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Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:42 am
by Arscapi*
((Alex Jackson continued from Not What I Was Expecting ))

Alex Jackson had no idea why she was retracing her steps yet again, but something told her that she needed to get back to the forest. Well, what was left of the forest, she decided it must be hope for finding more information about Roman. She had no idea whether Simon would still be hanging around, but she had to try something. At least that's what she kept telling Jessica. The truth was she had no idea why exactly she needed to go back there, but something was telling her too. She'd learned a long time ago not to ignore the sense, but it seemed silly to try to explain.

She made her way across the remains of the forest, and flopped down on one of the stumps. There was nobody here. She let out an exasperated sigh. So much for hunches, apparently they didn't do well in life or death situations. Well regardless she was finally going to have a bite to eat. She rummaged through her bag; looking through the remains she selected a few more pieces of bread.

"You know we really should think about seeing if we can't hunt up some meat. All this bread and crackers is really starting to wear on me," Alex mentioned to Jessica. She dug out a bottle of water. We should also see if we can't find some more water. I've been spending so long worrying about finding Roman and running away from our crazier classmates that I haven't thought much about it."

Re: Instinct

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:42 am
by BetaKnight
((Roman Jackson continued from Living In the Aftermath))

Roman plodded along, absently humming to himself in a droning monotone. The humming abruptly stopped as he realized what he was doing. It was an old habit, one that soothed him in times of stress or mind-numbing boredom. Besides making him feel better, it had the added bonus of driving Alex absolutely crazy. With stiff movements, he glanced at the others in his party. "Sorry," he sheepishly apologized, wondering why no one had commented on it sooner. He had probably been doing it for a while for him to have noticed it himself.

Actually, if he was being honest, Roman was amazed that his new friends had stuck with him for as long as they had. He didn't know if he would have followed Jojo or Simon if they had started aimlessly wandering the island. Granted, his wandering wasn't exactly aimless. He had an aim. He just wasn't a hundred percent sure how to achieve it. Or even 90 percent sure.

One thought had driven him all morning. When you lose something, retrace your steps to the last place you had it. In his pain-muddled mind, that meant that he needed to return to the beginning. For Roman, that meant a return to the clear-cut remains of the forest.

The steep, uneven terrain had proven almost too challenging for his condition. His movements had been punctuated with deep, gutteral grunts as he fought to keep moving forward while favoring his left side. The injured shoulder and side throbbed and pulled with each step. He could feel that the bandages were no longer dry, that he was still bleeding at a steady pace. That thought alone should have alarmed him into stopping and asking one of the others to check, but the need to find Alex had brought him this far. Some nagging instinct drove him, assuring him that he was heading in the right direction. That it wasn't much farther now if he would only press on.

An miscalculated step caught his foot in a small rut, causing him to stumble and fall to his knees. Without thinking, he threw both hands out to brace himself. He bit back a scream as his injured shoulder was ruthlessly jarred by the momentum of the short fall and his own weight. Fighting back pained tears, Roman braced himself with his good arm to try and alleviate the pressure on the other.

Huffing and blowing, he slowly worked to shift himself from his kneeling position into something more upright. But he couldn't do it. He simply didn't have the energy.

He spotted a nearby tree stump and awkardly scooted himself towards it. Placing his right palm on the stump, he managed to push, lever, and drag himself up until he could sit. The muscles in his right arm burned and screamed their protest, unaccustomed to have to do so much of the work all alone. However, that was nothing compared to the bone-deep ache coming from his left side. Hanging his head, Roman was content to simply sit for a moment as his body labored to get enough air.

God help him, he was tired. He wasn't sure how much more of this he could stand. He wanted to lay down. Just lay down and let this whole nightmare be over. But he couldn't do that until he was sure Alex was okay. He had to find Alex first. She had to be close. He could feel it. If he would only get up and keep walking, he would find her.

Roman willed himself to his feet but his traitorous body refused to budge. Silently cursing the situation, he allowed his head to roll backwards so that the open sky of the clear-cut forest filled his vision. Now that his breathing had returned to normal, he inhaled as deeply as he could before bellowing, "ALEX! WHERE ARE YOU?"

