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Timely Extension of the Gift

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:26 pm
((OOC: Rekka Saionji entering from:Turning the Clock, Catching the Hand))

Saionji's Gift, just about a year ago this small restuarant was the talk of many skeptics. Particularly because Bayview wasn't known for it's genuine Asian cuisine, let alone the positioning of the shop was so close to an audience that generally did not care to stop by for a fast bite. Serving up a display of very beautifully shaded fish upon freshly washed rice was amongst the first few moves to ring in the customers. From delectable creations from Minnesota's own waters, to refreshing salads to flower up the dampest of days, these were the main staples that held Saionji's Gift on the market.

As the year passed, the restuarant began to cater more options for their patrons, while staying true to the simple image it held within the bamboo crafted walls. Crepes and palettes of home-made ice cream, to a good old cheeseburger attracted hungry high-schoolers who simply wanted a bite to eat. Lately, with the addition of a dessert menu and specialty soft drinks, couples found themselves coming in for a sweet finish after catching a flick over at Sunset Cinema. The Saionji's themselves always greeted their customers like they were family, and made sure to keep the atmosphere as light as possible.

If there was a gripe about the restuarant, it would be that they weren't open seven days a week. Today was one of those days and to Rekka, it was a sort of blessing. With the rising popularity of their restuarant, him and his folks really get hammered with only a three man staff. You wouldn't think it from the simple, sumi-e banner of a lotus blossom hanging in front of the doorway of the store; that such a shop would be filled with laughter and casual banter between colleagues.

Coming up the road in view was his mother, Alaale Saionji, wearing her white apron and handmade parka. She was sweeping the front of the store and tending to the small caule lilies that grew in the window sill. Upon seeing both Dawne and Rekka, she called their names out and waved. Rekka topped her off with his fedora hat, earning a little thwap from the end of the broom.

"Oww...what you do that for?" he asked, feeling yet again the subtle wrath of his mother.

"You come with Dawne and do not tell us? We would have prepared a better welcome Reks!" his mother scolded Rekka with a gentle smile, which she then faced Dawne with. That smile then took a completely different air.

"Do excuse my rude son yet again Dawne dear. How have you been and can you stay for dinner?" Alaale said with a bow added, then catching a glimpse at the pendant in her hand. She would then giggle as if she saw herself young again, then giving yet another hit to her son.

"Oh my did give it to her after all!" she continued on, then facing Dawne, "You should hear the story on how he crafted this Dawne dear! I'm sure it would...oh listen to me rant. Let me go get some twine for that pendant of yours."

And off she went. Leaving Rekka to sigh yet again as victim to his mother's enthusiasm.

Re: Timely Extension of the Gift

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:26 pm
by Rocky*
((Dawne Jiang continued from :Turning the Clock, Catching the Hand))

Walking up the street that led towards the tiny restaurant that was their final destination, Dawne couldn't help but feel more and more excited. It had been nearly a month since she had been there, and was definitely looking forward to having some freshly made sushi and maybe a salad. First, she needed to dodge collateral damage as Rekka felt the business end of his mother's broom.

"Hello, Mrs. Saionji" Dawne said, bowing somewhat awkwardly herself. She still didn't quite have the hang of it. "I would love to stay for dinner."

Dawne tried her hardest to keep a straight face as Rekka's mother went off on a tangent about how Rekka made the pendants, which was bringing a bit of colour to his face. Then off she went into the shop, leaving Rekka and Dawne alone outside.

"I didn't know you could work with metal. Woulda been helpful knowledge ya know." She scolded, before sneaking a quick peck on his check. "But thank you." Once again smiling, Dawne stepped into the shop, knowing Rekka would be close behind.

Re: Timely Extension of the Gift

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:27 pm
Pouting would be something he expected to do. Instead, Rekka could only shake his head and mutter to himself, "Women...they are scary creatures indeed.", while he entered the shop that doubled as his home.

Once inside the closed restuarant, everything was spick and span from a day's worth of cleaning. He didn't think he was out that long, as when he stepped in was when his mother came towards Dawne with twine that looks almost store bought. As if that wasn't something to wonder already, she also brought a small bowl of fresh greens with fresh strawberries and a special daiquiri sauce. Rekka saw that as the dish that was being tested on earlier this week by his folks, as a customer requested for something on the sweeter side for the salad menu. Mixed in with the ruby strawberries and emerald spinach leaves was a pink dressing that was every bit as tasty as fragrant.

"Oh come now Reks! Your father will be in shortly and we can all prepare dinner. It's been so long since we've had a meal together!" his mother spoke, the pep all accounted for in every syllable.

