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The Best in Town

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:55 pm
by Sunnybunny
Thirty years, a woman named Mary had a dream. That one day, women would be able to shop for dress in a shop that was both imtimate and had variety. That both big and small women could shop at the same place, and that each would be satisfied. That Sammy Franklin would be the best dressed girl at Bayview High's prom this year . . .

Okay, maybe not that last one. But it was a noble goal, one that Samya had every intention on starting on today. Her mom would probably kill her for coming to Arabella's without her, but she wanted to have at least some idea what she wanted before she brought her family in to the mix. Besides, Arabella's was kind of a hideway of hers. She knew the owner personally, due to the fact that she had been coming here since her ninth grade year. Her mom went to banquets all the time, and she would never be able to find a dress without her loving daughter's help. Or so she thought.

Arabella's was a prom and bridal shop. It had great variety, in-shop custom dress makers, and best of all, great hours. The shop stayed open until ten at night on weekdays. As Samya walked in to the expansive shop, she was greeted by a store associate. The woman asked if she needed help, which she declined. She just wanted to wander around the shop, de-stress from the debate meeting, and relax. Oh yeah, and find the the dress of her dreams. Simple, right?

Should I wear black, or a bright color? Go poofy princess style, or be a femme fatale? Hell, I wouldn't know to be sexy if it came with a hand book. Maybe I shouldn't have come by myself . . .

Simple as trying to figure out guys. Which is to say . . . hopeless.

Re: The Best in Town

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:55 pm
by Danorum*
This was it. Vivien Morin's last chance at getting the perfect prom dress. If it was any other occasion, he would let Sylvie make him a dress. But no. This, this was prom. If he wasn't the prettiest girl there, he may as well just shoot himself.

The other dress shops he had gone to all had really tacky looking dresses that wouldn't show off his hot bod at all. They were all big and poofy, full of sparkles and glitter that made girls look like they came straight from a Disney film or, alternatively, the middle ages. Moreover, they were all designed for people with breasts.

He slowly turned his head to look around the shop, making note of which kind of dresses were where. There was a lot more variety here than everywhere else he had been so far. This was wonderful. There was no way he was leaving this store empty handed.

Though he had denied the help of the sales associate, he grew to regret it within a few minutes of his search. He was hopelessly lost in a sea of fashion. And what was worse, was that he couldn't find a single dress that looked good. All he needed was a tiny red dress that didn't require too much boob! Was that too hard for this stupid city? Yet another reason why he wanted to go back to Montreal! They would have the perfect dress somewhere in the city. Guaranteed.

That's when he saw her. Sammy Franklin. She went to school with Vivien and, more importantly, she looked confident in where she was heading.

Rushing away from the dresses he was looking at, he picked up his pace in an attempt to catch up. "Hey, you!" he called, attempting to get her to slow down.

Re: The Best in Town

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:55 pm
by Sunnybunny
God, all these dresses were so beautiful! All these colors, all these materials, all these heels! Contrary to the image she showed at school, Sammy loved fancy dresses. And she knew how to walk in heels as well, thanks to going to church every Sunday. Her worries about not finding a dress melted into the euphoria of being surrounded by beauty. She skipped over to the black dress section to get started on her hunt.

"Hey, you!"

Sammy didn't really like being taking down from her dress high. Frowning, she stopped and turned around to see a lost-looking girl flagging her down. Did she think she worked here? It was only when the girl got closer that she realized they went to school together. It was Vivien something or other, the prettiest girl that wasn't one. Seriously, Sammy was a bit jealous that Vivien was in such great shape. And the crossdressing? It wasn't her business to judge anybody.

Vivien seemed a little bit scrambled. It was probably the sheer amount of dresses. Well, Sammy could always use a companion in the mission for prom fabulousity. "Hey Vivien!", she grinned. "Need a hand finding a prom dress? Or are you here looking for wedding gear?"

Re: The Best in Town

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:55 pm
by Danorum*
Mental note: Don't run in heels. Ever.

Dresses to the left, dresses to the right. Dresses everywhere and not a single one popped out at Vivien as the dress. He still had the rest of the store to explore, but numerous times since his entrance, he found himself back in the same section he was in a minute ago, feeling like he was going in circles. This, he believed, is where a tour guide would come in hand.

"Story of my life, always a bride's maid, never a bride," he chuckled, picturing himself in a beautiful bridal gown. Fixing his focus on Sammy, he shared his problem with her. "But no, I have been looking for a prom dress for forever now. I swear I have been to every other place in town, and I have found absolutely nothing! Can you believe that, nothing? Nothing that jumps out and screams," His hands, previously flailing randomly as he spoke, burst widely as his voice climbed in volume, "'Take me now, Vivien! I am yours and you are mine!'"

