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A Foregone Conclusion

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:05 am
by Hollyquin*
Hayley tapped her foot impatiently, the cigarette behind her ear crying out to her. Ema was late. Of course, she was not to be blamed for that- Mr. Davis always kept his physics class at least ten minutes late, if not later. Hayley herself had just gotten out of her last class of the day- Mr. Liatsis's Literary Theory- and was waiting at their meeting place of choice- a large oak tree, situated a ways off the main path out of school. That cigarette was tempting her still, but she knew full well Ema wasn't going to kiss her with ashtray mouth.

She felt something wet and flinched reflexively. She looked at the sky- it was entirely white, blanketed by clouds, and that wet feeling? That had been a snowflake, and more were following. The first snowfall of winter- it seemed fitting, somehow. It was the last day of school before winter break- most of the students were hurrying home, away from the snowfall and into houses with central heating and alcohol. Hayley didn't mind the snow- she hugged her big, fluffy winter coat close to her and watched the flakes fall, one by one.

Two months. Even in Teenagerland that wasn't all that long for a relationship to last, but for Hayley it was pretty much eternity. This was about the point in any given relationship that Hayley got a bit...bored. Something went wrong, right here, at this point. Somehow her lips would end up on someone else's mouth, or someone else's something else, and that would be the end of that. Was that where this was going?

Hayley frowned to herself. There was a party tonight- her best friend John, a non-Bayview kid, had a free house for the night- that she'd been planning on convincing Ema to come to. There'd be drinking there for certain. What were the odds that Hayley would be a good girl and keep herself to herself? Low, admittedly. Hayley couldn't even find it in her to be upset about that. That was the natural progression of things, right? You date someone for a while, then you move on. Whatever. Hayley was a well known heartbreaker- anyone who dated her knew what they were getting into from the start.

But why worry about that now? Nothing had happened yet. For now, Hayley had a girlfriend, and she was going to be happy with that as long as it was true. Some more kids were coming out of school now- perhaps a late class? She watched the entrance, looking for that bright red hair that was visible even from this distance.

Re: A Foregone Conclusion

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:05 am
by MK Kilmarnock
((Hey there, my Jester-iffic friend! Just as a quick reminder, I believe the rule is one normal thread, one memory thread, and one prom thread at any given time for a specific character. Proceed as normal, but try not to do it again. Don't worry, I made this same mistake once, so it's cool.))

Re: A Foregone Conclusion

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:05 am
by Hollyquin*
[[OOC: Ahh, okay. Mah bad! I'll remember that. I've just been kinda rushing things since I have to go away soon is all. I won't do it again, promise promise.]]

Re: A Foregone Conclusion

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:05 am
by Chib*
Despite her diminutive height, if one was looking for her, missing Ema in a crowd was pretty difficult, given her distinctively vibrant hair colour.. which even she found hard to believe was natural, from time to time. Breaking out into one of those random bouts of rhythm-less skipping she'd started occasionally doing not long ago (say, about two months..) as she spotted Hayley in the distance, the Irish girl quickly broke free of the mass of students milling about and made a beeline for that familiar oak tree.

No sooner had the distance been closed, were Ema's arms were tightly about her girlfriend's midriff, hugging her close. With that unmistakable accent, itself accented with tones that confirmed the apology was genuine, she muttered "Sorry I took so long, Davis had us making loudspeakers out of paper and wire... fun, but we finished on the bell, then had to pack everything away."

She knew, though, that Hayley wouldn't mind. The other girl knew full well the habits of the faculty, and it hadn't taken Ema long to pick up on them herself, in the single term she'd been at Bayview. Feeling comfortable in that knowledge, she closed the gap between her and Hayley's bodies a little more, nuzzling her head in the gap between the other girl's head and shoulder, whilst a satisfied smile came to her face.

Re: A Foregone Conclusion

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:05 am
by Hollyquin*
And suddenly there was something, someone, small and topped with bright red hair bounding towards her. Hayley smiled. Moments like these were when all thoughts of things like cheating, possible breakups, boys, all that crap left her mind. All that mattered then was that Ema was there. And there she was, having quickly closed the gap between them, and then their arms were around each other. Hayley released a breath that she didn't realize she'd been holding. She wouldn't go so far as to say she was in love, but she was deeply in like.