Rekka couldn't help but smirk at all the energy, so he hung his coat and hat at the door and took out the bandana to cover his hair. Taking his position behind the counter and the line-up and pulling out two knives, Rekka let the trusted tools of a sushi chef spin comfortably inside the flats of his palms. This made his very safety-conscious mother kick into hyperdrive and ask,

"...who taught you that Reks?"

Whistling to himself, in came his dad with a very big tuna and a basket of mushrooms. Almost on instinct, Rekka spiraled the knives so that the hilt faced towards his father and pointed the two to the target male. And so later on would there be some scolding for that said male, but for was all about preparing the sushi. Rekka sliced the fatty salmon
into beautiful mini steaks with one hand, and knived strips of seaweed to bind the concoction together. He repeated the process for some ahi and eel, finishing with two servings of pearly fish egg and tamago (egg) flavors. By the time his father and mother set the last pieces of this week's foods, their son was just about finished with Dawne's 14 piece "Jiang's favorites" platter.

"Try not to spoil your appetite too much Dawne, from the looks of my folks...seems we're getting a hefty round two."

Tough to do so when presented with high quality forms of your favorite dishes.

Before joining his son to prepare the fresh tuna, Rekka's father patted Dawne on the shoulders with the sea-weathered hands and gave her his gruff "Hello daughter-in-law!" That earned his apron getting tossed at him from the matriarch of the restuarant, which missed its mark and landed square on Rekka's face. His father simply laughed and said towards Dawne,

"So my dear, I see Rekka's innocence is still in tact! How goes the war?"

This time, the apron hit the patriarch square in the face; tossed by a slightly flushed Rekka. His face wasn't dark enough to show that he understood what was being said entirely, but maybe a deep instinct forced its way up. Either way, the store filled with laughter familiar to a few weeks back.

Re: Timely Extension of the Gift

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:27 pm
by Rocky*
Inside the cozy little restaurant, Dawne felt quite at home. She had initially feared that Rekka's parents would reject her when they first started dating, thanks to her rather... odd appearance and personality. She had assumed coming from such a remote area as Alaska they'd be rather conservative, which would have proved bad for their relationship had it proven to be true. Thankfully, she was wrong, and the Saionji's had welcomed her with open arms, and now it was like she was the daughter they never had. Plus, they always made good food.

Accepting the twine given to her with a smile and a thank you, she put the twine through the small loop on the top of her pendant, then tied it off around her neck, cutting off the excess twine with a pair of scissors provided to her. It hung loosely a couple inches off her neck, the small figure of Chi settling in the space between her collar bone. She then took some time waiting for Rekka to finish making her favorite sushi to sample some of the salad that had been brought out. The strawberries combined with the raw spinach gave an odd, but pleasant taste, and the dressing was equally delicious. Overall Dawne loved the new idea, and thought it would be a big hit.

Walking over to the bar where Rekka stood behind, just putting the final touches on the sushi, Dawne hopped up onto one of the stools. As the food was placed in front of her, Rekka warned her not to ruin her appetite.

"Come now, you know I always have room for more food around here." She said, picking up a piece of sushi with a pair of chopsticks provided and popped it into her mouth, quickly chewing it and swallowing before speaking again. "Just remember I promised your father I'd try one of his burgers next time I was here."

Just around that time Rekka's father spoke to her, asking a question that sent Rekka into a fit of embarrasment. A sly smile crossed Dawne's features, as she added to the embarrasment. "It's a long battle, but I think I'm making some ground." She said with a wink, quickly grabbing her sushi platter and ducking away before Rekka could steal it from her.

Re: Timely Extension of the Gift

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:27 pm
Mr. Saionji let out a hardy laugh to Dawne's response, removing the apron from his face and getting right to work doing things that showed his years of expertise as a man of the land and sea. While Rekka was handy with two, a single knife was the preference of his old man as he used his shimmering edge to begin scaling the catch. Flakes of the outer skin fell to the sink with the running water, as Mr. Saionji ran right to the fileting the flesh. Unlike his other catches, this fish's meat had such a sheen that only men of the sea could pick out. Rekka momentarily stopped his clean-up duties to watch his father masterfully slice past the silver lining that determined the worth of the creature in the market, noticing that the knife was as still as a caligrapher's patience. Guys his age may enjoy spending hours focusing on the latest trend, but seeing a master go to work on his specialty was all the enjoyment he'd ever require.

That, and making sure Dawne was happy.

Ms. Saionji let out a small sigh, shaking her head at her son's habits. "Dawne dear, come help me set the table. It shouldn't take long for my husband to finish slicing the fish."