Re: Instinct

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:42 am
by xylophonefairy*
((Acacia Salinger continued from Living In The Aftermath))

It had taken her nearly half an hour after the announcements were up that she'd actually thought about them. Mostly she'd been trying to make sure Roman didn't keel over and fall to pieces, and she was immensely grateful to have Jojo and Simon there to help out. Especially after her brain kicked into gear and she actually listened to the day four announcements. Names had floated through her head as they had done for the past three days and stuck there like velcro, tiny obituaries that she couldn't shake off, no matter how hard she tried. She'd always had a rubbish memory, conceptually she wasn't all that unintelligent, she understood everything that she was told, how ox bow lakes were formed or whatever. She just couldn't remember it twenty minutes later, which was probably why she'd been marked out as a ditz all her life.

Except, apparently, she could remember names if those concerned were recently deceased.

Most from that morning had been people she knew in that very specific high school way: she knew their name, they hopefully knew hers, they might say hi if they saw each other at the Mall, depending on who else they were with. In a normal situation she would probably mourn their untimely death. But Max had died too, and that sort of ruled the rest of them out. What had they been? Their relationship had still been at that strange stage where they weren't entirely sure if they were officially going out or not, and there had been a part of her that wanted to see him, say... something. But there was no chance of that now.

She tried to conceal what she was feeling from the others, especially Roman. Fortunately he was in a lot of pain and clearly determined to find his sister, she was fairly sure she managed to hide it from him, ducking back a little if emotion took over. Jojo and Simon, she wasn't so sure about, certainly she was hiding it less from them. Sniffing, and rubbing her eyes in irritation at the unfairness of it all, she took a few steps to catch up with Roman. Distract your mind. She consulted her map, which she had been following studiously for the entirety of the journey, mainly because it was something she could conceal her face behind if needs be. Also, Roman seemed to be going on instinct, and there were danger zones afoot.

"Hey," she said, her voice steady, after they'd been walking in the South Felled Forest for a couple of minutes. "We're back where we started!" They'd done a neat little loop of the island and now they were back at the beginning again. It gave her an ominuous feeling, like they were coming to the end of something. She glanced up and Roman was struggling to a tree stump, calling out for his sister. She stepped towards him, unsure of how best to respond. "Hey," she added, in a clipped yet comforting tone.

Re: Instinct

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:42 am
by Whirlpool531*
((Joss Joiner continued from Living In The Aftermath.))

Jojo looked around at the area around the foursome as their journey continued. He considered it a pity that so much lumber would be cut down and then left unused. It made him wonder how long ago it was that this island was inhabited and what had happened to the previous residents. Considering everything else including the town, sawmill, and other establishments shown on the map, how could it all be deserted and then taken over by Danya and his men without a question? His train of thought was interrupted as Acacia remarked upon the fact she had returned here with Roman. He assumed Roman since they were together since he first saw them. It made him think how much he wanted to say those words when he got off this island with Jay. Jojo was beginning to wonder if finding Jay would be possible when he heard a loud thump ahead of him.

Roman had fallen and before any of them could help him he had climbed over to a stump before making a loud cry asking where someone named Alex was. Jojo would guess that was his sister but now was not the time to think of that when Roman was like this. Jojo rushed over to him, trying to check his wounds when he saw the fresh stains on the bandages.

"You're bleeding again!? Roman we should have kept you in bed for another day at least! Just stay down, you need to rest." He put down his bags and the sledgehammer as he searched for a new shirt for bandages.

Re: Instinct

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:42 am
by Arscapi*
Alex sat on the stump swinging her feet lightly when suddenly she could have sworn she heard a familiar noise. She jumped up and took a few steps trying to figure out if she really heard it.

"Do you hear that," she asked Jessica.

She stopped talking hoping for the noise to continue, but let out a sigh of frustration when she no longer heard it. She bit her lip, and then she heard it. She shrieked and headed towards the shouting.

"Roman," she whispered almost daring not to believe it. She took off at a run, overjoyed.

She skidded to a halt as she saw him sitting on a stump a few feet from her, surrounded by two others. She barely looked at the other two as she launched herself at him, wrapping him in a fierce hug. "ROMAN! Where have you been? I've been looking all over for you? What happened? You'll never believe what's been going on with me. I found Jess, but like the very first thing I stumbled on was a dead body. Can you believe it? And then I got a bunch of grief ‘cuz I wanted to bury him. Then Jess and I wandered into the beach, just as it got declared a danger zone and ended up here, but earlier, and got caught in a shoot out." She took a breath and then glanced down at him.

