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That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:00 pm
by Sister Grimm*
((Alice Blake Continued from D&D Night))

The drive home was as short and uneventful as she would have hoped or expected. After all, it wasn't that far a drive from Aaron's. Whether Vic was already at her place, she couldn't say. Well, she didn't see her car when she pulled in, so it was a safe assumption to say she beat her friend to her place. As far as she knew, Vic was still at the mall with Theo, so she shouldn't be long. In any case, she had a key, so even if she beat her home, she wouldn't be stuck waiting outside. Of course, she could have gone drinking, as she did so often. It wouldn't surprise her, to be honest. How she managed to get into all the bars she frequented was lost on Alice. Presumably she had a fake ID. Not that she didn't look mature enough to get in without it, of course.

With a slight smile, Alice caught herself before her thoughts wandered anymore. Pulling up in one of reserved, residents parking spaces, she lingered in the car for a moment. A brief glance around to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything, and she was stepping onto the parking lot. It wasn't like she had much that she took with her. She was a bit simplistic like that. Keys and her phone were it, really. Her jacket, of course, but that didn't count. Rain or shine, hot or cold, she was never seen without that jacket of hers. Her father's, one of the few things she had left from him.

Caressing her fingers over the sleeve, she stood next to her car, lost for a moment in thought. She tried not to think about her parents, but that just wasn't practical. Her thoughts would naturally wander and then she would be stuck thinking her parents for God knows how long. It wasn't healthy, in her opinion. She didn't like thinking of the past, especially about her parents. Not that she didn't love them dearly, that went without saying. It was just too painful. For someone content to be the strong, silent type, anguishing over her lost parents wasn't helpful.

With a slight shrug, she slammed her car door shut, probably much harder then necessary, and walked towards her apartment, tugging the key from her pocket. For a few seconds, her movements were jerky and clipped, but after a few seconds returned to a somewhat normal state. When she stepped inside, she left the door unlocked for Vic. Speaking of Vic, she was the person who had the most impact on Alice's meager dwelling as of late. If it were up to her, her home would be as Spartan as it was before Vic. Not to say it was changed too much. The addition of a television and a radio in the bedroom wasn't exactly earth-shattering. The bed was already big enough to share two people easily, so Vic's supplements were limited. Until she showed, Alice was content to sit back on the couch with a book she'd recently picked up from work, The Road by Cormac McCarthy.

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:00 pm
by Yvaine*
((Victoria Logan continued from Seeking Focus))

Vic was still buzzed as she drove from the bar to the apartment Alice rented. It didn't really affect her driving any, but her movements felt a little sluggish. She was fine, though. Then again, didn't drunk people assume they were fine right before crashing into a tree? Well, there wasn't many trees on the way to the apartment complex, so she should be fine. Beside, it took more then two drinks to mess her up. It was two, right? Maybe three. Whatever. She was fine at the moment. She'd be even better once she saw Alice.

Hell, it must be some kind of record. Eleven months with the same person, and she hadn't even slept with her. Yet, she might add. Yeah, they'd slept together, in the literal sense. As in sleeping in the same bed together, but they hadn't screwed. Not for lack of trying on Vic's part, she might add. Just a suggestion here and there, maybe an innuendo somewhere along the lines. Just enough to put the idea in Alice's head. Just because Alice wasn't as forward, Vic hoped it didn't mean she was open to the idea. If everything went as planned, though not so much planned as an idea, tonight might be the night. If she was being honest with herself, she'd been feeling more, well, eager, as of late. It had been five months since she'd gotten laid, after all.

Pulling into the parking lot, she couldn't help feeling a little ashamed, even though she knew it didn't matter. It was just a one night stand, after all. She didn't even remember his name. The only reason she remembered at all was because it happened a month into her dating Alice. She'd gotten drunk and picked some random guy up at the bar, things went predictably enough, and she'd forgotten about him in a week's time. Hell, the only reason it happened was because she didn't really expect Alice to deal with her much longer. It was at the point when they were still getting used to each other. The silver lining being, Alice didn't know. No one knew, beside her and whoever that guy was, and she aimed to keep it that way. She had a good thing going with Alice and there was no way she was going to mess it up.

Alice was already home, judging by the light in the window. Of course, her car sitting in the lot made it a bit obvious. Vic sat in her car for a moment, leaning against the top of the steering wheel. What had brought that up in the first place? Feeling horny? She could even remember who he was, so he couldn't have been that good, so the connection was lost on her. Whatever it was, she needed a cigarette before she went into Alice. Resting the end of the cig between her lips, she snapped open her lighter, a plain black Zippo number, and lit the end. For the moment, she was content to sit in her car. Alice didn't like her smoking inside anyway. Idely, she reached over to her glovebox and fumbled around inside for a few moments before removing a small silver necklace. Turning it over in her fingers for a few seconds, she pocketed the small object and slid out of the car.

