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Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:35 am
by selphie_trabia*
Sarah winced as the shrill ringing of the school bell signified the end of her Mathematics class. Now halfway through her first day at Bayview Secondary, she'd decided that she would never get used to that loud noise. At least the bells in Crescent Hill had the decency to chime harmonically and unobtrusively, Bayview's bell was just noise.

All around her, her classmates closed binders and put away pencils. Sarah did the same, sliding her books into the huge backpack full of textbooks that she'd been carrying. After a few minutes of struggling, she finally managed to lift the bag off the floor... barely.

"That's it class, see you tomorrow." her teacher said as students filed out of the room.

As she dragged her bag past him, he called out to her.

"Just a second, Tan. Just got word from Mr Spencer before class today."

"Mr... uhm... Spencer?" Sarah's voice was barely above a whisper. She hadn't remembered all her teacher's names yet.

Without registering Sarah's words, the teacher continued, "Looks like you've been assigned a locker, so you won't have to lug that big bag around anymore. Says here it's number 153. Here's the code."

He handed her a note.

Thank goodness. Sarah nodded and mumbled her thanks before fleeing from the room as fast as she could drag her bag behind her.

She located her locker a scant 2 minutes later, or at least she thought she did from the numbers on surrounding lockers. Unfortunately, her view of the actual locker was blocked by a pair of jean clad legs belonging to the boy who owned the locker directly above hers.

Not knowing what to say, Sarah stood behind the boy and stared at her locker, waiting for him to move aside so she could use it.

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:35 am
by KamiKaze
So, here Remy Kim was, trying to unlock his locker after English class.

It had gone fairly well that day, actually. He was able to turn in all of his assignments, and he wasn't too afraid to join in to the group discussions (even though he was in fact an actor, he still felt a little nervous around those things).

Now he had to get out a set of things he needed for the next class, of course.

After getting the locker open and grabbing what he needed, he turned his head to look behind him for a second and...

Well, someone was staring at him.

To be specific, a small girl, looking at him, or something at his waist level. Remy was suddenly taken back at this. What did she want? In fact... he had never seen her before. Remy did not know everyone at the school, but he was able to recognize people when they came up to him. Here, he had never seen this girl before in his life. Was she new? She was a little short, he had to admit, so did she skip a few grades? Was she... god no, Remy was not that attractive.

Might as well ask.

After a few seconds of looking back at her, he mumbled "Uh... excuse me... do you need something?"

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:35 am
by selphie_trabia*
Being in a single-sex school doesn't really prepare a person for interaction with the opposite sex. Sarah had met boys at church before, but never really hung out with them much. As a matter of fact, she could safely say that in her life, relationships with persons of the male gender were kept to a minimum.

So, when the boy turned to address Sarah, all she could do was make a small squeaking noise in the back of her throat. She stared at the boy in front of her a little more openly, not really knowing what to do. To her, he seemed miles tall, towering over her like some sort of giant monster... a cute, handsome giant monster, but a giant monster nonetheless. She gulped to clear her throat, then gulped again.

"Ah..." she managed another squeak.

Still staring at the space somewhere around Remy's midriff, Sarah stopped herself to collect her thoughts. There was nothing wrong with there being a boy in the school, there were boys all over the school. If she was to succeed in this school and start afresh like her parents wanted, she just had to get over it and deal with male peers. In any case, boys couldn't possibly be worse than girls, though she did hear that they had the potential to do worse things to girls than beat them up.

She tried again.

"Uhm..." she mumbled, "I lockerisbehindyou...."

The last few words tangled together in a single breath, stumbling past her tongue in barely hearable range.

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:35 am
by KamiKaze
The girl seemed as nervous as he was!

Seriously. It was as if she saw something horrid inside his locker, even though he didn't keep anything worse than his lunch in there.

She kept trying to talk, making a lot of "uh" and "ah" noises. Remy could only feel even more awkward, as he watched the girl try to make a full sentence.

Was something wrong? Did he have something sticking out of his pocket? Was his underwear showing-

Oh! He... was standing in front of her locker?

