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Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:29 pm
by T-Fox*
((Enter Colin Falcone))

Third Tuesday of the month. Time to play another show. It had been two years since he'd originally found this place, about to go under, the owner in distress. The rickety old stage, beaten and worn with time because there was no one who could afford to give it the tender loving care it deserved. And with the state of the place, who would want to?

He asked if he could play a show, for free, at the rickety old stage. The cafe owner was hesitant, but finally agreed. Hey, what could it hurt? He actually printed out the odd flyer and placed them around town. Surprisingly there was a pretty good turn out, but there was bound to be when he advertised the 3 hour show as "The Folk Sensation". The show went over well, and brought a little bit of life back to the dying locale. The coffee makers were burning full force the entire night, and the accoustic music rolled smoothly.

Two years down the road, "The Bean and Leaf" had become a bustling hotspot, with it's own staff, and that old stage repaired. It had a full audio system, no longer relying on just the building's acoustics. Everything had been repainted, two new coffee makers sitting behind the counter. It had a full compliment of exotic coffees from around the world.

To the present day. Colin got up on stage, pulling his guitar from it's beaten hard case. A beautiful rosewood accoustic, a little heavy, tuned just right. This wasn't his mother's guitar, he bought it with the money that some fan had given him three months ago. He strummed a few cords.

"Four score years... Living down in this rain swept town..."

He was 15 minutes early, but this had become par for the course. He always just started playing when he got there, but no matter how early he showed up, he never stopped until 7, when the show was supposed to end.

"Sea salt tears... Swimming round as the rain falls down."
"Mister post man! Do you have a letter for me?"
"Mister post man, do you have a letter for me?"
"A letter for me..."
"From my own true love... lost at sea."
"Lost. At. Sea..."

His strums were as clean as they had always been his voice shaking just enough to give a meaning, a soul to the song that helped give his singing the character that made it sound so good. He truly felt every word the entire time that he sung.

The interlude. Background music struck up, his strums accompanying the strong base drum, and the melody of the violins. He closes his eyes and whispered his next lines into the microphone.

"Mister post man... Do you have a letter for me?"
"Mister post maaan... do you have a letter for me?"
"A letter for me..."
"From my own true love... lost at sea."
"Lost. At. Sea..."

The show had officially began. He scanned the crowd for faces from his high school, possibly someone he knew. There was applause as he took an interlude to sip from a bottle of water, refreshing his throat as he glanced down to his playlist taped to the bottom of the stage.

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:29 pm
by ZombiexCreame*
((First post for Timothy Questiare))

Timothy Questiare softly pushed open the door to The Bean and Leaf and glanced around the room in a casual sort of way. The delicious strong scent of coffee filled his nostrils and a pleasant melody filled his ears. That was what Tim liked about this place: the atmosphere. It was fairly comfortable and there was never too many people crowding about. Just a relaxing place to waste some time. Maybe drink a few coffees, listen to his iPod, or surf the web. Admittedly, Tim had never done much more else than drink coffee.. He didn't even own a laptop, and his current iPod was in dire need of some repair. Regardless, he liked this place. The coffee variety was vast, and it tasted wonderful. Tim had a real soft spot for coffee. And when he wasn't in the mood for coffee, there was hot chocolate as well.

Really, Tim hadn't been going to The Bean and Leaf for very long. Maybe only a few weeks. He had only happened upon the cafe by mere chance... He was doing some errands for his mother on a dreary Saturday and passed by a pleasant-looking coffee shop. Feeling achy for something warm and delicious, he walked into the shop and bought a single coffee. And one single coffee was all it took; he was hooked. He came to the cafe at least twice a week. Got himself a few coffees and then hit the highway. He never stayed for very long, although there were occasionally performers on the stage for entertainment. Usually someone singing or playing a guitar. Once, he had witnessed someone reading poetry. It wasn't great poetry, but what would one expect? It was a coffee shop and cafe. There was bound to be a few poets milling about.