"And then you can join us in 'cooking' this! Right haha-ue?" Rekka happily asked, earning a "You're walking on thin-ice" glare from his mother.

He snickered a bit, knowing that his mother gave the okay. But that happy moment was soon short lived, as Rekka JUST remembered the last few times he offered Dawne the same request. First was a small blackspot on the apron, next was creating a fresh piece of charcoal from fish, and he didn't even want to remember the school camping trip. While he admits that Dawne was a great person to get to know the modern world, it seems she also jumped off the traditonal expectation boat of "women prowess in cooking."

Mr. Saionji came to the defense with a grin to scare even the sharks away. "Come now dear! I think we should play"

A stagnant air filled the restuarant. Rekka never liked his father's games. They always ended up with a bad ending of some sort that involved him. It was far too late to stop now, the gauntlet was being thrown down. "If Dawne can cook us a patty that won't kill our boy or burn down the house, then she's allowed to stay the night..."

Before the missus or anybody else reply, he finished the challenge, "If she fails, she's all yours dear."

And by all yours, he clearly meant Dawne would be at the mercy to being a model for Mrs. Saionji's stitchwork and all things that were feminine. The term 'living doll' does not do this cruel form of punishment justice. Rekka clearly remembered that Dawne was in a sour mood for a few days after the last time she went through it. Countless hours in the anime section of the library could not even quell a fraction of his girlfriend's ire.

The sounds of a sizziling, flattop beckoned for the challenger to step to the plate. Mrs. Saionji was gonna go against her better judgment, only due to the growing urge to have a person of the same gender be a model this time. Giving the gentle, motherly smile...the matriarch was in. Mr. Saionji grinned madly and walked over to Rekka and handed him a welder's mask.

"Jed said I could borrow it. Figured we might need it tonight huh son?" Mr. Saionji said, then giving a pat on the back to Dawne. "Good luck to you!"

Re: Timely Extension of the Gift

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:27 pm
by Rocky*
Dawne looked from each person's face in the store at least three times, before her arms and neck went limp. There would be no escaping this. Then again, she had been offered a golden opportunity. In all the time the two had known and been dating each other, she had never once seen Rekka's room. It wasn't that things were being hidden, they just never really had any reason to go up there. Then there was the other side of the coin, where she would have to endure Mrs. Saionji's cruel and unusual punishments. Taking a deep breath, Dawne grabbed a spare apron and tied it on.

Ok Dawne, you can do this, she thought to herself, grabbing a spatula and the beef patty that had been left out. It can't be that hard.... not like I didn't watch the people at McDonalds do this a hundred times... Okay... just put the patty on the stove... careful, don't burn the patty so it doesn't burn...

As Dawne was mentally instructing herself in her head, she was doing the tasks she was telling herself to do, a deadly serious look of concentration on her face. This extreme amount of concentration brought about an old habit of Dawne's, one she hadn't done since childhood, namely, her small pink tongue stuck out the side of her mouth. If she had taken time to notice this, she would have stopped it, but she didn't care. Right now there was too much riding on this single patty to worry about how dumb she looked cooking it.

Okay.... just one more flip... check to see it's not pink... and... "I'm done!" Dawne shouted rather excitedly, removing the patty from the stove top before she ruined her masterpiece, and placing it on a plate.

With a slightly flustered expression and a huge smile, Dawne presented the plate with the surprisingly well cooked patty to Mr. Saionji, trying hard to not look too excited.

Re: Timely Extension of the Gift

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:27 pm
Despite enjoying how much effort his girlfriend put into the piece of meat, Rekka could feel his heart halt stop when that patty came off the grill. It was like staring at a wild bear for your first hunt, the cold winds of the tundra silencing your lungs and removing just about any other feeling that could come to mind. His grinning father took the patty from a very proud Dawne and took it to the one place that Rekka did not want to be right now...his dinner seat.

It looked harmless. It blended in with the other gorgeous entrees like the Emperor worthy sushi platter, the fresh caesar salad, and warm cross buns with juicy teriyaki patties inside. It looked edible, but that wouldn't be the first time looks killed in history.

"Don't keep us waiting son! Didn't we teach you not to keep a lady waiting?" Mr. Saionji chimed, pouring four glasses of drinks. Two with wine, and two with apple cider.

Meanwhile, Rekka's fingers danced about feverishly as he sat in the hot seat. Eyeing down the mad cow that was to be devoured, trying to get a mental edge over the opponent. Even if it was just food v.s. a man, a duel was a duel. A bead of sweat sluggishly trailed down his cheek, as he snapped open the chopsticks and separated a piece of the hamburger to eat. Rekka's hands stopped for a moment, then thrusted the item in for his tastebuds to greet.