Remy looked down, and remembered that the lockers were basically stacked on top of each other. Was he blocking her? By the looks of things, he was.

"Oh... I'm sorry..." he mumbled again, glancing at the floor.

But, after a few seconds, he looked up, and after closing his locker and locking it, he stepped aside.

"Uh... locker's free? If you want to use it, I mean..."

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:35 am
by selphie_trabia*
The boy moved! Sarah breathed a sigh of relief and rushed to her locker, fiddling with the lock a couple of times before getting it open. She swung her heavy bag from the floor into the locker, then selected a few books to take to her next class. Once that was done, she shut the locker door and relocked it.

Now relieved of the ball and chain that was her backpack, Sarah started to walk towards her next class. It was only a few moments later that she registered that the boy had said something prior to her opening the locker.

She'd been so rude not thanking him for moving aside! She spun around on one heel and sprinted back up to where the lockers were, hoping to catch the boy before he left.

"S...sorry... Thanks..." she said in between pants, "Thanks for letting me... uhm... use my locker."

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:35 am
by KamiKaze
Remy found himself watching as the small girl fiddled with the lock, and soon enough putting her things in.

Why, he did not know. But, eventually the girl closed the locker, and made sure it was locked. And so, she started on her way.

Remy continued staring at her as she left, but soon enough, she came back, as if in a fright.

Oh... what else does she need?

The girl stammered again, saying sorry and... thanks? Oh! She wanted to thank him for moving aside! She just wanted to be nice, is all.

"Uh... don't mention it. It was... kinda the polite thing to do..." he mentioned.

But, then it occurred to him. He didn't know what the girl's name was. Even though he had to go to class soon, he couldn't help but ask. It was another polite thing that needed to be done, and he needed to do it. After all, he might run into her again in the future, so it could help both of them in the long run.

"Um... my name's Remy. Remy Kim" he started. "What is yours? Are you... you know..."

He searched for the word he was looking for, until he eventually found it.

"... New?"

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:35 am
by selphie_trabia*
Sarah looked up at Remy. Somehow, she couldn't help that sinking, frightened feeling that left her quaking in her boots. Still, Remy seemed nice and friendly. Maybe she could make friends with him.

She shuffled her feet. She could do this. She could introduce herself. She'd practised almost every day for it since she was pulled out of Crescent Hill. There was an awkward pause, followed by what seemed to be a recital of words read off a teleprompter.

"Erm... yeah." she mumbled as she looked at her tiny feet, "I'm erm... Sarah... Tan... It's my first... uh... first day."

There was a short intake of breath.

"Pleasedtomeetyou." she mumbled, "I er... hope I'm not... uhm... making you... late or... anything."

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:35 am
by KamiKaze
Sarah Tan? And she was a new kid?

No wonder she was nervous. Not to mention that she was tiny... and Remy wasn't even that big himself! Many of the guys towered over him, and even some of the girls. Was that the feeling she was experiencing now? Remy found himself feel even more awkward, as a result.

"Sarah Tan, huh..."

Glancing off to the side, he realized that it was almost time for class, thanks to Sarah's comment. Oh, that's right! What class did he have next...

"Ummm... I think I have uh, Bio next. I think I should be off now... unless we want you... uh... walk each other? Er... to our next classes, I mean..."

Biology? He was sure he did his work for that. He kind of remembered that the teacher was saying something about dissection, actually. Was it this class? It was coming up soon, at least. Remy was not sure if he could be able to actually slice up a long-departed animal, but it was honestly kind of necessary for them to do it. At least they were learning something out of it.

In any case, he was actually kind of curious about this Sarah, for some reason. Remy guessed it was because she was new, of course.

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:36 am
by selphie_trabia*
Sarah's face brightened a little when Remy mentioned biology class. She smiled. A little. Just faintly. Then, she suddenly burst out laughing as she got a quick mental image of Remy and herself as a pair of strange-looking human-dog hybrids, walking each other with leashes.

