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Feeling Kind of Anxious

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:44 am
by Cactus

The chain-link fence barely had time to react before the boot came out and slammed directly into its' centre section. The fence groaned under the impact of the boot, but still maintained the upright position that it had for years. The owner of the boot continued on, angrily stomping right by the area that he had just kicked. Such a display of anger or aggresson might have been commonplace for Trent Hunter in the years prior to his incarceration, but since he'd essentially remade himself into a promising member of society, he'd tried very hard to keep his temper under wraps. For the most part, he'd succeeded.

Until now.

Upon waking up, Trent had used every single bit of brainpower into clearing his brain and assessing his situation. As soon as the memories clearly came rushing back to him, and he recalled the kidnapping, the murder of their teachers, the presentation ... it all just seemed so utterly senseless, and did nothing but piss him off. Not only did it infuriate him for how socially unacceptable and horrific the whole thing was, but it meant that Trent had essentially escaped one form of incarceration and traded it off for another, far more deadly form. So even though he tried to be as even-tempered and regulated as possible, Trent Hunter was so mad that he kicked a fence.

It didn't help at all that he'd managed to draw a package of edible men's underwear as a 'weapon' (and he'd tossed them over the edge of the small cliff in disgust as soon as he'd looked at them), which meant that he would begin this twisted competition at a disadvantage to anyone who'd managed to luck out with anything short of a knife.

With my history, doesn't exactly bode well for my long-term survival prospects.

Grumbling to himself, Trent glanced around the area. As far as he could tell, there was nobody else sitting around the viscinity, and he hadn't heard any sort of gunshots, so evidently nobody had begun to start killing people yet. Even still, he knew that being complacent wasn't something that he could afford to do. At any time, someone could appear, and with the simple push of a button, that could mean the end of his life. A life that he'd worked so very hard to make mean something.

A life that could very well be over in a matter of days.


The fence groaned under his boot's assault once more.

Re: Feeling Kind of Anxious

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:44 am
by Ruggahissy
G 119 Sally Connelly- Start

Sally opened her eyes and found herself staring straight up at a blue sky. A loud noise somewhere to her right was what had awoken her. She sat up and shook her blonde hair out. Whatever had made the noise was blocked from her vision at the moment due to the fact she found herself next to a rather large rock.

Sally got up from the ground as quickly as possible; she didn't want to spend anymore time in the dirt than she already had. This vanity proved unwise and she wobbled before stabilizing herself on the boulder.

Sally hopped onto the rock and after a few tugs, she brought her pack up to sit beside her. She crossed her legs and tried to see if her shoes had been scuffed. Not much. At least the crazy bastards who had done this had the courtesy to mind her shoes, even if that same courtesy did not extend to her dress. She uncrossed her legs and began trying to brush off the dirt from her $300 dress. She knew the dress was of no great importance considering what she was currently up against, but focusing on that helped push down the fear that threatened to work its way to the surface and turn her into a crying, hysterical mess.

Well, looks like I've at least had the good fortune to wake up without a gun to my head.

Sally thought back on the orientation. The teachers, the students….the video.

Disgusting. All of it. Well I don't have to worry about dying like she did. She must have been an absolute moron.

Sally unzipped her pack and felt around inside. Her fingers shook slightly. She had heard of Survival of the Fittest. She had even seen it once or twice. Not that she enjoyed that sort of thing, but she had to at least have a frame of reference for when other people brought it up. What she knew for certain was that unless she received a good weapon, she was going to be in for quite a difficult time.

From the pack she pulled a violin. Sally sighed and put the instrument under her chin.

Expensive and elegant, but for the most part, useless. How fitting.

Sally was brought out of her thoughts by the same noise that woke her. She lifted her head and saw a boy who seemed to be having a altercation with a fence.

Re: Feeling Kind of Anxious

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:44 am
by AtomicWaffle*
The sound of wind whistling past the very edge of the cliffs was only briefly broken by distant screams and the waves noisily crashing against the southern shore of the island. On these cliffs, Steven Hunt - designated "BO33" awoke. He rubbed his wrists. The bonds that he was tied down with were particularly tight. Fucking twist-ties. Always keeping toys inside wrappers. See, the reality of the situation hadn't quite hit Steven yet. At least, not as strong as the knockout gas. Reality would hit him soon enough, in the form of the hysterical BO64 - Eric Lorenz.

