to her. Yeah, the terrorists were pretty insistent that that was exactly what she was meant to be doing, but fuck them. Fuck them so hard that they split in two. It'd be a cold day in hell before she'd stab someone just because they were in her face, tempting as it may be.
Never the less, the knife still made a good deterrent. That was unless Cassandra thought she was really lucky or was really stupid, but it was still the best she had. Besides, Cassandra wasn't a complete fucking retard from what she remembered, so that turned the odds in her favour.
Talking odds was stupid though. After all, the odds were never in her favour, and when they came up against her, shit happened.
Re: Shit Happens
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:13 am
by BROseidon*
Alex's threats failed to scare Cassandra in any way.
First, Alex's voice was in no way menacing. The girl clearly needed some water, and she probably wasn't going to be particularly effective in fighting until she had some. Second, Alex did not want to use her knife. Cassandra grew up around violence. While her mother protected her from it as much as possible, growing up in neighborhoods ruled by gang violence exposed Cassandra to it a bit. One thing she knew was that if someone was not already killing you, they did not want to actually kill you. Posturing is always just that; posturing. Even if Cassandra had spent the last several years away from that, the lessons from the first two-thirds of her life still held strong in her mind.
"Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. Just get a drink of water, you sound like you really need it. I just want to talk."
Cassandra paused for a second, contemplating whether to add the next thing she wanted to say. She decided it could not hurt.
"Might as well, right? I mean, it's not like either of us has anything better to do right now."
Even if Cassandra was wrong and ended up with a knife in the face, it wouldn't be anything lost. She was on borrowed time, anyways. Might as well try to make a new friend.
Re: Shit Happens
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:14 am
by Slam
Alex didn''t back down straight away. Her knife was still aimed readily at Cassandra's face, her heart freezing in her chest as she watched Cassandra, waited for her to change her tone, made a lunge for her or some other crazy shit. She still wasn''t prepared to stab her in the face, however, and she could only keep acting like she was forever.
"Fine." she muttered eventually, dropping the knife down the floor. Her fingers still hovered above it, however, ready to wrap themselves around it again the moment Cassandra changed her tune. This shit was alien enough to both of them, and she didn''t need to start trying to do what she'd never been able to and guess whether or not someone was acting like her BFF only to turn around and push her in the mud back in third grade.
Her other hand fumbled inside her bag whilst she still kept an eye on Cassandra. Eventually she was drinking from one of the bottles of water, still not stabbed in the back by her unwanted guest, and a moment of silence lingered as her throat recovered.
"So, talk." She finally said, tone as hostile as ever. Fuck if she was interested in what Cassandra might have wanted to say, but that awkward moment was more than she wanted to deal with, and playing the guessing game of whether or not someone was going to murder her soon was not a habit she wanted to keep up. Whilst she might have just told her to fuck off on the best of circumstances, she was still tired as hell. A girl only had so much energy for arguing, after all.
Re: Shit Happens
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:14 am
by BROseidon*
It took Alex a second before she backed down from her bluff. Cassandra was fine with that. The other girl was on edge. Cassandra would have been, too, had she not had the childhood she had. Alex was still on edge, though. Her hovering hand was an indication of her paranoia. No, not paranoia. Caution. The other girl was being cautious, trying to bluff Cassandra away, then keeping her knife close at hand. Now she was being cautious by wanting Cassandra to speak first.
"I don't really know where to begin. This hadn't happened in what, four years? It's been four years since the last abduction so of course, when everyone assumes that it's come to an end, it hasn't. And then, like, of course it's our class that gets abducted. How did they even know about our trip, anyways? Did someone at Aurora sell us out? Did they hear about it when we did our fundraising for the plane? And on top of that, I'm just kicking myself for coming along."
Cassandra really did not have much of a reason to be on this trip. For so many others, this trip had been a last hurrah. A last chance to hang out with friends and still be kids before everyone began their adult life. For Cassandra, this trip had been about one thing: Disneyland.
"I mean, I would not have come on this stupid trip normally, but it was to Disneyland. Ever since I was a little girl, there had always been two places I wanted to see. Disneyland, and Hawaii. You know, I thought I was finally going to get to see one of them, too." A tear rolled down Cassandra's left cheek, thinking about how she would never even get to fulfill a simple dream.
Re: Shit Happens
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:15 am
by Slam
Okay, so inviting Cassandra to talk had been a really stupid idea.
Alex could relate to the situation, sure: this was obviously no fucking Disneyland. However, even if Cassandra was crying over the fact that she was going to die, terrified for her life and all that shit, why should Alex care? Alex was in just as bad a spot too, and no-one was going to come and try to save her ass now. No-one had ever wanted to help her before, and it was unlikely to that they were going to come along and suddenly want to make up with hugs and kisses and apologise for years of abuse.