Standing on the sidewalk in front of Alice's door, she let the half burned-out cig fall from her lips to the ground below, where she proceeded to stomp out the remaining spark. After a moment, she turned the handle, testing that before bothering to remove her key. With a smile, she stepped inside. Trust Alice to leave the door unlocked for her. A small, seemingly insignificant gesture, sure, but it was nice all the same. The woman most of her thoughts were directed at was lying on the couch in the middle of the room, a book in her hands. Vic was sure she had heard the door open, so she didn't bother being sneaky. " 'Evening, babe." Vic said with a smile, crossing the room. She slid onto the couch next to Alice, a tight fit to be sure, but she was comfortable for the moment. "I bought you something. I won't mind if you don't wear it, but you know, I just picked it up somewhere. I thought it was kind of cool." She produced the small pendent, two Venus symbols joined together, and hesitantly handed it to Alice, offering a weak smile, sliding her other arm around the taller woman as she did.

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:00 pm
by Sister Grimm*
She registered the sound of gravel crunching outside as a car pulled up, as well as the sound of the engine idling. A neighbor, maybe. It could be Vic, sure. Like she said, she had no idea where she was, so it could be 10 minutes or an hour before she arrived. That might have been an exaggeration, but the idea was the same. Either way, neighbor or Vic, she was perfectly comfortable where she was. With a content sigh, she cracked open the book, thumbing past the copyright and dedications page and settling on page numero uno.

When he woke in the woods in the dark and cold of the night he'd reach out and touch the child sleeping beside him. Nights dark beyond darkness and days more gray each one then had gone before. Like the onset of some cold glaucoma dimming out the world. His hand rose and fell-

The door opening brought her away from the page, and she closed the book after it. She tilted her head back, over the arm rest of the couch and looked to the door with an upside-down view. Even with her hair falling back away from her face, she couldn't help but smile at the woman walking in the door. "Hey Vic." she said, her tone suggesting a more cheerful mood then those around would be used to hearing or experiencing. Not to say she was dour, exactly, just...subdued. Stoic, even. But right now, she was feeling good. Great even. A new book, a beautiful girlfriend, a night of sitting back and relaxing. Sure, the change in mood was sudden, but not exactly unwelcome. It was a nice change of pace, to be sure.

She was getting ready to roll off the couch when Vic slid down next to her. Alice arched an eyebrow and smiled a smile that some would consider mischievous. "You just got here Vic, and your already on top of me? Someones impatient." Her smile grew as she spoke, and even with her good mood, it felt out of place. Sure, it wasn't odd to see a smile from her now and then, but not usually this broad. But, like she said, she was feeling good.

"Watcha got there?" She asked, just before she handed Alice the necklace. Her smile grew as she turned the ornament over in her hands, running her fingers over the cool metal. She turned to Vic and kissed her quick on the cheek. "Thanks Vic. I like it." With a wink, she added "though, technically, your not a lesbian." With another quick kiss, she clambered over her partner and stood over her on the couch. "Want something to drink? I'm getting something to drink, I'll grab you a coke." Alice didn't so much walk to the kitchen as skip, as terrifying as that sounded, pausing only to clip her new necklace around her somewhat scarred neck.

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:00 pm
by Yvaine*
Vic found herself blinking as Alice made her joke. Not that it was a bad joke, or anything. The whole 'Alice making a joke' thing startled her a little. Well, okay, Alice wasn't an expected source of jokes. She'd put it that way. It was kind of surreal, and she almost said as much, but hesitated when she wondered if she was just reading too far into it. Yeah, she decided, she definitely was. Just because the most solemn person she knew was skipping around her apartment and making jokes, it didn't mean anything. "Um, okay." Vic said, the surprise just starting to wear off. "I'm, uh, glad you like it."

When she climbed over her, even when she was kissing her, Vic watched Alice, looking for maybe a hint of her behavior. It was unusual, to say the least. Her comment caught her off-guard once more, and she was blinking once more. Alice didn't like talking, hell, thinking about Vic's previous relationships. If you might call them as much. But now she was making a joke about it? Okay. She decided. Something's up. Tentatively, Vic climbed off Alice's less then roomy couch. "Maybe not." She said slowly. "But I'm not wearing it."

With a feeling of dread, Vic wondered if Alice found her stash and took some of the E inside. It was a small stash, granted, but one pill was all it took (taped under the stand on her side of the bed, if you were wondering). Oh, she would be pissed if she knew she had some of her stuff hidden there. Unless, of course, she already knew. Hence her current mood. Ecstasy or aliens. That was about the extent of her guesses.

"You okay, babe?" She asked, standing behind her by her kitchen sink. Watching for any change in her tall companion, she wrapped her arms around Alice's waist, pressing flush against her. She was just tall en0ough to rest her chin on the taller woman's shoulder. "You seem, eh, different, tonight." Hesitantly, she smiled, though Alice probably wouldn't see it. Her smile widened into a grin as she nuzzled into Alice's neck, kissing lightly up the side while one hand worked it's way under her shirt, resting on her toned stomach.

"I like this side of you, Alice."