For the first time in a very long time, Eric was terrified. His outwardly cocky and bigoted demeanor lent itself to him not being particularly scared of any social situation or fight at school - the few he got into. Now, a genuine danger had been presented to him and he clearly had no idea how to react. Running from the bottom of a small slope on the cliff, he nearly tripped over Steven, who was still trying to figure out truly where the hell he was. Voice cracking, he shouted at the boy on the ground.

"Sean! Or... Steve! Steven! Whoever, just wake up! Wake up damnit!"

Steven only now just opened his eyes to... well, it wasn't a pretty sight. The school's textbook nerd Eric Lorenz was staring down at him. Eric Lorenz wasn't something anyone wanted to look at or be near for any amount of time. His breath smelled of onions and cheese, and his hair was slick with grease. That, on top of the fact that he was just gangly and fuck ugly made Steven shove him away in disgust and quickly got off the ground. He was awake now, and he remembered exactly where he was.

"Oh no... oh fuck, no no no no no no... This isn't... this can't be happening. It's not... oh fuck."

The very concept made him weak at the knees. Being in SOTF - it was a death sentence. If not that, it would be the end of his sanity. Why did it have to be now? Steven was just leaving high school. He was going to go to University - back home! Everything in his life would now lead up to this. This sole moment in time would define him forever.

Or it would end him.

Letting out a sigh, he turned towards Eric. The sickly looking geek had gotten off of his feet and was now standing slightly to the left, looking down a hill towards a large forest. He seemed to be searching for something. Steven noticed a few drops of blood on Eric's shirt... but no noticeable cuts or bruises. Wherever he'd came from, he wasn't alone to start off with. It was then Steven saw the Ka-Bar knife sticking out of Eric's back pocket.



"Where did you get that knife?"

Eric turned to face Steven. The smirk that he'd been wearing all the times Steven had seen him had returned once more. He pulled the knife out of his back pocket, and held it out in front of him for Steven to see.

"You haven't watched SOTF much have you? We were all given weapons to start off with, so when we all go bonkers and start killing each other we've got something to do it with. Some Ruski piece of shit decided he was going to start a fight, so I let him have it."

Eric paused, then added quickly,

"Don't worry, I'm not crazy or anything. I know you guys all think I'm some kind of creepy fucker, but I'm not. Seriousl-"


Alex Rasputin is quite a large human being. At six feet and three inches, he stands above a decent amount of people. He possesses an almost unnecessary amount of upper-body strength and his competitive running has made him very, very fast. As such, those who have seen him play hockey or rugby have seen that he resembles more of a train or a rhinoceros than an actual human being. Pain tolerance notwithstanding, he isn't someone you want charging down a cliff side at you. Alex had followed Eric since a small confrontation in the forest upon waking up, and was hiding down at the bottom of the hill, waiting for Eric to let his guard down. He saw that Eric had encountered another student, one he didn't know, on top of the cliff. He would've caught Eric sooner but unfortunately for Alex, Eric had a knife and used it to slash Alex's face badly. The wound let Eric get away... but not for long. As he saw Eric show the other student the knife he carried, he dug his heel into the ground and sprinted up the cliffside. As he ran, he lowered his shoulder towards Eric and prepared to send him sprawling down the hill.

Alex's shoulder connected with Eric's midsection. knocking the wind out of Eric's lungs and cracking several ribs in the process. The knife Eric was holding simply dropped towards the ground as Eric's arm whipped back with the force of Alex's onslaught. Eric's neck suddenly and violently moved against Alex's seemingly cast-iron shoulder, causing a mild fracture in Eric's jaw. A guttural cry escaped Eric's lips with what breath he had left as he found himself flung down the hill, falling head-over-heels once before he landed, back-first, on top of the chain-link fence. The pointed, rusty ends of the chain links dug themselves into Eric's ravaged back. With a sickening sound akin to the chewing of undercooked meat, Eric fell from the fence. His body weight was too much for his skin to support and it tore as he collapsed to the ground.

