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Fucking Compasses... How Do They Work?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:17 am
by Yossarian*
((Rob Jenkins continued from
After wasting most of the afternoon on his trip from the Residential Area, Robert was desperate to find another place to rest. Not that he was tired, oh no. Being an athlete with a great endurance, and after resting in a quite comfortable place (for island standards anyway), Rob was still full of energy to walk. Spending a night in the forest though, was one of those things he wanted to avoid at all costs. Cold temperature, wild animals, and even more crap visibility than elsewhere? No thanks.
Finally, as the sun was close to the western horizon, Rob left the forest. The area he entered was probably the last one he expected to see, though.
Fuck, this place again?
The sight of hundreds of tree stumps and fallen logs welcomed Rob again, much to his dismay. For once, it was a terrible place for a rest, both in terms of comfort and safety. It was also way too familiar for him. After all, that's where he woke up exactly yesterday, and fought Janet and Tobias. Whatever crazy route he took earlier that day, it was impossible for him to make a full circle in such a short timespan, right? RIGHT?
Rob looked at his compass again.
"South-West. How the hell, after constantly moving South, I managed to get to the same place?"
With a loud grunt of displeasure, Rob went to the nearest tree stump, got his daypack and took half eaten loaf of bread he took from Paige's daypack, as well as his designated map. He spread the map on the stump while munching the bread and looked all over it to pinpoint his current location. To be on a safe end, he also took his gun with his free hand, just in case someone would came up and try anything funny.
"It just cannot be right..."
Re: Fucking Compasses... How Do They Work?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:17 am
by Sean*
((Milo Taylor continued from
Milo was out of breath for the second time as of late. He'd wasted the entire day doing nothing but running like hell, and it was starting to show in his gait. He stopped to assess the situation.
He was surrounded by tree stumps, it was nighttime (almost dawn), and he also noted a very disgruntled-looking person in the distance sleeping.
While this wasn't great (Milo had barely enough common sense to know that his luck with disgruntled people had not been amazing lately), at least nothing was on fire. That was a definite improvement from earlier. He silently wondered how the other person managed to look angry even in his sleep.
Then, an idea dawned in his brain. He sat down on a large stump, unzipped his day pack, and rooted around.
After about a minute of digging, he came upon his prized possession: his fifth-generation iPod Classic, hooked up to a small battery-operated speaker system. He chuckled a bit to himself, removed the setup, and placed it on the stump next to him.
He turned the iPod on first. It was already set to maximum volume, so that was one step already out of the way. Milo immediately went to the artist listing, found Insane Clown Posse, and found the song Boogie Woogie Wu. He turned the speakers on, turned them up to maximum volume (which, in spite of their small size, was easily as loud as a jackhammer), and started the track.
Anyone else would have called this a horrible idea. However, Milo Taylor was a special kind of moron.
Re: Fucking Compasses... How Do They Work?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:17 am
by Yossarian*
Rob examined the map carefully. After checking his starting location, he quickly noticed, that the felled forest was much bigger than he originally expected. Then, after checking his journey from point to point, everything was clear.
Okay, so this is the southern part of this thing. I should pick one direction in the future instead of zigzagging like that...
Since the crisis was averted, Rob had nothing left to do but sleep. The place wasn't even half as comfortable as the sofa back in the Residential Area, an whoever looked for an easy kill could spot him from miles away, but he still preferred staying here instead of finding himself in a close encounter with a bear, wolf, or whatever else inhabited this island. Rob took one more sip of his bonus water bottle, crossed his arms around the chest and forgot about his problems for the rest of the night.
Rob opened his eyes immediately, as the sounds of a horribly made hip-hop filled the area.
The resting spot turned out to be not as bad as Rob originally thought. His neck was a bit sore, but after a while, the redhead decided it was still a gently massage and giant pleasure... At least in comparison to the wakeup from hell he received.