The oils flowed with the saliva, churning visciously inside. Sauce rushed along the walls, and chunks of meat was being grinded slowly to be savored. At the moment where these events met, Rekka realized...

"...this tastes really good!" as he went diving in for another round. It had brought flavors that his father had never accomplished before, even though all Dawne did was fry it. Mrs. Saionji couldn't believe her ears and took a bite for herself. The tastebuds did not lie, and the verdict was written over a very stoic face.

"We have a winner!" Mr. Saionji proudly proclaimed.

The sounds of victory was the clank of four wooden cups clashing for the toast Mrs. Saionji gracefully offered to Dawne's victory. Rekka happily joined and gave his girlfriend a peck on the cheek, leaving a grain of rice from the sushi that was currently being processed in his mouth. Sips of cider, devouring of delicious food, and friendly banter filled the evening. Dawne winning her challenge seemed to be just the ticket to keep things moving at a happy beat.

As dinner came closer to an end, a small thump! was heard. Taking a look, Mrs. Saionji had passed out myseriously with her cider glass still in hand. Judging from the look on his father's face, Rekka knew he had a hand in this and that something evil was coming. Especially because this 'game' had not had something terrible happen to him yet, which was very out of place.

"Well you two lovebirds~! It's been fun, but I think I need to take care of the missus and retire or the evening." Mr. Saionji said, lifting his wife up from her slumbered position at the table. As he was leaving, he pointed over towards the a duffel bag with Dawne's name on it near the stairwell leading to where the Saionji's lived.

Rekka then realized what had just transpired. The bet was rigged from the beginning, and his father made sure that his side would win. "Chichi-ue...just what are you plotting?"

The man in question just slipped a packet into his son's hand, and said, "Why...nothing at all! Just enjoy and make up for the lost time! I'm sure daughter-in-law will make SURE to that."

Rekka was confused until he looked down at the packet and realized what it was. In his hand was a condom, and an expensive one at that. The sudden chain of thoughts flooring his reasoning became apparent with the blood coursing in his cheeks. Mr. Saionji couldn't stop his fit of giggles, as he walked towards Dawne and gave his good nights, along with these soft words,

"This is how you change the tides into your favor daughter-in-law! Claim your victory, you deserve it."

With that, he walked on up with slumbering wife in hand and retired for the evening. This left a slightly shaken Rekka, his girlfriend Dawne, and the dishes. To somewhat get his mind back on track, Rekka started collecting the mess and rushed over to begin the scrubbing. Averting his gaze, he stammered out,

"Y-Youu can..g-go first for t-the shower..I-I mean!! I-I'll t-take c-care of the disshess..."

Re: Timely Extension of the Gift

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:27 pm
by Rocky*
Dawne was ecstatic all throughout the meal, proud of her accomplishment of not burning down the shop or giving her boyfriend food poisoning. More importantly, she had won the right to stay the night, which worked out for everyone, due to a planned trip she had with Rekka and his father the next day anyways. This way she wouldn't have to wake up too early. Of course, they had to get through the night.

The food was delicious. On top of the traditional food she was used to, she finally got a chance to try one of Mr. Saionji's burgers, eaten American style, bun and all. The burger was cooked to perfection, the juices and spices mixing perfectly to maximum taste. By the time all was said and done, Dawne had never felt so full on her life.

Then Mrs. Saionji passed out, most likely from the alcohol Mr. Saionji added to her drink. At least, she hoped it was alcohol. Dawne tried to look as innocent as possible while he gave Rekka a little pep talk. Then he came over to her, and said good night, which Dawne returned.

"Y-Youu can..g-go first for t-the shower..I-I mean!! I-I'll t-take c-care of the disshess..."

Dawne jerked involuntarily at his voice, not even realizing she wasn't paying attention. She gave a simple "right" and grabbed the small bag that had been brought from home for her. Quietly going up the steps, she entered the small bathroom, placing the bag on the counter, opening it to reveal it's contents. Inside were a couple changes of clothes, toothbrush, brush and comb, a couple small bottles that contained some shampoo and body wash, and the nightgown her mother had bought her, but never wore. Kinda glad she bought it for me now... Dawne thought to herself as she began to run the water of the small stand up shower to bring it up to her desired temperature.

Dawne quickly removed what she was wearing, placing them into a neat pile on the floor. She quickly ducked into the shower, bottles in hand, feeling the warm water make contact with her bare skin. Despite the water, Dawne couldn't help but shudder a bit. This was the night she had been anticipating for... well for awhile. It had been over a year to get to this point, a decision that was as much Dawne's as it was Rekka's. There had been times in her past where she had rushed headlong into these situations and well... she always regretted doing so.

