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Darken Your Clothes and Strike a Violent Pose

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:40 am
by Ella*
[[Jacqueline Myrie continued from Jesus Loves the Little Children]]

The boys' bathroom was decidedly boring.

Seriously. There was nothing different about it except for the urinals. That was some bullshit. Somewhere in her disappointment, however, she realized she hadn't peed in a while (let alone on a real honest-to-god toilet), so she went into the girls' bathroom and didn't even close the stall door. How was that for insane your life is almost over stuff? The girls' bathroom was actually way more interesting after all. There was red paint all over the walls and floor, making circles and blossoms- a beautiful, yet subtly gory sight. Jackie wondered who had made it. The room still smelled like spray paint, so it had to be recent- in fact, this almost definitely had to be a student from Bayview. Jackie had seen art before, of course; in fact, she'd seen art way better than this- but this painting left her in shock. After at least a minute or two of gawking, she finally shook herself awake and left.

From there, she simply walked. Away from the town, towards the docks... she walked along the coast for hours, stopping a couple times to eat crackers. Jackie had never been to a real beach before, having lived in Minnesota all her life. At some point the beach ended and became rocks, so she detoured between the lighthouse and the warehouses until she found more beach... with the church visible in the distance. Great. She'd walked in one giant circle. It was then that she realized she'd been walking all night and day- she'd better get some sleep. Sleeping on the beach. She loved it. She laid out a towel on the ground with her duffel at the head of it- an effective makeshift bed. Taking off her shoes, Jackie lay down and waited for sleep, watching as the waves crashed and the sky turned magenta in the distance.

Re: Darken Your Clothes and Strike a Violent Pose

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:40 am
by Rocky*
((Reiko Ishida continued from The Hardest Part))

Reiko Ishida had been fortunate since leaving the residential district after her nap. She had managed to avoid people, a good thing for someone of her reputation, especially carrying two rather dangerous looking weapons. The shotgun, while cumbersome, was still weildable, and would make a good deterrent for people to stay away. Anything she needed to make sure that people kept their distance was a bonus to her. The less people she encountered, the less... the less her temper would get the better of her. It sounded simple. Stay away from people, stop the killing.

It was just too bad for the girl that life rarely worked that way.

Upon leaving the residential district, Reiko immediately went north. It wasn't long until she found the ground under her feet shifting as she stepped onto the beach. Almost immediately, more instinctual than anything, the small girl walked to the shoreline, leaving her shot gun on the beach a fair distance away. Not even bothering to take off her shoes, Reiko waded into the current until she was knee deep in ocean.

Reiko bent over, and scooping up a handful of water in her gloved hands and splashing her face with the briny water. She felt a sharp sting as the salty liquid entered the wound on her head she had all but forgotten about. At least it would help to clean it maybe. Taking another handful of water, she splashed her face again, before submerging her head in the water for a moment.

Something about this simple task felt somewhat... calming. Almost as if she was washing away the last four days and starting over again. Only not. As metaphorical as her mind seemed to be right now, Reiko had still killed six people. They weren't coming back because she dunked her head in some water for a moment. Upon raising her head, the first thing Reiko noticed was that her vision was blurring slightly at the edges. She tried to rub her eyes, but that didn't solve much. What it did solve was Reiko determining the source of the problem. Her glasses. Reiko frantically fished around in the water nearest her, searching for the purple framed lenses. After a couple minutes of searching, she came up empty handed.

"Fuck!" Reiko said loudly, not even caring if there was anyone to overhear her. The girl began wading around in the shallows, stopping occasionally and trying to locate her glasses. It wasn't so much that she needed them than it was that she had just gotten so used to having them. Reiko didn't care much about the noise she made as she searched for her frames, so long as she found them.

Re: Darken Your Clothes and Strike a Violent Pose

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:40 am
by Badb*
((Courtney Bradley, continued from Cool Ranch.))

Once again, Courtney had found herself running. She was thankful, at least, that she had a chance to get a good amount of practise in for the amount of running she was doing on this bloody island, really. She had wound up at a beach again and- aside from stuffing her shoes and socks into her daypack in an attempt to let her feet breathe- hadn't stopped. Just slowly, calmly, walked along the beach as it got darker and darker.

It was almost comforting, really. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore, the darkness, the lack of people who were planning on murdering her. For once, Courtney was calm.

A loud shout, blasting the F-Word for all to hear. Lovely.

Courtney saw someone in the water, close enough to make out that they were in there, but not close enough to see who exactly it was. Were they in trouble? Courtney rushed over, trying to get closer.

