Jack Sparrow Irony

Standing tall on a rocky cliff just behind the warehouses, the lighthouse overlooks the entire island. Sparsely furnished, it doesn't offer much shelter for a student looking for comfort - but climb the spiral stairs to the top, and thanks to a telescope positioned next to the light one would be able to see all the way to the Key at the opposite side of the island.
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Jack Sparrow Irony


Post by selphie_trabia* »

((G-106 Sarah Tan start))

Sarah shivered and curled up a little tighter in her sleep. The lighthouse creaked and groaned around her. Sarah shivered some more.

An odd grinding sound of metal on concrete brought her to partial awareness. She felt something cold in her right hand. She squirmed, gripping the item tightly. It was hard, oddly cylindrical. Something was cold on her neck as well. She brought her left hand up to feel it, running her fingers across it. The bumps in the pattern felt smooth good under her fingers, but she wasn't sure what it was. She tugged on it lightly, but finding it snug around her throat, she soon let go of it.

She turned on her side, bringing the item clattering down onto a pile of her stuff. It took a moment or two before she managed to focus on it. She had contact lenses on during the bus trip, but the drugs in her system were taking a little longer than usual to wear off, probably because of her petite size. She blinked a few times.

"Ug...nnnhm... It's cold..." she murmured.

As things began to swim into focus, she started to make them out. Two bags, one camo green, one black with a small hole in it... punctured by a... cutlass. Sarah dropped the cutlass in shock, then concentrated on waking up fully.

"Come on, body... move... Please." she mumbled to herself as she tried to force every muscle to respond.

It took Sarah a full five minutes to really get her body up. During this time, her mind quickly ran through all the things that had happened so far.

She was on the bus to the school trip. She'd made herself fall asleep just as the bus pulled away from the school because she often got car sick. She slept through the bus trip. She woke up at some point to see her teachers get killed, then she fell asleep again. Now she was here and it was cold and she couldn't get her body to move.

She was terrified, that was for sure. Her heart was beating fast enough to explode. Sarah pulled herself off the floor. As soon as she'd wiped her eyes properly, she took a few breaths, holding them to calm herself down.

First things first, she had no idea how long she'd been out so she'd better change her contact lenses. She reached into the duffle bag with the hole in it and pulled out her toiletry bag. Sarah snapped off another set of dailies to use, pulling the old ones out of her eyes and pushing the news ones in. That being done, she pulled out her meds, stared at them for a few moments, then pushed them back into the pack. It probably wasn't a good idea to eat them if she didn't know what sort of drugs were in her system.

"What am I gonna do?" she asked herself.

Kneeling down in the middle of the lighthouse's first floor, Sarah began to pray.
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Post by Dropbear* »

((G052: Sapphire McLeod - start))

Sapphire ran her fingers down her necklace, mumbling and shaking her head, refusing to acknowledge the second piece of metal around her throat. She didn't want to wake up. She was afraid to wake up. Waking up would stop her being able to refuse the facts and force her to… to kill?

She opened her eyes.

With a moan, she felt the hard wood against her back, the light and wind flowing onto her face. Girl 52 as she would become known throughout America woke up.

Moving her arms and legs took a while, but eventually she found herself upright. Every movement was painful, a shot through her skull. The jewellery girl rubbed her arms, trying to get warmth into them. This wasn't possible. That show was just that. A show. Not some sick, twisted scheme made up by a terrorist organisation to hurt America.

Blinking, she stopped rubbing her arms and looked up. A complete three-sixty view surrounded her. In front of her was vast, sparkling ocean. Behind, a green jungle of island.

"No. NO!"

She kicked the ground and screwed up her green eyes, trapped. Trapped on an island, with her friends out to kill her…

Slowly, she started to cry. Why? Why did they let this happen? Who were they? The school? The Government? God? She wept, pulling out a tissue and blowing her nose. What was going to happen to her?

Was she going to die? Killed by one of her classmates? By a collar around her neck?

Sniffing, she kicked the floor. "No. I will not die. I will NOT die. I will not DIE. I will… not… die…" Dragging herself to her pack, she felt the canvas. "G052." It was surreal. Just a number. She was a number.

Shaking away that thought, she opened it up, pulling out her own bag and checking it. Her sketchbook and pencils were still there, as well as her change of clothes and toiletry bag. A few chocolate bars rolled out, slightly squished from the treatment. She also gave a small sad smile as she got out her jewellery bag. A few items were missing, but in essence it was all right, the wire, the beads...

"All I wanted was to make things beautiful…"

Gently placing it on the floor, she looked at the other items in her new bag. Food and water. A map to work out where everything was, along with some sort of magnetic compass. A flashlight, with batteries. First Aid kit. And…

"A Tamagotchi?"