"Sorry I took so long, Davis had us making loudspeakers out of paper and wire... fun, but we finished on the bell, then had to pack everything away." Hayley had gotten used to that accent over the last couple of months, but it never failed to have an effect on her. She just shook her head in response to Ema's actual words. "Davis is a strange, stange man. We never do anything quite that fun in class, though. Maybe I should just transfer into your class?" As Ema moved closer, Hayley began stroking her hair with one hand, the other arm still wrapped tightly around her. "For more reasons than one, obviously."

Hayley could have stayed like that for quite a while longer, but she remembered- the party. Johnny. Right. We've gotta get going. She gently separated herself from Ema, though she couldn't help but plant a small kiss on her mouth before doing so.

"Did I tell you about the party tonight? Fuck, actually, John didn't tell me himself until earlier today, so that's a no. But anyway. There's a party tonight. You've met John, he loves you. He's got a free house, he invited me and told me to bring you, and I was all, did you think I was gonna not bring my girlfriend to a fucking house party? Obviously you don't know me. So yeah. Oh, and there's gonna be drinks and shit, but you don't have to drink if you don't want to, of course. Please come with me? Pretty please?"

Hayley put on a pathetically fake pout, then giggled at herself and how stupid she must look. She grabbed Ema's hand.

"Whether or not you're coming we've gotta start walking, so...let's start walking?"

Re: A Foregone Conclusion

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:05 am
by Chib*
With the other girl's hand gently caressing her wayward ginger locks, Ema too would've been more than happy to have remained in the embrace for hours, keeping herself and Hayley warm and comfortable, even outside in the snow, whose chill turned her already pale skin a truly pallid white. But nothing can last forever, particularly when there are parties afoot and preparations to make. No sooner had she replied with a coy "I can't imagine why..", spoken softly into Hayley's ear, mere inches from her own lips, did the other girl pull away - but not without pre-empting any possible complaints with a quick but all too enjoyable kiss.

Before Ema had a chance to return the favour, Hayley began to speak, so she just listened, resisting the urge to take hold of her girlfriend's hand in the meanwhile.
"Did I tell you about the party tonight? Fuck, actually, John didn't tell me himself until earlier today, so that's a no."
The Irish girl rolled her eyes unintentionally at that, but said nothing. She hardly had fantastic memory either, so she could hardly blame anyone else for being scatter-brained after a long day of school.

"But anyway. There's a party tonight. You've met John,"
And there was the proof of that.. rack her memory as she might, Ema couldn't recall a John. Well, not any particular one. She was sure she must've met him at some point, but just didn't remember at all.
"he loves you. He's got a free house, he invited me and told me to bring you, and I was all, did you think I was gonna not bring my girlfriend to a fucking house party? Obviously you don't know me. So yeah."
The first part, understandably, earned a raised eyebrow. Apparently she should remember this guy a lot better, or Hayley was exaggerating massively. But the more important part had Ema's ears pricked up in place of her eyebrow. She'd been devoting most of her attention to remember who this John was, and managed to forget the actual topic of the conversation for a moment there. A party, not exactly Ema's preferred activity, but...

Oh, and there's gonna be drinks and shit, but you don't have to drink if you don't want to, of course. Please come with me? Pretty please?"
But, Hayley clearly wanted her to come along, and she could hardly say no to that. Well, she could have said no to the pout that followed, but that would just be harsh. So with an almost-trademark amiable grin, Ema finally returned Hayley's kiss, and smiled ever wider as she felt the soft, firm grip close about her hand.
"Of course, it'll be fun if I'm with you, right?"

And on that immensely sappy line, Ema fell into step and began to walk. She doubted her parents would particularly mind, so long as she was vague as to what kind of party it was; they'd just be glad of an excuse for her to spend an evening out doing something, instead of in her bedroom, whiling away the hours in front of a screen.