Cassandra could fish for sympathy all she wanted, but it was just pissing her off. Her crappy logic wasn't helping, either.
"Hi, retard? They stole a fucking airplane, I think they can find out if a school's taking a fucking trip or not. It's called the school website, shit for brains." She said in a quieter voice than she would have wanted to, still too tired and throat too sore to start yelling.
She slumped back into the wall, watching Cassandra for her to make her next move. It was at this point that Cassandra would act like being wrong was the worst possible thing that could happen, call her a bitch and run off. Then she'd finally have the place to herself again, and she could at least die in peace. Looking at all the little positives was just a talent for Alex.
She would have resigned herself to that, anyway, if she hadn't glanced out the window and spotted the air traffic control tower.
She shot up without warning, barging her way past Cassandra as she headed for the window without a care for whatever retort she might have had, or if she was even staying around. Her hands slammed into the glass as she pressed her face into it, staring with intent at the building built for the pure purpose of broadcasting.
The cogs in her brain were already working.
Re: Shit Happens
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:16 am
by BROseidon*
Alex may not have had her knife in hand, but she was still not exactly pleasant.
Cassandra thought about leaving. If the other girl refused to be pleasant company, then there wasn't really much of a reason to stay. Well, other than the fact that Alex was not killing her. Cassandra could not guarantee that about anyone else she would meet. And Alex's result was short-sighted, as well. Alex wasn't thinking about why the terrorists had picked them, and how they had gone about acquiring the necessary information to abduct them. Sure, that information was irrelevant, and Cassandra would never know, but she still wanted a reason. Why them? Were they a target of convenience? Chance? Spite?
Cassandra did not want to say any of this, though. Alex would probably snap back; she didn't seem like the kind of person who would care about that sort of thing. Cassandra thus didn't know how to respond at all, so she paused. She paused long enough for Alex to move next.
"Hey" Alex shoved past Cassandra, knocking into her bags on the way over to the window. Alex didn't seem to hear her, though. She was just staring out the window. Maybe she saw something bad? A fight?
"Um, what's up? Should we be worried?"
Re: Shit Happens
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:17 am
by Slam
She stared out the window at the tower, watching it like it was some kind of tall, sexy lady as its aerial posed at the top. A grin cracked across her face.
"That!" she said, turning back to Cassandra and pointing out the window. "That's a traffic tower! They're full of broadcasting shit and everything we could use to get a message out, or at least figure out where we are!"
She whirled back, entrapped by the sight of the beautiful building. Whether or not anything in it worked, that remained to be seen, and in a place like this, it would be goddamn amazing if there was still power running to it, but fuck it, it was better than sitting there waiting to die. It was better than sitting there and listening to Cassandra being retarded, too.
"Shit, I've got to see this up close." She bit into her lower lip, body twitching with excitement as she still ignored anything Cassandra might have had to say, thoughts too occupied with working out every little detail of how to escape. She headed back over to her stuff, scooping them up and taking care to keep her knife on hand. She turned to Cassandra again, her thrill abating for a moment as she wondered what she should say.
"If you're coming with, keep up." She finally said, before heading out towards the door. Fuck it; another set of hands might have come in handy. Worst case scenario, she could always ditch her if she needed to.
((Alex King continued in
Re: Shit Happens
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:17 am
by BROseidon*
Of course there was a traffic tower. Cassandra had seen it while they had been outside, but that they were at an airstrip would in fact imply that there was a traffic tower. It was sort of like saying that there was fish in the ocean around them. She hadn't really cared before because of course the terrorists gutted it. They had four years to prepare for this. They were not going to leave equipment that they could use to escape in a place that would normally be full of equipment they could use to escape. It was too obvious.
Still, Alex just wanted to explore, and it was not like she had anything better to do right now. Also, against her sense of reason and logic, Cassandra hoped that Alex's hunch was right. That was something to hold on to right now, right? She had always been driven by hope, in a way. Hope that if she worked hard, she could be a success and have a family that she could provide for and keep safe. Hope that her dreams and aspirations would work out, and that those around her would support her in her endeavors. And as that hope had begun coming to fruition, as all of the moving parts had begun settling down in just the right places, the terrorists came as destroyed everything.
Cassandra was not going to give up hope. It was the only thing she had left to hold on to. So the only thing she could do was follow Alex. Maybe the terrorists had missed something. Maybe Alex knew something about the computers and could scrounge something together, because Cassandra knew nothing about them. Still, Cassandra got up, grabbed her two backs, and followed Alex towards the traffic tower.
It wasn't like she had anything better to do.
((Cassandra Black continued elsewhere))