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Evil Flourishes When Good Men Do Nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:59 am
by BetaKnight
Annaliese made sure to place the text of the flier against the glass of the windshield before lowering with wiper into place. That way, even if the driver of this vehicle ignored the flier (like they usually did), they would be forced to look at some of the appalling travesty that was Japanese whaling. Feeling satisfied, she patted the paper before moving on to the next car in the parking lot.

Most people tried to ignore Japan's flagrant violations of the international whaling ban using the flimsy excuse that Minnesota was a landlocked state and really, what did anyone care what a foreign country did across the ocean. That attitude always frustrated her since it was *obvious* that the entire world was switching to a global economy and it was everyone's concern when it came to the issue of conservation of species. Especially since people had that knee-jerk reaction against any type of cloning or embryotic experimentation in order to try and preserve what was left of the world's diminishing bio-diversity.

Shifting the pile to her off hand, she waved at Charles and Gene, two of the campus security officers. They waved back as they rolled past on their little security cart. Awesome. They weren't going to harass her again about putting stuff on cars. Although, to be honest, this was a lot less…extreme than the time she had taken glass chalk and written messages about how careless consumption of gasoline was endangering precious habitats and ecosystems.

"Wasn't that big a deal," she groused as she resumed her flier placements. "That stuff washes off with just a little bit of soap and water. Not like Santa Snow." Heaving a sigh, she managed to place about half a dozen more before she found it. The dreaded land whale.

Annaliese eyed the beast with disgust. What kind of terrible, selfish, inconsiderate…jackass drove a gas guzzling monstrosity like this? Just the sight of it was almost more than she could bear. She began to turn away, sickened by the hulk of metal before she stopped.

No, she musn't. She musn't leave this person a message.

But if she didn't, who would? This…this…black hole of resources would continue to gobble up gas and vomit greenhouse emissions that were detrimental to society. With a decisive nod, Annaliese slapped her pile of fliers down onto the hood of the car as she rooted around in her pocket for a Sharpie.

Fingers clasped around her prize, she muttered to herself as she dictated her note. "Dear unconcerned citizen, you might not be aware…."

Re: Evil Flourishes When Good Men Do Nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:59 am
by Outfoxd
Ray had been grateful that Minnesota was pretty close to Michigan, at least in climate. He didn't think he would have done well trying to adjust to a major climate change.

It was early September, and it was still somewhat warm. A blessing; the heat in Ray's Buick had gone out, and he didn't want to worry about getting it fixed just yet. He still didn't have a job, and he'd be damned if he put pressure on his new stepdad so soon.

He wasn't used to being on an open campus, either. His high schools back in the D were all closed. They had to think about student safety, and all that shit. Here, at lunch, he had just gotten into the Boat and grabbed some McDonald's. He was still picking a Mcdouble out of his teeth. He was only feeling a little guilty; it was the beginning of the school year, and there weren't any meets happening for awhile.

He piloted his car into the lot, finding a spot between a big F-150 and some kind of Honda. A girl was standing around, writing something on a slip of paper. He didn't recognize her, but that was no large feat; he didn't know anyone here just yet.

Ray killed the engine and stepped out of the Regal. He stopped to look at the girl for a minute, trying to figure out what she was doing.

Re: Evil Flourishes When Good Men Do Nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:59 am
by BetaKnight
Annaliese stopped and looked over her shoulder as the sound of an engine died. The new arrival was watching her. Was he going to try and stop her? She had had to put some annoying little freshman in his place last week when he thought he was gonna get all cute and tear down the PFLAG meeting flyer she had posted on the bulletin board by the library.

Car boy didn't seem to be doing much besides watching her, so she resumed writing the letter to the asshole who drove the shit mobile. She quickly checked to make sure that the Sharpie ink hadn't bled through the paper and gotten on the hood of her makeshift desk.

"…terrible milage and inefficient gas consumption also encourages certain Middle Eastern governments, which also causes our government to overlook the human rights violations perpetuated by those governments in exchange for rights and privileges. "

The boy was still looking at her. With a sigh, she turned and looked at him again. "Can I help you?"

Re: Evil Flourishes When Good Men Do Nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:59 am
by Outfoxd
Ray was leaning against the door of his car at this point, folding his arms as he watched. The girl had asked him a question. He almost hadn't expected her to acknowledge him, and he wasn't ready to talk. Not that he ever really was. He was bad at talking. That was why he wrestled. No team to communicate with.

So he kept it brief. Ray inclined his head at the piece of paper, a quizzical look on his face. "Am I gonna get one of those?"

He stepped our from the side of his car, walked over to the girl and looked at the paper. Looked like she was leaving some kind of literature under windshield wipers. Wasted paper.

Re: Evil Flourishes When Good Men Do Nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:59 am
by BetaKnight
Oh Lord, he was doing the strong, silent type. Annaliese fought the urge to shake her head. Of COURSE he was doing the strong, silent type. He was rebelling against the school's "sensitive, in touch with his feelings, expressive male" routine. That had been the model of cool with the junior class last year. She could only hope that the "strong, silent, John Wayne" version was accepted for this year rather than the skater-punk trend that was slowly gaining steam.

Turning to face the new guy fully, Annaliese planted a hand on her hip. "That all depends. Are you already aware of the problems being caused by Japan's whaling fleet, which has routinely flouted international whaling laws in the name of ‘research'? Their ‘research'…." She paused to make air quotes for the word research.

A slight breeze ruffled her stack of fliers, causing her to slap her hand down on the stack to prevent any from escaping. She tossed her head to try and get some of her newly dyed bangs out of her eyes before resuming. "… being the slaughter of innocent and intelligent mammals for the purpose of supplying Japanese citizens with the so-called delicacy of whale meat. It's illegal and uncalled for."