"Hey, you okay? You're not saying much," she asked.

Re: Instinct

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:42 am
by BetaKnight
Roman feebly tried to wave Jojo's concerns off, limply flapping his good right hand at him. As well meaning as the others were, they didn't seem to understand the need to find Alex right *now*. He had to find her, never mind what his body was doing. Alex could be in even worse shape and who would take care of her if he didn't find her?

As he gathered his waning strength for one more attempt to stand, he was nearly knocked off his impromptu seat by a force of nature. But even better than a force of nature, it was the force of Alex. He bit back a whimper of pain as she wrapped him in a tight but brief embrace. He had never been more glad to see her in his whole life. He smiled indulgently as she chattered away a mile a minute in typical Alex fashion. He allowed the sounds to wash over him, reassuring him that it really was his twin, safe and whole and healthy.

"Hey, you okay? You're not saying much."

A perfectly innocent question but more than he could deal with. He was hurt and exhausted but none of that was important anymore. Shakily reaching out, Roman tucked an errant strand of hair behind Alex's ear before briefly touching her face. She felt so wonderfully warm and alive to his cold, clammy hand. She was here and she was okay.

The first tear slipped from his eye as fine tremors wracked his body. Learning forward, he grabbed Alex in a one-armed bear hug, burying his face in the crook of her neck and clinging to his sister as he began to cry.

Thank you, God. She's here and she's okay. I was so afraid I'd never see her again. Nothing else matters, as long as she's okay. Oh, thank you. Thank you.

Re: Instinct

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:42 am
by xylophonefairy*
It had worked. Acacia had spent a fair portion of their day long journey wondering how she was going to break it to Roman that twin senses weren't real, it was just a series of coincidences and knowing someone really well that led people to believe in it. But somehow, from across the island, through all the death and war, there was a moment of peace. Sort of. Acacia winced as Alex practically jumped her twin back to the ground, then felt a need to step away as he pulled her into the most obvious display of love that she'd seen in days. He'd given her privacy during her imaginary phone call, now she would give him privacy in his moment too.

Chewing on her lip she walked back towards Jojo, scanning the barren landscape. According to the map this was the southern felled forest, but they weren't in the exact bit of it that they had started out in. There was no headless body of Dallas Reynolds for a start, also none of the possessions that she'd cast aside as being useless when she'd first woken up. Four days later she couldn't even remember what she'd tossed. Casting a glance back to the embracing twins, Acacia felt a slight twinge of jealousy towards Alex. She'd enjoyed the little partnership that she and Roman had gotten going, and that was going to come to an end now. Not that she could blame him for it, it was just sad. Also, she felt more lost than ever. Before they had had their little mission. Find Alex. Now that mission was completed she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do. She needed a new objective, a new task. Acacia knew that she wasn't clever enough to come up with a way to escape, she was going on the basis that they would eventually get rescued. Thinking about the alternative was too... Too much.

"Where the fuck is Simon?" she said irritably to Jojo. He'd disappeared for a bathroom break, and Acacia had barely acknowledged him leaving as he said something about catching them up. She'd been too lost in a reverie. But that had been almost an hour ago now, and she was starting to think he might have gotten lost. Twaisting her foot into the ground, she created a tiny sandstorm of dust that coated her sneakers. Sneakers which had been brand new for the trip, and yet the additional dust made no change. She didn't care. Glancing up at sky, which was turning to dusk, she looked around again for somewhere sheltered. A small half circle of stumps sat in a shallow dip, trees that had once been a cluster, seemed to be their best bet. "Well, whatever," she said with a shrug, figuring that Simon would either show up or he wouldn't, but he could look after himself. He'd managed to track them from the Hall of Mirrors to the Sawmill pretty effectively anyhow. "We should set up a camp," she added, pointing towards the stump circle and raising her voice so that Roman and Alex might hear. Then she pointed half heartedly to the sky. "It's getting dark," she said by means of pointless explanation.

Re: Instinct

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:42 am
by Whirlpool531*
He picked up his things and followed Acacia's lead to give the twins some privacy in their reunion. After agreeing in his mind that setting up camp would be a good idea, he saw the same site she did and layed his load down as he sat on a stump and looked towards the cheerleader.