She recognised the face of the girl she saw in the water- Reiko Ishida, the figure skater, one of the popular girls, she had a twin sister, and was probably looking for her. During the days she had spent running and hiding and being generally out of her mind, she hadn't noticed the announcements; the thought never crossed her mind that her sister was dead, or that Reiko could've been a threat, let alone a killer multiple times over. She was just the short figure skater with a temper from school, wading through the water, looking like she'd lost something down there.

What had she lost? Her glasses? That would explain it, Courtney vaguely remembered her wearing glasses when they had met. If she'd lost them, that would explain why she was ambling around, right? Courtney looked around where she was standing. Small pebbles, shells, and a whole bunch of sand, but no glasses.

Right, then.

Rolling up the bottom of ther tracksuit bottoms, Courtney began to take slow steps into the cold water, stopping in her tracks when it reached her ankles. No need to get too close. Courtney didn't discredit the possibility of one of them being swept away by the waves if the got too deep, or a jellyfish being underwater or something like that happening.

"Hey, Reiko?" She waved to the smaller girl, deciding against walking up and patting her on the shoulder or anything like that. "...Need a hand?"

Re: Darken Your Clothes and Strike a Violent Pose

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:41 am
by Ella*

Easily the rudest awakening Jackie'd ever gotten. She blinked, noticing the first hints of sunrise that assaulted the receding night sky, leaving new colors and poor visibility. Who the hell was over there, anyway? Jackie knew it was a female from the shout, but that was all she could make out for now. Well, except that other figure. This one was much more obviously female... but Jackie did not feel like dealing with people at the moment. It was whatever though. She wasn't bothering anyone. She'd just pretend she was asleep and no one would care. If they did, it would probably just be another harmless girl like Allie, or potentially those two in the water. Everything would be perfectly f-

A crackle.

Shit. No, wait. What did Danya say on that first day? He'd only announce the killer's name if he liked them or whatever right? It was ok. Jackie wasn't well-liked. All they would know was that Lily MacLaughlin tragically passed aw-

"Speaking of, Lily MacLaughlin nearly lost her head when she encountered Jackie Myrie, but Ms. Myrie lacked the follow through to actually sever the thing."

Fuck. You. Damn it. Well, that was official. Jackie Myrie was a killer and everyone knew it, not just Allie and that stupid Anneliese Hansen. And he'd had the nerve to mock her technique. Fuck. His. Shit. God, what an asshole. On the bright side, at least now Jackie had her rage to keep her awake until those girls left her alone. If they didn't recognize her, anyway. Shit.

Jackie continued to listen. It was for lack of anything better to do, really. She hated listening to all of these names, but at the same time it felt necessary. It was like she was waiting for something. She thought she heard her name again, which was puzzling, but then it ended up being another Jackie. A dead one. Another Lily had come up too. Was everyone on the announcements going to get a name partner or something?

Then Raidon Naoko went ahead and shot Alison Walworth and Madison Stone in rapid succession. I must say, Mr. Raidon sure knows how to bring some of that drama back to shootings.

The news hit Jackie hard. It didn't make her sad, or happy, or more angry... it just hit hard. Alison Walworth... that was the same Allie, alright. The first person she'd met on the island. Her first companion here. She was always so painfully polite, even as she was leaving Jackie. She wouldn't have hurt a fly, even if it was moving in for blood. That was why she'd gotten herself killed. If nothing else, Jackie knew one thing about Allie's death- she would never allow herself to be that weak.

More deaths, more killings. Liz Polanski. God, fuck that bitch. Getting everyone killed just so she could make some retarded statement. Jackie hoped someone would get that bounty soo- wait. Jackie could get that bounty. She could walk right up, stab her in the neck (without severing, just to spite the stupid asshole behind the microphone), and nab the greatest gun on the island. It was the sickest daydream Jacqueline Myrie had ever had, and she loved it. But for the moment, that was all it was- a daydream. She might go after Liz later, but if she moved right now she risked discovery. That would be bad. Were those girls gone yet, for that matter?

She looked back to the beach. Nope. Still there. Christ. It was a little lighter now, and easier to distinguish faces- wait. The first girl- the profane one- "Fuck!" Jackie muttered her own curse at the revelation. She was staring at Reiko Ishida, one of the asian twins. She couldn't remember specifics, but Jackie knew she'd heard that name a lot over the past few days- and if she was standing alive in front of her, that narrowed down the reasons quite effectively. Hiding was futile- Jackie had a top-notch killer right here in front of her. Instinctively, she reached into the bag for her knife. It was going to come in handy again soon.

