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Twice The Flavour

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 8:45 pm
by Rocky*
"SO good to be back!" a very excited Dawne Jiang exclaimed to no one in particular, garnering a couple glances in her direction. Not that she cared. Her excitement at starting the second year in high school, no longer on the bottom of the heap, was too much to be contained inside. The comforting atmosphere within those walls was one she had sorely missed over the summer, and now she was back. Ready to learn, and have fun. Maybe meet some new friends. Who knew? After all, not knowing was the best part about living.

Timetable in hand, the excited young girl walked quickly, using every ounce of self control in her body to not skip down the halls. Pushing a strand of her raven black hair behind her ear where it belonged, she glanced at her timetable. "Math for homeroom?" she once again said out loud to no one in particular. "Who thought it was a good idea to do math in the morning?" Shrugging her shoulders, Dawne made her way to the math wing, finding her assigned room and walking in.

The room was still sparsely populated, with only three or four other students, and of course the teacher, sitting at his desk and reading that day's newspaper. Perfect, this time she remembered to keep her thoughts internal. I get to choose where I sit! Now where should I.... aha! I like the look of that one. the girl sauntered over to a desk situated at about the middle row, right next to the window. Perfect spot for her short attention span. The view overlooked the outdoor track, which just added to the allure of the location. She would be able to spy on the boys when they were running... the thought brought a mischievous grin to her face.

Dawne settled down into her seat of choice, watching as the other students filtered in and chose their seats. Those eager to learn in the front, those who didn't want to be there in the back. Chances were at least three of the kids in the back would just stop coming to class, and the others would skip a lot. Of course the people who would sitting around her were of the most interest to her. The back row behind her was taken by one of the "popular" girls, who probably had the same idea as Dawne had, spying on the gym class when they're outdoors. The other two seats around her weren't filled yet, and Dawne was excited to see what kind of people would fill those seats. Maybe a new friend. She could hope.

Re: Twice The Flavour

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 8:45 pm
by Hallucinojelly*
Frail blonde hair flowed down the hall, trailing past the many classrooms and the many students whom would soon enter each and every one of them in a mad start-of-term euphoria. Euphoria, however, was never the right word to use when describing the return to a place where most loathed to step inside. This place crushed souls and dreams, and ate alive those who would enter with any ounce of optimism in their favour; or at least, that was the way Hilary used to see it.

As she made her way shakily through the school, she tried to avoid making eye contact with anyone she thought might be looking at her. They were probably staring right through her clothes, at her body, looking over every bone and blemish with contempt and judgement and no sympathy whatsoever. They probably hated the very sight of her, or so she thought.

This is all too soon... She thought to herself, weaving past the other students with total ease.

An ease that came with a cost.

Having recently moved from her home-town, she was now staying with her grandma along with the rest of her family, up in the... nicer part of St.Pauls, where the people were just a little bit friendlier than most. Her body now razor-thin and her mind now racked with all sorts of bad, bad things, she carried little hope that she would ever recover from the damage her past had done. But those kinds of thoughts were better left for another day, when she didn't have to make a first impression on an entirely new set of classmates.

Coming close to her first lesson of the year, and indeed her first lesson in Bayview, she swallowed the tight knot of fear in her throat and stepped forward with a skip of her pulse.

There were more students now, all scattered around the room, talking in their circles and turning their backs on any other conversations they might get pulled into. The typical divide, one she was altogether too familiar with. Maybe she could sit on her own, near the ba- oh wait, already full. Well, what about the fron- full. By the win- full. The- full.

Biting down hard on her lip, she fluttered around near the door before spotting an empty seat by a black-haired girl who sat with her eyes staring hard at something outside.

Okay, that's good.