The water cascading out of the shower head seemed to be washing away more than just that day's dirt. With each passing moment under the stream, she felt herself getting less and less anxious and more excited. Just not too excited. Not yet at least. Removing the caps from one of her bottles, she poured the opaque, bluish liquid into her hand. She had forgot to bring a cloth, so she had to settle with using her hands to create the lather. She began to clean her body, taking more time than she would normally, being preoccupied with her thoughts.

Re: Timely Extension of the Gift

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:27 pm
The zesty fakeness of the lemon-scented soap couldn't really shake Rekka's mind away from where this was all heading. Having his internal minds jumping for joy at the fact he gets to spend the night with his sweetheart, while catching all the butterflies set free by the realization they'd be alone for the evening. His parents were heavy sleepers unless they were camping, and Rekka had no idea what Dawne had in mind now that she achieved one of her goals. He could remember when she first told him about it; she was practically ready to cuff and use blackmail as means to an end.

Yet now that he heard the shower water flowing about from upstairs, Rekka wondered why she turned quiet all of a sudden? Scrubbing off the grime from the patty off the Chinet crystal plate, his memory was just recalling that was the quietest exit Dawne has ever done within the whole year that they were dating. It wasn't just a quiet that held anger, sadness, or hint of emo mixed in. Rekka couldn't quite nail the tack down, but she seemed to be far more contemplative than anything.

"Man, if Dawne ever became a philosopher because of this...I don't think history would be able to handle her ideas." Rekka spoke to himself, chuckling a bit at his own joke. He knew most of the school sure didn't.

Finishing scraping the last slob of fish oil from the plates, he fitted all of the dinnerware back into the shelves and headed to the upper level. Passing the rooms where snoring and sounds of running peeped through the cracks, he reached to unlock the door waiting at the end of the hall.

Those who knew Rekka was a guy wouldn't expect his room to be the way it was...which was VERY tidy. There wasn't a single article of clothing camping out on the wooden floors, and no hidden lumps or cracks containing secrets to be discovered. In the corner was the computer that was recently moved into his room. The memories of learning to operate it while it was downstairs still brought a smile to the young man's face. That, and remembering Dawne facepalming herself so much she nearly had to go pay a visit to the local doctor for all the impacts, was always a good laugh.

His bed was an Americanized, framed twin size, complete with a desk to the left filled with books about different types of plants and zoology topics. A small section of that desk was dedicated to a stash of manga that Dawne had given to him to read, especially the Chobits series. His most prized item on that piece of furniture was a single photograph of himself with Dawne being carried bride style. It always served as a morale booster when he had to do those long nights of studying after helping out at the restuarant.

Nothing really covered the walls outside of his hunting gear between the closet and door towards the balcony. A set of handmade, lead weights happily rested at the foot of the bed. Rekka used those daily to increase the amount of pressure his injured arm could handle before crapping out.

"You know, I really should add more to this place." Rekka said to himself, becoming more self-conscious now that his girlfriend would be taking a gander at where he stayed.

Shrugging it off and attempting to do the same to his still-flushed face too, he began unbuttoning his vest. He had wanted to switch to something more comfortable since they arrived, but never found the time to sneak over and change. He'd have to go strip full down later anyways when it was his turn to shower, but at the very least he could go and put on an undershirt instead of being in full 'school' gear.

Re: Timely Extension of the Gift

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:27 pm
by Rocky*
Dawne didn't want to spend too much time in the shower, so she finished up and twisted the knob on the wall, cutting off the water supply to the shower head. Giving herself a couple seconds to drip dry before opening the frosted glass door separating the shower from the rest of the bathroom. Thankfully, Mr Saionji had thought to leave an extra towel out, and she grabbed that, and started by drying her hair as best she could. She then worked her way down her body, drying off every inch of her skin as best she could, before stepping out onto the tile floor.

Wrapping the towel around her chest, Dawne went about her nightly routine. She brushed out her hair so it wouldn't knot up as bad in the morning, then her teeth next. Judging by the layout, Dawne grabbed what she assumed to be Rekka's toothpaste, a plain mint flavoured kind, and squeezed a small amount of the paste from the tube onto her toothbrush. Working on brushing her teeth with one hand, she went through he bag with the other, pulling out the nightgown.