Re: Darken Your Clothes and Strike a Violent Pose

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:41 am
by Rocky*
Reiko's immediate reaction to hearing an unexpected voice was to pull the gun from her pants and point it at the source of the voice. Her finger came off the trigger the moment she saw who it was. She kept the weapon pointed at her though. She wasn't exactly what you would call friendly with Courtney, but they got along well enough. They shared a class or two. She was a nice girl. Lucky for her she found Reiko now, and not back when she would have shot first.

She was offering to help Reiko. Why? Didn't she know she was a killer? The speakers crackled, and Reiko knew that she would be on them again. She didn't say anything throughout the announcement, just standing, holding the gun in both hands, pointed at Courtney. Her name came and went, detailing her latest victims. Her last victims. She hoped.

"Don't move!" Reiko said, somewhat pointlessly. Of course she's not going to move, she has a killer pointing a gun at her. In her time wading around in the water looking for her glasses, the tide had begun to move out, until the smaller girl was only up to her ankles. The morning sun glinted off something as it rose, which caught her eye. Her glasses! Suddenly she was thankful that her mom had paid the extra money for the impact resistant ones. They appeared to still be in good shape.

Returning her gaze to the red headed girl, Reiko began to inch her way to her glasses. She didn't know why she insisted on keeping her at gunpoint. A precaution perhaps. She didn't want to get caught by surprise. Upon reaching her glasses, Reiko dropped down for a brief second to grab them, positioning them back on her nose. The frames dripped with salty water, and the lenses were a bit foggy, but she could see well enough.

"What do you want?" Reiko said once the glasses were on her face. Of course she wanted something. Everyone wants something on this island. Still, her answer would be an interesting one to say the least.

Re: Darken Your Clothes and Strike a Violent Pose

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:41 am
by Badb*
Courtney assumed Reiko'd take her offer of help well. Reiko responded in an ...unexpected manner, to say the least.

She raised a gun at her. Well, that was warning sign one and two, right there. The fact that she had a gun and was pointing it. Courtney got the distinct feeling she'd used it, too. Hey now, no need for those assumptions, Reiko was a bitch but she wasn't a- The announcement crackled. A long, awkward period followed as the names rolling by, Reiko's coming up twice.

Oh. Well then.

At this point alarm bells were ringing in Courtney's head. Telling her to run, get out of there before Reiko put a bullet hole in her head, but Courtney ignored them for the moment. It was fine, she could handle this. For once, Courtney was confident. She was convinced she had a shot here, that she could solve this without running, or without them getting violent. Gun or not, Courtney felt that she had control here.

"Oh, good, you found them then." Courtney said, as Reiko inched away, keeping her gun trained on Courtney as she went to pick up her glasses. If she had done that a few hours ago, Courtney would have screamed, freaked out then and there. Not now. Now she was calm, despite the gun. Shades of her optimism were beginning to shine through, like... something. She'd forgotten where she was going with that trail of thought.

"Hey, calm down, Reiko." Courtney avoided raising her hands or anything. Didn't want to test how strict Reiko was with the whole "don't move" rule. "I saw you splashing around in here, and figured you'd managed to lose something. Came in, figured I could help you find them. I was just trying to help."

Re: Darken Your Clothes and Strike a Violent Pose

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:41 am
by decoy73
((Jimmy Robertson continued from Cool Ranch))

As Jimmy and Alan reached the beach, Jimmy noted the announcements that had played over the past day. Danya was getting serious about Liz Polanski. Another three people had been blown up due to Liz's plan, and that was not good. First, it meant that due to Danya's bounty, everyone was after her, because second, Liz could become an indirect cause of death of who knows how many more, himself and Alan included, by what was essentially a game of Russian roulette, without the ability to refuse the proverbial gun. Some people were probably motivated to kill Liz just for a better hope of survival themselves. That meant that they had to find Liz before anybody else did, and together find a better way of getting back at Danya - one that attracted less attention.

He looked over at Alan. He seemed a little jostled, but nothing too bad. Jimmy would be lying himself if he claimed to be completely unafraid of what was going on. He was in a death game with his class, and he and Alan had yet to find anybody who was willing to team up with him (well, they'd met Brock, but he was dead).

Jimmy scanned the beach, looking for people. In the distance, he made out someone. Scratch that. As he moved in a little closer and squinted, he made out two people. Just barely, but there were two people. Hopefully they would be friendly, or even better, willing to join the fight against Danya. He looked over at Alan.

