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The Despair Game

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:10 am
by jimmydalad
((Enter Aria Samuels))

Aria was curled up in a corner, tears running down his eyes as he tried to suppress the tears that were flowing down his face. He was rocking back and forwards, trying to make sense of the situation he had found himself in. This isn't real. This couldn't be happening. They were supposed to be at Disneyland. They should have been at Disneyland. Yet they were here, in the middle of nowhere, in a game of death. There was no possible way to escape. They had made that clear before. What was he supposed to do? What was he supposed to say?

"Why did this have to happen to me? Why me? I didn't do anything wrong." Aria muttered to himself, continuing to cry as reality was hitting him hard. He was going to die. Someone was going to kill him. That was the truth. Aria was going to die. Yet he didn't want to die. He wanted to live and enjoy life. He didn't want to be in this stupid game with stupid people trying to kill each other. Most of the people in Aurora were stupid. They were stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He knew some would play the game. He knew he would be a target eventually. He knew he was going to die.

He didn't want to die. He didn't want to die. He didn't deserve to die. He was innocent. He had to be. He may have said bad things, but he couldn't help it. It was his nature. Why was he being punished for it? It wasn't fair. None of this was fair. Aria told himself he didn't deserve this. He repeated to himself that he didn't deserve this. No one deserved this. To fight to the death like this. To die like this.

Then again, when has anything being about what people deserved? Aria knew that he couldn't get out and that the people didn't care about them. All they cared about was putting on a show. A show that people watched. A show that he was going to be a part of. A show that he wanted to get out off without having to die or kill. However, he wasn't going to get that wish.

The fact that he knew this made him cry more. He knew he looked pathetic. It obviously was pathetic, but he didn't care. He just wanted to get out. He didn't care about the people watching, he just wanted to survive. That was all he wanted. To survive. To live. To enjoy life. Was that so wrong? Was that a sin? Of course not. However, that didn't matter. Not now. Not in this game.

Aria cried. He continued to cry. He didn't know how long he cried. All he knew was that the tears wouldn't stop coming. The sadness that he felt was overwhelming. The despair at the reality of the situation. The reality that he was probably going to die.

Re: The Despair Game

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:10 am
by Sansa

Mirabella Strong had reached the point of absolute hysteria twice in her life.

The first was when she was fourteen, when a simple Geography assignment had exposed the self-doubt and anxieties that had been plaguing her for years. Then it had been a good thing. It'd made her better, gotten her out of a rut from which she thought she'd never escape. She'd been made perky, pleasant, and poised, vowing never to return to such nightmarish depths. The second one occurred ten minutes after waking perched behind a rusted chassis inside an abandoned hangar, four years later. She knew the reality of the situation. It'd made itself brutally clear when the blood of her physics teacher had been splattered across her blouse. Survival of the Fittest. That terrorist program that her parents would whisper about in hushed tones when she wasn't in their immediate presence, that thing that still held the lingering interest of a select group of her classmates.

Classmates who she was now faced with the prospect of either killing, or being killed by.

Garrett... oh God Garrett, I need Garrett... what will I... what will he... oh God, what am I going to do?

She hugged her arms around her knees, and shook slightly. Tears fell unevenly, landing in pools by her feet. Her breath was sharp, coming out in tight gasps. Thoughts bandied about in her mind. Thoughts of her father, who'd never hold her in his warm embrace again. Of her mother, who she knew she'd never shown enough appreciation for. She'd never see them again. What was the last thing she'd said to them? "Goodbye, daddy! Goodbye mother! I'll see you in a week!"

The last thing she'd ever said to her parents had been a lie.

"I'm so sorry..." she whispered, struggling to hold back the tears that poured freely onto the concrete floor beneath her. Her fingers instinctively snaked into her satchel, reassured by the touch of the pill bottles contained within. A weeks dosage. Enough. Maybe.