It was very much like him to get this fervent over fashion. After all, it's what he was attempting to build a career on, as well as what his entire image was. He was arguably one of the best dressers in the school, girls and guys included, and he would make sure prom was absolutely no exception. He had to look the best. Every eye was to be on him that night.

The passion in his voice lowered as he continued. "And I cannot find anything in this store." He clasped his hands together, almost as if he were begging, "I don't suppose you could help me out maybe, yes?" Producing a toothy grin, he mentally crossed his fingers that Sammy could help him out.

Re: The Best in Town

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:55 pm
by Sunnybunny
Vivien obviously had a passion for fashion. Watching him vent so seriously about his prom dress probelms made Samya smile. If he needed help navigating the store, he had come to the right girl. She spent way too much time here, but it was times like this when it came in handy. Helping someone find a prom dress would only help her prom karma, right?

"Sure Vivien, I'll help ya out. The prom dresses are organized by color, so lets start with that." She pointed to the sea of dresses. "So, are you trying to seduce some lucky date? Or are you just trying to be the envy of all the school?" She started chuckling. This was just too much fun! Mary ought to start paying me. These associates can't run with my dress finding skillz.

Glancing at the cash register, she continued. "There's also a discount section, if that's where you need to go. Care to get started, Cinderella? Even though the Cinderella look is a bit poofy for my taste, but whatev."

She stopped and took it all in. The store was beautiful lighted, and the dresses were something out of a fairytale. Prom was pretty much the last stop as far as the whole class being together went. The senior trip didn't really count, everyone would hang out in their respective groups. Sammy felt herself getting sentimental at the fact that high school was nearly over. But right now was not the time to get all bummed out. There would be plenty of time for that at graduation.

Re: The Best in Town

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:55 pm
by Danorum*
"Oh, colour! Now I see!"

How he was blind to this upon entry, Vivien could not understand. Either way, he was glad that he'd be able to get around the store.

"So, are you trying to seduce some lucky date? Or are you just trying to be the envy of all the school?"

Thinking about this for a while, and it was quite clear he was thinking pretty hard as his hands were hanging still by his side, he finally managed to find the words he was looking for. "I need to be sexy enough to leave with more people than I come with." These words came out with a smirk on his face and a pair of hands flailing around at chest level.

Glancing for a split second at the purse he was holding, he considered how much he could spend to look good for one night. Not that he thought there was a limit on how beautiful he could look, but he needed enough money to buy beer afterward. He didn't drink much, and when he did it was usually imported, but this was after prom and if he didn't get drunk off his ass, what kind of person would he be, really? "Let's start at the cheaper ones. I don't want to find a perfect dress and have it just out of reach, eh?"

In reality, if he had just found a perfect dress, he would have kept looking for one that was more than perfect. However, he would have to settle for a good dress with potential, and have Sylvie help him make it into the best dress.

Not that it would be hard to have the best dress, given the taste in clothes the senior class had.

Re: The Best in Town

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:56 pm
by Sunnybunny
"I need to be sexy enough to leave with more people than I come with."

Sammy smirked at that. Why had she never hung with Vivien before? This kid was hilarious. She totally agreed with the sentiment too. Well, she didn't really didn't plan on leaving with someone she didn't come with, but it was nice to know that someone would want to leave with you. Speaking of leaving the prom, she needed to make sure a limo (preferably a a Hummer limo, those things were so cool)
was in the cards for that night.

Vivien had decided to start at the discount section. It was a bit of a walk, as the discount section was in the back. Of course. They made their way there, Sammy skipping along. It was embarrasing, but she couldn't help but skip when she was happy. Most of the discount dresses were either poorly designed or out of season. Well, not that much out of season, but some people just couldn't couldn't wear a fall dress in the spring. Sammy personally thought that was stupid, but eh, what did she know?

"I feel ya, dude. Who wants to be the poor sap who goes straight home on prom night?" She looked though the circular rack of dresses and held up a short, sequiny (was that even a word?) gold dress. She held it up to the light for Viven to see clearly. "Is this kinda what you're looking for?"

Hmm, was her stomach growling? She had come here straight from school. Maybe Vivien carried snacks on her? "Hey Viv, got any food on ya? I like nachos." She grinned. "But a snack cake would do."

Re: The Best in Town

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:56 pm
by Danorum*
Completely zoned out, Vivien glanced at all the hideous dresses of the discount section. How could some of these dresses ever exist? Nobody should ever have to wear thing like this. It was like the end result of arts and crafts time with a group of stoned preschoolers. Glittery dresses, wallpaper-like floral prints, feathers. This section was one disaster after another, and he was getting an eyeful.