Re: A Foregone Conclusion

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:05 am
by Hollyquin*
Hayley actually clapped her hands together, happy as she was with Ema's amicability to this party. She gave Ema another hug, this one not so much romantic as exuberant, practically lifting the girl off the ground. "Ahhh, thankyouthankyouTHANKYOU! Johnny would've killed me if you'd said no." Maybe on some level Hayley was actually disappointed- maybe on some level she wanted to party proper, breaking hearts left and right. But at the same time, she adored Ema, and hell, she'd never brought her to a party before. Maybe this would work out great. She wondered vaguely if Ema would drink anything. She kind of hoped so- despite what she'd said, Hayley knew that Ema would probably end up feeling left out if she didn't. It was never any fun to be the sober kid in a room through of drunks.

Hayley took Ema's hand again as they began to walk. She was humming to herself, thinking about all the fun times ahead. She hadn't been to a legitimate party in ages- she and John hung out all the time, sure, drinking, smoking, chilling with friends. But that was always with friends, people she knew, and it was always outside at a park or something. This was different- this was new people, lots of new people, with music and dancing and probably lots of people having sex in John's parent's bedroom. It was...exciting. Bigger than any of Jay and Alex's parties, that would be certain. She didn't say much as they walked- what was there to say, really? Eventually she caved on her nicotine cravings, taking the cigarette from behind her ear and lighting it with the hand that wasn't holding Ema's. She inhaled the toxic smoke, making a point to blow it away from Ema. She had gum in her bag, somewhere, and besides, soon enough she'd be smelling like vodka anyway. She held Ema's hand tight as they made their way.


It was about half an hour before they arrived at the unassuming front steps of John's house. The moment she rung the doorbell, it seemed, John popped out, as though he'd been waiting by the door (which he very well might have). "HAYLEY!" he screamed, practically tackling her with a hug. The boy was all fluffy brown hair, flamboyance and energy. "And Ema! You came! Awesome! What took you guys so long, anyway?" Hayley rolled her eyes. "We came straight here from school, stupid. Not our fault our school is so far from here." "Well, whatever. Tons of people are here already, make yourselves comfortable, beer's in the fridge, mixers and cups are on the coffee table, and tons of people brought other shit so beg for whatever you want." He laughed. "Like you didn't bring your own."

"You know me so well," Hayley said, grinning as she pulled Ema inside. John hadn't been kidding- the place was crowded, and John's house was pretty big. She'd estimate that there were at least thirty kids here already, and Hayley recognized very few of them. She waved to the ones she did know and eventually made her way to John's giant couch- practically made for parties like this, it could seat ten, more if people stacked. Since most of the guests were wandering around or dancing, there was plenty of room, and Hayley took a seat on the couch, motioning for Ema to sit with her as she leaned over and took some of the cranberry juice sitting on the coffee table, pouring it into her cup until it was mostly full. Proving John right, she reached into her bag- a large bottle of vodka, about two-thirds full, sat inside. She topped off her cranberry juice with the vodka, swirling it around for a moment and then taking a big sip. She winced for a moment, then turned to Ema.

"Want any? There's probably better shit floating around but...oh, you don't have to drink if you don't want to. I said that earlier, right?" Even as she said it, it was clear that Hayley wanted Ema to drink.

Re: A Foregone Conclusion

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:05 am
by Chib*
For a few moments, Ema could only really be described as nonplussed, particularly as her slight frame was lifted a few inches off the ground by Hayley's overenthusiastic embrace. Eventually, she dropped the bemused expression, and, rubbing her sides tenderly, offered "So, shall we?"

Once again, she smiled at the pleasant feeling of Hayley's hand gripping her own, and carried on walking. In all honesty, Ema had no idea what to expect, she'd never been to a student house party before, and if the films she'd seen were anything to go by, it wasn't really somewhere she'd feel all that comfortable. With each passing step, it dawned on Ema that she probably shouldn't have said yes, that she'd made a mistake. It probably showed on her face, but she said nothing aloud. Because after all, if she were to go back in time and recieve the request again, she knew she wouldn't have been able to say no, and wouldn't really want to, even having thought about it.
"You're worrying about this too much," she told herself, "It'll be fine, just don't do anything stupid."