Since his earliest years, Rob never tolerated the alarm clocks. Those thing should all go to hell in his opinion. He didn't need them anyway, as after every training day he was so tired, he fell asleep in the evening and woke up early in the morning. But even if not, he preferred to be late for school rather than wake up suddenly and have an awful mood for the rest of the day. So did everyone else, as Rob Jenkins in a bad mood = major problem for the first person to piss him off.
And this time, Rob was already pissed. He also didn't have to look far to find his victim.
Some brown haired guy with an iPod and small, yet powerful speakers. At first, Rob thought he was still dreaming. After all, how could it be possible? How the hell that guy managed keep his iPod and speakers? More importantly, why the FUCK he was turning on the crappy music at full volume, knowing that there is someone sleeping nearby? Rob blinked a few times, but the guy was still there, and the music was still violating his ears.
This guy is so dead...
Even despite the circumstances, Rob still only meant a beating at best while thinking that. He learned about the rules. Killing too many people during the earlier days was just not smart, especially with that Danya fucker apparently telling the entire island about every death during the morning announcements.
Speaking of the devil, the speaker somewhere far away screeched, and Danya's voice started spreading the 'good news'. Or at least that's what Rob guessed, as he couldn't really hear any single sentence properly, thanks to the two insane clowns rapping right into his ears.
Rob stood up and looked at the bothersome guy again. He looked like he completely ignored Rob, but maybe that's just the sunglasses the guy was wearing. But then again, he also looked like he didn't even know he was on an island with an objective to kill. He acted like a typical american tourist during vacations.
"Uhm... Dude?" Rob tried to say something, but he could barely hear his owns words over the sound of the music. Since the guy again didn't look like he noticed him, Rob waved his hands a bit to get his attention. When he was sure he did, he cleared his throat, and overcome the sound with his golden thought of the week:
Re: Fucking Compasses... How Do They Work?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:18 am
by Arscapi*
((Alex Jackson continued from
Cold, Wet, and Tired ))
Alex managed to almost literally retrace her steps and once again found herself in the middle of a leveled forest. She shivered remembering what happened the last time; she's wandered through this forest. At least it's not a danger zone, she encouraged herself. And there's a few places to sit and have that breakfast I wanted. She was scouting around for a good place to finally have breakfast when someone started shouting.
Alex's curiosity got the better of her and she moved towards the shouting to investigate. What she found was one of her taller classmates shouting at a boy who had decided they all needed to listen to his type of music. As she approached, she realized the boy was Milo Taylor, who she knew only because he drove a wicked Ferrari.
She stopped several feet from the boys trying to figure out the best way to get their attention. She shifted her feet and sent dirt and rocks flying. Smiling to herself, she bent down and picked up a couple. She let them fly, trusting the years of using Roman as target practice to keep her aim true.
Re: Fucking Compasses... How Do They Work?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:18 am
by Ciel*
((Sorry to hold you up guys, been slightly busy this week.))
(Jessica Pentangeli continued from
Cold, Wet and Tired)
Why were they back here?
Jessica looked around her. They were surrounded by warped logs, just like they had a few hours previously. No dead bodies, not yet at least. This wasn't the EXACT spot they had stopped by before but it looked pretty similar. Jessica had begun to question Alex leadership abilities. Jessica might have been hypocritical, seeing how they got lost the second she was the leader. Alex told her they'd sit down to rest. Said that they would have breakfast. Yet they did none of that. All walking. Jessie was getting sick of walking. Sick of being sick.
Jessica stopped. Her legs ached. She needed to rest, just for a moment. Alex was still walking. Jessica needed a second just to get her stuff together. Alex might stop for her.
Jessica lowered her rifle as she fought to keep her eyes open. The urge to sleep was unbearable. She had pulled an all-nighter once and she was sick for a week. What the heck was staying up for two days doing to her? Eyes half closed. Had to fight it. Can't... sleep... no, have to stay... no... ahh... have... to...
Jessica snapped her head up. She mumbled. "W-Wha? I-I... not sleeping Alex..."
