D&D Night

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Grand Moff Hissa
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D&D Night


Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

((Hey everyone! I started this thread for an in character Dungeons and Dragons session as discussed in the In Character Roleplaying thread. Any character who would play D&D with someone like Aaron is invited; just hop in and we can assume it was prearranged between characters.))

((Aaron Hughes continued from Life is a Game))

Aaron was sitting on the couch in his house, sulking. It had easily been one of the worst days of his entire high school career. Everything had been going well, and then, BAM!, things had fallen completely apart. Who could have known a game could spark so much drama?

You lost your cool. Jacquard knows how to press buttons really well, though, so it wasn't your fault.

Aaron was ready to sweep the whole thing under a rug and never think of it again. He had suffered a highly uncharacteristic breakdown, and could now only hope that word wouldn't get around. The last thing he needed was to become known as the guy who screamed at a crippled girl, even if it had been her fault. Fortunately, no one else involved seemed any more likely to talk about it than he was. It had been a gathering of quiet, awkward people, which made the results even more inexplicable.

Just let it go. You need to focus for the game tonight. Your friends are counting on you.

He shook his head a little, hoping to clear it. That was right. He had a game to run. He had been running a weekly Dungeons and Dragons game over the past five months, and the characters had just hit level seven, a respectable enough power level. When he had left things off last week, the heroes had been about to enter an old cavern. He had planned to prepare the dungeon on the other side before the game today.

Aaron looked at the clock. It was 5:40 PM. The players were supposed to arrive in twenty minutes. Aaron had apparently spent over an hour milling about and feeling sorry for himself. Now, he was stuck without a plan. That was bad. Aaron needed plans to function well.

Uh oh. They aren't going to like this. They'll probably use it as an excuse to make someone else dungeon master or something. They probably don't like you anyway. No one likes you, not for long. As soon as they see that you're different from everyone else they get scared and hang you out to dry, like Rein, playing nice until he had to make a choice.

No, they're your friends, they wouldn't do that.

Aaron ran upstairs to his room, and started rooting around in his desk drawers. He kept a stack of premade adventures he'd downloaded from the internet stuffed into the bottom one. Surely he could find something there to save him.

As he pulled the stack of papers out, one caught his finger, leaving him with a nasty paper cut. He cursed loudly, flinging the papers aside. Everything was going wrong today. Absolutely everything. At least his parents weren't home to hear him screaming obscenities. They usually went out on the nights Aaron ran D&D; it gave them an excuse to spend quality time together and gave him and his friends the space they wanted.

He went to the bathroom, washed the paper cut and slapped a band-aid on, and then went back to his room to dig through the papers scattered on the floor.

Come on, come on, there has to be something...

Suddenly, he found it. An old packet, stapled neatly in one corner, it was something Aaron had printed out two years ago, and read several times for inspiration. It was an adventure he knew well enough to run. It was labeled "Tomb of Horrors", and it was the most notoriously lethal dungeon ever written. It was way, way too dangerous for Aaron's group to have any chance of emerging victorious, let alone alive.

Ah, what the hell, people in Fantasyland have bad days too. At least you won't be the only one upset today. Anyways, this'll be interesting.

He grabbed his dice and rule books and ran back downstairs. He had a plan, now. Things would be alright.
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Post by banthesun* »

((William Sears continued from Evoloution is a Tinkerer))

Erik Silverbane, the Reallocater, the shadow with a silver lining, the best cat-burglar this side of Faerun, and a noble adventurer to boot. The rich were quaking in their mansions and the peasants were raising their voices in his praise. It was a good time to be an adventurer.

Will walked towards Aaron's house, singing to himself softly as he walked. He was early, but he didn't have anything else to do while waiting. In his bag were his character sheet and rule books. In his pockets were his dice. His mind was in character. He was ready to play.

Will knocked loudly and called out. He wasn't meaning to be rude, just to catch attention. Would have been more fitting for his character to sneak in, but that's the beauty of hindsight. Will shuffled the dice around his pockets in a fidgety manner while waiting. He heard Aaron unlocking the door.
"Hi Aaron, I'm a bit early," he checked past Aaron down the hallway, "anyone else here?"