"So, what do you do now that those two have reunited? Gonna hide out for the hope of rescue? Start playing and hoping Danya will let three off the island for once? Now that I know he'll likely rest after finding his sister, I think I can leave Roman in your hands." He pulls out the map and a pencil, tracing his path around the island, trying to examine where Jay may or may not be.

Re: Instinct

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:42 am
by Arscapi*
((Jessica's movements approved by Ciel. Time jumping to better facilitate deadlines.))

Alex studied her brother as he brushed hair behind her ear and then touched her face. She gave him a puzzled expression and then realized that he was really cold. Before she could demand an answer she suddenly had an armful of crying Roman. Alex's eyes widened and she stiffened at the unexpected emotional display from her normally reserved brother. The moment passed and she wrapped her arms around him again, rubbing circles into his back and whispering nonsense comfort words, like Mom had for her.

She glared at Acacia and Jojo, they hadn't kept him safe. He'd been gone for four days and just look at the state he was in. And he has the nerve to criticize my choice in friends. Alex mused. She wasn't sure how long they'd stay that way, and she didn't care, knowing that her brother was here with her made everything okay. For a long while it was just her and her twin and nothing else mattered.

Sometime later she looked up to see that Jessica had joined the group and she flashed her friend a wide "I found him" smile. Then she heard Acacia mention something about making camp and she nodded her approval hoping the others would start without her.

Gently, she pried Roman from her shoulder. She waited until his eyes were focused on hers. "It's okay, we're together now," she said seriously. "What did you manage to do to yourself? I mean you were without me for three days and just look at the state you're in. I can just hear Mom now. ‘You know it's your job to watch out for your brother, he's not as tough as us Jackson women.' I mean what were you thinking wandering into danger?" It was said mostly to see if she could get him to smile. Alex, like one of her favorite TV characters, wasn't a big fan of chick flick moments.

She turned serious again. "You going to be okay if I go help the others, or do you want me to stay here," she asked searching his face.

By the time she'd gotten an answer Jojo, Acacia, and Jessica had managed to set up a fairly nice camp.

Re: Instinct

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:42 am
by BetaKnight
((Time skipping again. Wee, time skips! Apologizing in advance for any GMing. If anybody involved has an issue with what I've written, let me know and I'll fix it.))

As he watched the stars twinkling in the night sky, Roman contemplated what was left of his future. He was fairly certain that short of some miracle rescue, there wasn't anything anyone could do for him. But at least he had found Alex. She was safe and healthy.

He could see how concerned she was about his current…condition but there was nothing he could do except try and downplay the severity of his injuries. If she was distracted by him, she wouldn't be able to keep watching out for herself. As loathe as he was to think it, he knew he was more of a hindrance to his sister's continued chances than he was a help.

Hot tears of frustration gathered at the corners of his eyes. Assuming he even managed to climb to his feet when it was time to set out in the morning, he knew that he would be the focus of attention. No one would want to overtax him, not push him too hard. God forbid, if they actually ran into someone who wanted to hurt them, Alex would probably try and shield him. He couldn't let that happen. He couldn't let her throw away her chance to go home to their parents on him, not when he was already a lost cause.

Gritting his teeth to keep from sobbing out loud in despair, he fixated on trying to clench his left hand into a fist. He hadn't told any of the others that he had lost all feeling in his left arm not long after they had run into Alex. Or that the pins-and-needles sensation he had experienced since the shooting had spread over most of his lower body. It was just another one of those things that would worry his sister. His head swam and the stars overhead blurred.

Squeezing his eyes tight, his words came out in a harsh whisper. "God, I know you and I haven't talked in a really long time. I was really angry after Grandpa George died. I was pretty sure you weren't listening to me anymore. I'm not even a hundred percent sure you're listening to me right now. But I know that given the situation we're all in, I can't be the only person trying to get your attention."

Turning his head as best he could, Roman glanced over at Alex to make sure she was still asleep before he continued. "So here's the deal, God. I know I'm dying. I can feel it. Unlike some of the others who've met their ends here, mine is in inches and feet rather than all at once. And I'm okay with that. I really am. But I know Alex won't be. I need you to take care of my sister, or send someone else to take care of her, and get her back to my parents. It's not fair that they should lose both of us. They're good people and they're going to be devastated."