A minute or so later, he realized Sammy was talking to him. He turned to see what must have been one of the cheapest things in the discount section. Wincing in disgust, he quickly turned his head, shielding his eyes with a hand. "Dear God! Put that back!" Everything was wrong with it. Colour, style, length, and location since he believed that dress belonged in a trash can somewhere.

No dresses. No dresses! There were absolutely no dresses around him. Nothing but garbage and rags, really. They were all hopeless, doomed to rest in the dress cemetery that was the discount section of Arabella's. "We need to look somewhere else," he groaned, "Let's try focusing on reds." Although he looked good in many colours, red was a particular favourite of Vivien's. No other colour really brought out his sex appeal the way red did.

"Hey Viv, got any food on ya? I like nachos. But a snack cake would do."

Food? In the middle of dress shopping? And nachos and snack cakes on top of all that.

All of this seemed unthinkable to him. Did he look like the type to eat junk food, never mind carry it with him? His body was a temple. A marble temple, he liked to think, with plenty of worshipers.

"Sorry, I don't carry around nachos with me," he did a good job of hiding the irritation in his voice, as he still needed Sammy, "too messy."

Re: The Best in Town

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:56 pm
by Sunnybunny
Sammy figured Vivien wouldn't be carrying any extra food on her. Heck, Vivien didn't even look like she believed in extra food. If they ever had a reason to hang out again, Samya was going to introduce her to the joy of snacking at inapropriate times. For now, however, Sammy was out of luck food-wise. She hoped someone cooked at the house.

Vivien looked rather listless at the moment. From dress burnout? No, it wasn't possible to get burnt out just looking in the discount section, even if it was a bit gaudy. A mini-pep talk could fix that bored look right up, right? Samya turned to Vivien as they walked to the reds. " Hey look, I know this is annoying. But just think. You find this dress, and it will all be downhill. Other's people's dates will throw themselves at you, people will offer offer you free beer, and the world will be your oyster." She smiled. She might have been overexaggerating a little bit, but it could happen, right?

They made it to the red dress district. There were all sorts of goodies here, dresses for queens and callgirls alike. If Vivien couldn't find the dress here, then something was wrong in the world. And maybe, just maybe, something was wrong with Samya's ability to help someone.

No, Viven not finding a dress couldn't be my fault. That makes no sense.

"So, Vivien. Short or long?"

Re: The Best in Town

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:56 pm
by Danorum*
Vivien laughed at Sammy's comments. He really needed that laugh too ; he hadn't been having a very good day, finding no success at any of the shops he tried. The idea of taking other people's dates was nice, in a sadistic way, he supposed.

After getting to the red dresses, he quickly jumped ahead and rapidly flipped through the dresses, silently making comments about each one he touched. Too short, too long, not my size, too red, not red enough, the commentary in his head seemed continuous until Sammy piped up.

"So, Vivien. Short or long?"

"Hm? Ah..." He never really knew how to describe what he wanted in terms of length. He and Sylvie could work on a longer dress if need be, but if he didn't have to, he could show off his beautiful legs while keeping his dress in pristine condition. "Not too short, but not so long it will spill over the floor, eh? I still want to be able to dance a little." ...And maybe something easy to get out of for afterwards...

Going back to his browsing, he stopped at a dress he couldn't find any negative comments for. It looked like something he would wear to an opera house. It was pretty, his size and, best of all, designed for flat chested girls. This dress didn't need to be fixed. It had a beautiful colour, it was stylish, and it was his.

He held the dress in front of him and glared at Samya. "Fitting rooms. Where are they?"

Re: The Best in Town

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:56 pm
by Sunnybunny
((Sorry, I took so long Dano. I've had trouble getting on for any decent block of time. Image ))

"Fitting rooms. Where are they?"

Vivien seemed to have found a dress. The thing was lovely too. Not Samya's taste but still marvelous. And it was a dress. That Viven was happy with, wonder of wonders. There was obviously a God, and He was looking out for her. Resisting the urge to shout for joy, do a happy dance, or frown at Vivien for being such a bossy boots, she just smiled. "Chile, where do you think? At the front, closest thing to the cashier."

And those dressing rooms were lush, too. They were decorated in a classic French style, and all had chaise lounge chairs. But that wasn't why Sammy loved them. And it certainly wasn't why she felt that this place was the best in town. It was the mirrors. Every dressing room had a 360 degree "mirror room" you could go in. If you could handle it. Seeing themselves reflected on all sides brought some grown women to tears. She been a eye-witness to that. Some even requested to have all those mirrors removed. But Arabella's didn't lie to it's customers.