"Hey, Alan. There's a couple people down there. Think we should approach them?"

Re: Darken Your Clothes and Strike a Violent Pose

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:41 am
by Limisios*
((Alan Rickhall continued from Cool Ranch.))

Alan and Jimmy continued walking. Alan had gotten quite used to walking. Over his time on the island he had learnt the fine art of quickly looking in a different direction when he passed the odd corpse every so often; it seemed to work and it helped Alan to not think about it. Danya's latest update on the island's favourite rebel had reassured Alan that he was still very scared of what this girl was capable of. It made Alan smile just a little bit.

They entered the beach; Alan looked out to the endless ocean, rolling in and out. Alan wondered where abouts in the world they could be. Who knows? For all Alan knew they could be on a massive film set in a dome in Hollywood. But Alan didn't want to dwell on it and instead just kept walking.

"Hey, Alan. There's a couple people down there. Think we should approach them?"

Alan looked across the beach and indeed saw two figures, not too far away. Other students. Alan couldn't quite make out what was going on but there they were defiantly there. Although it was about the forth time that the old tired system of Alan approaching a group of people and then most of them leaving him about twenty minutes later was being enforced again; it gave Alan confidence, he was getting quite good at it, even if he did say so himself.

Alan continued looking at the group. "I don't see why not... I'll lead, you follow as far back as you like... I think I can handle this..." Alan's tone was nervous, but he had to do this. He couldn't hide behind Jimmy forever, he'd have to realise there was nothing to be afraid of. He began walking forward. After a few steps he assumed he was within shouting distance, built up enough courage and began. "Excuse me folks I don't suppose you know whereabouts I can..." Alan continued moving as he shouted and as he got closer, the horrible scene came into focus. Alan stopped talking in his tracks.

"What have I just done?" He said under his breath.

Re: Darken Your Clothes and Strike a Violent Pose

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:41 am
by Rocky*
Something inside Reiko told her that Courtney was being sincere. There were no ulterior motives behind her words. This... was not what Reiko was expecting. She had been fully expecting, maybe even anticipating nothing but hostility from anyone she met. And why shouldn't they? She didn't exactly have the greatest reputation going right now. Reiko's hands lowered a fraction, until the barrel of the gun was pointed at the girl's knees instead of her chest.

In a way, she reminded her of Carol. So friendly. So trusting. It was going to get her killed. Then again, what didn't out here? Hiding got you killed, making allies got you killed, killing got you killed. Really, they were all dead anyways. Had this been a few hours ago, Courtney probably wouldn't be standing right now.

Reiko was about to drop her weapon completely and maybe try to talk with the girl in front of her when someone else shouted out. Her hands shot up again, only this time the weapon wasn't pointed at Courtney, but at the newcomers. Courtney may be safe, but she didn't know about these two. The small girl wasn't going to be taking any chances though.

"What the fuck do you want?" Reiko yelled back at them, suddenly all tense again. It seemed like everyone in a five mile radius was attracted to her. Reiko's eyes moved, looking for potential escape routes. Her bag and shotgun lay in between the other two parties, and she wasn't leaving without them. With any luck, having a gun shoved in their face more or less would keep them away.

Re: Darken Your Clothes and Strike a Violent Pose

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:41 am
by Badb*
Reiko slowly lowered the gun. Courtney took a deep breath. Alright. Playing it Bogart. She could get through this. She was fine. Courtney was about to open her mouth, to say the definitive thing she had thought of that'd diffuse the situation. Then someone walked up, casual as all hell, asking for directions to somewhere.

Courtney was torn between bursting into laughter and just outright screaming, but she decided against both. Neither would get her anywhere, really. She just had to figure something out. Courtney snuck a glance at the guy, only to find that, unfortunately, there were two of them. Courtney wasn't much of a fan of swearing really, but given the current situation, one word came to mind: Fuck.

No, seriously. Fuck.

Courtney stole another glance, and quickly managed to identify the two who'd just burst in. Oh crap. Courtney recognised these two. Not that she could remember names (although if she put in an effort she might have) right now, but the faces were certainly familiar. She'd seen them earlier. Back in the forest, with Mike and Violet. Had they been following her the whole way? If they had, that would be a problem. A big problem. Especially if they had brought help with them to come and "save" her from Reiko. Like she needed help. She was fine. That'd just be great, though. One clusterfuck to another, she'd have to run away again, and nobody would get anywhere. This whole day would have been a huge waste of time.