She often wondered why her mother had gotten it for her. Milky white in colour, when it was bought for her 2 years ago, it reached past her knees. She had of course grown exponentially since then, and while it still fit, now barely made it half way down her thighs. To date she had only worn it twice, and never since she had started to date Rekka. The other two incidents she had worn it involved a similar situation as tonight. Looking at the nightgown for a few more moments, she finally stuffed it back into her bag. No, tonight was different from those nights. Rekka wasn't like the other's, and he wasn't going to be treated like them either. Of course, there was the tiny problem that she wouldn't have anything to wear now. Ah fuck it she thought to herself. I'll just wear the towel. He won't mind either way.

Having finished brushing her teeth, Dawne rinsed her mouth and put her toothbrush back into her bag. She zipped the bag up tightly, blocking the nightgown from her view. Opening the door and shutting the light off, she walked quietly down the hall, not wanting to disturb the parents in any way. Entering the room, wearing nothing but a towel, she stood silently at the doorway and watched Rekka change his shirt, a sly smile crossing her features.

"Nice room," she said after a moment, walking in and taking in the sights. Her gaze fell onto the picture of her and Rekka, one of the first that had been taken of the two when they started dating. She had been wearing jeans and a bright orange shirt that day, and of course her red Converse. Her hair was still it's natural raven black back then, although she would start bleaching it about a month later as she recalled. She remembered with a smile the nonchalant comment Rekka had made about her hair when he first saw it's new colour scheme.

"Hey I remember this picture!" she said in her usual excited voice, although much lower than it normally would be. Don't want to wake the parents. "You were so shy back then."

Next she grabbed one of the manga beside it, sitting down on the bed. The way she sat, combined with the positioning of the towel, made the split come up her leg, but not too far as to expose anything. In her hand was the first volume of Chobits, one of her favorite manga series. Flipping through the pages quickly, she placed the book back on the pile, and looked at Rekka, who was within her direct line of sight. Standing up again, she approached her boyfriend, an expression he had almost invariably never seen on her face before. Standing on her toes, she gave Rekka a small kiss.

Re: Timely Extension of the Gift

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:27 pm
((OOC: Permission to control Dawne Jiang granted from Rocky. :D))

After Dawne and Rekka's lips parted from their embrace, the sheer amount of blood rushing to his face almost threatened to produce a nosebleed. That kiss was unlike any that she had ever gave him. What appeared as nothing more than a harmless show of affection, felt more like Dawne cast some manner of sorcery on his body. No response or resistance could be mustered against his girlfriend's motions, and the once stagnant air now teemed with her alluring scent. He could feel his mind and morals becoming hazy with temptation. Nothing seemed to make sense, yet parts of him wanted to rush forth and live the moment.

"D-Dawne?!" Rekka said after a moment passed, trying to avert his eyes in hopes of breaking free from the spell. "W-What..a-are you d-doing?! We shoul..."

Dawne couldn't suppress a giggle at his reaction, as she slowly brought a single finger to silence the quaking Rekka.

"Is it not obvious?" was all she said before clasping his left wrist.

His body obeyed without question, being led to his and seated without an ounce of resistance. With him seated in a sort of trance, Dawne swayed her hips and sinfully wrapped her arms around his neck. Taking special care to not unravel the only article of clothing on her, Dawne's left leg hoisted itself up on ridge of the bedside and allowed the other to join. When she was settled, Rekka could see that his lover had him trapped between her legs and arms. Nothing was clearly visible other than a sight of cleavage that suddenly became far more intriguing than when they were at school.

Rekka's eyes begged to continue taking in the irresistible view of Dawne being dressed in nothing more than a towel and sitting in a suggestive position on his lap. All of his attempts to regain control over his unresponsive body led him to stutter forth and come in contact with the soft sensation of Dawne's towel covered chest.

Dawne couldn't help but let out a little moan from just that brief moment. Just a touch of her concealed skin on Rekka's partially clothed body sent waves of ecstasy coursing through her veins. But she had to remain in control. She was the one with the experience and wanted this to be a moment to always remember. That said, it was happening. There was no turning back from this point. Tonight would be the night that Dawne got what she had wanted, no, needed for the last two or three months. She would become his lover, and intended to do her best to make him as happy as possible.

A sly smirk made its way across her lips, as Dawne brought her face closer to Rekka's defined neck. Stopping just above the shoulders, her nostrils in took the scent that was driving her closer towards insanity. The mixture of testosterone and a pine-like scent that would probably be his shampoo entered and hastened her heart beat a few points. She just couldn't resist taking a small taste of Rekka. And as she let her tongue take in what his flavor, a small jolt could be felt through his shaky structure. That, and a sudden bump was rising where she was currently sitting.

She stopped her sampling to take a look down where her groin met his hip, grinning devilishly at what was taking place. "Sooo...seems your body is being far more truthful to what it wants than you~"

Dawne used one of her hands to turn Rekka's flushed face to meet her own. His eyes were running the course, seeming to be the only part of his body that wasn't tied down at the moment. The second hand cupped the other cheek, as she brought her face to such a proximity where his breath was tickling.