She shook her head to clear her mind of weirdness and quickly stifled her giggles, hoping that the boy wouldn't think that she was strange. Now that she was taking ritalin, she had a chance to be just like everyone else. A new slate, so to speak. She berated herself internally for being weird. Her parents had reminded her over and over again that the best way that she could turn over a new slate was to try and behave like the other kids. In other words, try to be normal.

"Oh... Sorry about that. I er... thought of uhm... something funny. Actually..." she began, "Biology... I have... uhm... That is to say that I'm going to biology class right now."

She showed Remy her class roster, pointing at the next class, "Is this... er.... is this your teacher too? Uhm... I'm not used to er... this school... so if... uh... it is... can you uhm... show me where the class is? I mean, I'll take you up on your offer... if we're going to the same class."

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:36 am
by KamiKaze
And, suddenly Sarah burst into some kind of... deranged laughter. What was so funny? Remy hoped it had nothing to with him, like if he had something on his face or something. What then? Did he leave a good impression, or did he screw things up again? What if he made a strange facial expression, or-

The girl stopped, realizing that she must be acting weird. Remy gave her a befuddled look. That... was a little strange, he had to admit. It was not every day when someone suddenly burst into laughter over being offered something as being walked to class, after all. He was not sure what was so funny, and frankly, he probably never would. But, he could not help but wonder. She was coming off as a little strange, but, she was also kind of shy, like he was.

Oh! Her next class is Bio, too? Good thing! He could help her find the class and help her with anything she needed! That would be a nice thing to do, actually. He wasn't sure how she would react if dissection turned out to be today, but he could help her with it, since she was not there the previous lessons.

As she showed him her schedule, Remy mumbled "Sure. I'll take you there... that is my teacher...."

And so, he started walking towards that direction, hoping Sarah would follow.

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:36 am
by selphie_trabia*
Sarah nodded assent, happy to be shown the school. She trotted beside Remy, moving as quickly as she could to catch up. Her gait was a little off-balanced as she walked beside him, skipping every five or so steps to speed herself up and keep up with him.

"So... erm... Remy... what... errr... what have we... I mean your class... been covering in Biology?" she asked out of curiosity. "I transferred from Crescent Hill so er... I'm kinda unfamiliar with uhm... what you've been studying. I did Biology back in my old school, though, so you won't have to worry about having to tutor me or anything."

Transferring from Crescent Hill would be considered a step down for most students. The Montessori school was well known for its tough academic program and "Ivy League stepladder" reputation. Despite all this, Sarah welcomed the change to a coeducational institution. If Remy was representative of the Bayview student body, then she was sure that she'd definitely enjoy studying here much more. Crescent Hill may have been a good place to start a career, but it was not without its faults.

To be honest, she was glad to have left that hellhole behind her.

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:36 am
by KamiKaze
The girl trotted beside him, as if trying to keep up.

Wait, she wanted to know what was being learned in Bio? But how would she react to something like dissection, if she turned out to be easily nauseated? Would it be a good idea to tell her in the long run, or to let her in the dark? Which was the better option?

On one hand, she could prepare for it in advance, and get ready for it. On the other, she could prefer not to know...

Oh, screw it. It was better to tell her ahead of time.

As they walked, his reply was "Organs. We're uh... learning about the human body..."

The door to the science wing was almost right in front of them.

"We might be doing dissection sometime in the future. Just so you know..."

And so, he headed towards the door, and opened it.

As he walked into the classroom, he could see on the front desk a bunch of preserved frogs in plastic bags, and with expressions of eyes and mouths closed as if in anguish, placed for all to see.

Oh hell... it's today... good thing I told her...

He quickly glanced over at Sarah, to see if she was all right.

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:36 am
by selphie_trabia*
"Human body, organs and dissection." Sarah repeated as Remy explained what Bayview students were covering in Biology classes, "Okay."

Sarah nodded as she half-listened to Remy talk about organs and dissection. As the pair walked into the lab, Sarah seemed composed. She gave the dead frogs an uninterested, passing glance as if she had seen frog corpses a million times before and didn't care about having to cut them open.