Tamagotchi Connection, Version 1, to be precise. She supposed this was her assigned "weapon". They were all the rage back in primary school, but her parents never let her have one, said they were too distracting and she'd forget about it accidentally and it'd break in the wash. With a blink, she pulled it out of the plastic and raised an eyebrow, feeling the cold red and silver plastic. With a shrug she pulled out the tab at the back.

[font=courier new]SET TIME[/font]

She looked at her watch and put it in.

[font=courier new]SET DATE[/font]

With a frown, she looked outside. What day was it after all? With a sigh, she put in 1/1. Maybe she'd be able to measure what day on the island it was or something.

[font=courier new]BIRTHDAY[/font]

12/19. Easy. She blinked and looked at the egg on the screen. What now?

"What am I gonna do?"

She span around, looking at the staircase, her heart racing. Someone was in here!

"Our father in heaven…"

Sapphire frowned. Did she know that voice? The Lord's Prayer wasn't said by murderers. Slowly, she got up and walked down the stairs, as quietly as possible.

"…hallowed be thy name…"

Giving a gasp, she saw a short girl bowed down in prayer, visibly shaking.

"…thy kingdom co-"
What am I going to- GHAK!

She stopped as the Asian girl whipped her head around. Raising both hands, one with a now beeping tamagotchi, she screamed.

"Don't hurt me!"
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Post by selphie_trabia* »

Sarah sat in the middle of the floor in the lighthouse, her orange gypsy skirt spread out around her kneeling legs like a disc. She shut her eyes tight, her hand on her cutlass as she knelt in prayer. She wanted to be safe. She wanted God to take care of her, but she knew that her situation was terribly dire. All she could ask for was for guidance. She didn't want to die. She wanted a miracle.

"Our Father in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name." she began. "Thy kingdom come..."

Sarah heard footsteps behind her. She turned around, her hand still tight on her cutlass.

"Who's there?!" she asked, more out of reflex than anything else.

The other girl screamed something at her. Sarah couldn't quite make it out. She tried to lift the sword off the floor, but found it extremely heavy. Scrambling to her feet and stumbling a bit over her skirt, Sarah managed to shuffle upright somehow. Using two hands, she wrenched the cutlass from its resting place on the floor and held it point out in front of her.

The tip of the sword was pointing downwards somewhat. Sarah's entire body was shaking with fear. Her arms could barely keep the cutlass up. She took a few steps backwards, until her leg touched the two duffel bags behind her.

"Don't... don't come any closer. Please!" she said, her eyes opened wide.
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Post by Dropbear* »

Sapphire nodded quickly, hands still up comically in the air, the electronic egg beeping and echoing through the lighthouse.

"Please don't hurt me! There's nothing on me!"

Swallowing, she took a step back. She recognised that face from somewhere. Sarah. She was interested in religion one day, she looked at her beads once, she ate at the cafeteria a few tables away from her. One of her classmates, holding a very large sword at her, visibly shaking.

How did it come to this?

"Sarah. It's OK. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. Please, put the sword down."

Slowly, she took another step down.
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Post by selphie_trabia* »

Sarah whimpered, her sword still in her hands, but it was shaking now. The other girl was holding up a tamagotchi, which was beeping fit to kill. Sarah shivered. Was that girl really truly unarmed, or was she just pretending to be?

"I don't wanna die! Don't come any closer!" She cried out.

She was hyperventilating again, her breaths coming faster and faster, threatening to choke her. She tried to get the sword point up again as the other girl took another step down, her hands still held in the air. In doing so, her face became visible to Sarah, no longer hidden by the massive pillar that supported the floors above. Sarah gasped and choked, the sword rattling in her hands.

"B... bead girl?" Sarah asked carefully recognising the other girl, "Is... is that you?"

Sarah could never remember names very well, but she remembered playing with the bead girl's beads. They were pretty. She wanted to buy some but was too shy to ask for them. Bead girl was nice though, kind. Sarah remembered that. The other girl said something, but Sarah couldn't hear it over the sound of the blood pounding in her head and the roar of the wind.

Sarah didn't put her sword down, but the tip of the cutlass was no longer as firmly pointed towards the other girl's body as it was before. She was too frightened to let go and her knuckles were already white from gripping the hilt too tightly.
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Post by Zabriel* »

((G032 Stacy Hart - Start))

If she wasn't awake before, the other two girls waking to find each other got her up. She was a little bit away from the both of them, and still not noticed by either. She found herself with her own clothing bag, in addition to one supplied by...oh, this really is happening isn't it? For a brief moment before waking up fully she'd allowed herself to believe that she'd been having a crazy nightmare. But this nightmare was real. She took a second to shake out her head before opening and examining her day pack. It held a little bit of food, which she'd have to ration out pretty well, as it was anybody's guess when and where she'd find anything else to eat. Medical supplies. A map she'd have a closer look at in a minute. And a weapon?