((Will will probably take a seat and start setting up after being let in))
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Aaron opened the door to find Will Sears standing there. Will played the group's thief type, which meant there was a fairly good chance he'd be bearing the brunt of the evening's lethality. Oh well. Fortunately, despite being the tallest person Aaron knew well, Will was not exactly intimidating.

"No one else has arrived yet, Will," Aaron said, moving aside to let him through, "We're setting up in the living room tonight. I've got something prepped that I think you'll find interesting."

Aaron led the way back to the room, casually slipping the adventure into one of his rulebooks along the way. Will wasn't the sort to peak at notes, but still, better safe than sorry. Anyways, it would be easy to accidentally glance at the page, and the title alone would probably let Will know what was coming.

Aaron didn't bother to sit down; he knew he would be running back and forth from the living room to the door letting everyone else in. He gestured towards the kitchen, and said, "There's Pepsi in the fridge, and I think there's a big bag of chips on the table. Help yourself."
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Post by Namira »

((Fix --> Bounce))

I wonder just where our bold heroes will be venturing tonight.

Dungeons and Dragons was a very distant second to Survival Of The Fittest for Bounce, but even she couldn't be on the computer 24/7, and it was very true that if you did for something long enough, it would become tedious eventually, no matter how much you enjoyed it. All the same, playing it was enjoyable, it just involved a little more talking to people than Bounce was entirely comfortable with.

All the same, Bounce got along with the people she attended the evenings with - or at least well by her standards. They, at least, weren't the type to dislike her merely on the basis of her interests. Today hadn't been very good for her, not after running into one Montgomery Pondsworth and being slapped in the mouth. Bounce's split lip was very much visible against her pale face, but hopefully, she could get by without too many questions being asked.

Hm. What spells should I prepare? That may well be the hardest part of being a wizard, along with choosing precisely when to use them...

Bounce walked up to Aaron's front door and knocked a couple of times on it, before waiting patiently. She was a little early, yes, but she saw no reason that the DM wouldn't already be present.
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Post by banthesun* »

((I'm thinking we just go without serious post order until all the players are here))

Will sat down at the table and spread out his character sheets, dice and rule books. Taking a perhaps too big handful of chips, he made himself comfortable.

Spoils of war, perhaps?

More knocking? At least he wasn't the only person to get here so early.

I wonder which comrade has come so early?

As Aaron let the new arrival in Will saw it was Bounce, the party's trusty spell caster. Will considered her one of the few people at school who was actually prepared for any form of apocalypse/terrorist attack. Sure, he thought she was odd, but odd in the same was as he was.

Let's give our mage a good in character welcome...

"Uh, hey Bounce!"

...or not...

Will noticed she had a cut on her lip, like she'd been hit by something.

Wonder what happened there?

It was rude to stare, so he made an effort to look elsewhere. His eyes dropped to his papers, and he pretended to be touching up his character portrait. His eyes hadn't lingered too long, perhaps she hadn't noticed.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Aaron heard knocking at the door, and ran over to open it. Standing there was Bounce, who played the party's wizard. If anyone was likely to survive tonight's events, it was Bounce. That was good; Aaron was actually a little scared of Bounce. She was very direct, and wasn't shy about voicing her negative opinions of others. One thing that slightly bothered Aaron was that he couldn't remember Bounce's real name. It was something long and Russian sounding, and Bounce never used it, but he still wished he could remember it.

Pay attention the next time a substitute stumbles over it in class, and you'll at least get an idea.

Bounce had a split lip. Aaron wondered what had happened, but decided against asking. It wasn't worth risking upsetting Bounce. Maybe he could ask at school. The odds were that nobody would know, though, since she mostly kept to herself.

"Come on in!" he said, gesturing Bounce to the table. Will welcomed Bounce as well. It was still a little early, so Aaron just milled around the couch, leaving his notes safely stashed.

"Help yourself to some chips if you'd like," he said to Bounce, "I can go get some Pepsi out of the fridge too. I'm pretty much ready to get started whenever everyone gets here."