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:00 pm
by Sister Grimm*
A chuckle escaped her colorless lips as she set can of coke on the counter, followed by her own root beer. It would seem Vic was more then a little uneasy about her change in moods. Not that Alice didn't understand. Feeling upbeat was, well, let's say it's been a while since she acted like this. Not since the accident, on that frigid night years ago. She must have been in a great mood, because even the fleeting thought of her parents didn't bring her down too terribly much. It was a nice change, she had to admit. Smiling freely for once, she turned to Vic briefly to offer her a quick smile and another kiss before turning back to the counter.

"No, I guess not." She said with an easy chuckle. "Ice?" She managed to ask before Vic was wrapping her arms her waist. The weight on her shoulder felt comforting, and Alice smiled down at the woman behind her. "I'm fine Vic." She said reassuringly, placing her hands over Vics'. Would I be acting like this if I was depressed?" She added with a quick wink.

Her smile widening, she stepped away from Vic before taking a few steps on hoping onto the kitchen table. Like the rest of her apartment, the table was small, big enough for one, maybe two people. The kitchen itself was squeezed into the corner of the room, with the couch they'd been reclining on moments before taking up the most significant portion of the room. Well, the TV resting on the table a few feet in front of it wasn't exactly small, but it was good enough for the pair of them. The bedroom was, expectantly, small. A twin bed and a few dressers with her meager amount of clothes stored inside, was all. That and the door leading to the just as small bathroom. The necessities, and little else.

Sitting on the edge of the table, Alice smiled up at her girlfriend, hunched slightly with her elbows resting on her knees. "Thanks, Vic. Really. I mean, for being concerned, as misplaced as it was." She leaned back, propping her arms on the table behind her, her jacket crinkling in that way all leather jackets do. She swung her knees below the table in an almost childish fashion. "So, what do you want to do tonight, gorgeous?"

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:00 pm
by Yvaine*
Standing over Alice, Vic couldn't help but smile. This was going great. Well, not that she actually suggested anything yet, but the general atmosphere. Could you have atmosphere with two people? She guessed it didn't matter, the point was, she rather liked Alice in a chipper mood. Rumor had it, this was more or less the way she acted before her parents died in that car crash, what was it, two-three years before? All chipper and upbeat, if that's what you'd call her current mood. Again, it didn't matter. Vic liked focusing on the present, the here-and-now. And her here-and-now was Alice, to be completely blunt. For one, she was in a relationship whose primary focus wasn't sex. And it felt nice.

Not that she didn't want sex, of course.

Speaking of which...Something about the way she was sitting on the table, the way she smiled, maybe even just the way she tilted her head when she inquired about the evening's plans. What it was, it turned Vic on. Hell, Alice could turn Vic on without even trying, and most of the time, without even realizing it. Not to say she was obvious, but Vic was very good at hiding what she was feeling when she wanted. Most of the time she didn't bother, but with Alice? she made the effort.

Now, she knew for a fact Alice was sensitive, and she'd only found that out when they were making out. She was eager to see how sensitive she was, exactly. Fantasies ran through her head, most just passing through, being discarded as too...what, outrageous. Well, too outrageous for Alice's first time.

As much as she was looking forward to getting laid, she wanted this to be special for Alice, even more then herself. She found herself smiling lecherously despite that thought, but it was an expression that wasn't too uncommon on her face, but had been more seldom seen as of late, for obvious reasons. Hint hint, it was her virgin girlfriend.

Mentally, she cursed the fact she was wearing two shirts. Oh, she could make a guy pant just removing her shirt, but after doing it twice, it sort of lessened the effect. Too much of a good thing, and all. She did tend to get some points back with the pants, and only got better from there. She didn't exactly see Alice panting over her, but it was an interesting idea. With a mischievous smile, she quickly pulled off the black tee she was wearing and tossed it casually over her shoulder.

"What am I planning on doing this fine evening, you ask? Why, you, of course." Not exactly poetic, sure, but it got the message across in case the removal of her shirt didn't.

Vic stepped forward, placing a hand on either of Alice's shoulders and pushing her back roughly, following the push and climbing on top of her now prone girlfriend. Who, as it would happen, was on top of her table. Kinky, hell yes, but not exactly hygienic. Well, she'd just have to make their way to the bedroom. That didn't stop Vic from crushing her lips to against her partners. Presently, Vic straddled the taller woman, leaning over her with her own hands pinning Alice's to the table. She shifted, so she was less likely to slide of the table, all the while pressing into Alice. After a minute, she leaned back, smiling broadly. "Oh, what a night I have planned, babe."

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:00 pm
by Sister Grimm*
Alice blinked as Vic's shirt found it's way across the room. Her eyes followed it's arc until it collided against the wall. When Vic started to speak, she looked back, more then a little confused, but retaining a bemused expression all the while. Not that the shirt wasn't a pretty big clue, but then Vic went and sweet-talked her. Well, Alice wasn't with Vic because of her subtly, and if this was any indication, her love wasn't going to change that particular part of her behavior anytime soon.