"Okay. This is the worst joke I have ever seen."

Stacy looked down at her hand to find a plastic sword glued to a medium sized water gun. Either one would have been disappointing enough, but the fact that she had both of them, glued together no less, was just mind-boggling. Like the gun wasn't a big enough joke already. Now I have the world's worst toy bayonet.

She felt the sword and gave a sigh. It wasn't even hard plastic. It was hollow inside. This would be the start of a bad day. She was trapped in the world's worst game show, and she didn't even have a real weapon. For a moment, she sat and thought of how she might get a decent weapon in her hands, so she might stand a chance.

Wait...am I actually thinking about playing this stupid game? Get real.
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Post by Dropbear* »

"Yeah! It's me!" Bead-Girl. Always known as Bead-Girl. She wasn't sure if she felt proud or slightly absurd.

Taking a few steps down the stairs, she swallowed, realising she left all her gear upstairs. All she had was a tamagotchi against a sword.

Please God, let me live, why here? Why?

She had to keep calm. Be calm. Controlled. Able to face her fears. She could do this. She could do this. She could do this. Come on...

Now on the ground floor, she looked at the short Asian girl and smiled. "My names... My name is Sapphire..."

Then she jumped out of her skin as someone commented softly about a joke. There was someone else in the room! "WHO'S THERE?!"
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Post by selphie_trabia* »

Sarah watched as the bead girl began to walk down the stairs, her eyes opened wide in fear. The point of her cutlass fell as she began to relax her grip. Bead girl was not an enemy.

She heard the girl introduce herself. Sapphire. Her birthstone. That was not difficult to remember. Sarah gave a wan smile, still backed up against the bags, her sword at the ready.

"S...sa..." she started.

Then Sapphire suddenly yelled. Wincing at the sudden change of volume, Sarah lifted her sword back up. She glared at Sapphire.

"Stay back!" she gasped.

Then she realised that they were not alone. There was another person. Terrified beyond her wits, Sarah stumbled backwards, over the bags, falling onto her rump. She scrambled wildly to get back onto her feet, but they were tangled in her skirt.

"Don't... don't come near me!" she whimpered, her hands still gripping the sword tightly.

Sarah tried to use it as a prop to stand.
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Post by Zabriel* »

Stacy sighed. She'd expected that reaction, but it still gave her a bit of a jump. She stood slowly and started to speak.

"It's cool, I'm not going to hurt you." Couldn't if I wanted to with this piece of shit. She looked down at the thing in her hand and shook her head. Maybe she could blind somebody if she shot them in the eyes, but that's all the water gun was really good for. A distraction.

"It's Stacy. I'm going to come out, okay? Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. Okay?" She slowly came out of her hiding place to join the girls, holding her weapon loosely at her side. She looked down at the girl with the sword.

"They gave you a real weapon, huh? How about you? You get a joke too?" Stacy asked, turning her gaze to the other girl, not seeing anything that resembled a weapon, or anything at all actually. If she was holding something, it was small.
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Post by Dropbear* »

Sapphire gave a swallow as Stacy stepped out. The multicoloured punk rock girl. She had seen her down the hallways of Bayview, always hyped up and full of energy. She was a wrestler too, from what Sapphire had remembered.

"Oh. Hey Stacy..."

A water pistol with a plastic sword. That's what Stacy had gotten? Well, compared to a toy game it was probably more useful... Shaking her head, she walked over to Sarah slowly, calmly. "I got a joke too. Tamagotchi."

Giving a sad smile, she reached out her hand at Sarah to help. "Come on, let's get you up."
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Post by selphie_trabia* »

Sarah jammed ths sword in between two planks of wood. She glared at the two girls, pulling herself up partway, then fell down again and burst into tears.

"Sorry... Sorry... I was so scared. I don't wanna die." she choked out, "Sarah... Sarah Tan... I... I got the sword, of course."

Sarah cried for a very short while, then realised that if she kept crying, her contacts would fall out. Slowly, she peeled her hands off the sword hilt. She'd gripped the weapon so hard that her hand had grooves in it from the pressure. She hissed in pain, clenching and unclenching her fists to get the circulation back into them. She rubbed her eyes to clear them, closing them and dabbing at the excess tears with the hem of her gypsy skirt. Then, Sarah took Sapphire's hand and allowed the taller girl to help her to her feet.

Sarah kept her body between the girls and the sword. Some tiny part of her mind had already decided that she was going to keep the weapon, even if it was too cumbersome for her to handle. If anything, it would be useful as a deterrent, unless her enemy had a gun, of course.