"Have you two been following me or something?"

Reiko shifted her aim to the two boys. Courtney took this opportunity to take a couple of steps to the side. Reiko, sweetheart, no offense, but she didn't exactly trust you not to accidentally shoot her in the gut while you're off pointing it at those two guys. Nothing personal, really.

Courtney stepped back, just so she was out of the line of fire. Sure, now these assholes would think that they had "saved" her, and act appropriately macho, but whatever.

What happened to them now would be their own fault.

Re: Darken Your Clothes and Strike a Violent Pose

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:41 am
by decoy73
"I don't see why not... I'll lead, you follow as far back as you like... I think I can handle this..." Alan nervously volunteered to approach the group this time, taking a few steps forward before calling out to the pair, with Jimmy right behind Alan, holding his sword by his side.

"Excuse me folks, I don't suppose you know whereabouts I can..." It was then that he stopped walking and speaking, mid-sentence. Jimmy peered at Alan's face, and then at the pair that he had been speaking to. His face had that clear "oh, crap" expression, and the exclamation made by one of them confirmed it.

"What the fuck do you want?" One of them had a gun, and was now pointing it directly at Alan. That fact was bad enough. What made it worse was person holding the gun. Reiko Ishida. A local figure skating champion, pretty well known around school, and now, if Jimmy remembered correctly, one of the top killers on the island. Then the other one spoke up and stepped away from Reiko, and as Jimmy looked over, he recognized her from back in the woods when Danya had mentioned Liz Polanski.

"Have you two been following me or something?" Jimmy took a deep breath and stepped in front of Alan, choosing his words carefully.

"Whoa. Don't worry about us. We're not going to hurt you," Jimmy threw his sword to his side and lifted his hands, speaking to Reiko. "We've simply been going it alone since the start, and we're just a little afraid of being alone." Jimmy then turned his attention to Courtney. "And to answer your question, no, we did not follow you here deliberately, we just happened to arrive here at the same time." Jimmy took a step forward. "Please, we aren't looking for a fight."

Re: Darken Your Clothes and Strike a Violent Pose

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:41 am
by Limisios*
"What the fuck do you want?"

The words hit Alan hard, he didn't know what to say, he didn't know what to do; this was his first actual contact with a 'turned' student. He wanted to run but his legs seemed to be welded into the sand as he stared at them, horrified of what was going to happen. What horrified even more was the fact that Zoey may be watching this awful scene.

"Have you two been following me or something?"

The other girl spoke, Alan had only just recognised her as one of the students from the previous group. But Alan couldn't think about her, he couldn't think about anything.

"Whoa. Don't worry about us. We're not going to hurt you, and to answer your question, no, we did not follow you here deliberately, we just happened to arrive here at the same time." Jimmy took a step forward. "Please, we aren't looking for a fight."

Jimmy walked forward, joining Alan. Why was he doing this, he didn't have to risk his own life, why was he doing this? Alan wanted to run but he was beyond walking at this point, so instead he clutched Jimmy's arm tight. "Please, don't do this, she won't listen to reason, she's... She's turned, I just know it." Alan whispered, close to tears.

Re: Darken Your Clothes and Strike a Violent Pose

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:41 am
by Rocky*
They were fucking idiots. They had to be. Why else did they decide, no, insist on staying there, trying to talk. Talking got you nowhere. If talking could do anything in this situation, then they would all be a lot happier, instead of dead or dying. But no. They wanted to talk, to try and act like some diplomat or something trying to talk down a crazed gunman. Then again, maybe that's what she was. The boys would advance slowly, hands up in a non-threatening manner, until they were close enough to subdue her. Or kill her. Something.

Reiko's aim moved from one boy to the next as they took turns talking or moving or generally just doing things that was counterproductive to survival. The girl felt like she was going to lose her temper again with these two. What did she have to do, shoot them?


That was exactly what she needed to do. Well, not shoot them per say. Just shoot at them. Close enough for them to know she means business, but not hit them. Maybe if they could see she was actually a threat then they would get the hell out of there. It was perfect. Sure, she would lose a bullet in the process, but she didn't really plan on using it anyway.

Reiko's aim shifted again, so that the barrel was pointed slightly to the side of the talkative one. Somewhere in her mind a name popped up. Jonny or something like that. Whatever, it didn't matter. She didn't say a word as she put her plan into motion.

Reiko began to pull the trigger...

...and just as she finished, the world upended itself from underneath her feet.