Taking a deep breath, he slowly exhaled. "So if you could just do that for me, I'll be totally good with whatever happens to me. I found Alex. I did what I could. Now, I'm leaving it all up to you."

He heard the watch approach to check on him. He tried to remember who it was. He could see Alex and who he thought was Jojo sleeping nearby. Taking a wild guess and taking care to keep his voice low, he spoke. "Hey Acacia. You, umm…you heard all that didn't you?"

Re: Instinct

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:42 am
by xylophonefairy*
"Hey Acacia. You, um... you heard all that didn't you?"

Nodding imperceptibly in the darkness, Acacia sat down, cross-legged, on the floor to Roman's left. The moon was behind her, casting her face into shadow, and she watched her own profile flit across him before she settled back against a stump. The harsh, colourless light reflected off his features, and Acacia fought to steady her voice before answering.


There was agony written across his features, so much pain that it hurt just to look at him. So instead she stared up at the sky, and for a while they were silent, each lost to their own thoughts. She was supposed to have awoken Jojo for his shift ten minutes ago, but she didn't want to. Didn't want to fall asleep where her thoughts could take her anywhere and her dreams were becoming more vivid and unsettling with each passing night. All around them was peaceful; the nearby scuffling of a rodent in the dust, the chatter of an insect, the far off call of a bird. A faint smell of gunpower in the air tingled with excitement like fireworks on the Fourth of July. A few shots ripped through the air from far away. Acacia turned her own gun over in her hand. It was still loaded from the first day, not a single shot had been fired from it. It was probably the only virginal gun still on the island, she didn't know what it was she was hanging on to. She looked from the gun to Roman. Back to the gun. Back to Roman. Back to the gun.

She could end it. She could end it right now. There was nothing they could do to save him, and Acacia wasn't sure how much longer she could go on watching him die. Her heart thudded as she realised what she was thinking. Murder? Euthanasia? They're they same thing. The gun seemed to gain a hundred pounds, it was trapping her hand against her knee, she couldn't move it. Acacia looked at Alex's sleeping form on Roman's other side, to Jessica just beyond her, to Jojo, who was sleeping perpendicular at their feet. If they knew what she was thinking... But it was only a thought. Nobody ever got killed by a thought. It was when they acted on those transient ideas: that was when people ended up dead.

It was just a thought! Acacia glanced at the gun in her hand. There was no way she could use that, the other three would awaken in an instant, and at any rate she didn't know where to point it. Didn't know where would kill and where wouldn't, where might end up just making the pain worse and the death no faster. She released the gun from her grip, dropping it into the dust, and bringing scuffed knees together, she hugged them as she had often done as a child. It's only an idea. No, if she were going to do this, which she wasn't, the best thing would be to wait for him to fall asleep, and then smother him with a pillow. But it didn't matter, because she wasn't going to.

Roman took a few rasping breaths, and the idea grew in her mind like a disease. Preparatory guilt wrapped around her stomach and clenched it in an iron grip, griping as her mind ebbed back and forth like the tides. It drifted in as she looked at Alex, the such little time that the twins had managed to spend together. As she looked at Roman and how she had come to make such a great friend in a few short days, he was almost a brother to her now. The brother that had shown her how to load her gun, the brother that had provided her with a purpose, which was the only thing that had stopped her from going crazy three days ago. He had, essentially, been her world, and she didn't want her world to end so soon.

It ebbed away as she looked closer at him, at the eyebrows that were scrunched up in concentration from trying to stop himself from crying out. That prayer she had just overheard. That ever so slight... plead? in his voice when he asked her if she had been listening. The relief that death would bring him now. The closure that it would bring her. And, in a way, it would seem right that she could end it peacefully for him, while he still had some dignity. That was what people always wanted, wasn't it? To die with a little dignity. Slowly, little by little, the tide was going out, and what had been an idea was becoming a reality.

Acacia turned around and lay down next to Roman, turning onto her side so her mouth was close to his ear.
"You've been brilliant," she whispered, allowing a few tears to fall freely, they were immediately wicked away by the earth. "Just brilliant. I couldn't have asked for a better person to spend the last four days with." She remembered the prayer. "I'll- I'll see you in Heaven, okay?"