As Tim approached the counter and retracted his wallet from his left pocket, he realized that the music was not coming from the radio system in the ceiling; it was being played and sung by someone on stage. It sounded rather good, and Tim turned to look at the male out of curiosity. The boy on stage looked really familiar. "Does he go to Bayview?" Tim thought to himself. The guitarist looked young enough to attend high school. It was a possibility. Regardless, Tim didn't wave or make any moves to greet him. They were just strangers who happened to attend each others schools. No biggie. After ordering his coffee, Tim settled down in a table and glanced back over at the boy, Colin. He sure could play... It almost made Tim jealous.

After finishing his coffee, Tim glanced down at his watch and realized that he should probably get on home... There was nothing else left to do, was there? He didn't really have any more money to waste on coffee. With a shrug, he stood up, threw away his cup, and paused. Colin's song had ended and there was an applause spreading through the patrons of the cafe. Tim raised his hands and clapped as well. "To stay or go? I guess there's nothing going on at home.. I'll probably just stay and listen to a few more songs. Can't hurt anything." Tim sat back down at his table and tapped his feet to the tune of the songs that Colin played. He felt relaxed and at ease. "Maybe one more coffee wouldn't hurt." Tim stood up and proceeded to buy a second coffee.

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:30 pm
by T-Fox*
The lights finally dimmed. The things were on a timer to dim at 4, at the normal start of the show. Not that it meant much to Colin. When it got near time, he usually took an interlude so that he wasn't in the middle of a song when they dropped. Every light in the main seating area dropped to about a third of normal, with the lights guiding people to the counter, as well as the lights behind the counter being the only ones still truly shining. As the lights dimmed, he slid the guitar behind his back, the strap holding it up.

"Thanks everyone for coming out tonight. For anyone who doesn't know yet, and I'd be surprised if you didn't, This is Colin, the 'Folk Sensation!'' He glanced up to the register, exchanging a joking look witht the owner of the store. His tone made the sarcasm obvious. "I hope you folks have a good time tonight, I'll be singing a few new songs tonight. But let's start with an old favorite, and the first song I ever sang when I plopped down on this stage."

He closed his eyes and sighed softly, his mouth pulling away from the microphone. His glasses glinted in the light radiating in the room, Pulling his guitar from his back again. The room went silent, almost as if captivated by a spell as soon as the first magical note of that rosewood guitar echoed through the microphone, and out to the ears of his audience.

"Eli, the barrow boy, Of the old town..."
Sells coal and marigolds and he cries out, all down the daaay..."

Anyone who came here regularly to these concerts would know that there are usually a good few songs by his true inspiration, The Decemberists. Tonight was to be no different in that regard.

"Below the tamaracks... He is crying..."
“Corn cobs and candle wax for the buying.”
"All down the day..."

The song played smoothly, the powerful lyrics holding that spell that the strings started.

“Would I could afford to buy my love a fine gown."
"Made of gold and silk Arabian thread!"
"But I am dead and gone and lying in a church ground..."
"And still I push my barrow all the day..."
"Still I push my barrow all the day”

His eyes closed and his voice faded with the last line, before looking up at the audience. He took a couple of deep breaths. Honestly, playing for an audience had never made him nervous per-se, it just had the same magical effect on him two years later as it did the first time he preformed for an audience of 13. A smile crept across the 18 year old's face as he contemplated momentarily. "Before I continue with my setlist... Does anyone have a request?"

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:30 pm
by gambit508*
(Chris Davidson coming from Reading Up on the Past!)

Chris looked up from the book in his hands as he heard the singing. The blonde brushed his long hair from his eyes as he looked around before finding the source, a man around his age with short brown hair and glasses.