And so it was, that about 30 minutes later, after a largely uneventful walk into an area unfamiliar to her, Ema found herself standing behind Hayley, on John's doorstep. A few exuberant shouts after that, she felt herself being pulled semi-forcefully indoors, and duly followed her girlfriend's lead to John's epic-size couch. The journey wasn't long in terms of distance, but in a big house full of people, navigating to one specific place takes longer than it would ordinarily, if only for the awkward visibility.

"Want any? There's probably better shit floating around but...oh, you don't have to drink if you don't want to. I said that earlier, right?"

Having remained quiet for so long, and now with the added wariness in a room full of people she didn't know in various states of inebriation, Ema's response first came out as a kind of strained croaky noise. She turned ever-so-slightly red as she herself heard it, and cleared her throat, then tried again. "I could probably do with some," she began, forcing a chuckle, clearly referring to the bizarre noise she'd just made. Luckily, as much as she wasn't one for getting outright drunk, Ema had tried a little vodka before, so Hayley's first choice had been rather fortunate.

Re: A Foregone Conclusion

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:07 am
by Hollyquin*
Hayley was in her element. First of all, she was at a party- that alone was enough to put her at ease. Second of all, she was in her best friend's house. John's parents treated her like their own daughter, which made sense given he amount of time she spent there. Though John's parents preferred to pretend their son wasn't gay, they were at least aware that there was absolutely nothing sexual between him and Hayley, and so allowed her to sleep over, meaning she literally lived there half the time, and being there was like being home. Third, there was a cup of her favorite alcoholic beverage in her hand. And fourth- and maybe least comforting at this particular moment- she was with her girlfriend. Who made her happy. Hayley repeated those words in her mind as she drank again. Why are you risking a, legitimately good relationship on a fucking party? said the not completely idiotic segment of her mind. Because I want to have fun at this fucking party, said the currently dominant completely idiotic side. Let me have fun. If something goes wrong...I've gone through breakups before. I'll deal.

Clearly the alcohol was already affecting Hayley, who was quite surprised that Ema was actually wanting to drink some. Some part of her realized why- Ema wasn't a partier, clearly she was stressed, and alcohol happens to be quite good for stress release. Most of her was just happy that Ema had agreed to it, and she grinned and poured the girl a cup, going a little lighter on the vodka than she had on her own. She took her third sip, feeling it in her head. This was what she got for making such a strong mix. She put the cup down on the table, kicked off her shoes and pulled her legs up on the couch, stretching out and leaning her head on Ema's shoulder.

"So...your first high school party, huh?" Hayley said, her voice not really affected by the alcohol yet. "They really are a lot like they are on TV. Except with more people sitting around talking about bullshit. That's probably boring for the viewing audience." She shrugged. "You can meet new people and shit, though. It's good. Like...introduce yourself to people. Make friends. Anyone John would invite is cool. Probably."

Re: A Foregone Conclusion

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:07 am
by Chib*
It seemed to dawn on Ema, sitting there on the massive couch, close to someone she cared about, a glass of relaxing drink in her hand, that everything was ever so slightly familiar. Outside of that little bubble, if she simply ignored the guests milling around and imagined her own home, it could easily be an evening on the weekend, sat watching some movie or show on the TV, on one of those odd occasions her parents opened a bottle of wine and offered her some alcohol as well. Of course, she usually went for lighter drinks - Ema had always preferred cider to most other things, ever since she'd been jokingly offered some in an eggcup as a child - but having every last detail spot-on would be a little creepy.

Instead, this sort-of-familiar scene was actually quite comforting for her, and she was at least heartened enough to enjoy her drink and her Hayley without feeling crazy-awkward. For those few moments of silence, as relaxed (compared to when she'd arrived, that is) as the girl was, she couldn't help but notice something odd about her companion's expression, as though she was contemplating something important. But, true to form, she couldn't think of any way to broach the subject, and held her tongue.