Her horoscope had warned her that she would face opposition when trying to share knowledge with reserved parties. This had to be what it had been talking about. She was definitely ready to defend her position. Maybe this time, she would actually get through to somebody. That thought alone strengthened her resolve.

Re: Evil Flourishes When Good Men Do Nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:59 am
by Outfoxd
The girl, in contrast to Ray, seemed to had plenty to say. He kept his gaze on her, a slightly amused smile on his face while she went off into her schpiel about whales and Japan or something or other. He admired how impassioned she seemed to be about it, so he figured he keep humoring her.

When she finished, he grabbed one of the pamphlets off of her stack, and took a look at it. It was more or less the same thing that she had just finished telling him, so he folded it and slipped it into the back pocket of his jeans. At the same time, he pulled his cell phone out of his front pocket and checked the time. Looked like he still had ten minutes to kill before lunch.

He replaced the phone, then pointed at the pamphlet the girl had been working on.

"What were you writing?"

Re: Evil Flourishes When Good Men Do Nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:59 am
by BetaKnight
"I am writing to the driver of this…this…this *thing*," Annaliese spat as she motioned at her nemesis, the glutton-mobile here in her school parking lot. "It's just a nice, friendly reminder to the selfish, irresponsible jerkwad who thinks they're making a statement by driving a *Hummer* to school. Oh, he's making a statement all right," she muttered darkly.

"Only the statement is that they are completely ignorant of, like, every single important global issue from how the oil market contributes to continued human rights violations to the Kyoto Protocols and their goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions."

Turning back to her note, she began scribbling down her thoughts before they escaped. "I know everyone says you catch more flies with sugar than with vinegar, but honestly. Someone has to make people aware of how their actions impact everyone, not just themselves, this school, or the people of Saint Paul."

Annaliese wrote one more sentence before capping her pen. She smiled at the new guy before adding, "Besides, everyone knows only d-bags drive urban assault vehicles in the suburbs."

She shoved the pen back into her pocket and placed her missive under the windshield wiper. Feeling accomplished, she patted the paper once before gathering up the rest of her fliers and continuing down the row.

Annaliese sighed as she realized how many cars she hadn't gotten to yet. Squaring her shoulders, she began placing more fliers, making sure to put them information side down. ‘I may not get all of them today, but if even one person gets it, this will totally be worth it,' she thought to herself.

Re: Evil Flourishes When Good Men Do Nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:59 am
by Outfoxd
Ray watched for a second as the girl went diligently back to her duties. Whatever she had been saying before was all news to him. She might as well have been speaking French. Or Klingon. Something like that.

Still looking to kill some time, Ray fell into step beside her, and while she wasn't paying attention, grabbed a stack of the fliers and held them up, raising his eyebrows as he did so.

"You've only got about eight minutes to spread the word." To punctuate his point, Ray slid one underneath the windshield wiper of someone's rusted out Chevy Cavalier.

"Not your crusade alone, right?" He asked, the amused smile playing across his lips again before he headed down the line and stuck a flier on a Range Rover.

Re: Evil Flourishes When Good Men Do Nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:59 am
by BetaKnight
"T-thanks," Annaliese said as the new guy began placing fliers. This was an unusual development. Most of the student body actively avoided her when she was doing stuff like this. It was kind of … nice. To have some company.

Unless, of course, this was all some elaborate ruse. In which case, she would be highly annoyed. But for now, she would not look this gift horse in the mouth and let him keep handing out fliers. Because, let's be honest, it meant that more was getting done. And like he pointed out, the clock was running out rather quickly.

Re: Evil Flourishes When Good Men Do Nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:59 am
by Outfoxd
Ray grunted in reply to the girl's gratitude, and started putting the fliers up. Every so often he glanced up to make sure no one was watching him. He was cool with helping the girl, but he didn't want people thinking he was some aggressively passionate cause-fighter his first month at a new school.

As he got a few cars down, he started humming a tune. It was something that was relaxing to him, made the already pretty easy work a little easier.

"....In the heart of the city, ain't no love in the heart of town." He sung snatches of it before going back to humming it on occasion.

He depleted his stack, and checked his phone. There was maybe two minutes left before lunchtime.

He turned to the girl, raised his hand in a wave.

"Time to pack it up."

Re: Evil Flourishes When Good Men Do Nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:59 am
by BetaKnight
Annaliese cocked her head as she heard singing. Was the guy singing while he worked? She strained to hear, but he was only singing in fits and starts. It wasn't any song she recognized. "Different folks, different strokes," she mumbled as she resumed placing fliers.

Just as she was hitting her rhythm, the guy waved and reminded her that they were short. Annaliese just waved back. "Be done it a bit. Thanks for your help."

Two minutes. No problem. She could easily get another, what, twenty-five, thirty fliers distributed in that time. She glanced down at what remained in her hand. That would take care of a majority of the fliers in her possession. Mr. Liatasis would be receptive to having one hanging in his room, she could tell. And the bulletin board outside the library was always good for one. As she mechanically placed fliers on windshields, she pondered where else she could distribute the remainders.

Re: Evil Flourishes When Good Men Do Nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 1:59 am
by Outfoxd
Ray waved off Annaliese's gratitude. "No problem." He watched her continue to lay down the fliers. "Don't work too hard, now."

He headed off for class, shaking his head and smiling his amused smile again. Bayview was going to take some getting used to.

He wouldn't talk to Annaliese again for about half a year.