"Me? Well, aren't you forward?," was about all she had to time to say before she found herself on the table. A not entirely displeased gasp escaped her as she landed, smiling in spite of herself. She had told Vic that pain turned her on, so it should have exactly been a surprise. Of course, she also knew Vic was the more dominant person in the relationship, so her climbing on top shouldn't have been a surprise either. Though, all things considered, she'd had worse surprises.

"Fancy meeting you here." She said with a wry smile before Vic kissed her.

Underneath the more impulsive woman, her hands pinned to the table, Alice kind of, well, lost herself. That might have been an excessive. An exaggeration, maybe. The point was, she was having a very good time. She found herself writhing underneath Vic, her breath coming in quick gasps as Vic did what she did best. Maybe it was the way Vic knew exactly how to tease her, maybe it was whatever it was she was doing with her tongue, the pressure of the smaller woman on her lap, it really didn't matter. The end result was driving Alice crazy. Her clothing felt restrictive, constricting, too warm, too smothering. Even as Vic pressed against her, she broke away every few seconds to gasp for air or whisper her name.

When Vic broke away, Alice panted beneath her, her pale features flushed. She was used to making out, but Vic seemed on a mission tonight, and Alice knew exactly what it was. Maybe that was what had her gasping for air. With her hands now free, her right rose languorously and brushed the hair from her eyes, a lazy smile on her face. "I can't wait." The taller woman said honestly. Placing her palm on Vic's stomach, she eased herself into a sitting position, hunched just enough to be eye level with her partner.

Her satisfied smile fell away, replaced by an expression of discomfort, mixed with what could have been fear. "I know all about your reputation, Vic." Looking away, her eyes settled on a particularly fascinating knot in the table. "I know how you work, worked, work." Her expression fell further, if that was possible. "I just want to know if your going to pack up and go. After tonight, I mean. If that's how it's going to be, I'd like some warning first."

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:01 pm
by Yvaine*
If there was one thing Victoria Logan enjoyed more then sex, it was the effect she had on other people during more intimate moments. Which, she guessed, could be be considered the same thing as sex. If she was being specific, the sounds she made people make during sex. Was that weird? She didn't care, so it didn't matter. In her time, she'd heard a lot of people cry her name, whisper her name, scream her name, and everything in between. It was one thing she never grew tired of. Maybe because she was just that fond of Alice, but hearing that voice, that low contralto, whisper her name, had to be one her favorites. As if she need another reason to be turned on.

During one such moment when Alice broke away to whisper her name as she gasped for air, Vic smiled, almost smugly, waiting patiently until Alice made contact again. Naturally, over the years, Vic had learned a thing or two. She could leave someone panting and begging for more with just a kiss. A long, involved kiss, sure, but a kiss all the same. Maybe she was showing off a bit with Alice, not that she'd realize, but Vic was going full speed, so to speak, pulling out all the stops. If anything, she'd be disappointed if Alice wasn't going crazy beneath her, the things she was doing.

It was the small details that really sent if home. Tracing her fingers on her wrist, putting pressure on all the right places, and not to mention her tongue. When Alice finally sat up, Vic was satisfied to see what she was doing was working. The flushed face, the breathlessness, it just turned Vic on even more, seeing her girlfriend like that. Did that sound wrong? Well, she really didn't care. Right then, she just wanted to take Alice's clothes off. She'd slid her leather jacket off and hung it on the back of one of the chair when Alice spoke. Vic glanced up, momentarily surprised at the change of subject before a matching frown spread across her face.

"You really think I'd do that?" She asked, the sting of Alice's question not immediately apparent in her reply. "Alice, if you know that, you also know the average length of my prior relationship was a week. I'm not going to leave you after six months just because we go to bed together." As far as reassurances went, it was lacking. That was the best she had. She knew herself she wasn't going to leave Alice, and that was as best she could do to verbalize it. She wasn't Bounce, eloquence wasn't her strong suit.

"If I can't tell you in any convincing manner, I can always show you." She added with a weak smile, climbing off Alice and the table. "C'mon." She said, taking her companions hand and easing her from the table and onto the floor. Giving the slender hand a reassuring squeeze, she led her through the kitchen, then the living room, and into the bedroom. "Take a seat." She said as a mischievous smile spread across her lips before she shoved Alice onto the bed. She crossed the room, not exactly using her most seductive step, and pulled Alice into a sitting position. Standing over the taller woman, her smile broadened. Grabbing a handful of hair, she jerked her head back, not exactly hard, but just enough to give Alice that pain she knew she enjoyed. Pausing just enough to kiss her, Vic wasted no more time in pulling off her shirt and pushing her back onto the bed.

"I really hope you enjoy this, Alice."