"The Adventures of Finding Vivien a Freaking Dress!" had reached it's next phase. They were heading to the dressing rooms.

Yep, I still got it!

Re: The Best in Town

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:56 pm
by Danorum*
((I took longer. I either win or lose. You get an apology. A very large apology))

"Chile, where do you think? At the front, closest thing to the cashier."

Oh right. Why didn't I notice them before?

Vivien took a look at the back walls and then remembered exactly how he passed them by; he must have been blinded by the sea of ugly. Luckily, with his keen eye for style, he found what must have been the only good dress in the whole store, at least in his eyes.

Rushing to the front of the store, stopping a few times on the way to tell Sammy to move faster, he made his way to the dressing rooms and finally, finally saw something he absolutely loved. The decor in the rooms was astonishing. Everything in this room was beautiful, especially when contrasted to the other things he found in the store. Holding up his index finger to Sam, mouthing "one minute," he stepped into his dressing room and promptly locked it.

Carefully removing each piece of clothing and hanging them on hooks, he caught a glimpse of his almost naked figure in the mirror. After a few poses, à la Marilyn Monroe, he grabbed the dress from it's hook and robed himself. It was just as perfect as he imagined it to be. It would be more perfect with breasts of course, but he couldn't do much for that. He puffed out his chest a little, feeling envious of even those with small breasts who might be able to pull the dress off better.

Pulling himself away from his reflection, he finally noticed the door labeled "Mirror Room."

"Hey Sammy, is the mirror room exactly what I think it is?" he called from behind his door. Instead of awaiting a reply, he continued with, "Gah, nevermind! I'll find out myself." With that, he unlocked the dressing room door, shouted at Samya to come in and danced his way inside the room.

Right then and there, Vivien was sure he had died.

He was overcome with how beautiful this room was. There were too many words to describe what he felt. Bliss. Glee. Euphoria. Jubilation. Rapture. Vivien, however, simply chose the word "Wow," and stood there in awe.

Re: The Best in Town

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:56 pm
by Sunnybunny
((OhEmGee I'm Sor-ry. Well, this thread is fun, and we'll get through . . . hopefully before the prom actually starts! Image ))

Samya Franklin had decided that she was a genius. A dress-assisting genius. Or maybe the Mrs. Claus of prom dresses. Because Vivien looked AWESOME in that dress. Made Sammy think of that lady from "Gone with the Wind". In fact, Samya wasn't even sure she would look this good in her own dress. Which she had yet to find. Thinking about how many compliments Vivien would get made her happy though.

She squealed, "You look like you should be famous! Seriously though, you are going to kill in that outfit."

Sometimes, life was good.

In this moment, gushing over a prom dress with a empty belly with someone she hardly ever talked to in school, it was great. Sammy giggled. She was such a sentimental dork, really. Guess it came with watching"The Lion King" at least once a month. Vivien still was fangirling over her dress, so she left the mirror room to give her a moment to herself. "I'll be right outside, okay?"

She walked outside and plopped down on the chaise lounge. Her mom was probably wondering where she was by now; it would be good to call her. She dialed the number and let it ring.


"Hey mama. What's for dinner?"

"You call me and the first thing you ask is what's for dinner? Child, where are you anyway?

"At Arabella's. I'm helping this girl find a dress." Samya left out the fact that said girl was a boy, for peace's sake.

Well, hurry up. I've got someone I want you to meet, okay? I need to go finish getting ready, soI'll see you when you get home. Love you.

"Love you too, ma."

Well, that was . . . strange.

Re: The Best in Town

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 7:56 pm
by Danorum*
((It hasn't been a whole month yet. I'm making good time here~))

Vivien had been looking at himself for a few minutes now, viewing the dress from all angles. Although he loved the dress, he questioned whether or not he could look the best he possibly could in it. Should he go short or long hair? Curly or straight? Did he have the right shoes? Did he have the right makeup? Would Sylvie lend him some of her jewelry? If he didn't have that gold necklace, shit would hit the fan. How much stuffing would he-

"You look like you should be famous! Seriously though, you are going to kill in that outfit."

That caught Vivien off guard a little. How long had Samya been there? He didn't notice her come in. "Don't I always?" he swaggered, and with an arrogant laugh, he made his way out of the mirror room, back to where his clothes were.

"I'll be right outside, okay?"

"Oh by all means, take your time!" Vivien needed to put his clothes back on anyway. Shutting the door behind Samya, he watched as he slowly undressed himself. "Why can't all guys be this beautiful?" he thought, puckering and posing for his reflection. If only he could just wear the dress every day...

But no. That would be repeating himself.

He finished undressing and suited up.