Propped up against the side of the chassis were her regulated bag and assigned weapon It was labeled a weapon, but the thought of using it as such was... killing her classmates was a monstrous act that didn't bare thinking about, but finding a way of killing them with a golf club was... Bella didn't want to imagine the logistics of such an action.

But then... when it came down to it, she'd have to, wouldn't she? She had no other weaponry with which to defend herself, so if someone attacked her... she'd have no choice. Bella glanced over at the 3 wood. The varnished handle have way to a hardened head. It looked so inconspicuous, not something to be used as a potential murder weapon.

Oh, why am I thinking like this... I won't have to wield it against anybody. No... I might have to, but I won't. I swear I won't.

A minute passed, and Bella decided to finally move. Sitting here and crying wouldn't do anything. The longer she stayed, the harder it would become for her to leave. Composure, or the recovery of what little she had left, came first. She would not be the hysterical girl again. She would be normal. Almost by habit, she smiled, the corners of her mouth turning upwards in a false half-grin, before pulling the canvas bag over her shoulder with one arm and picking up her 3 wood with the other. She began to walk out from behind the shelter that the chassis provided, at first slow and awkward, and then quicker, eventually breaking into a brisk run. She had to leave, to find a shelter that wasn't so open, so-

She screamed.

Oh God oh God oh God... why didn't I... oh God...

Huddled in a corner, just a dozen feet away from where she stood crouched Aria Samuels, curled up, doe-eyes wet with tears, whimpering. Bella froze, unsure of what to do. Aria was a boy who she wouldn't call a friend, or even an acquaintance. But... she did know of him. Sometimes he said things a little more bluntly than most, and he did have an odd aura about him, but he didn't look like he'd hurt a fly. In fact, he looked the sort to try and help an injured fly. But still... this game took all sorts, didn't it? Meekness didn't equal goodness. That much had been proven. But still... this early... and so fragile looking... he wouldn't harm her, would he? She needed to help him. She had to help him, to tell him everything'll be okay. Just like how Garrett would've - would.

She shuffled forwards, and crouched down beside Aria. Her face was still clammy with tears, and her smile was slightly crooked. She hoped she looked unthreatening enough.

"H-hey, Aria. It's me, it's Bella. Don't worry. Everything's gonna be okay, alright?"

Re: The Despair Game

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:11 am
by jimmydalad
The sound of the scream alarmed him and he quickly lifted his head up to see Mirabella Strong was there with him. He didn't know her well, in fact, he never talked to her before. He had seen her around in school. She seemed a decent person. However, what a person seemed wasn't important now, especially considering the nature of the game. He couldn't trust anyone. After all, they would just stab him in the back.

"G-Get away from me!" Aria yelled, trying to find a way to escape the predicament that he found himself in. He was in a corner and vulnerable to whatever Mirabella had planned for him. Great. Just great. Right at the start of the game and he was already at risk of being killed. He had the worst luck ever. He tried backpedalling, pushing himself with his legs to move, but that only succeeded in backing himself into the corner. He was trapped.

'Everything was going to be all right?' Bullshit. He was going to die. She was probably going to die. Everyone was going to die except for one person. He didn't know who that person was, but he wasn't going to find out. Aria was close to dying just as he woke up. He didn't trust Mirabella. He couldn't trust her. She would just betray him in the end, just like everyone else. He wasn't going to fall for it again.

"I-I-I know what you're going to do. Lull m-me into a false sense of s-s-security and then kill me! I know you're going to kill me! Get away from me! Leave me alone! I don't want to die!" Aria yelled loudly, his puffy red eyes glaring at Mirabella. He looked in his bag quickly for any sign of a weapon. However, he didn't find a weapon. Instead, he found an antidote kit. Fuck. He really was going to die.

"I-I won't let you kill me easily though. I-I'll p-put up a fight. I know you're going to try to kill me. Don't touch me! Don't try to kill me!" Aria screamed pathetically, trying to hold back the tears, but eventually letting his emotions get the better of him. He started to cry heavily. He was going to die. He wouldn't get to do the things he wanted to do. Nope. This was it. He didn't want to die though. He didn't deserve to die. He wanted to live. He wanted to live so badly.