Still running almost completely on rage and adrenaline, Alex looked about his surroundings. He stood on a fairly large cliff, rising above an island. The sun was slowly rising above the horizon, coating the land in a dull orange glow. Looking behind him, the ocean stretched to an almost impossibly far distance. The very possible hundred or so feet down to the water's surface was quite visible as well. Despite it's size, the cliff was dwarfed by a mountain in the distance, but it was still a considerable way up. A good vantage point for the rest of the island, though his view to the north was obscured by the forest. Towards the bottom of the hill, two students stood a short distance from the other. The one, a girl, seemed to be just waking up. The other was... kicking a fence?


Steven barely had time to react when Eric was completely shellacked down the cliff-side and onto the fence. He was completely aghast and incapable of forming any kind of response other than to run. Thinking quickly, he grabbed the knife on the ground, picked up the day bag assigned to him, and ran down western part of the cliff-side, over the fence, and into the forest. He completely ignored the two other students at the bottom of the hill, only wishing to be as far from the enraged student at the top of it.

((Steven Hunt continued in Words Can't Bring Me Down))


Alex took several deep breaths. The adrenaline rush was wearing away. He picked up Eric's day-bag and started walking slowly down the hill. Eric lay at the bottom of it, and Alex wanted to see if he had to finish what he started, and to explain his actions to the others. This didn't look good on him, that's for damn sure.


Alex wouldn't have a shadow of a doubt that Eric was finished once he got closer. Eric had sustained massive injuries, with two broken ribs, a minor concussion and the complete separation of two of his vertebrae thanks to landing back-first on a chain link fence. He was bleeding severely from the mouth and the skin on his back was horribly lacerated. Normally this would cause a considerable amount of pain, but Eric was now completely paralyzed. Thanks to Alex Rasputin, viewers at home now knew what happened when a 215 pound student shoulder-tackled a 170 pound one down a rock-laden hill. Because the wind had been knocked out of him and due to the spinal injury he was now incapable of operating his own diaphragm, Eric would slowly succumb to a lack of oxygen and internal bleeding. He remained conscious through the entire ordeal, until the very end. His final thoughts were only of complete shock and terror as Eric would meet his swift end.


Re: Feeling Kind of Anxious

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:44 am
by Super Llama*
[[G95 была развернута]]

Petrushka followed her sister Olga down the aisle of the clothing store. Ever since they came to St. Paul, Olga had been bugging her about getting out and about and meeting people. Hell, it could even improve her English. Olga was a much more sociable person then she was, and she never missed an opportunity to use it to get Petrushka to meet more people; often dragging her along with her to wherever she was going, getting into conversations with random strangers, etc. And thus here they were. Sure, it seemed like they were just picking out clothes, but Olga would probably chat up the first amiable-looking person they ran into, and then try and get her to join the conversation.

"<Olga, did we really need to come here? I have enough clothes.>"

"<Of course we do.>" Olga replied, homing in on a nearby rack. "<An important day is coming up, and we'll need to make sure you look nice for it.>"

"<Wait, important day?>"

"<Of course, it's all about you.>" Petrushka was feeling confused now, not knowing what her sister was talking about. Her birthday? No, her birthday wasn't for a few months. Try as she might, she just couldn't figure out what important day it was supposed to be.

"<What are you talking abo->"

"<Oh! Here we go!>" Olga pulled a black dress out of the rack and showed it to her. It looked a lot like formalwear, and for some reason Petrushka was starting to feel a sense of dread looking at it. "<This'll look great on you. Go ahead, try it on.>"

"<Olga, what day are you talking about? I don't get it.>"

Now it was Olga's turn to look confused.

"<What do you mean 'what day am I talking about? This is for your funeral.>"


Petrushka stepped out towards the cliff, staring off at the horizon. It had been an hour or so since she had woken up and realized what she had been forced into. She had gotten all her crying and despair out of the way, and now she just felt numb. Disconnected. Like she wasn't really here; just an observer, seeing what she saw but feeling none of it.

She had already opened her daypack and looked through it, seeing that she got he short end of the stick as far as weapons go. Sure, maybe snowshoes would've come in handy if the island were covered in a foot of snow, but here in the early summer they were useless. She thought of just throwing them away, but after a moment decided to keep them, at least as bludgeoning tools if she needed them. She held one of them in her hand, with the daypack hanging off her shoulder (she'd put the items from her normal bag into the daypack and left it behind) as stood there, staring. It was a very nice sunrise, and it at least let her forget about what was happening, at least for a moment.