From her duffel, she found a plastic bag that had once upon a time contained her packed lunch for the coach trip. Into it she put a jumper, and with great care placed it across his face making sure that his eyes were covered. She didn't want to see his last moments, didn't want to see exactly what she was doing. As she pressed, she closed her eyes, putting one hand on his shoulder as by default he started to fight. He was weak. "Sssh," Acacia soothed as best she could, her heart thudding fast and deep.

Her brain was screaming at her to let go, to stop. To let nature take its course. To remember what she was here for. Why am I here? What am I doing? But there was a deep, animalistic part of her that took over, pressing gradually harder and harder until her arms ached with maintaining the pressure and her head throbbed with emotions, until he stopped moving and the crash of drums that had been crescendoing around her suddenly fell away with a great anticlimax and she let go. She put two shaking fingertips to his neck, and felt nothing. No perceptible heartbeat, no rise and fall of his chest, no expression on his comforting features. No occasional tiny moans that for two nights now had been comforting her that he was still alive.

Acacia scrambled to her feet and in a few short steps got as far away as she could, her natural grace making little noise in the night that was now even more still. She looked with horror at Roman, he looked so alive, yet at the same time so very dead. Her hands tingled as the blood returned to them, a reminder of what she had just done, the life that she had just ended.

She had never felt so powerful simply for being alive.

There was no way she could stay here. There were a few short hours until the announcement that would probably serve to wake Jojo, Jessica and Alex up, and once her name was read out... she would never be forgiven. Alex Jackson would put a price on her head, and Acacia wasn't ready to die just yet. It could so easily have been her that had been shot, could so easily be her that had been dying, it might have been Roman who had just had to make the most agonising decision of either of their lives. Her that would have to come to the realisation that she was going to die, and wanting it to come sooner.

She needed to cling on to the second chance at life that his death had given her.

As she was leaving she looked back at the four bodies on the ground, one was still, three rising and falling with each breath they took. Whatever might had happened tonight, she still owed them a chance for their lives. Heck, she owed Alex more than one. Gently, she knelt down beside Jojo, shaking him awake by the shoulder.

"It- it's your turn," she said in a broken voice. "I have to go, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Look after Alex. Tell her- tell her I'm sorry," she professed her guilt to Jojo without looking at him, her eyes fixed firmly on the ground, on the sky, on the dead stumps of trees that looked remarkably, beautifully, melancholy in the moonlight. Standing up, Acacia slung her bag over her shoulder, and ran into the darkness, needing to put as many miles between her and the body as she could.

((Acacia Salinger continued in Fairytale of New York))


Re: Instinct

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:43 am
by Whirlpool531*
Jojo had sat on a stump for a few minutes now, trying to make sense of everything that happened. By the time he had gotten up, he was left with Alex, some friend of her's, and the body of Roman laying as if he was still sleeping. But he was dead, there was no breaths entering and exiting his body, no signs of a pulse, no reaction as he silently shook the boy he tried so hard to save. He finally understood what she meant when Acacia apologized, she had killed her friend to save him from a more painful and drawn out death.

Tears slid down Jojo's face as he took out his carpentry book from his bag next to the stump and wrote on one of the blank papers inside of it. He just wrote down what he figured had happened, that he was sorry he couldn't protect her brother or her and that he had someone to find, that he had to go, had to make sure he didn't have to do the same for his own friend. He finished the note and taped it on Roman, he had found the first aid kit in the daypack too late to do anything else with it. As he gathered his things and started walking away, Jojo looked back at Roman and the two girls one last time. He wanted to protect Alex, but he couldn't right now. Without Jay being safe in front of his eyes Jojo's worry would cause him to make a mistake that he couldn't afford to make on this island. He looked at the compass he held in his hand and headed east.

((Joss Joiner continued elsewhere.))

Re: Instinct

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:43 am
by Arscapi*
Alex rolled over and looked up at the sky with a sigh. She could have sworn she'd just fallen asleep, but the lightening of the sky told her otherwise. Alex frowned as she realized that she'd been asleep the whole time. They'd agreed before everyone had gone to sleep that they would switch off the watch. She sat up rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Jess lay close by still sleeping and Roman lay a few feet from her. However, Acacia and Jojo were now nowhere to be seen.

Excellent choice in friends you've got there dear brother, she thought pushing herself to her feet. She stretched, reaching her hands up above her head, to work some of the kinks out from a night spent on the ground. She looked around once more for Acacia and Jojo and shrugged. Weird.