Re: The Despair Game

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:11 am
by Jilly
The sky looks nice today... Megan lay on the grass field, taking in the scenic ceiling. Something about the way the clouds in the sky moved seemed to make her mind at ease. Maybe it was the silence of being alone in this field, or just the motion of the scattered clouds as they passed over the sun, but it was just sublime.

Or at least it would be, were it not for the shitty situation she was in now.

((Megan Emerson: Start))

This whole thing was almost too much to take in at one time, but it was simple enough: teachers are dead, kill classmates before they kill you, don't die. Yes, simple enough.

A sigh escaped from her, which was a nice change-up from the crying she was doing when she woke up some time ago. She certainly still felt like crying, but maybe her tear ducts couldn't keep up with production. She wasn't already being desensitized by the reality of this situation, right?...right?

Megan shook her head and reached for the "weapon" she set beside her, taking another chance to examine it. Seriously? A bottle of fucking prop blood? God, how the fuck is this even fair?

"Life isn't fair." Isn't that what everyone says when things don't go your way? Like, you gotta roll with the punches, and all that jazz? It's still a shitty thing, but there's no crying over it, at least not anymore.

Anyway, she better go. With something as good as a bottle of basically water and food coloring, she would just be a lame duck ripe for the picking. Megan stood, grabbed the duffel bag and her generic green backpack of basically useless clothes (how could those terrorists just take her 3DS and games just like that?), put her weapon in the backpack, and fixed her hat. Now, where to go?

Maybe she could just camp out in the hanger next to her. Heck, maybe if she got lucky, Gavin or Theo or someone would show up, and they could just weather out the game, least...until... No, no, no. She wasn't going to think negatively, at least not anymore. No. She would be a positive thinker, yes. Positive. No bad thought. No bad thoughts.

Megan walked the short distance over to the building...but then she stopped. What if someone was in there, and she couldn't escape? But at the same time, what if no one was in there? She shook her head. No, she can't be indecisive. She was going to go in this hanger and figure out what to do from there.

As she went around to the front side, she could hear yelling from a boy, so at least two other people are in there. But, at the same time, this guy was yelling hysterically, but there's so much that could mean. Megan took a deep breath and went in, keeping the butterflies in her stomach at bay. Whatever happens now is in God's hands.

Re: The Despair Game

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:11 am
by Sansa
Mirabella's mediocre attempts had done nothing to assuage Aria's fears. In fact, they appeared to have aggravated them instead. He was trying to get away from her, frantically shuffling out of the corner she'd inadvertently trapped him in. Okay, okay. That was a dud. I'm a good public speaker. Yes. I can do this. I can talk him around. I can find some way of calming him down. He looked in his bag... try and find a weapon, no doubt. His shouting had unnerved her. If her scream didn't bring people down upon them, then surely his protests and stammered threats would. She had to calm him, make him see reason.

We're going to beat this. Someone'll know a way off. Surely.

But what if they don't... what if I'm stuck here, what if I die.

I won't. I won't die. I won't kill, but I won't die.

And I won't let anybody else die either.

Bella looked directly into Aria's eyes, still dripping with tears. He looked in so much pain, so broken and dejected. As if he'd given up hope before he'd even awoke. She didn't know what to do. What could she do?

She dropped the 3 wood. It hit the round with a resounding smack, rebounding as it collided with the pale concrete. With no weapon in her hand, it was almost like a surrender, right? She'd show him, truly, that she meant no harm.

Bella breathed inwardly, trying to settle the involuntary shakes that still rolled through her skin. What was that meditation that Garrett had given her? "I must not fear..." No. She wouldn't. She was going to live up to her name, she was going to be strong and brave, and she wasn't going to let this... game get to her. Whatever happened to her, it'd happen with her dignity still intact. She slowly stood, extending her arm towards the boy. He was taller than her, but crouched down there he looked so small.