He didn't comment about the night's scenario to Bounce, as he had to Will. He thought she was more likely to suspect that something was up, and he didn't want to accidentally warn her. If she figured out what was going on, she would probably be very upset.

((If no one else turns up for a couple of posts, we can bring in a couple of NPC underclassmen to round out the group, alright?))
Sister Grimm*
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Post by Sister Grimm* »

((Alice Blake Continued from Meltdown))

Alice pulled up in front of Aaron's house, with time to spare. She'd predicted a five minute drive, but reached her destination in just under four. Sitting in the car for a few moments, she looked toward the house, mentally preparing herself for the night ahead. She'd played last week, so she was hardly a pro. Everyone else had been playing for a couple weeks now, with characters to show for it. Her character, a fighter, was at a bit of a disadvantage, not even speaking for her lack of experience. Originally, she only showed up last week for Bounce. She'd wanted an actual friend along, so she'd arrived and stumbled thought her first game. It wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. Dare she say, she actually had fun.

So when she stepped out of her car, pausing to dig her character sheets out of the glove compartment, she was actually a little excited about the night ahead, even putting aside the general unpleasantness of day so far. First she'd gotten Bounce hit by Monty, then, not directly mind you, she'd gotten Vic burned by a cigarette. The last one wasn't even really her fault, but that didn't stop her from feeling guilty. If she hadn't antagonized Monty, he wouldn't have hit, and she wouldn't have stayed to makes rue she was okay. The only reason Victoria got hurt was because she confronted him about making Alice stay with Bounce.

So, in all, not her best day ever. But it was looking up.

She made her way up the walk, her character sheets in hand, and knocked on the door. She waited out front, her hands folded behind her back as she waited patiently on the doorstep. Whatever they had planned tonight, her character would be able to handle it, she reasoned. Fighters were tough, and her Teifling was one to be reckoned with. At least, she thought so.
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Post by Namira »

((Sounds reasonable Vole))

It wasn't long before Aaron welcomed Bounce into his house, the greeting called by William Sears showing that she wasn't the only person to have arrived earlier. From when Bounce had spoken to her friend Alice earlier, Bounce knew that she too would be on her way very soon. It seemed as if the group was assembling with a bit of time to spare. good, that meant that potentially, the session could continue for longer than usual.

The DM, Aaron, seemed slightly preoccupied as he told Bounce there was food available. He just appeared to be a little... concerned. Maybe he was just anxious about the adventure he had planned. Sometimes, it looked to Bounce that Aaron wanted everything to be perfect, but perhaps that was just her.

Bounce went through to where Will was and sat alongside him, feeling exceedingly diminutive next to her giant classmate. All the same, he wasn't muscular, so that put her a little more at ease. She liked William better than Aaron, perhaps because the latter took a highly adversarial approach to his job as DM of the group, or maybe because Will didn't have the same tendency to sulk. That was one of the reasons Bounce hadn't yet put forward the suggestion of switching the DM after their current characters had finished - for fear of upsetting Aaron. The thing was... he couldn't add up very well. At first, they'd thought he was trying to fudge things a little, but the fact was, Aaron just wasn't a great mathematician. It was porobably the most common source of dsiputes in their gaming sessions.

"Hello William. Are you ready?"

Now... who else do we have to wait for?
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

((I'm going to go ahead and start the game session. This means this thread is pretty much closed to new characters. Anyone can do whatever they like with the NPC.))

A knock came at the door, and Aaron hurried to it. Outside was Alice Blake, one of Bounce's friends, and the group's fighter. Alice was new to the group, but that was alright: everyone started somewhere. She played a fighter, and lent some much-needed muscle to the party. Aaron really had no idea how she'd handle things today. It would be interesting, and hopefully not too bad.

The more he thought about his plans, the more Aaron felt that he was about to do something really, really stupid. He shook that feeling off, though. He was the dungeon master. His word was law. Worlds quaked if he told them to. Besides, it was just a game.

He lead Alice to the room, showed her the food, and was about to sit down when another knock at the door sounded.