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:01 pm
by Sister Grimm*
Alice found herself smiling in spite herself. She wanted to believe Vic, needed to, even. Needed to believe she wouldn't just pack up and move on once was Alice was out. Her words might not have been the most persuasive, but Alice believed her, and if not her tone, the hurt expression that flashed briefly across her face, like the very idea hurt her. "Sorry." She managed to mumble before Vic eased her from the table. "Sounds good." She said, her voice a mixture anxiety and nervousness. She was still feeling good, but the very prospect of going to bed with Vic was intimidating. It was like picking up a basketball for the first time and your opponent was Micheal Jordon.

Now, Alice was never what you could call endowed. Not as a joke, or while completely serious. She just never developed that way. Ever since puberty, she'd been flat chested. Not A cup, she would be so lucky, but completely flat. Like, have you ever seen Keira Knightley in a dress? Flat chested like that. Like, a prepubescent boy had more of a chest then she did. Vic, hell, she drew eyes without trying. Not just her her generous bust, more then her model looks. Well, that might have helped, but not just that. Some combination, probably. The point being, Alice didn't have that to draw someone in. Her list of suitors, even before her parents untimely demise, wasn't exactly awe-inspiring. She still had her good looks, yeah, but if people found you depressing, that didn't matter. One of the many reasons she loved Vic, by the way. How many people could bring her out of that dour mood?

Love or no, when she found herself sitting on the edge of the bed, her shirt promptly tossed away by Vic, she was instantly embarrassed. Making it worse was the short cry of pleasure that escaped her at the rough treatment by the other woman. Her first instinct was to cover the meager amount of breast she did have. She didn't even have a bra to cover herself with. People like Vic needed bra's, people like her didn't.

The next was to try and cover her scars. If not those on her arm, a least the ones on her neck. After all, they were the ones she found more...distracting. She ended up with one hand awkwardly folded across her chest and wrapped as best she could around the scar wrapping her arm, the other hand trying it's best to cover her neck. Flashing a nervous smile to the more beautiful of the pair, she bowed her head slightly, hiding her eyes behind her overlong bangs. "Sorry,Vic." She said softly, not entirely sure what she was apologizing for.

She hadn't moved from the position she'd sat up into, and if anything, she looked even more tense. The hand wrapped her arm shook ever so slightly, and she couldn't seem to make herself move, let alone look up at Vic. "I guess your used to people who know what they're doing, right?" Alice asked meekly, glancing up, her hair falling away enough so that one eye fell on Vic. Offering another sheepish smile, she averted her eyes once again, looking back to the carpeted floor. To be honest, inner monologue, she didn't even know how this whole thing would work. Guy and a girl, common sense, sure. A guy and a guy, yeah, still following the vaguely basic idea. Two girls, though? Vic had girlfriend's before, so she probably knew what she was doing. Again, Alice arrived at the conclusion she just had to hang on and follow Vic's lead.

After all, it was a dance, a horizontal one mind you, and her girlfriend knew all the steps.

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:01 pm
by Yvaine*
You know how she mentioned Alice being dead fucking sexy without even trying? Yeah, this was one of those times. Sure, Vic imagined her being bashful and embarrassed, having never really lost her shirt in front of someone else. Not in this type of setting, at least. Maybe gym or Fencing, gymnastics, whatever her fitness routine consisted of. The point being, Vic was the first person to have seen Alice in such a stae of disrobe in this particular type of situation. It was a little empowering. That, combined with the way she made her cry out Vic's name, well, it was enough to make her feel ten stories tall. That was the expression, right? When someone was feeling awesome about themselves? Hm. In the end, she was the person who made it the furthest with Alice, and she had a ways to go yet.

Smiling gently, Vic stepped forward, placing a hand on either of Alice's shoulders. "Relax. It's me, babe. You know I don't care about your scars." Easily, softly, she peeled her arms away, first from around her neck and shoulder, them from around her arm. More firmly, she pinned the taller woman's arms to her side, leaving her chest and torso unobstructed. "Hey." Vic said softly, trying to meet her girlfriends eyes through her curtain of hair. Smiling obstinately, she ducked down and moved up into a kiss with Alice. Even while pinning her arms, Vic pressed against Alice, gradually pushing them both onto the bed.

Once Alice's back was against the comforter, she rose, still on top of Alice. Once again she was straddling the taller woman, sitting easily in her lap. She smiled reassuringly, offering a slight nod. "It's fine." With slow, drawn out movements, her hands slid up her own body, a seductive smile on her perfect lips. With great fanfare, she removed her own top, stripping off the long sleeved shirt, with heavy emphasis on stripping. Her smile broadened as she threw the garment on some random section of floor. While Alice didn't exactly need a bra, she did, and that was the only article of clothing covering her torso. Of course, that too would be gone soon enough.

"Like what you see?" She asked with a quick wink as she leaned back into Alice. Crushing her lips to Alice's once again, she braced herself with one hand on the bed, the other resting more gently on Alice's chest. The irony of this whole situation didn't escape her. Alice was, for all intents and purposes, the male in the relationship. And Vic was fine with that. But here and now? With Vic on top and Alice gasping beneath her? Empowering, man. Speaking of gasping, Vic decided it was time to pick up the tempo and give Alice something to really gasp about.