"Aria, people are gonna come here soon. If you don't want me here... I understand that. I'll go, if that's you want. But I want you to know that not everything's as bad as you think. There're going to be good people on this island. They're the same kids, Aria. They won't do anything to hurt you, I promise. We'll-"

A noise. The sound of footsteps as another student entered the room. Bella whirled around, her hair whipping across her face. Oh no please don't kill me.


"Megan! Oh my God, Megan!" She smiled, and waved towards her friend.

Re: The Despair Game

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:11 am
by jimmydalad
Aria had stopped hysterically screaming. He was running out of energy for doing so. He just felt tired. Like all his energy was spent. He just wanted to rest. He was sick of shouting. At the same time, she dropped her weapon. What was she doing? She was leaving herself defenseless. What was going on? Aria started to calm down a little. His energy spent from all of the crying and screaming, he just couldn't do it anymore. He didn't want to die and yet, he nearly was killed. She didn't want to hurt him, maybe that was why she dropped her weapon.

She began to talk. Maybe he could trust her? After all, she could've attacked him any time before, but she didn't. She was talking to him, trying to calm him down. It was nice and Aria wasn't used to it. He told himself to get over his paranoia. It didn't get him anywhere during middle school or his time in Aurora High. He had to take the first step and trust Mirabella. He had to if he wanted to survive.

However, Mirabella seemed to be preoccupied with the presence of someone called Megan. She had seen her around school and she was a fellow video games enthusiast. He had seen her around, but never made the move to socialize. It was another one of his regrets, one of many that were starting to form in his mind. He had wasted his life up until now and he was going to pay the consequences if he didn't do something.

"M-mirabella. C-can I stay with you?" Aria asked nervously. He found himself burying his head in his legs due to embarrassment. It felt so weird and he never really had to rely on anyone else. To build that level of trust with someone, it was really going to be a learning experience. However, was it too little too late?

Re: The Despair Game

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:11 am
by Jilly
Megan honestly had no clue what (or who) to expect in the hanger, but as soon as she stepped through the rusted hanger doors, her nerves ceased. Her arms flew up to conceal the minute gasp that came from her mouth. It wasn't Gavin, or Theo, or even Hansel, but it was Bella. Fucking Mirabella. The lady with the... uh... aw, fuck it.

She placed her foot forward and was ready to sprint towards the girl, but suddenly the weight shifted back as her feet stuttered. Right, Bella wasn't alone. There was that other boy.

Aria. Aria Samuels.

Something about him always Not like "off" off like how people usually interpret Gavin, but just "off". Megan never really spoke to him, but he always seemed to be by himself in school. He probably wasn't, like, antisocial or anything, but Megan only saw him around maybe two or three other people. Kinda like Megan herself... but that's besides the point. Anyway, the only thing she even knew about the guy was that he was in choir or something like that.

No, she wasn't just going to run in there when he was screaming hysterics. She'll calmly walk in, yes. That'll be good. Megan nodded her head at her friend and walked over to where the duo was sitting...or rather, where Bella was standing over a kid crying in the fetal position. At least it looks like he stopped shouting, for now.

"Are you..." She said, swallowing spit, "...How are y'all holding up? Seen anyone else?" It was pretty fucking obvious, but Megan didn't care; she had to say something. Anything.

Re: The Despair Game

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:12 am
by Sansa
"Of course you can, Aria! We won't get anywhere if we don't stick together." Bella's smile was one of both an attempt at reassurance and relief that she'd managed to install some calm into the Aria. She had two fullproof allies, now. She began to kneel down beside him as Megan approached. Megan was a friend, a good friend. She was someone Bella she knew she could trust, even in circumstances like this.