Alex had her back turned away. Like always. Jessica shook her head. Why did she feel like Alex didn't care whether Jessica was there or not? Wasn't Alex always going on about Jessica opening up? She grumbled and stumbled after her friend, eyes half closed. Soon enough Alex stopped. Jessica blinked. She had to tilt her head to see what she was looking at. Two boys were ahead of her, though they were too far away for her to reliably recognize.
Jessica froze as Alex reached down. Wait, what was she doing? She was throwing something. Rocks? Jessica slumped, rifle back up under her arms. What the hell was she doing? Alex was going to get them killed! Her eyes were wide open now, lifting her rifle up and out. Had to stop her. They could have guns. Flamethrowers. Knives!
"Alex," Jessica muttered quickly, "Alex, don't do that. That's -"
Too late. Alex didn't hear her, and went through with her move. Jessica sighed.
Re: Fucking Compasses... How Do They Work?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:18 am
by Sean*
Milo looked at the now significantly more disgruntled man in front of him.
He was, understandably, not pleased with the music blaring in his ears. Milo turned it down a little, looked back at the man, and pushed his sunglasses down a little to show his eyes.
"Are you down with the clown?" Milo calmly asked.
Before the angered man could respond, Milo felt something like a pebble hit him in the side of the head. He turned his music off, pushed his sunglasses back up, and looked over at the source of the stone.
"Hey, what the..." He started to ask something, but then noticed that the people assailing him were two girls. One of them, the one with a purple-streaked ponytail and a Metallica shirt, was quite attractive; Milo couldn't tell for sure, but he had a feeling she had been the one who threw the rocks. He smiled almost imperceptibly and turned back to the angry man.
"Dibs on the hot one," he muttered to his new "friend".
Re: Fucking Compasses... How Do They Work?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:18 am
by Yossarian*
Although later it seemed extremely foolish, Rob actually expected the annoying guy to answer normally (as much as you can respond normally to a 'WTF?' question) and turn off the music. Of course, that didn't happen, as the guy only turned the volume down from 'My eardrums are shattered' to 'unbearable' level. He also said something, but since it made no goddamn sense whatsoever, Rob's mind didn't even start to translate it from dumbass to human.
Needless to say, the urge to smack the idiot stayed strong within Rob. As he clenched his fist prepared to beat some sense inside that moron, he noticed a small stone coming at him. Rob quickly jumped back as if he was a tourist trying to avoid being bitten by an angry viper, and had as much success with that, as the stone hit him in the chest. It dealt no damage, except from dirtying his Minnesota T-Wolves shirt which was already far from being clean. But that wasn't important at that point. Someone decided to continue pissing him off, which meant someone's ass seriously asked to be kicked.
The said ass turned out to be the property of a girl, watching Rob and that other idiot from the distance. Nearby, some other girl did poor job with concealing herself. What they were trying to accomplish by throwing stones at them? Rob didn't know, but there was a way to check it. Without hesitation, he took the M15 handgun and pointed it at the girls.
Rob stopped, as (Again!) he could barely hear himself. He took a few steps toward the tree stump where the speakers were assaulting his ears, and he brutally cut the music by throwing them down on the ground with his left hand.
"Much better..." He sighed with relief. "And now, you two there! Come out with your hands in the air, where I can see them. No stupid moves or you're all dead." Rob turned his head toward the annoying guy for a while. "That includes you as well."
Re: Fucking Compasses... How Do They Work?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:18 am
by Arscapi*
Alex had her hands raised as soon as the gun appeared in Rob's hand. "Wow, someone's been watching way too many episodes of COPS," Alex said casually.
She caught Jessica's movements out of the corner of her eye and sighed. Cuz that's where I wanted this to go, she thought. She took a step away from Jessica trying to get out of the line of fire. She kept talking however, she'd apparently started this mess, and trying to calm all parties involved seemed the best way to make it out of here without getting shot.