"Tonight...your virginity is mine."

Dawne began slowly with a little nibble of Rekka's lower lip. Then working her way into the most passion filled kiss she had ever planted to give any male. Despite wanting to resist, Rekka couldn't bring himself to do so and finally gave in to the overflowing amount of passion swelling between them. As Dawne's tounge explored every inch of his mouth, he reflexively placed his hands on her hips; producing a muffled moan that was enjoying the sensation. Dawne savored every moment of their interaction, even the slight taste of the mint toothpaste mixing in with the leftover flavors from dinner in Rekka's mouth. She could now understand how powerful an addiction could be. Every aspect of Rekka, she wanted more and more of it.

Breaking off their steamy connection, Dawne moved downwards and began to slowly work on the buttons on Rekka's shirt. As she skillfully removed each button with her mouth and fingers, her eyes were graced with the view of her lover's defined body. Dawne's fingers gave into their desire to traverse the hills of Rekka's body, feeling the story each muscle had experienced over a lifetime of living off the land. Peppering Rekka's collarbone with light kisses, she savored the salty taste of his skin while playing with his nipple at the apex of her pointer's nail.

This foreplay was driving her mad with lust. Dawne was aching for a response from his static frame, sweet nectar slowly trickling into view from the towel's cover. All things considered though, just the fact they were here was enough for her. This little moment alone had her happier than any of her previous partners. She gently nudged on Rekka's shoulders, forcing him to be in such a position so that he had to look up to see.

Might as well have some fun with this.

Sliding herself up slightly so she was now positioned on his stomach, she gave indulged for another passionate kiss that came more feverishly than the last. As her lips occupied the hallows of Rekka's mouth, her hands got straight to undoing the bind his belt had. It wouldn't be long till that accessory gave way...then she would truly get what her body lusted for all these months.

A satisfying pull from the loop confirmed that the restraint was off, sending new pulses of ecstasy through Dawne. As if she found the jewel to infinite wealth, Dawne's heart stepped above cloud nine as her hand came into contact with the shaft of Rekka's manhood. Her baby blue matched his night coveted brown again; and that foxy grin popping back into play. This was something she had waited far too long to play with, letting her palm run gently up and down the length. She snickered as it pulsed in tune to what Dawne believed was Rekka's heart from her touch.

"Oh my...what other secrets have you kept from me Rekka?" Dawne purred out. She had to admit that him being larger than anticipated was a surprise, but a pleasant one at that. Dawne began stroking Rekka's penis and enjoyed seeing him trying to hide the growing pleasure that was being provided.

Then she raised an eyebrow at the change of expression that was slowly coming into Rekka's eyes. From that of a hiding cub, emerging through was the eyes of the king who stood with boundless courage. All of that commanding experience that gave her the power to take the lead felt like it was fleeing into the very one she wanted to control.

Rekka smiled his cat-like grin, showing a level of mischief that was never present before. He blew towards Dawne's face, letting her blonde hair ride the current for a moment. Dawne was perplexed, and the fact Rekka was now lifting himself back up began to distract her lower half. Her juices acting as a slick, Dawne had a ‘pleasurable' moment while returning to being in Rekka's lap. The momentary distraction faded enough for her to vainly take a look at him once more. His eyes transfixed her to where she felt like nothing could be hidden, yet all of this seemed…

"...that it was planned Dawne? You'd be partially right." Rekka said with a grin to match his girlfriend's earlier. Without another warning, the young Saionji launched a small attack to the same position she was doing to him a while giving a very cruel tease of ‘gently' nudging where her nipples would be through the towel. The tables had shifted, and now it was Dawne Jiang who was being pushed into the corner. Each little stroke that Rekka produced easily took advantage of the hairs woven into the towel, making the suddenly sensitive Dawne feel as if they were being fondled by many instead of a single finger.

Her body waning from all the pleasure, she would not let herself be dominated by a person who never HAD sex before in his life! She tightened her grip upon Rekka's shaft and began stroke with a hastened tempo. Dawne took satisfaction when she felt his body twitch with a new wave of love, but it was short lived as he began shifting his hips in the same fashion. Her only free hand was used to cover the unexpectedly loud chain of moans that escaped her prideful lips. She had gotten so caught up in this fever that her mind forgotten Rekka was no longer wearing pants. The sounds of her nectar lubricating the pole in which she was currently on top of was unlike anything that her wildest fantasies could produce.