She flicked a loose lock of her hair away as she answered Megan's query. "I think it's just the three of us at the moment, Megan. I haven't seen anybody else or heard anything. I... I think I'm coping alright. Well, as best as one can when they're in a situation like this."

Her, Aria, and Megan. Not the most emotionally stable or physically able team, but they could make it work, surely? If they stuck together then they'd be able to make some sort of plan, find a way to survive. Find a leader, like Naomi or Zubin. Or Miles even. And Garrett... she needed Garrett more than anybody else. Once I find him everything will be better. But... we need to get some protection first. Join with others. Make a plan. Something to strive for. Some reason to keep on going.

She beckoned for Megan to join her and Aria on the concrete floor.

"So. What do we do now?"

Re: The Despair Game

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:12 am
by jimmydalad
When Mirabella smiled and offered reassurance, Aria found himself smiling along with her. He found her smile to be calming in contrast to how he was before. The fact that he was tired from all the crying may have contributed to his emotional state, but overall he preferred being like this to the crying wreck he was before. Aria rubbed his puffy eyes to gain better vision as he saw Megan approaching them.

Aria stayed quiet while Mirabella made conversation with Megan, not really sure what to do now. He was reminded of many times before when he was on the outskirts of conversation, memories of his previous experiences coming back to him as he sat in the corner of a hanger on some unknown island. It was funny, SOTF was supposed to have disappeared, become a mere memory. He had never watched it, but he had heard of it. Everyone had.

"I think we should stay here." Aria called out suddenly in response to Mirabella's question. "I-I'm tired from all the crying and I am not sure about our c-chances of finding any shelter. I-It'd be b-better for all of us if we just camped here. M-moving around w-w-w-would just waste our energy and I'm sure you don't want to go kill our classmates."

He tucked out of his curled state and instead took a more comfortable sitting position, crossing his arms over him. He still felt a little uncomfortable being with two people he barely knew, but they didn't seem to be the type of people who would attack. The two of them were friends though, and Aria was not part of that social circle. He had the horrible thought of them ganging up on him, but he shook that away. The possibility still lingered in his mind though.

"S-s-so, w-what weapon d-does Megan have?" Aria asked apprehensively, wanting to know if they had any other way to defend themselves part from the golf club.

Re: The Despair Game

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:12 am
by Jilly
Megan nodded her head and joined with Aria and Bella on the floor, setting her duffel bag next to her in their drum triangle.

It seemed like Bella had the same idea as Megan, or at least it was getting to that. "What do we do now?" is a big giveaway in a situation like this, but Megan would gladly team up with Bella if it meant being able to find Hansel or something, or even that Garrett guy she always hangs around with. She'd have no problems with that, at all. There was just one problem, though, and that was Aria. Or, rather, his emotional instability.

And being emotionally unstable in a game of life or death is a big no-no.

It wasn't like Megan didn't trust him or anything despite pretty much being complete strangers, but you gotta keep your cool in a game like this. If you break down and withdraw into a ball complete with booming waterworks, you are doing two things:

[li]You are essentially dead weight and have to rely on the protection of others if you have a freakout.
[li]You draw the attention of others both good or bad, presumably bad.

Megan just didn't know if she could handle these risks if they have more episodes... which was what made her have an epiphany. She needed to talk to Bella. Alone.

But first, she had to think of an excuse or else it might set Aria off again.

Anyway, Aria asked to see her weapon? Sure, fine. Not like she has anything to hide.

She removed her backpack and whipped it in front of her, proceeding to dig through it... Oh, right. Bella asked what they were gonna do. Normally in these situations Megan would just let the two of them decide for her, but whatever. This was a pretty fucking special situation.

"Here's what I think. " She began, while simultaneously groping the inside of her bag. "Normally, I'd agree and say we stay put, but unless between the tw- three of us, unless we have at least one solid weapon to defend ourselves with, we need to be on the move." Nope. The bottle was not there; maybe she should check the other pockets...?