"Talk about overkill, I was only trying to get your attention over the music. I figured you know it would be safer then walking up next to you. But no you wanna go and start waving guns around. And umm exactly where do you want me to come out of," Alex continued. She dramatically turned her head to survey the surroundings. "There's not exactly a lot of hiding places here."
There was no way she was going any closer to him. Not that the distance was going to stop a bullet, but it made her feel slightly better.
"Geez, all I wanted to know is if you'd seen my brother. Roman? His about my height, wears totally boring button down shirts. No, then Jessica and I are gonna have breakfast. We were going to have it earlier, but they decided to name the Key a danger zone. So if you could chill out then will get breakfast out and let you two go back to fighting about whatever it was."
Re: Fucking Compasses... How Do They Work?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:18 am
by Ciel*
(Ahh, bouncing all over the place but here it is.)
... The boy with the slicked back brown hair was staring at her breasts. She knew it. Pervert. Milo was like that. She never really liked him.
She was focused on Milo. She didn't notice Rob right away, not until he said something. She turned her head. Someone was pointing... a gun at her. Alex had moved out of the way, leaving Jessica to stand there in the range of his gun. It took a moment to really picture her situation.
Just put the rifle down Jessica... he'll kill you...
And yet she didn't lower the rifle. In fact she raised it as Rob turned his back to her. Her mind jumped while her body moved as one.
"... That's not going to happen."
"... Jessica?"
Jessica stammered. "I-I - How am I supposed to know you won't just kill us when our guard is down? It would be so easy."
"Jessie?! What the hell are you doing?! Stop it. You're giving him ideas! You're jabbering like an idiot! You'll get yourself killed! STOP IT!"
"Jessica. Jessica. Jessica, are you listening to me?"
Her heart was pounding. Pounding. POUNDING. The vomit in the back of her throat was threatening to choke her. Yet she kept her gun up.
"Just... think about it. There's three of us and one of you. It'd be dumb to go shooting at us like you're suggesting. Like if you shoot at me, you'll turn your back on him. If you shoot Alex, you'd leave yourself open to me. And you're the only one I have to aim at..."
"Jessica... He'll kill you."
"I don't want to hurt you. We don't want to hurt you."
"You can't possibly shoot him!"
"I-I'm sorry..."
"Jessica, please..."
"...but if you want me to lower this, you've got to prove to me you aren't going to kill me. I... I don't want to be scared. I don't want to get paranoid but you made the first move. Now the ball is in your court."
"You're just a pathetic rat. You know that Jessica? Selfish..."
"I know..."
Re: Fucking Compasses... How Do They Work?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:18 am
by Sean*
Milo pushed his sunglasses up a bit, jumped to his feet, and waved his arms around frantically.
"Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa! What the fuck? What the FUCK?" he shouted. It was the only way of expressing his utter confusion at how quickly the situation had become absolutely, unstoppably FUBAR. One minute, he had been listening to Insane Clown Posse, trying to attract juggalos. The next, chicks were throwing rocks at him and waving guns around and shit was clownshoes.
He looked at the guy.
"First off, you. What the fuck is your problem? You broke my speakers and now you're waving a gun around, for god's sake! Get a fucking grip, seriously... And you two!" He looked at the girls.
He paused and more specifically looked at the girl in the baggy clothes, who he now recognized as Jessica Pentangeli. They weren't exactly friends, to say the least, but he still found her quite attractive. He looked down a bit.
He glared at her decently-sized chest as he spoke.
"Put the melons..." He stopped himself. "Er, I mean, put the gun down. You're making me rock har-" He paused again, mid-sentence this time, and faked a cough. "Uh, you're kind of scaring me with that. Seriously, please don't fuck- god damn it!" He slapped his face and continued. "Seriously, please don't hurt me."
An awkward pause.
"I should probably be leaving right about now," Milo said in a rare display of insight.