The obscenity caught her attention, and she looked over further down the cliff to see a girl with a violin, and further down the cliff, a boy attacking the fence in a bout of rage. She stepped closer, assuming that the girl's violin was her weapon, and bowed her head to her.

"Доброе утро." She said to her in greeting, wary of saying anything to the boy, seeing as she couldn't spot his weapon at all, and since he probably wasn't really open to greetings in his current mood.

Re: Feeling Kind of Anxious

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:44 am
by Ruggahissy
Sally gazed at the boy. He seemed strong and able, but it didn't look like he had a weapon about him. She tried to decide whether or not to call out to him, but the decision was made for her when a boy was impaled on the fence a little ways away from her.

"Oh my God! Gross!" she screamed in equal parts fear and disgust as the boy's bloodied body succumbed to its own weight and ripped down from the fence.

She jumped up, grabbed her bag and ran as fast as her heels would allow her, away from the open area near the fence.

As someone who nearly constantly wore high heels, she was going at a decent pace. Her eyes scanned the area, trying to find a place that wasn't perilous cliff side. In the distance she saw a place where the cliff began sloping more gently. She stopped running, not hearing any pursuers and not wanting to get more disheveled than she already was.

"Great start," she mumbled.

((Sally Connelley continued in Where is My Mind? )

Re: Feeling Kind of Anxious

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:44 am
by Super Llama*
Petrushka was startled by the girl's sudden scream, quickly looking up the hill to see a bloodied body hanging from the fence, soon falling off, with a large boy, presumably the killer, approaching them. Suddenly, her situation became even more real. Even with the abduction, the collar, and the island, there was still a little part of her trying to convince her that this wasn't real. That she wasn't really trapped in a game of death. But watching somebody get killed right in front of her succeeded in silencing that last fit of futile resistance.

She had to get out of here. But to where? Now that was a stupid question: Anywhere but here. Noticing the girl making a break for it, she decided to go in the same direction. She started to run after her, but stopped for a moment, looking back at the boy. She waited for to see if he'd follow after, but soon her sense of self-preservation kicked in, overriding her concern for the boy as she continued running. She was sure he'd be fine. If he had a weapon, he could at least defend himself, and if he didn't, then hopefully he had the common sense to make a break for it.

{{continued in Where is my Mind?}}

Re: Feeling Kind of Anxious

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:44 am
by AtomicWaffle*
((OOC: Sorry Adam, I know you're getting hammered with schoolwork, and I've got other things I wanna do with this character at the moment.))

Alex Rasputin was no killer. He valued life, and he had always been told to help others when they needed it. Still, he grew up in less than ideal conditions and despite his intimidating size he still saw his fair share of violence. When he was being attacked, he would defend himself. Whether or not he caused the person serious injury was up to how long they were willing to put up with any assault that Alex would bring down upon them. So when he saw Eric's mangled body at the end of the hill, he wasn't exactly hysterical, but he wasn't all that pleased either. Alex couldn't really assess if Eric would survive his wounds or not, but it didn't look good. There was a reason he'd pushed him down the hill, and not the cliff - Alex had only intended to disable Eric, and stop him from hurting anyone else with that knife. Unfortunately for Eric, Alex didn't really account for the significant difference in mass between the both of them. The tumble Eric took would prove fatal, although Alex wouldn't find out until an announcement declares it so.

It was now he noticed the girls at the bottom of the hill scattering away from Alex, as well as another boy still standing at the bottom. Alex shot him a brief glare, and broke out into a run away from the Southern Cliffs and to...

Well, it really didn't matter where. Anywhere he wasn't getting attacked would suffice for the time being.

((Alex Rasputin continued elsewhere))

Re: Feeling Kind of Anxious

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:44 am
by Zabriel*
((Owen Rothschild continued from Where is My Mind?))

Owen breathed a sigh of relief as he reached the cliffs. Then he looked around. He seemed to have lost his allies, and was now alone on the Southern Cliffs. Unless he were to count the boy kicking the fence. Owen watched him for a moment before kneeling and digging his map out from his bag. There were a number of places on the island that he imagined would have been quite interesting if he were there at any other time, but at that moment the most interesting places to him would be the ones where he might find supplies. He'd probably be out of luck finding edible food, as the island had been abandoned for some time, but he might find some tools, or just a place to lie low for a little bit and get his head together.