Aaron ran back to it. Waiting outside was the last member of the group, Stephen Norris. Stephen was a junior. He was short and somewhat stocky, with curly blond hair that he never bothered to brush.

Stephen played the group's cleric. He was a very quiet person; Aaron sometimes forgot he was there. Stephen preferred to take a backseat in the game. He never bothered with anything except healing spells, and the occasional whack at monsters that got near him, even though Aaron had explained to him several times that his character should have been as powerful a combatant as anyone else in the group.

Aaron lead him back to the room, showed him the refreshments, and then, finally, sat down himself. He set up the cardboard screen behind which he hid his notes, pulled the adventure out of the book and set it where only he could see it, and placed a handful of dice on the table, within easy reach of everyone.

Then he stretched and began to talk, telling the story.

"If you remember, last week you all stopped at the foot of a large hill and made camp for the night. The night passes uneventfully, except for the faint howling of wolves in the distance.

"In the morning, the first rays of light reveal the side of the hill. You are able to make out three passages carved into it, in a row, each about twenty feet apart. Each passage looks somewhat clogged with sand.

"What do you do?"

Aaron smiled. This was going well so far. He'd kept things nice and concise, and whatever happened now would be the result of the players' actions.
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Post by banthesun* »

Shit, Will had forgotten about Alice. Tall, pretty, and fit, not to mention her intellect. Of course, Will knew she was a lesbian, so it wasn't like he had the slightest chance. But still it could be distracting. It would take a lot more than that to put him off his roleplaying though, he was used to acting weird in front of everybody.

Almost immediately after arrived the last member of their group, that Stephen kid. Will wasn't particularly fond of him, but at least he didn't impose too much on the rest of them. Mr Silverbane wasn't going to have much of his limelight stolen by this guy.

Now we can get down to the buisness at hand

Looked like a simple dungeon mission for this week, not much originality there. Still there might be a few suprises in store.

Time for our dashing rouge to prove his worth, and possibly even steal some loot while at it

"I guess it's up to me to scout ahead, hmm? I'll be back in a snap." Turning directly to Aaron as he did when making important actions, Will continued, "I sneak into the left tunnel, hidden, I'm looking for traps and valuables."
Sister Grimm*
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Post by Sister Grimm* »

((I don't know if I'm breaking posting order, or we've been waiting for me anyway, but in either case, my apologies. Just wanted to keep thing moving along, is all.))

She parted ways from Aaron while he went to answer another knock at the door. Bounce and William were already sitting in the living room, which would make her one of the last to show up. She didn't see the group healer, Stephen, so she wasn't the last to arrive. The apparent surprise at her arrival from Will didn't escape her notice, but she didn't show any physical reaction. Offering a brief smile to Bounce, she took a seat next to her on the couch, leaving her sitting on the edge of the couch. After a moment of putting them in order, she set her character sheets on the table next to Williams before looking to Bounce and the taller boy.

It was something of a challenge to find someone taller then her, but Will did it easy. Sitting between the two of them, Bounce seemed positively tiny. Now that she was closer to her friend, the mark on her lip was plain to see. She was a little surprised she didn't see it sooner, how startling it stood out on her face. Her mouth opened, but it closed soon after. She almost asked Bounce how she was feeling, but prudence kept her silent. Maybe later, away from anyone else.

"William." She said, nodding politely before looking up as Aaron entered with Stephen. She was silent as he Aaron set his station up, a slight smile on her lips as she waited in anticipation. It might have been an exaggeration, but this was one of the few things she actually looked forward to, aside from her time with Victoria, of course. After the last game, she made sure that she would be back again. It was surprising, how much she enjoyed the last game.

Aaron described tonight's adventure, causing an arched eyebrow from Alice. Granted, she hadn't been along for any length of time, but that didn't sound very original. However, it seemed Will was taking the initiative, moving his rouge into the left most tunnel Aaron described. When no one else said anything, she shrugged lightly and spoke, looking up from the table to Aaron. "I guess I'll just wait outside until everyone else is ready."
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Post by Namira »

Bounce didn't make much clamour when the Junior, Stephen, entered. He was probably the most 'odd' one out of this group of odd ones out, if only because he was younger than the rest of them. Bounce did, however, give a slight smile to Alice when she sat down alongside herself and Will, and the smaller girl absently scooted a little closer to her friend, before looking back to listen to the description of the area.