Re: Fucking Compasses... How Do They Work?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:18 am
by decoy73
((Simon Telamon continued from
Watch Your Step))
Simon hadn't had a lot of time to really let his mind wander. After leaving the Hall of Mirrors, he took a nap for about an hour before having something to eat when he was woken up by some hellishly loud music. He would have asked whomever was doing it to stop, but given his encounters with the now-deceased Trevor and his former friend Nick, he decided such an action to be too risky. The one question that had really gnawed at his (and probably everyone's) mind (namely "Where are we?") started to fall into place. Whereas some people were thinking about landmarks and such, Simon had a slightly different way:
Okay, so if a stick in the ground can tell me which way is east, then it could possibly tell me where I am. All he needed was a protractor (which he naturally didn't have - who brought a protractor along when going
camping?), but he could make a rough estimate of angles without one. All he had was a watch.
11:45 May as well start.
Step 1: At high noon, place a stick in the ground standing upright. He picked up a small stick and shoved it into the ground so it looked like a miniature flagpole.
Step 2: Measure the angle between the top of the shadow and the top of the stick. He looked at the shadow. All he could tell was that it was more than 45 degrees (He'd done it in St. Paul, at around 44 degrees north of the equator).
Step 3: Subtract 90 degrees to get the angle between the sun & the point directly overhead
Step 4: If the sun is north of you, subtract the angle from 0 degrees. He looked at the sun and to his compass
Add the declination of the sun to the calculated angle to obtain your approximate latitude. So basically, they had travelled
actually, he couldn't tell. Simply put, his estimates led him to believe that the island itself was south of St. Paul, but how far south was a mystery (In fact, without the protractor, Simon's reading was so rough, no real estimate could be made. For all he knew, he could still be in Minnesota). Essentially, Simon was right where he started: lost in a sea of potential killers, with a crap weapon, and no idea of how to get out without joining the insanity. So Simon was ...
Clink. Something struck his prosthetic leg, and a second later, the music stopped. He looked to his left, noting four people: two guys, one in an expensive but dirty jacket (Milo Taylor, known throughout school as a rich snob and the source of the loud music), the other wearing a sleeveless basketball jersey over a black vest (Rob Jenkins, noted over the announcements as the killer of Paige Strand, wearing a bulletproof vest), as well as two girls, a brunette in baggy clothes (Jessica Pentangeli), and a girl in a Metallica T-shirt with wildly colored hair (Alexandria Jackson, the person who threw the rocks). Although Rob had a gun, it was actually what Alex said as he approached them that caught his attention:
"Geez, all I wanted to know is if you'd seen my brother. Roman? He's about my height, wears totally boring button down shirts
" Wait. Back at the House of Mirrors, that Borat guy called to Roman, as if they knew each other. Of all the guys that he had seen, only one mad sense to identify ...
"Roman? Brown hair, thick glasses? I think I met him, at the ... I think it was called the Hall of Mirrors, but we went our separate ways. Some snob bitched me out when I asked if anyone had a plan. Anyone here have one?"
Re: Fucking Compasses... How Do They Work?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:18 am
by Yossarian*
'Clusterfuck' was about the right word to describe what just happened. The first girl started acting like throwing stones at someone was just a normal way to say hello. She also looked for her twin brother, Rob never heard of. The second girl pointed A RIFLE at him, which complicated things a bit. From what it looked like though, she didn't have a guts to fire it anytime soon. THEN, the annoying guy started freaking out about his broken speakers, before completely losing his composure and mumbling something about going away (and there was much rejoicing). Finally, when it looked like the situation cannot get any more weird, another guy appeared from the forest, suddenly claiming he know that twin guy, and looked like he just didn't care about a bunch of people pointing the guns at each other.
Oh joy... Rob thought. Looks like the merry company is going to assemble. I'm starting to think, that someone planted a magnet pulling all those stupid people toward me. Seriously, does anyone here even think about the strategy to survive anymore?
The list of priorities at that moment for Rob, looked like that:
a) Taking care of the girl holding the rifle, as a potential threat on his life.
b) Ignoring the newcomer.
c) Persuading the annoying guy to leave and/or beat the living crap out of him.
d) Eating something.