Megan unzipped one compartment and kept going on, "Plus, if I was able to hear that scream show you were giving, someone else could have, too, and could be on there way right now." Hopefully that lie would seal the deal, considering she only heard him when she was practically at the building.

Megan finally found what she was looking for and pulled it out, clutching the nozzle of the bottle with her right hand. Yep; still a bottle of fake blood, no changing anything there.

"So, yeah," she put the bottle back in her bag and started to zipper up her bag, "we're basically just two girls and one non-athletic guy, no offense. I don't think we really have a choice unless, again, one of us is packin' something other than prop blood...and a golf club?" Wait, why did it take so long to notice the golf club si-


And then the wheels began to turn.

She and Bella were two girls. Aria was a guy.

The perfect crime.

After Megan finished sealing her bag, she turned to Bella with as best of a concerned-looking face as she could make on the spot, along with making sure to look down to make it very clear. "...Say, uhm, Bella? Could I talk to you, between us girls? Ya know, something private." Ugh, this double entendre was killing her. She was so sorry for having to drag Bella into this, but god dammit they need to talk and Aria seems pretty friggin clingy.

Re: The Despair Game

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:12 am
by Sansa
Aria wanted to stay where they were. It didn't appear the wisest decision in Bella's eyes. There was the imminent arrival of danger zones to worry about, as well as finding others, like Garrett or Rachael or Venice or Alice or Juhan. But still... running away wasn't the best decision either. They needed time to work out a strategy, to plan for any possibilities.

She began to rummage through her bag and nodded with Megan pointing out the fallacies in staying put in the hangar. She paused, however as Megan's words drew to a close. She couldn't be thinking of... no way, no way. But... maybe it's just innocent. Wait, did she just... does she want to talk about... that? Oh my... well, Aria shouldn't be too privy to such things. I should reassure him or something.

She turned towards Aria. He looked so petrified, sitting there. They needed something to help get him motivated, something that would mean he wasn't just a dead weight. There had to be something useful, right? He had his weapon as well (however unhelpful it may have been - she needed to ask what it was) and his rations.

Oh God am I really thinking like this? Thinking of someone's worth as what they have with them as opposed to their worth as a person? Is this what this game does to people?

But... it's not unlike school, in a way. How many times have I teamed up with people purely because they could help me get a good mark?

"Look, Aria... Megan and I need to talk about...girl stuff. Don't worry, we'll be back soon."

She turned back towards Megan and nodded, standing up. "Alright. Let's move somewhere move private..."

Bella stepped slowly away from Aria and her belongings, to the point where she wouldn't be constantly looking back at him, checking that he was okay. "Megan... Megan what was it you wanted to talk about?" She whispered, suddenly conscious of how fast her heart was beating.

Re: The Despair Game

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:12 am
by jimmydalad
Megan was starting to rub Aria the wrong way. He didn't trust her one bit and the fact that she stuttered when mentioning the three of them made Aria think that she didn't want him there. My god she was a bitch. She completely rejected his idea saying that none of them had a decent weapon, not noticing the giant fucking golf club that was practically right next to them. Unfortunately for him, she only had fake blood. Like that was going to come in handy for defending yourself. The only weapon that any of them had that could be classified as something for self defense was the gold club, which Mirabella didn't seem to be picking up.

Then she wanted to talk to Mirabella. Alone. Great. Fucking fantastic. Aria was in the outs once again and he only just woke up. While his crying didn't help solidify his position as potentially being useful, it didn't mean that Aria was completely... no... they wouldn't. Was that crying he did before a sign of weakness, something that Megan wanted to prey upon? Maybe she was planning how to kill him with Mirabella. That would make sense. After all, only one could survive and he realized that even though they were girls, he had about as much strength as a mouse and could easily be ganged up upon by the two girls.

This wasn't good. Aria didn't say anything, but let the girls go have their private conversation. No doubt they were planning on a way to kill him when he was most vulnerable. Then again, they didn't need to wait, they could kill him right now. Aria's eyes flitted over to the golf club that Mirabella left. was that going to be the murder weapon? It probably would be.