He scanned the boy again, not seeing a weapon in his hand. For a brief moment he considered rushing him and taking him out. There was nobody to see him do it, and if Danya ratted him out he could make up a story about being attacked. After all, it's a game right?

Owen stopped himself before he did anything though. This isn't just a game, this is real life! Owen looked at the boy again. People are going to die if we go along with this. He chewed his lip thoughtfully. People are going to die anyway. Why shouldn't I be the winner?

He shook his head out and attempted to banish those thoughts from his head. He wasn't going to think like that. I'm not killing anybody. Not killing anybody.

Re: Feeling Kind of Anxious

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:45 am
by Tythanin*
G116 - Violetta Lindsberg - Start

'Son of a bitch! My head is killing me!' was Violetta's first thought as she blinked her eyes open, finding herself leaning on the inside of a chain fence. Rubbing her aching eyes, she stumbled onto her feet as she tried to figure out just what exactly had happened to her. She remembered falling asleep on the bus...and then waking up in some room along with the rest of her classmates and watching...Violetta's eyes opened wide and she staggered backwards, emptying whatever food remained in her stomach. Watching horror movies had nothing on seeing the thing in real life. It was one thing to see it on a TV screen. At least then you knew, deep down, that despite all the gruesome killing and shooting, it was all just special effects and all the actors were really okay and probably enjoying a mocha latte or some shit. But watching her teachers get slaughtered in front of her eyes...a shiver ran down her spine as she finally realized where she was and what was going to happen. 'This is it. I'm in Survival of the Fittest. So much for thinking it was some dumb reality show or anything...this is real and I'm most likely going to die.'

She paled even further when she realized what else that meant. 'Cyrille was on the bus with me! Oh, no no no no! She was sitting next to me, but...I don't see her anymore! Is she okay? Did they....they better not have hurt her! I have to find her...she's got to be somewhere in this dumb island, I know it! She couldn't have died...She can't have! I won't accept it!'

Determination blazing in her heart and giving her the strength to push past the paralyzing fear, she knelt down next to the two bags near her feet. One was the duffel bag she had brought for the senior trip and she rifled through it, looking for the laptop computer she had bundled with them. There was no computer inside and Violetta just sighed inwardly, shaking her head. 'Of course they would take it out. The last thing they want is some computer whiz fucking up with their system again, right? the only things they left me with are clothes? Well...I suppose I could try choking someone to death with them...'

She paused as the thought ran through her mind and she rapidly shook her head. 'No. No killing. That's a last resort. I will do it if I have to...but I would much rather not. Let the others break and kill each other first. I'll find Cyrille...I'll protect her. And if someone takes her away from me...the kid gloves are off.' Zipping that bag closed, she looked at the second one. A bland, green bag, Violetta looked at it with a slight scowl as she pried it open and saw what was inside. A bunch of random stuff that would undoubtedly be good for surviving the game and...

"What the fuck? I'm not in a Chinese action flick, am I?" Violetta said with a snort as she picked up her 'weapon'. A blade that looked like a pair of crescents that crossed each other with one of them covered with a binding cloth. She held it awkwardly in one hand, wishing she had gotten something that would actually be useful. But that was probably too much to ask for some a sadistic madman like Danya. Nevertheless, she gave it a few awkward swings in the air before shaking her head and stuffing the weapon back into her pack. There was no way she was going to be able to kill anyone with it or even defend herself with it unless she got lucky.

Hefting both of the bags on her shoulders, she quickly set off to find any of the other students, hoping that she'd find someone who was friendly. Walking along the length of the fence, she found someone angrily kicking at it and she quickly stopped in her tracks, wondering if he was friendly. She could find a place to hide...except the area was rather barren of hiding places and even as she contemplated her options, she saw another kid standing nearby. 'Fortune favors the bold...doesn't it?'

"Hey!" Violetta shouted, pausing a bit as she tried to think over her words. "Are you two...are you two going to go along with this insane game of Danya's?!"

Re: Feeling Kind of Anxious

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:45 am
by Zabriel*
Owen's head turned in the direction of the voice. Going along? Maybe. But nobody would actually say yes to that question.