"I suppose I will remain to see what Will can discover, although I will move until I am just outside the tunnel so that I could assist him should he encounter anything untoward."

Bounce tended to play games like this very cautiously, which could irritate people sometimes - especially since her class meant she was often telling others to search in various areas. Still, better to be safe than sorry.

"So, there are three entrances, or, at least, passageways. I suppose we are to expect at least one of them is false? Traps, I suppose, are a given."

I wonder what Aaron will throw at our party? He can be quite devious from time to time.
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

Will announced that he was going to check out the left-hand corridor. That was the fake entrance with the crushing trap. Aaron frowned. It would really be too bad if everyone died before they even entered the complex proper. Oh well, that was life.

Death, actually...

All the others told Aaron what they did as well. Stephen moved to back up Bounce, and prepare to heal Will if necessary.

Will reminded Aaron that he was checking for traps. That was good. Will was no novice player; he knew that there were all sorts of horrible ways to die in dungeons. Aaron rolled a twenty sided die, and compared the result, a nine, to his notes on the difficulty of the trap and Will's skill. He frowned. For some reason, the math just wasn't coming to him. It was really simple, but he was adding several factors in his head, and... He shook his head and looked at the numbers again. It looked like Will had just failed to notice the sliding block.

Aaron took a deep breath, and then said, "As you step along the corridor, you keep your eyes open, searching for any dangers or valuables. You don't notice anything except two doors at the end of the tunnel. However, as your boot touches the stone about fifteen feet down the passageway, you hear a click, and two panels slide from the wall, one in front of you and one behind you. At the same time, the ceiling begins to drop. Make a reflex save. If you pass, you can jump through the gap before you are sealed in."

He turned to the others and said, "You all hear a grinding from the passageway, like stone rubbing against stone. What do you do?"

Then he smiled. This was the nice thing about Dungeons and Dragons. You got to imagine all sorts of situations that would never occur in real life. There was great potential for adventure, and no one real got hurt. He preferred it to fantasy novels because in D&D there was always a chance that evil would win, that things would go badly, that the heroes would be killed randomly by, say, being trapped in a hallway and crushed by the ceiling.
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Post by banthesun* »

Will had smiled slightly at Bounce's suspicion. She always played the game a bit too cautiously. Well, caution was good when you're a spell caster, but for the swashbuckling Erik Silverbane that was a waste of good time he could be making himself richer. And of course Aaron would save all the really good traps for the back of the dungeon.

But today it seemed like her caution would have paid off. Two things scared Will in this game; long drops, and crushing spaces. Sure his reflexes would be enough to see him through it, but the thing he knew about dice was that they were random.

Oh well, if I screw it up Aaron will just have to fudge some rolls. It's too soon for death traps.

"'K then, dodging away."

He picked up one of his own dice and bowled it down the table with a little too much enthusiasm, causing it to fall on the floor. Not an uncommon occurance when he was in character.


((I don't know what I'd have need to have rolled to make him splatter, so I'll let someone else fill in that.))
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Post by Namira »

((totally dropped the ball, I'm sorry))

Bounce didn't know the exact numbers involved in the calculation, but Will looked to have rolled fairly low, and the last thing they needed was their rogue getting crushed before they even entered the dungeon properly. Conversely to many other players, Bounce was always paranoid about what the DM could throw. Aaron had thrown them for loops in the past, and being casual about threats could simply result in an idiotic death. She had an idea in mind, but she herself (well, her character) wouldn't be able to pull it off.

"Stephen. Your character knows how to cast Bull's Strength correct?" the junior nodded. "Then do so, and attempt to hold the block back. Your character has high Strength if I recall." Bounce looked at Aaron. "Would that work? Is there enough time? If not, I have the same spell prepared."
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