Aria didn't want to die. He wasn't going to die. Not now. Aria's mind began to whirl into action as he knew he had to get out of here and away from the two girls. There was nothing else he could do. The more time he spent with the two, the more likely it seemed that they would pounce. He wasn't going to die just like that. If anything, he was going to screw them over. Since she didn't have her weapon, what was stopping him from taking it? He could take her supplies as well. Then again, if he did, there was a chance they would catch him. Carrying two bags and a golf club while running didn't seem like a good idea, especially if the other two were not burdened by anything.

He looked over to the girls to see if they were looking at him. When he noticed that they weren't, Aria closed his bag and stood up. Moving quickly over to the golf club, he picked it up and started running as fast as he could towards the exit. He wasn't going to die today.

Aria sprinted his heart out, his adrenaline pumping him and inspiring him to go forward, away from the two girls and towards freedom. He had to make it. He couldn't be caught. He couldn't die. He wouldn't die. He wouldn't die. He wouldn't die today.

Re: The Despair Game

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:12 am
by Jilly
"Okay. Thanks, Bella."

Megan stood up and grabbed her things, turning back to Aria and said, "Don't worry, we'll be back. Just...don't go anywhere." With that, she joined Bella and proceeded out of earshot of Aria.

"I'm going to make this quick, so just listen," she whispered back, stuffing her hands in her hoodie to avoid the temptation of hand gestures. "I'm all for the two of us teaming up, and I don't mind having Aria in the group, but at the same time I'm worried about him. I know there's that whole 'safety in numbers' thing, but at the same time, if he breaks down again, we're in trouble because we basically have a living siren. I feel for him, I really do, but... just know that we may have to leave him. On that same thought, I'll just flat out say it - if it's between saving you or saving him, it's going to be you, cross my heart."

"While we're here, I might as well say this, too; if you want to try finding anyone, I'll go with you. The only person I absolutely need to find is Gavin, but he's a big boy; he can take care of himself, so I'm not too worried about him yet. But, I know if we split up..." Megan paused and took a deep breath, preparing herself for what she was about to say, "...I just having a feeling that it's dangerous to go alone. I never followed Survival of the Fittest, but I know people get scared. And when someone is scared, they get dangerous... not that I'm not scared, either."

Then her mind flashed back to the scene from the seminar. The two supposed "best friends" where one suffocated the other. Thinking about it, they could have been lied to, or it could have been taken out of context...but what would be the point. It was still footage of a classmate killing another.

Megan shook her head and got back to her monologue. "...I guess the point is that I want to make a promise. I promise I could never hurt you, Bella." As she spoke, her right hand slid out from the pocket. She held it up with the pinky finger extended. "...I know this is really kids' stuff, but I feel like handshakes aren't strong enough at a time like this. Anyway, do we have a deal?"

"Oh, and don't worry. Unless we've been knocked out for nine days or something, I don't even start for another two weeks. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you in front of Aria." That was a good point, though. How long as it been since they were kidnapped?

Then came the sound of fleeting footsteps. Megan did a double take and saw Aria carrying the golf club and running towards the exit of the hanger with a hell of a lot of pep in his step. "Shit. Come on, we gotta catch him." Megan threw her bags right on the ground and broke into a sprint.

So much for not going anywhere.

Re: The Despair Game

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:13 am
by Sansa
Bella nodded as Megan spoke, thankful for the girl's logical line of thought. She could always rely on Megan for that sort of sound reasoning. She agreed with Megan as well - if Aria wanted to stay with them then she wasn't going to drive him away - but if he was going to go catatonic then...

The two girls on the footage they'd been shown in the opening lecture suddenly flitted through her mind. Had that been what happened? Was it a mercy killing of sorts? Would that be... would that be better than abandoning someone? Truthfully... Bella was worried for Aria, but she was worried for herself as well. Thinking of myself. I do it far too often. She'd been sheltered, given almost everything she wanted by loving set of parents. There were almost no trying times in the Strong household, and the one time she'd been undulatingly stressed she'd almost completely shut down.