Then again, if her enemy had a gun, she was better off running away than trying to engage them. With that in mind, Sarah untied the bow at the back of her gypsy skirt and loosened the straps that held it to her body. The skirt fell to the ground. Sarah stepped out of both the skirt and her little court shoes. That was better. Clad in only her short-sleeved gypsy shirt and thick grey-black tights, Sarah looked at the other two girls.

"What... what are you two gonna do now?" she asked, her hands ready to pick up her weapon again in case they attacked her, "I need to change my shoes."
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Post by Zabriel* »

Stacy thought for a moment. What is there to do? We're alone in a lighthouse and don't know where anything is.

"Well," she started. "I think we should probably find out where we are. I think there was a map and compass in the bag. Once we figure out what this place looks like, we can decide where to go from there. Unless we just want to camp out here. Which might not be a terrible idea."

Stacy crossed over to her bag and rummaged through it, pulling out first the compass, and then the map. After laying out the map she scanned it quickly to find the lighthouse, as she was fairly certain that's where they had all woken up.

"Okay, so, here we are. It looks like there's a beach and same warehouses nearby. The warehouse is probably empty, or if there is anything in it, it won't be easy to get. I'm guessing that the stuff we've got is about what we're going to find for a while."
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Post by Dropbear* »

"Well, I need to get my bag from upstairs as well. I'll be right back..."

Sighing and giving a blush at her silliness, she quickly ran up the steps two at a time, her blue and violet necklace chiming away. Out of breath, she looked around the lighthouse top floor. The view was amazing. But deceptive. She gave a swallow and clenched her fist as she stared into the forest. All over the island, all her friends were waking up, realising what had happened, realising they had to kill-

"No. Can't think about that…"

Shaking her head, Sapphire frowned and looked at her hand. The piece of plastic and electronics was still beeping.

[font=courier new]Girl! Name?[/font]

With a sigh, she pressed the buttons on it, cycling through the letters. Mimi. Done. Glancing at the black dot on the screen, she put it back in her pocket. Zipping up her bag, she gave a yip of pain as the heavy dufflebag strained against her arms. This thing was heavy…

Getting back down the stairs, grunting every step, she heard the last line of what Stacy had said. "Looks like… Ugh… we're living on… oww… bread and crackers… damnit… for a while then…" Chucking her bag onto the floor with a loud crunch, she sighed and shook her head. "I'm not going to be able to go anywhere with all of my junk…"
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Post by selphie_trabia* »

Sarah listened for a while, and watched as Sapphire ran up the stairs.

"If... if you're not going anywhere right now... why don't we eat breakfast together? I think we're the only three people here." Sarah asked. "It might be... the only safe... uhm... meal... we'll have together."

She'd read somewhere that warriors had to eat full meals before going into battle or they'd become weak or something like that.

Before Stacy could reply and probably long before Sapphire returned from her upstairs trip, Sarah picked up her sword in both hands and walked to the lighthouse door, pulling it shut. Finding no way to "bar" the door with her sword, Sarah moved back to where she was standing earlier and sat down on top of her skirt. She frowned, then reached into her duffel bag and pulled out two more pairs of tights. Laying her sword down on top of her skirt, she pulled both the extra pairs of tights onto her body, one on top of the other. She then pulled out a pair of blue sport shoes and put them on, double-knotting the laces to secure them.

Once suitably layered in what could only be described as a thick pair of pants made out of stockings, Sarah stood, stepped off her skirt and began to wrap her sword in it, attempting to make carrying straps out of the bow. She wasn't as successful in this case, as the skirt fabric kept sliding off the sword.

The sport shoes felt a little tight with the extra thickness around her feet, but she ignored the tightness and continued with her work.
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Post by Zabriel* »

Stacy nodded. She was a little hungry, and some food might help them all relax enough to be able to decide what to do and where to go from there. What had they been supplied with? Crackers and bread? For a moment Stacy was tempted to get into her own stash, which consisted of Pringles and a biggish bag of those "fun-size" candy bars. But she had a feeling she might want those later. She wasn't sure how long she'd be on the island, and something from home would probably help her stay a little sane. At least the Pringles. She might break into the chocolate after a little bread. Especially since that was in danger of melting.

"That sounds good. Let's see if the bread they gave us is any good."

She pulled out a loaf of bread, which had been considerately wrapped in plastic. Since she didn't have a knife to slice it with, she'd be be tearing it with her hands. She grabbed a bottle of water as well. Water was going to be the biggest issues here. She'd want to find a clean source of fresh water. Of course, if she got her hands on somebody else's supplies, that would help a lot.

But I shouldn't think like that. She chastised herself gently and started to remove the wrapping from her bread.
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