"So...your first high school party, huh?" were the words that finally shook Ema out of the introverted fugue she'd dozed into, and she met them with a nod, not wanting to perform any more embarassing vocals from suddenness. Hayley seemed to understand, and continued with "They really are a lot like they are on TV. Except with more people sitting around talking about bullshit. That's probably boring for the viewing audience."
Ema wasn't exactly sure whether that was a good or bad thing. Sure it meant she had some idea of what to expect, but that idea wasn't exactly appealing. Just as with just about everything else that had been said or done so far, Ema hadn't the words to respond to Hayley's last comment, and simply nodded again, staring into the deep red liquid in her glass before taking her first actual sip of it.

Re: A Foregone Conclusion

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:07 am
by Hollyquin*
Hayley very nearly actually applauded as Ema took her first sip of the vodka and cranberry concoction. So empowered was she by her brave first step that Hayley herself drained the rest of her cup and poured herself another. Less vodka this time- Hayley knew her limits, if nothing else. Oh, she was going to get herself completely, gloriously shitfaced, that was for sure, but she sure as hell wasn't going to be throwing up on anyone. She was going to be perfectly, drunkenly gorgeous. Cause that's just what Hayley Kelly was meant to do.

She took another long gulp out of her cup, and then another, draining it quickly and then dropping the empty cup on the table. No more vodka for her, she knew. It hadn't kicked in fully, yet, but it had certainly kicked in, and she knew she'd had just enough. She leaned over to Ema and kissed her. Hard. Passionately. The kind of kiss that made the nearby boys stare. A long kiss, too. A good five minutes long. After, she moved back and looked straight into Ema's eyes, with a small smile.

"You're pretty amazing, you know that?"

Hayley leaned back on Ema's shoulder for a few more minutes, happy and content, when suddenly the alcohol in her system started to go through her.

"Oooh. Bad timing. Bathroom! Be right back, darling."

She stood. Oh, god, head rush. As it often happened, the moment she stood, it was as though she suddenly became that much drunker. She stumbled towards the bathroom- lucky that she was so familiar with the house or else she'd never have found it- and, thanking God or Allah or whoever that there was no one either using it or making out in it, took it.

Feeling considerably better and certainly very, very drunk, Hayley exited the bathroom, which was conveniently located on the opposite side of the house from the giant couch and Ema. She looked around at the other party-goers. So many familiar faces...her head was swimming...

Hello, she'd said...there'd been conversation...

Some beautiful boy she'd never seen before. Blue eyes, long brown hair, tall, skinny, with a crooked smile...

They talked...had they talked? They must have talked.

Otherwise, how would his mouth and Hayley's ended up touching? Their tongues tangling together?

How'd that happen? Because, why not? Why not. He was beautiful, after all.

That's what mattered, right?

Where were they now?...A bed? Whose bed? Who cared?

The boy was on top of her. A hand reaching up her skirt...

Hayley was beyond caring.

Re: A Foregone Conclusion

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:08 am
by Chib*
Ema had just about gotten through half of her first glass when she became aware that Hayley was busily downing a second. It was worrying, but for more reasons than one. As much as she'd been happy to ignore or disbelieve what she'd heard about the other girl, Ema was silently terrified that if what she'd heard about Hayley's drinking habits were true, what else was?

Not that she had time to carry on along that path of thought, for practically the second she lowered the rim of her cup from her lip, another pair were forcibly attatched to them. Caught by surprise, Ema resisted for a moment, before realising it was her girlfriend, not some drunken lecher (though, in hindsight...). As she relaxed, so did her arm, spilling the remaining third-or-so of the cup's contents onto the floor. And then limb control was regained, and Ema threw both arms about Hayley's torso, embracing her tightly.

For what seemed like forever, Ema simply sat there, allowing it to happen, and truly loving each passing second. In all honesty, she didn't want it to end, even with the incresing difficulty of breathing only through her nose, and the uncomfortable position she found herself in. Five minutes passed, and finally her airway was cleared, and Ema breathed deep, grinning stupidly. It was that kind of spontaneous thing that made her lo... love? Like? It was hard to say, at that very moment. Was she infatuated? Certainly. Hayley was enjoyable to spend time with, socially and romantically, and damn was she attractive, but Ema couldn't quite be sure it was love, not just an adolscent amore.