He looked her up and down. He didn't see a weapon in her hand, but that could mean any number of things. She could have discarded it in protest, or in despair if it were a particularly bad joke. Or maybe she hadn't looked at it yet. Or maybe she just doesn't want to show her hand too quickly, Owen thought, considering the possibility that she was playing a different sort of game.

If that's the game, I can play, there is no game. I'm not playing. I'm not even thinking about playing.

"I'm not playing anything. I'm getting off this island. As soon as I can come up with a plan."

Life is a game. We're all playing. In the end, we'll all I'll choose my own game. I don't have to play Danya's...

Re: Feeling Kind of Anxious

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:45 am
by Cactus
((Reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated))

For Trent, everything was moving in slow motion. People were coming and going so quickly that it made his head spin. One of the comings was especially memorable, as Trent had been momentarily distracted by some new arrival, and a kid had taken that moment to come toppling down the hill, falling into the chasm below them. Judging by the sickening splat that he had made as his body had connected with the bottom, Trent couldn't imagine that he'd survived, and so in order to stop from betraying his cool exterior, he'd opted not to take a look and see who it was. He HAD looked up and seen the towering form of that Rasputin kid lumbering off from the area.

So that's how it's going to be, hm? We're here ten minutes, and already it's a dog-eat-dog mentality? Of course. It's like jail all over again.

More things happened around him, but Trent remained within his own mind, staring up at the space that Rasputin had recently vacated. Again with a jail analogy. He couldn't understand the sudden fascination of his brain to recall that horrible period in his life, but here it was, at the forefront and relaying old information to his brain in order to deal with the new situation that would likely become the new 'worst time of his life'.

"...and the last."

Getting lost in his own mind was probably the last thing that Trent wanted to be doing, and as such, he snapped himself out of his temporary reprieve. There'd be time for introspective thinking later on.

Or, perhaps he'd be dead.

Either way, the time for action was now. Finally taking a moment to glance at the other two students standing around him, he failed to put immediate recgonition to the faces. This wasn't surprising. Outside of the hockey team, the student council, and anyone who'd had the misfortune of crossing his way during his younger, more ...violent years, he didn't really socialize a lot with the other members of the student body. Most teenagers didn't believe in second chances. It was probably the reason that Trent would be dead within the next couple of days. Even still, as he looked at the two other, obviously frightened individuals, he knew that there was no reason to resign himself to dying. Weaponless, and with a myriad of enemies, many of whom likely had weapons with which to maim and kill, he knew that undoubtedly, it was an uphill battle.

Time to start climbing.

In response to the girl's question, Trent shook his head. Momentarily listening to the boy respond, he waited, and then chipped in with his own two cents.

"Absolutely not. There's nothing to be gained by killing each other. Escape is a good idea, but I can't imagine that it'd be very easy. We're at the bottom of a very large staircase right now, and it's going to take us a rather long time to make it to the top."

Strange metaphor aside, Trent sighed slightly. There would be no more time to relax. He felt his edge beginning to creep back up on him, and immediately he surpressed it. Those feelings, that person that he'd been before...while he may have had a use for those instincts before, and he knew that they could serve him well in this "game", he wanted no part of them. That wasn't who he was anymore, and if some form of peaceful solution couldn't be found, then...well...

...he'd figure that out later.

"I'm Trent. I don't know either of you, but I can assure you that I'm not looking to make any enemies while I'm here."

Re: Feeling Kind of Anxious

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:45 am
by Tythanin*
Violetta breathed a sigh of relief and jogged up a bit closer to the two boys, a wide grin on her face. She knew that they could simply be lying just to cover up their true motives, but finding people who at least seemed friendly? That in itself was a big ego booster. If any of them decided to try to kill her...Violetta decided not to think about that as she came to a halt, folding her arms as she got a closer look at her possible allies. She recognized neither of them, but considering how big the senior class was...well, she wasn't that surprised. "My name's Jane. Jane Lindsberg. And I like the way both of you think. This Danya's really fucking crazy and I'm definitely not going to let myself get caught up in all of the killing."