But... Megan was different. The same wouldn't happen. Not to her. Or to Aria. They couldn't just suffocate one another if it came down to it. When in came down to it, Bella wouldn't let herself shut down. When it came down to it... Aria might pull through. Who knew what could happen - they mightn't even need to consider leaving Aria behind or... doing worse. Optimism was the order of the day.

She curled her little finger around Megan's own as the other girl's monologue came to an end. Sound and reasonable. She hadn't thought it at first, but Megan was the perfect ally to have. "Deal," Bella said. "If we can find shelter of sorts then we'll be able to plan everything out better, but I agree with all that you're saying. I've got a few others to look for as well, and then... everything'll be fine."

A smile began to form on her lips, but was immediately dashed when she heard the sound of rapid footsteps on pallid concrete. Her eyebrows lowered in concern as she turned, in unison with Megan's words, to see Aria making a break for it. She could understand him maybe coming to his own conclusions about leaving - it seemed a bit odd, considering how genuinely he seemed to want to stay with her before - but not too improbable.

Her golf club was in his hand.

The confusion that originally entered her mind was quickly replaced by the simpler truth of the fact that he was trying to steal her weapon.

She jumped as Megan started to run after him, dumping her bags on the floor, before hurriedly racing to join her. She didn't know too much of Aria's athletic abilities (not that they'd particularly matter - she knew that adrenaline could do remarkable things), but surely her dancing and swimming would put her into good stead? Her and Megan could catch up to him, couldn't they? Maybe? Or was this just a little bit too optimistic?

The initial shock of Aria's fleeing finally dissipated Bella's sneakers rhythmically pressed against the floor. Pretty words wouldn't help her today - swearing wasn't exactly commonplace for her, so maybe it could hold some weight this time...

"Oh, Aria, Aria wait! What the hell are you doing?"

Re: The Despair Game

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 1:13 am
by jimmydalad
Aria tried to cancel out everything in an attempt to run. He was lucky that he had a bit of a headstart because if he didn't, he wasn't sure he could get away. He knew if he just concentrated on his pace and nothing else, he was sure he could escape from this scenario and with a decent weapon as well. While he wasn't exactly sure what his weapon was, he knew it wasn't something he could fight with. He felt bad for stealing it from Mirabella, but what could he do? He probably was going to be killed by them if he sticked around.

Left right left right left right. Concentrate on your movement and nothing else. Aria found himself repeating this mantra as he aimed to escape. He heard Mirabella shout at him, but he had to block it out. There was no turning back now and he knew that well. He just prayed that he made the right decision. He felt like it was the right decision. They were probably plotting to murder him due to the nature of the game. That had to be right, right?

Of course it was. Aria was in the right. He just didn't want to die and he wanted to survive. He wasn't going to kill. Not yet. Let the competition weed themselves out first and after they are weak, swoop in for the kill. That would give him statistically the highest probability to survive. After all, why should he bother exerting his energy in killing other people? All he needed to do was wait and survive for the right moment.

He didn't want to die. He didn't want to risk dying, especially in the situation he found himself in before. Things may have been different if he had a weapon or they didn't, but that was how the cookie crumbled. He started pushing the limits of how fast he could go, aching for an escape from the death trap that he was leaving behind him. He was going to survive. He wasn't going to lose. He had to win. He had to live. He just had to.

He didn't want to die and he wasn't going to die. He was going to fight and he was hopefully going to win. At least he hoped so.

With the last bursts of energy he had, Aria ran out of the hanger and continued to run, pushing his body to get away. He wondered how far the girls were going to chase him, if at all. Hopefully it wasn't too far. He didn't know how much energy he had left.

((Aria Samuels continued elsewhere...))