"You're pretty amazing, you know that?". Okay, so maybe it was more than infatuation. Ema had trouble even breaking eye contact, even when it meant craning her neck uncomfortably with Hayley resting on her shoulder. But luck conspired to save her suffering muscles for a moment, in the form of a natural urge "Oooh. Bad timing. Bathroom! Be right back, darling.".

With half a mind to chase after her, and perhaps even take her by surprise with a kiss of her own, Ema eventually just settled with staying where she was, waiting patiently for Hayley's return. As it turned out, perhaps she should have gone with her first instinct, for closing on 10 minutes later, Ema moved out of antsy impatience and into worried concern. Hayley hadn't drunk enough to get physically sick, had she? Or maybe someone had seen her condition, and taken advantage of it? No, she pushed such thoughts from her mind, constantly reassuring herself that she'd just run into a friend and got stuck talking, or something innocuous like that. Definately not in any trouble, not in any danger, not being abused... that sort of thing isn't supposed to happen to nice people. Ema kept telling herself that, kept forcing herself to believe it, even as five minutes of searching downstairs and outside turned up nothing.

"She wouldn't have gone upstairs, would she?" Ema mumbled aloud, already setting foot on the first step. "Maybe she's being... no, no, that's not happening... she's just gone up there to surprise you or something silly like that. Maybe she's going to burst out of a cupboard and yell boo, maybe she wants my... everything's going to be fine, you'll see...". Ema kept climbing.

A sound from behind a closed door snatched her attention as she reached the landing. A sound of someone falling heavily onto a bed. Then another person after them. Muffled voices. A low vocalisation, which could only possibly be one thing. Ema approached the door in question.

She put her ear to the door. No more sound, not yet.

She lay her hand on the handle.

"I'm going to regret this."

She opened the door a crack. She peered inside. A breath caught in her throat.

Milliseconds later, Ema slammed it shut, and seconds after that, had fled downstairs and out of the open front door. It didn't take more than those fractions of a second to see what was happening and take it in. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together; Hayley, some boy, a bed, together. Hands in places that 'just friends' don't put them. Noises that Ema wished she'd never heard. Sitting out on the porch, she could do nothing but visualise it, cursing her active imagination all the while, cursing herself for having stumbled across it. Would she feel any better if she'd never known? If it had just been a one-off, and Hayley had come back to her, keeping the whole episode secret? Honestly, Ema didn't know. Truth or Happiness? Too late to decide now.

And the worst part, in her own mind? She couldn't find it in herself to cry. Not yet, at least.

Re: A Foregone Conclusion

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:08 am
by Hollyquin*
Oh. Fuck. Fuck. Fucking hell.

It's amazing how sometimes a single moment can sober you up, make you rethink your priorities, make you realize how very, very wrong you are. Hayley's moment came, lost as she was in her own unconscious moans of pleasure, at the sound of the tiniest crack of the opening door. There was the barest moment- perhaps a millisecond- where Hayley saw the bright red hair, the one green eye, widening in shock as the door closed again. And Hayley knew. She'd done it again. Fucked up again.

Jesus fucking Christ, how could I be so stupid?

This was Hayley's modus operandi at parties, after all. Go in. Get really shitfaced. Find some hottie and fuck them. Go hang out with her friends. Hopefully find some other hottie and fuck them, too. Why not? Why the hell not? Hayley was happy that way. That's how her life worked. That was why she had the reputation that she had. Every bit of it was well-deserved.

But this...she'd considered the possibility, that she'd hook up with someone at this party. That this might be the end of her and Ema's relationship. This outcome almost seemed likely. But she hadn't set out to do this. It wasn't her intention, and in reality she hadn't realized what she was doing until she'd been caught. Alcohol did that to a person.

And now that it was, in all likelihood, over, Hayley realized just how much she didn't want to lose Ema.

They were perfect together. She was so in...Hayley still didn't know if love was the right word. Like seemed too mild. Lust was definitely out. Love, then. Why not? She was so in love. And she'd fucked it right up, just like she'd fucked up every fucking relationship she'd ever been in. By being that girl everyone knew her as- the drunken, slutty one at the parties.