The hand braced against her chest slid downward, though not too far downward. Vic closed her fist, extending a finger. That finger circled the taller woman's admittedly meager breast, moving in the same way that drove herself crazy, especially when the guy knew what he was doing. Vic knew what she was doing. She kept her lips locked with Alice's, grinding her hips into the woman beneath her even as her finger rose higher on her breast. The corner of her mouth rose in a grin as best she could while keeping her lips locked with Alice's, if only in anticipation of her reaction. Hell, the anticipation, the gasping, the screaming her name, all of it. And that was without even taking anyone's pants off yet.

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:01 pm
by Sister Grimm*
Underneath Vic, she couldn't help but relaxing a little. Even with her chest and scars exposed. The scars mostly. No, Vic had never expressed anything other then understanding. Alice had no real reason to feel insecure around Vic, especially about her scars. She knew that, and she knew Vic didn't care. Despite that reassurance, she couldn't feel but feel embarrassed, her eyes always darting away whenever Vic tried to meet them. Until she kissed her, Alice tried not to even look at her. She knew that if she did, she'd blush and giggle and generally look like a girl. Alice did not looking like a girl, a weird as that sounded. She was not feminine, did not want to be feminine, and hated anyone thinking she was. It was in agreement that Alice was, if you excused the expression, the 'man' in the relationship. That meant not giggling like a fool.

Yet, when Vic did finally catch her, a giggle escaped her. Alice couldn't catch it, and in turn, hated herself a little for it. Besides a brief grimace, her expression didn't change, and she looked up at Vic with a smile that could only be described as 'goofy'. Even if she did agree with the idea of her position in the relationship, this was Vic's area of expertise. It showed. So far, she'd done everything right, and it told Alice how well her girlfriend knew her. Every move she made seemed to put her more on edge, stimulating her in ways she was definitely not used to. Be it small things, like the way her finger ran up and down her wrist in the kitchen, or the way she'd jerked her head back in the bedroom, it all put Alice in a state she was not used to being in.

As anyone who knew her could attest to, Alice kept her emotions under control. Beside an occasional smile, Alice was always solemn, always taciturn. If there was one thing she found in her life, it was that emotions got you hurt. She kept herself under control, kept herself withdrawn, her herself away from the people around her. If could help her avoid what she went through with her parents, she'd do whatever it took. Yet, here she was, as open as she ever was before the accident. If it were anyone but Victoria Logan...Suffice to say, she didn't like it. She didn't like that she couldn't keep from smiling and she didn't like the arousal she was feeling.

Of course, Vic was making it awful hard to feel anything else. First, the way she took of her shirt. Alice couldn't help but pant at every move she made. When she spoke, it took Alice a second to realize. Nodding dumbly, her eyes traveled up and down the expanse of Vic's torso, eye widening slightly. This was really happening. They were really going to do it. She realized then that she hadn't actually thought it was going to happen. It was hard to explain. Just the idea that it would all fall apart somehow. But no, there they were, and Alice was more turned on then she would ever admit.

That was before Vic's made contact again. Alice leaned into the kiss as much as her prone position would allow, hesitantly wrapping her arms around the back of her girlfriends neck.They loosened as Victoria shifted, and the feeling that followed was sudden enough that another gaps escaped her lips. "A-ah...Vic..." She whispered lightly, gasping again as the other woman circled her breast. It was too much. Every movement the other woman made, it sent another wave of pleasure crashing through her body. The way her lower body pressed her against Alice, moving back and forth with just enough pressure to take her breath away. Everything she was doing, she was doing it with confidence, with no hesitation, like she'd been planning this for months. If Alice's reactions were anything, it was paying off. "Vic!" She cried, louder, as the other woman's hand rose to the area around her nipple. Writhing underneath the woman, it was all she could do to keep from crying out. With numb fingers, she fumbled with her pants, trying, and failing, to unbutton and remove her jeans. "V-vic, help me out." Was all she could say, more breathless then ever.

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:01 pm
by Yvaine*
This was it. Everything she'd be looking forward to for the last six months, ever since seeing Alice in that book store. Getting Alice into bed had been her primary goal for the longest time, and now it was actually happening. Okay, maybe in these last few months it wasn't such a focus, but it had always been there. She'd had fantasies about this moment, about getting Alice into various states of undress, of various toys, various costumes, various scenarios. None of which would most likely ever pan out. As much as she would like to see Alice in tight leather, whip in hand, chances were that it wasn't going to happen. Even if she did have everything necessary to make it so, though the leather outfit would probably be too small for Alice.

But. She was getting ahead of herself. Right now, Alice was ready to move on, and Vic was more then happy to help her out. After planting another quick kiss on the taller woman's lips, she climbed off her. A devilish smile spread across Vic's lips. "Anything m'lady requires." The hand on her breast traced down her chest an onto her stomach slowly, teasingly. The other braced against the bed next as Vic hovered over Alice. Her hand reached Alice's waistband and Vic smiled down at Alice, winking. "Say please?" She chuckled and turned her eyes lower. With deft and practiced motions, she'd unbuttoned and unzipped the older woman's pants.