She glanced back over to Jess and Roman and decided to let them sleep longer, when she noticed something stuck to Roman's shirt. She frowned and moved closer, realizing that now that she really looked he didn't seem to be breathing.

"Roman," she called quickening her pace. She dropped to her knees beside her brother and knew even before she reached out and gently shook him that he was gone. Tears flowed down her face as she sat back on her heels and stared at his body.

"How…How could you leave me," she asked softly.

Re: Instinct

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:43 am
by decoy73
((Jason Clarke continued from Revenge is Best Served Cold))

"Hello, everybody. It's day five since I've woken up in this hell hole known as SOTF. I'm starving, I'm miserable, and I'm deathly afraid that I've only got about six seconds to live.

Since I started, I've attempted to join a group, failed utterly, joined another group, blew up at said group, cut a guy's arm off, and got yelled at because I was the last person to be with someone before she decided to leave unannounced. So, yeah, I'm doing just great."

Jason continued through the woods where he had just spoken to a camera. He was hating his life right then: he was essentially hanging on to a group that hated him, he was tired, hungry, and scared, and he hadn't seen anyone to whom he could call a friend in days. Acquaintances, yes. Friends, no. No David, no Kale, no Alex or Roman (well, he and Roman had met, but Jason hadn't partnered up with him - stupid idea if there was one), nobody. He looked around the cleared forest that he was in. Aside from him and the cameras, completely deser ... wait. Jason squinted. About a hundred and fifty yards ahead and to his right was somebody. He strode closer, as quickly and quietly as possible, trying to take a closer look.

Son of a bitch. Jason smiled. He could recognize the blue streaks anywhere. Alex Jackson. If he couldn't partner up with her (or at least not alienate her), he should be shot right there. He strode forward and called out:

"ALEX! OI! Over here!" Jason practically laughed. He looked closer. Roman. Thank you God. "Is everything okay, well, relatively?"

Re: Instinct

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:43 am
by Ciel*
(Thanks for being so patient Arscapi, I'll get back with Jessica. I'm not quite sure what's happening here though.)

The next day was a blur to Jessica. Things just happened, the announcements came on, no sign of Nick. They had stumbled across Roman and Jessica had helped set up for the night. That was about all she could remember. The rest of the memories were foggy and Jessica couldn't pin a thing. Perhaps it was the daze that she felt as she was waking up - it would all come back to her eventually. She sighed and rubbed her eyes. Her mind felt so amazingly empty. At that very moment, not a single thought fluttered. It was all blank. Not a single worry. It felt very peaceful.

She turned her head. The moment she saw Alex... well, she wasn't sure what to make of it. Alex was hovering over her brother. The world was still blurry and Jessica felt it hard to make out what was happening... that was when she realized Alex was crying. Crying? About what? She looked down at Roman. Alex must have not realized that Jessica was up. Jessica rose to her feet, looking down at the form of what used to be Roman. He was just laying there. He was...

Jessica gasped, and suddenly the thoughts came invading.

Alex was crying, so Jessica didn't hesitate. She knew exactly what she wanted to do. She quickly lowered herself and pulled her friend into a hug. An awkward one, but it was firm and comforting. She kept it held, just holding Alex as close as she possibly could. What could she say that would make up for what had just happened? Hell, Jessica didn't even know what happened. She just knew that Roman was dead, Alex was crying and Jessica was the only person around who didn't know.

"...Alex." Jessica said. She wanted to say it would be alright.

She didn't though. She heard a voice that she didn't recognize. She quickly pulled away from Alex.

Jessica froze. Who was this guy? His name was... Jason, right? Why was he screaming so loudly? She quickly went for her rifle, not so much aiming it at him as just pulling it out from behind her. Just in case. Even so her finger steadily wrapped around the trigger, still didn't aim at him. He... didn't mean any harm. Probably. She let out a deep breath, trying her best not to choke up. And she tried her best not to scream at Jason. It didn't matter if it was hard to tell what had happened or whatever, the mere thought that he was taking this so casually made her shrivel up. Like they were back home, and Alex had tripped and fell. It felt so clean, so nostalgic and it made Jessica mad.

"... C-Could you give her a minute?" she put it simply.