Hayley pushed the boy- whose name, she realized, she didn't even know, off of her, pulling her panties back on. She was sober again- at least, more sober than she was before- as she walked right out the door.

"Hey! What the fu-"

She slammed the door in his face. Ema would be gone by now- of that Hayley was sure. She would have gone straight home from here. Why would she wait around? What would be the use of that? She'd hate Hayley by now. That would have to be it. She hated her and they'd never talk again. A tear fell from Hayley's eye and she knew soon enough she'd be crying, for real. She left her bag- why bother? John would pick it up later- and stopped only to put her shoes back on before walking right out the door.

There she was. Sitting on the porch.

Hayley wasn't ready for this.


Re: A Foregone Conclusion

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:08 am
by Chib*
For some reason, all that Ema could think of was that one line, from that one song, by that one band she couldn't quite recall the name of. Understandable, really, her head could hardly be called 'stable' at that particular point. But stuck in her head that lyric was, regardless of it's origins.

I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour,

Could she really lay the blame entirely on Hayley for this? She'd known who she was dealing with from the start, she knew what she was getting into. She agreed to accompany her, she didn't say a word when she started drinking and getting amorous.

But heaven knows I'm miserable now.

Ema certainly was. Had the other girl noticed? Was she still up there now? If not, how was she even to know that Hayley didn't feel just the same as Ema herself? One thing was sure, though. No matter the answers to those questions, neither would have it in them to face one another. No matter how much remorse or forgiveness there was, it was over. They were over, whether they wanted it to be so or not, and Ema had enough presence of mind to know that much.

And then, there she was.


Ema wasn't ready either.

She looked around. Her eyes were still dry, but with an obvious red tint to the flesh around them. She hadn't cried, but she'd certainly wanted to. Through the typical mess that was her hair, it wasn't hard to see moisture starting to build in the corners, though, and through those bright green irises, it also wasn't hard to see what Ema was thinking. The expression wasn't of jealousy, not even anger. Just pain.

"Hayley, just... don't."

There was so much more she wanted to say, but it seemed as though the wetness in Ema's eyes had been taken from her throat, and she couldn't manage any further words. She stood, and began to walk. She didn't even know the way, maybe she'd luck out, or get a cab, or something. She didn't know, or care.

There were more important things on her mind.

Re: A Foregone Conclusion

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:08 am
by Hollyquin*
Sometimes there's nothing left to say.

Hayley saw it. She saw it in Ema's eyes before she had to say a word. She just knew.

There's some pain that's impossible to ignore when it's staring you right in the face.

"Hayley, just...don't."

That was almost a relief, in some strange way. Hayley had no idea what she was going to say to begin with. What was there to say? What could she do?

Some situations called for...what was it called. Damage control? It sounds so easy when you put it like that.

But some situations called for nothing. Sometimes there was nothing capable of controlling the damage. Sometimes, the damage was done.

The damage was done. And it was all her fault. It was always her fault.

Hayley watched as her girlfriend- ex-girlfriend, now- stood and walked away. What was she supposed to do? Follow? That never ended well. Tears were guaranteed. Lots and lots of tears. Hayley hated tears more than anything.

Stay here? That seemed easiest. Was that wrong? Was she taking the path of least resistance? Did it mean she wasn't really in love to begin with, if she'd let Ema leave without running after her like some fucking Hollywood prince, who goes galloping after the princess on a fucking white horse and she goes, oh, he came back for me! he must love me after all! and they live happily ever after?

Bullshit. It's all bullshit.

She wasn't gonna be forgiven. She might not ever be forgiven.

...She shouldn't forgive me.

Hayley sat down, where Ema had been sitting moments before. She stared into space, her eyes unfocused, her vision blurring.

She didn't deserve this. Fuck, why do I have to be such a loser? I'm just...fucking up. Fucking up everything. With everyone. I'm...I'm poison. Why do I do this? Why do I hurt everyone? Why?...why...why...


She barely registered that she was crying as she ran from that porch, away from the party, and away from Ema. She was running nowhere.

That's where she wanted to be.

[[Hayley Kelly the present.]]