Victoria rose into a kneeling position, placing her other hand on the waistband of Alice's jeans. After a moment of slight hesitation, she started to pull Alice's jeans down. Vic glanced up, the smile on her face almost as nervous as the one on Alice's. For all her hopes, and fantasies, she was unsure, even anxious. Sure, she knew what she was doing, more then she would probably like to think about. If one thing could be said about Victoria, it was that she knew her way around the bedroom. She knew how to make her partner scream her name without even trying. But with Alice, she couldn't help but think of her first time. She didn't even know his name, she only remembered that it wasn't very good in retrospect. But at the time, she was scared, terrified of messing up and making herself look like an idiot. It was that all over again. As for the reason? Hell, she could only theorize. Maybe because she actually cared about Alice?

Whatever the reason, she didn't want to keep Alice waiting. Once her pants were free, she tossed them to the side, out of mind immediately. Vic looked down at Alice, taking in her nearly bare frame. "Wow, babe, you look even better with your clothes off." Vic grinned, leaning down, over Alice. She hovered halfway over her, her left leg propped between Alice's, her right hand on the other side of Alice's head. With a mischievous smile, she leaned forward, holding her left hand to Alice's chest as she planted a string of kisses down the side of her jaw. Making her way down her neck, Vic nuzzled into Alice's neck, her teeth biting gently against the scarred skin.

While she bit and kissed the taller woman's neck, her hand traced gently down her torso. When her hand reached Alice's waist, she bit down harder, not terribly painful, but enough to cater to Alice's masochistic streak. She did look up briefly at Alice, meeting her white-blue eyes with a smile. Her fingers played with the band of Alice's underwear for a moment before slipping under the, at this point, soaked fabric. Not to brag, but she was good. Her smiled widened as she traced her finger around her slit briefly before sliding a finger inside.

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:01 pm
by Sister Grimm*
Alice was in no condition to give Vic the faintly reproving look she might have given otherwise. "Vic..." Alice warned, her voice breathy, shaking her head at Vic lightly. She watched the other woman's hand slide town her torso, teasingly slow, a chill running down her spine. A shaking gasp escaped her lips, Vic's touch more then enough to drive her wild. Her right hand hovered on Victoria's hip, her left running through her own hair as Vic pulled her jeans way. Alice broke from her reverie to look up at Vic, a embarrassed smile breaking across her lips while she made a vain attempt to cover herself, primarily, the scars on her waist that were made more immediately obvious. "Sorry for killing the mood, babe." Victoria's words caught her off guard, Alice's hand falling from her side. "Y-you...think so?" Her expression flitted from surprised to bashful, along with a light grin.

Even trying to maintain some semblance of self-control, she caught Vic's hesitation. Of course the most obvious answer was that it was somehow her fault. Maybe Vic thought there were more scars. Maybe she was having thoughts about choosing her. Maybe...Whatever explanations she was tossing about, she didn't really care once Vic leaned into he. Fine, taking the area she was currently kissing and biting, it might be alright to say she didn't care about her scars. Technically, she was cheating. Vic knew that her neck was her weak spot, so attacking it with the enthusiasm she was wasn't even fair. Alice let out a strangled groan, smothering the cry before it grew too loud.

Alice was so focused Vic's assault, she barely noticed her hand tracing down her stomach. "Oh god, hurt me Vic, hurt me..." She breathed, writhing at the faintest touch. She became acutely aware of Victoria's hand as it slid under under waistband, not to mention uncomfortably aware of how wet the material had become. Her face grew more flushed, if at all possible. Could it be more embarrassing? She doubted that Vic was so eager that, well...She hated actually spelling it out, but she doubted Vic was so eager that she was soaked herself.

Of course, any embarrassment disappeared as her finger traced around her. Alice didn't even have a chance to cry out before Victoria slid her finger inside. Now she had time to scream, and scream she did. "Oh God!" She cried out, maybe a little louder then she would have liked, and probably more then the people on the other side of thin walls would have too. Alice writhed underneath Victoria, her fists clenched as she grew used to the foreign object, the foreign object beings Vic's long, slender finger. "Ah...Ah, Vic..." She whispered, wrapping her arms loosely around Vic's waist. It occurred then that Vic was just getting started. Considering that, she tried not to look too eager.

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:01 pm
by Yvaine*
This was exactly what she'd been looking forward to. Granted, Alice was sensitive enough that making her cry out wasn't exactly difficult. Vic knew her weak spots, where the slightest touch would drive her wild. If anything, she wanted to hear more. She wanted Alice completely. Vic wanted to hear her scream, to hear her moan, to hear her beg. Vic wanted to please her, to make her feel good, to make her feel like she was on top of the world. What she wanted most was for this to be special for Alice, the only person she'd confessed her love for and meant it. The person that she felt closest to. Alice was the only person she felt like she could be completely honest with, like she was the one person who wouldn't, doesn't, judge her.