Rob almost completely forgot how hungry can someone be after waking up. Almost.
"Fine." He said to the girl, while lowering his gun-wielding hand. "Don't point that thing at me, and I won't point my thing on any of you. A fair deal, I think."
Rob looked at the new guy...
"Go ahead, and plan all you want, I'm not disturbing you anymore."
...And sent a few words to him before finally turning to the annoying guy.
"And you..." He pointed his finger at the guy, while still holding the gun with his other hand. "Better listen to yourself from a moment ago, and scram, before I'll blow your fucking head off. Those speakers were the most lenient punishment for your stunt anyway."
Re: Fucking Compasses... How Do They Work?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:19 am
by Arscapi*
Alex dropped her hands as soon as Rob lowered his weapon. In fact she dismissed him totally, in favor of Simon's latest comments. She walked towards Simon excited at the possibility of more information.
"You've seen Roman. You're sure. Damn, I wish I had my phone there's a picture of him. He's okay though? I mean he had to be if you could go your separate ways? And did he leave first? Did you see which way he went," the questions tumbled out of Alex as she got the first solid piece of information on her brother.
She'd waited with baited breath every time the announcements had come on and while they hadn't listed him among the deceased, Danya hadn't said anything about people being wounded.
She looked at Simon expectantly.
Re: Fucking Compasses... How Do They Work?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:19 am
by Ciel*
(permission granted from the victim. :3)
... Jessica... had made him stop?
"Oh! Uhh..." Jessica's eyes went wide with confusion. Did that really just happen? She half-expected him to kill her. Jessica lowered her gun and pointed it away from the boy."O-Oh, yes, that sounds, uhh, fair?"
Jessica blushed and turned her head away. The new boy (Simon? His name was Simon?) knew where Roman was. Or at least was aware of where he was previously. It was about the only lead Alex and Jessica had to finding him. Which was good. Jessica really wanted to find Roman, at least so Alex would stop worrying about him. Alex didn't show it but she was worried about him, deeply worried. So... Hall of Mirrors? Jessica vaguely recalled a Hall of Mirrors on the map. It was nowhere near where they were now but it wouldn't take them-
Jessica felt it. A pressure building up in her chest. Shit. Jessica opened her mouth.
Jessica held her breath but it didn't help. Jessica bucked her head forward.
Jessica sneezed.
Time stopped. Jessica's head felt numb. Her sneezes were always big attractions, so violent. Her whole body spasmed when she sneezed, and they hurt like hell too. She gasped for air, and brushed her nose against the thin sleeve of her tanktop. She sniffed. She probably looked pretty darn ugly. Three days without a shower, not even a brush or an airdrier. Wiping her nose with her sleeve wasn't going to make matters worse.
Her mind suddenly realized something. Jessica's eyes shot down to her gun. Her finger had pressed the trigger down. Jessica's blood went cold. When she had sneezed, she fired this rifle unconciously and it took her this long to realize it.
She slowly looked up.
"Oh jesus," Jessica cringed. "Oh jesus, Milo, I am SO sorry!"
Re: Fucking Compasses... How Do They Work?
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:19 am
by Sean*
The air froze.
Milo heard Jessica sneeze, heard a small "crack" sound, and felt a sudden stab of pain in his groin, followed by her saying "Oh jesus. Oh jesus, Milo, I am SO sorry!"
He looked down, expecting to see that she had inadvertently shot his man-berries off; it certainly felt like that. However, what he saw confused him.
There appeared to be a small hypodermic syringe sticking into his genitals. Milo screamed.
"What the fuck did you... what the fuck!? Oh my fucking..." His screaming trailed off into incomprehensible gibberish. He suddenly felt very tired and dizzy. He looked up and noted that everything seemed a little bit... juicy.
He glanced over at the man who broke his speakers, and suddenly everything clicked.
He stared, and continued staring for about five minutes.
"Oh my god, you're Mecha-Bigfoot!" he slurred loudly, out of the blue.