Re: Darken Your Clothes and Strike a Violent Pose

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:42 am
by Ella*
Oh man, what a clusterfuck. All you had to do was be near Reiko Ishida to get a gun in your face, it seemed. But then again, Jackie was one to talk.

It was kind of funny, actually. The girls finally seemed to be getting along, then the boys showed up and the girls got pissed off at them just for being there. It was like in elementary school or something. To be totally honest, Jackie should probably have been more alarmed... but she knew she was safe as long as Reiko was distracted. If those guys wanted to get their heads shot off by one of the most dangerous people around, that was their prerogative.

Actually, come to think of it, those guys were the perfect opportunity. If Jackie left now, Reiko probably wouldn't see her and she could continue her search in peace (well, as peaceful as possible for planning violence). She quietly packed up her makeshift bed and got ready to leave, keeping her knife at the ready as s-


Jackie felt something like a sudden gust of wind against the back of her head as a bullet barely passed her in the air. Oh, HELL no. Shit just got personal.

She stood and turned as quickly as possible.


Re: Darken Your Clothes and Strike a Violent Pose

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:42 am
by decoy73
Where do we go when we die?

The question that had been plaguing so many souls since man had the intelligence to make tools was, in fact, not going through Jimmy's head. The first thing that went through Jimmy's head at the sound of the shot was Did I just get run over by a bus? as he felt little more than what seemed to be a hard punch to the gut as he was knocked flat onto his back. It was after a couple seconds when the white-hot pain of the bullet kicked in. As he raised his head to look up, he noted the red splotch spreading on his shirt. That's when the reality of the situation hit him.

Oh, shit. She shot me!

Had Jimmy been able to think about what he could have done to prevent this (or more accurately, if Jimmy was in any situation short of this), he might have come to realize that he could have avoided this by simply apologizing and walking away. Of course, with a hole in his stomach, his thoughts had been driven from him as he, in a panic, tried to sit up, only to be met with a wash of agonizing pain, causing Jimmy to wince and give out a yelp as his head fell back onto the sand, his right hand clutching the bleeding wound in his gut.

This is it. I'm a dead man In a way, from the start of the game, Jimmy had been subconsciously preparing himself for this moment, as if he had suddenly become eighty years old and on the verge of death anyway. Naturally, still being eighteen meant that Jimmy still wanted to continue doing this whole thing called "living," but this was now of no concern as he started to feel himself weakening.

"Alan ..." Jimmy grunted. "Looks like she got me." (Wow. My breath is really starting to hurt.) Just hold on for a second! "I don't think I've got ..." Jimmy coughed, bringing up droplets of blood intermingled with saliva. "Aagh. Just keep fighting ... but remember ..."

As Jimmy tried to think up of the words (Weird. Normally it was easier to speak) to warn Alan about Reiko, about how she'd turned, he found himself weirdly unable to do so. Not because the blood loss was continuing to weaken him (Now he was finding it hard to keep his eyes open). It was actually the same reason that he threw away his weapon trying to talk Reiko down - it was that part of him that simply tries to see the good in her, and making him unable to blame her. When she had tried to challenge them, it almost seemed that Reiko was afraid of Jimmy, or at the very least, in what Jimmy was quickly accepting as his final moments, it was what Jimmy wanted to believe of Reiko. That she wasn't the bad person in all this. After all, she hadn't chosen to be in this situation any more than Jimmy, Alan, or the rest of the Bayview class had. In his heart of hearts, Jimmy could only find one person to blame for this hell on earth.

"Forget what I just said. Tell Reiko, that ... that I don't blame her. I mean, we're all just victims here." Come on, stay up! "The only one who's really to blame is Danya." Another cough, as he nearly passed out. Shit. "Just keep fighting these guys, and ..." Now his breathing was starting to become irregular as the blood soaked through his shirt. "... stay strong. Don't turn into one of them. It's what he wants." Stay up, Jimmy. Alan's counting on you! "You're a good guy, so long as you don't turn. Just ... just keep the others from following that path." You got it ... The pain was subsiding. He was feeling tired, though. He so wanted to take a nap, but he had to stay up, he had to ...

"Stay strong, Alan, and ..." He would have continued on about how Alan should find some healthy way to grieve, but the words couldn't come to his lips. He'd have told Alan about how he had adapt to the psychological trauma, but the thought of how to say it couldn't come to his mind. All he could do was look up at Alan and smile weakly as that tired feeling overtook him, and he breathed his last, and one last thought went through his head.

Stay strong ...