We didn't even fucking get to the penetraaaah…

There would be no rest in Rekka's agenda, as his hands continued on their instinctive assault towards Dawne's awakened body. Now they decided to follow Rekka's nomadic commands and foraged around his female partner's physique. Letting one hand gently kiss the curves of her cleavage with a small twirl, it worked its way up to a convulsing neck. The moans rose and fell with all the teasing that SINGLE finger was doing to her, along with the shifting happening down below. Dawne let out a small "eep!" as a familiar sensation began to bubble from within her body. Her eyes widened slightly at the fact she was already getting closer to climax, and Rekka seemed to instinctively follow with that by keeping her guessing where he'd move to next.

And then it stopped. He stopped moving and Dawne's hype was brought to a grinding halt. Already breathing a little heavily from all the excitement, this moment of rest was actually what she needed to get back into the picture. She rested her head upon Rekka's chest, closing her eyes for a moment to let her mind catch up. Staying there allowed Dawne to hear the little thumping of his heart; it too excited from all that has occurred. Then something strange happened…Dawne could've swore his heart went off key for just a second.

Rekka came down to her ears and nibbled slightly on the cartilage. She couldn't hide the amount of ecstasy that was pulsing again from within, and let a "M-More…" roll across her tongue. That was the trigger that he was waiting for.

"I guess the aphrodisiac finally kicked in huh?"

A confused Dawne couldn't even reply back before the cheeks of her buttocks were gripped firmly and brought closer in to Rekka's body. The sudden pull with her clitoris being rubbed so forcefully along his penis was too much of a surprise and Dawne reeled her head back to ride the small splash that flowed out. Such a tiny relief, yet it made her lust crave for more. She would not be satisfied with just that, and she cannot admit to the shame of achieving that point before him.

"Even if you did cheat..." Dawne muttered in between panted breaths, demounting herself from the saddle and gave a little shove to floor Rekka. A slight moment of bewilderment was just enough for her to motion over to the side and claim the tower for a sample. Letting the upper parabola of her taste-buds roll gently around the crown of his manhood, the scent of the love juice drove her indulge further.

Letting these intoxicated pheromones make her lose reason, she moved in almost a suicidal waltz with Rekka's penis as it plunged deep in and out to the unheard beats of their love. The deeper she thrusted him towards her throat, the larger her puddle became. Little pulses from the cock was a cute notice to her that Rekka was trying to hold back this pleasure that began to build up inside of himself. Deciding to fool around, Dawne slowed the deep drives and brought the tempo to a lighter...airy beat. She only went so far as midpoint, letting her tongue do a little pole dance for Rekka's young man to enjoy. Around the tease went, and a stronger urge vibrated from the shaft. Rekka's walls were breaking down and any more would cause HIS turn to release to come up.

Sliding his arm underneath Dawne's waist, he hoisted the young girl up and over so her rear was in clear view in the front of his face. Dawne managed to get a peek back and widened her eyes as she knew what was coming next. Shaking madly while not letting go of the pop in her mouth, a muffled, "MMph!!" was heard as Rekka brought a bit of payback into the indecently wet walls of her vagina. Around that tongue ravaged the rims of her Labia minora, ending with Rekka taking a small nibble leading to sucking straight upon the clitoris itself. That brought a sudden halt to what Dawne was progressing towards, delivering another baby wet package to her boyfriend's face this time.

"That makes two!" Rekka playfully teased to a growingly red Dawne. She did not appreciate having her body being defeated like this, and decided to make use of a tool that usually went ignored over the course of the year. Letting the tips of her toes push the core of her frame up, Dawne snickered as Rekka's sword looked to be smothered in between her twins. Crushed and pincered between Dawne's attack, the saliva she left lubricated every vein and nook of the penis; producing increasingly growing ripples of delight in Rekka's tender state. As her arms and chest did the major work, her mouth took a clamp on the head and laid forth a triple assault to his nerves.

That proved too much for him to bear. "I-I'm gonna..."

In flowed the salty, yet irresistible taste of Rekka's juice. Dawne made sure to not let a single drop escape her mouth, letting the white substance stir about as it covered the walls of her mouth. One twitch shot the first wave, and she lowered in deeper for the next two deliveries. She would remain and let her annually parched sex drive fountain itself in this dessert. When the firing ceased, Dawne brought herself around and faced Rekka with a slightly chipmunk-ed face. A satisfying gulp to show she downed every last drop, the tongue peeked out and cleaned the rims of her carnation colored lips.

"That was so delicious~" Dawne said with a sly grin, using her right hand to run the course of his cock to check its state. And to her satisfaction, it remained hard and ready for round two. "You're just full of surprises aren't you Rekka?"