Sarah's blank and calm demeanour was not actually a sign of confidence. Truth was, Sarah's brain had turned off. In the intermediate time between meeting Remy and reaching class, her mind had wandered off somewhere to play with the unicorns and fairies.

It was a good thing that she wasn't registering any information. Unlike the rest of her doctor-and-nurse family, Sarah was rather squeamish about organs and rather preferred that they stayed inside bodies, where she couldn't see them. She couldn't even stand looking at them when they were a part of her food, insisting that her mother remove all offal from her soups before she could eat them.

As Remy moved to take his seat, Sarah followed him wordlessly, taking her seat beside him if it was available. If it wasn't, she merely stood by his stool, staring blankly into space for a few moments before allowing her autopiloted body to choose a nearby seat to sit down on.

She spread her textbook and notes out in front of herself, then began to half-heartedly doodle on an open page of her notebook.

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:36 am
by KamiKaze
As Remy placed himself in his seat, he could see Sarah looking over the frogs, though he really could not tell if it was out of curiosity or horror from his position. Soon enough, she sat down next to him, and started doodling. Remy opened his bag, and took out his notebook in preparation for the lesson.

The teacher started his lesson, talking about the various parts of the frog, the organs, how to get the skin off, and so on. Remy quickly glanced at Sarah again, hoping to see she was alright. However, after a few seconds he looked back at the teacher.

There was a diagram taped to the board, showing a "map" of the insides of the frog, such as the circulatory and digestive systems. The teacher continued his lesson, mentioning that a manual of the the process was also being handed out to each group.

And, then he started handing out the frogs, manuals, and dissection supplies.

As the frog in its plastic bag and tray was placed in front of the two, Remy could see that it was worse than when he saw it on the front desk. Its limbs were lifted up into the air, as if begging for mercy. From seeing the inside of the bag, he could tell that it was a little moist. And the smell! Oh god... even though it was not even out of the bag yet, he could still pick up that it smelled something like some kind of jerky and rubbing alcohol, at least to Remy. He was fixated on it, almost as if he had been in the middle of a crime scene.


He snapped out of his stupor, to see the teacher in front of him. What did he want?

"Make sure you share your notes with Sarah. She's new, after all."

Remy nodded, and slid his notebook over. "Here... it has the previous lessons..." he said.

And so, as the teacher left to talk to the other students, he opened the manual, seeing the diagrams inside.

Okay Remy... play it cool..., he thought to himself, trying to stay calm even when in close proximity to the frog.

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:36 am
by selphie_trabia*
Though she wrinkled her nose at the smell of formaldehyde, Sarah said nothing to her temporary lab partner. She pulled the latex gloves onto her hands as she listened to the teacher talk about frog innards, giving the "map" and papers a quick once over. Scapel in hand, she moved to where the frog-in-a-packet was sitting in its little metal tray.

As she examined the dead creature in front of her, she thought about her sister, Mary, now in medical college. Mary had often talked about dissecting animals in Biology classes, usually over the dinner table. She really seemed to enjoy the idea of being able to examine the muscles and things that made bodies work. Unlike her sister, Sarah could never really stomach the idea of cutting animals open. She preferred that organs that belonged on the inside of the body remained inside the body. Staring at the frog corpse in front of her, Sarah knew that she was not going to enjoy the task ahead as much as her sister did.

Sarah looked at Remy as he shoved his notes over towards her. He looked exactly how she felt about the entire situation. Despite her fairly emotionless demeanor, she could hear the beat of her own heart pounding in her ears. When the teacher spoke, it sounded like he was underwater. Sarah could barely understand what he was saying. She knew that if she opened her mouth, she would probably be sick.

Now that Remy was perusing the dissection instructions, she speed read her way through the notes he passed to her, took a breath and quickly sliced the packet open. She allowed her mind to wander as she dumped the frog out onto the tray and quickly clamped the rubbery thing down with the pins they were provided. She wanted to get this entire thing over and done with as quickly as possible.