She paused, wondering what she was going to do now. The obvious solution was to propose an alliance between all of them, since there was strength in groups. Not many people, no matter how bloodthirsty they were, would want to take on more than one person except in special circumstances. Of course, in a group there was a chance that there'd be some dramatic argument that would eventually lead to the splitting and their utter annihilation...

"Hey, since we seem to be on the same page about this whole thing...why don't we team up, at least for a little while. I'm looking for my girlfriend...Cyrille LeBlanche? I don't suppose either of you have seen her around?"

Re: Feeling Kind of Anxious

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:45 am
by Zabriel*
Owen shrugged. He hadn't really seen very many people at all since he'd awoken, and just the one girl back in the hut. There had been two others outside, but Owen hadn't noticed them. What he did know was that nobody he'd seen so far had been Cyrille LeBlanche.

"Sorry. Been running, so I haven't seen much of anybody."

He looked around for a moment, wondering if anybody he'd seen so far had followed him, or if they had all made it out alive. He supposed he'd find out soon enough if anybody had died. He wasn't sure how to feel about his classmates dying at each others hands. The more people died, the less he'd have to kill later, but the thought wasn't a comforting one.

I just want to go home. No more game. Just let us go home.

Re: Feeling Kind of Anxious

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:45 am
by Cactus
Trent nodded at the idea. If these two were willing to come along with him while in this deathtrap, he was all for it. It meant two people out of his graduating class wouldn't be looking to kill him, which meant the world. Of course, when someone with a grudge stumbled upon him and decided that it was an ideal time for revenge...he couldn't see that his two new companions would necessarily enjoy being around him very much. He'd just keep that whole detail to himself - at least, for now.

We'll deal with that if it ever comes up...I dearly hope that it doesn't, but then again, when has fate not been decidedly specific in its plan?

At Jane's question, he shook his head. The name rang a bell, but he couldn't immediately place the face. Sounded French, so if she ran into them, he was pretty certain he'd recall her. Absentmindedly stroking his goatee, Trent glanced around the area.

"Teaming up works for me. I'd far prefer to have some backup if things were to get...well, hairy."

Considerably calmer than he'd been moments before, and having had time to adjust to his new situation, Trent began to formulate a plan in his head. If there was one thing that he was unprepared to do, it was die. Fate had been far too forgiving with giving him a second chance - his life was SUPPOSED to take on some form of meaning. He could hardly believe that it would be to die in some sort of horrific game. Absolutely not.

"Notwithstanding any of that, though...I don't know about you two, but I feel like the only way out of this situation is the one way that everyone's got to be thinking about - escaping. As far as how we do that...I'm not really sure. I'd need to know a bit more about the lay of the land before..." He stopped. "...fuck, who am I kidding? I don't know what I'm even saying. I'd love to escape, but we need to really think carefully, and get someone who's a far better planner than I could ever be."

Exhaling deeply, Trent scratched the back of his neck. It wasn't like him to stumble over his words, but...the truth was, he was downright fucking terrified.

"Outside of Cyrille, do you two have anyone...people you'd like to find?"

Re: Feeling Kind of Anxious

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:45 am
by Tythanin*
Violetta sighed when she heard that both of the boys hadn't seen her girlfriend, struggling to get the disappointment out of her expression. She knew that the odds of them having seen her girlfriend were...almost miniscule, at least. After all, the game had just started and they were on a big honking island. It wasn't anything like school, at least. Still, at least the two of them seemed to be okay with teaming up and frankly, that was a huge plus in her book. 'I've got to look at the bright side of life...if I don't, this whole thing is just going to make me crazy.'

"As for other people I'd like to find....well, probably Samantha Ridley, if any of you have heard of her. She was a friend of know how it is, right? You never want to see your friends be in danger. She's a blond...kind of slim. About this tall?" She explained, trying to give her new allies some picture of what her friend looked like. "Also, just so you know in case we ever get separated, Cyrille has this green beret she treasures like it was the world. If you see that, she's definitely going to be around."

She took in a deep breath, looking around their location for any sign of cameras or speakers. She didn't have to look hard, though, and she just sighed and shrugged. She tugged on a clump of her dyed-crimson hair and absentmindedly began to chew on it. "Escape...I'm not good with deep plans or things like that.'s just not my thing. The first thing is getting these collars off our necks though, right? If we can find some way to disable them, then half of the battle's already won."