"Hurt you, huh?" Vic said with a faint smile, looking up from Alice's neck briefly, just long enough to plant a quick kiss on the other woman's lips. Vic moved down back to her neck, planting a string of kisses down her jaw line before settling back into her familiar spot, kissing and licking her neck. Occasionally, she'd throw a bite in, a little harder then the ones before. She bit down harder or softer judging on sound's coming from Alice, and she felt that some where indeed hard enough to leave a mark. Well, that would just be her way of telling everyone else who Alice belonged to.

Vic gradually shifted so that she more centered with Alice, hovering directly over her. Her pants felt constricting, refining, and not even the type she liked. Well, she'd get Alice further along before dealing with herself. Maybe some of the vibrators she had stashed around? Oh, she shivered just thinking about it. Presently, she lowered herself slightly, so that her chest pressed against Alice's. She gasped, more of surprise then anything else, at the sudden jolt of pleasure before she started to shift back and forth. God, her bra was in the way, and it still felt awesome. She moaned softly into Alice's neck, the friction on her breast a warm reminder of past conquests.

The whole time, her finger slid in and out of Alice, keeping up a steady tempo. She broke away from her neck for a lingering moment, making eye contact with a small smile. "Ready?" She didn't exactly wait for an answer. Crushing her lips against the taller woman's, she slid her finger out. After a beat, she slid three fingers inside, pausing a moment before sliding out and starting again. Vic settled into a steady rhythm, in and out, in and out, moving a bit faster after a time, and a bit faster after that. If Vic had read her right, and she was really as receptive as she thought, it would be no time until she came. After that, well, who knew?

Re: That Special Someone

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:01 pm
by Sister Grimm*
Alice couldn't help but moan. Honestly, she didn't have a choice. The way Vic was making her feel...Well, there wasn't possibly any other option. The way she was biting at her neck alone would have pushed her over the edge if she wasn't careful, let alone they way her fingers were working. Another gasp, followed by a short moan escaped her after a particularly hard bite. Damned if Vic just didn't bite down harder after that. Oh, it was enough to make her beg, if only so that Vic wouldn't stop! Alice pressed a hand to her forehead, just something to occupy her hands beside clenching the sheets in ecstasy. Her hand ran through her hair as she bit down on her lip, her legs kicking against the comforter. "D-don't stop, Vic, please, don't stop..." She gasped, more then a little breathless for the moans and gasps every few seconds. Whatever you do, don't stop...

When she shifted, Alice couldn't help but wonder what she had in mind next. The kiss she planted on her lips was far too brief for her liking, but she made up for it now. Vic lowered herself over Alice, and she didn't know what she was planning at first. The end goal become notably clearer when she started to grind her chest against Alice's own meager bosom. It was nice to hear Vic moan for a change, but it did make Alice feel a bit guilty. After all, Vic was working towards Alice reaching her peak first, and Alice was just lying there. She wanted to please Vic, if she could. Vic was probably used to people more used to the bedroom scene, so Alice doubted she'd be the best she ever had, but she just wanted to do something. Something to make Vic feel as good as was making her feel.

But, before she had a chance to entertain that thought for any longer, let alone act upon it. Vic's question brought her back somewhat, and she looked up at the more experience woman, smiling lazily. "I'm not sure, but go-" Her words transformed into a surprised gasp, then a slow moan as she slid more fingers inside. Not that the sudden change wasn't unexpected, but if felt too good to get caught up on that. Any other moans she wanted to make were cut off by Vic kissing her, deeply and, if Alice might venture, quite passionately. Even with the other woman at her lips, she couldn't help but moan. Then Vic started to move faster, and faster still. She might have been a complete virgin, but Alice could recognize what was coming.

When she did, what she saw in Vic's eyes was pure adoration, and resolve. She tried to return the same. With the most minute increase in speed and pressure she brought her there. Alice hit, clutching at Vic, pulling her close. Her body arched, went completely rigid. Every one of her muscles tensed and flexed. She locked her breath away, and like an atom bomb, exploded, concussively, in blue, red, black, and green. Hours, days, years, she could have been in lost in the ecstasy. Her breath escaped in a gasp, and she realized she was screaming. Alice came back slowly, her breath coming in frantic and breathless gasps. As far as first orgasm's go, she thought it was rather nice.

For a minute, Alice was perfectly content to lie there panting with Vic held close to her shivering and shaking body. "Wow." She whispered simply. After a moment, she climbed out from under Vic and rolled off the bed, landing on trembling feet. "I'll be right back, Vic." She said, smiling back to the beautiful woman in the bed. Current target: bathroom. If Vic had more in mind, she was going to at least get rid of her no-doubt-soaked underwear. Vic probably wouldn't mind her losing them right there, but if she ended up throwing them in some far corner of the bedroom, she would forget them. As she started toward the bathroom, and the hamper inside, she almost fell when her legs almost gave away beneath her. She recovered quickly and hoped Vic wouldn't have too much of a laugh.