Her jumper loosely flapping around her waist, she hastily stepped over to her new place in the room, in front of a very tired-looking boy who appeared to be suffering from the after-effects of smoking a joint without checking the strength of the herb it contained. Shuffling straight into the hard wooden chair, she gingerly placed her bag underneath her desk before realising she needed something to write with. Bending down to reach it, she pulled out a fluffy pink pen and a freshly-bought pad of Hello Kitty paper, which she clutched close to her chest before setting it down squarely in the centre of her desk. There she sat, for a minute or two, nervously waiting for the lesson to start.

Re: Twice The Flavour

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 8:45 pm
by Rocky*
As more and more students trickled in, Dawne would take a quick glance to see if anyone interesting came through before looking back out the window. As predicted, the seats were filled by those who she expected to fill them. It wasn't long before a timid looking young girl occupied the seat in front of her, although by the way she was already reading a book of some sort, she probably wouldn't be partaking in the spying of boys. No one really caught Dawne's eye, until finally a frail looking blonde girl entered the room.

The first thing that popped into Dawne's head was how vulnerable she looked. She was possibly new to the school, as she appeared to be slightly intimidated by her surroundings. Not typical behaviour for one who was used to their surroundings. Dawne looked back out the window as she entered, and didn't turn her head until the other girl had taken up residence beside her. As the blonde haired girl bent over to retrieve her writing materials, Dawne noticed that her clothes seemed to be hanging somewhat loosely off her body. This caught her attention for all of three seconds before her attention was caught by the pad of paper she had pulled out.

"You like Hello Kitty?!" Dawne exclaimed. "Me too! I think that they're soo adorable, I wish they were real. I collect plushies of them, I have like, fifty of them." Dawne caught herself before she rambled too much. After all they had just met, and it was the rude thing to do. "My name is Dawne, I guess we'll be sitting by each other for the next few months." with a smile and an extended hand, Dawne hoped this girl would reciprocate.

Re: Twice The Flavour

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 8:45 pm
by Hallucinojelly*
"You like Hello Kitty?!"

Hilary's heart leapt right out of her chest, having been lost in her own little world since she'd sat down at her desk. She tried to speak as she caught her breath, but the girl seemed to be launching a relentless assault on her eardrums, adding to the current confusion.

Fifty- Oh god, should I say- Ah! Why won't she-

Her mind stopped dead in its tracks as she looked nervously down at the hand looming closer towards her. Shaking noticeably, she politely extended her own and shook it weakly while she introduced herself.

"H-hello, er, Dawne, nice to meet you."

Taking her hand back from her oddly-excitable classmate, she folded it with the other in amongst the folds of her jumper.

"I'm Hilary. Oh, er, Hilary Strand." She added with a slight wince.

Not wanting to get on Dawne's bad side, she turned to her desk and picked up the notebook the girl had practically been salivating over.

"My mom said she got it for about $8, down at mall."

Re: Twice The Flavour

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 8:45 pm
by Rocky*
Dawne noted Hilary's reluctance as she shook her hand. She raised her eyebrow slightly, wondering why she looked so scared. Perhaps something happened to her in the past? Then again, Dawne had come on a bit strong, but she was just trying to be friendly. Perhaps she was intimidated by the new surroundings? The green eyes gave her another quick once over, noting once again the rather loose choice of clothing, contrasting with Dawne's t-shirt and skirt. Maybe she was scarred and afraid people would see it? No, people don't wear baggy clothed for that. The only conclusion Dawne could think of was she was either really fat, or really skinny, and given the shape of her face...

"Nice to meetcha!" Dawne said as Hilary told her her name. Her attention was once again brought to the note pad, as the blonde haired girl told her how much it had cost. "$8? Sounds like a steal! I wouldn't expect anything less than ten for something with the Hello Kitty brand on it I mean like, I have a binder I'm using for a different class that had Hello Kitty on it and it cost me like $15, but it was sooo worth the price." Not unsurprisingly, Dawne had run out of breath, and took a moment for her to catch it again. If Hilary had anything to say, this would probably be the best time before Dawne launched into another ramble.