Chris grinned as the boy asked for requests. He would offer something but he didn't know what the boy played. He liked the music he had just played though. Chris glanced back at his book, The Crusades: A History . He closed it as he placed it on the table and turned back to the boy, leaning forward as he waited for more music

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:30 pm
by ZombiexCreame*
After purchasing a second coffee and moving over to the condiments stand to prepare the fixings for his beverage, Tim realized that the lights were dimming. "The show must officially start now.. I better go sit down." He quickly dumped some cream into his coffee and proceeded to sit back down at his table. Glancing over at the small wooden stage, the boy began to speak and introduce himself. His name was Colin and he called himself the 'Folk Sensation.' Tim thought that it was a pretty nice name, but he wasn't sure what it really meant. Did Colin play folk music? Tim had never really heard music before, but he wasn't what one would call a music aficionado.

"Hmm... Colin. I believe he does go to my school.. I might as well stick around and listen to a few songs." Tim leaned back in his chair and watched Colin play the guitar and sing. Although he enjoyed the music from the guitar and the singing, he mostly found the lyrics intriguing. They weren't like usual lyrics that one would hear about love or riches or other such things. The lyrics were relaxing and interesting. "Maybe this is how he got the name 'folk sensation.'" Tim thought to himself, taking a sip from his cup.

After his song ended, he asked if anyone had any requests. Tim casually glanced around at the other people in the audience but stayed quiet. He downed the rest of his coffee and tried to think of any songs to request. Although he had a (broken) iPod at home full of songs, the boy's mind was drawing a complete blank. What kind of songs would he request if he could? Tim didn't know... Besides, even if he did request a song, what of Colin hadn't even heard of it? Giving a song request could be a fatal awkward moment. Tim decided to just keep his mouth shut. "Maybe I could just request a really popular song..." Unfortunately, he couldn't think of anything. Oh well, it wasn't like he had an obligation to request anything.

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:30 pm
by El Scorcho*
((Starting post for Patrick))

Patrick Pennington took another sip of his coffee, soaking up the ambience of the room.

The Bean and Leaf was a great place to visit just to get away from everything for a while; Patrick had found himself returning again and again as life grew increasingly more fucked up. It was like some strange parallel universe perpetually stuck in the 1960's, full of bohemian looking 30-something guys with impressive beards. The entertainment on offer ranged from bad poetry to bad folk music, but that just added to the surreal charm of the place. The coffee was fantastic. It made the stuff sold by the more commercial retailers seem like warm water in comparison.

Patrick took a look around, scoping the place out. There were quite a few of the usual crowd, most of them congregated together, chatting and doing their best to appear trendy. There was also the odd Bayview student that he vaguely recognised scattered around.

The guy on stage seemed determined to play through the entire Decemberists back catalogue. This didn't really bother Patrick as he was somewhat of a fan and the guy had a pleasant enough voice. Patrick was always slightly shocked when someone with some level of competence actually played at The Bean and Leaf.

Patrick clapped along with everyone else when he finished his rendition of Eli, The Barrow Boy. When the guy asked for requests though he couldn't restrain himself. "Free Bird!" he shouted out, throwing the horns.

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:30 pm
by T-Fox*
Colin glanced around the room, noting the few people slowly making their way in. A couple of them looked like they might be from his school, although he didn't really recognize any of them. Not everything he played could always be classified as 'Folk' music, although those definitely were his favorites.

He'd always had a tradition during his shows. He always played a couple of songs by his favorite band, "The Decemberists", before sliding into other, less 'mainstream' bands... if you could really call any of the music he enjoyed and played 'mainstream'. The next song on his planned setlist was by a band he'd actually only discovered a few months back, called "October Falls". A regular made a request, and Colin couldn't deliver. Once he'd finally listened to them though, they had quickly become another one of his favorites. Any of the music they played that fell under 'Folk' was all accoustic, although they did have two albums that seemed like a mix between Black Metal and Folk. An interesting combination... But not exactly to his tastes.

In fact, all the requests he ever received were from small, next to unknown bands. Stuff that only a true music fan would know about. The diamonds in the rough, so to speak. Folk wasn't exactly the most popular genre, so he had always learned about his bands by word of mouth.

He was just about to take his first strum, and make a comment about how rare actual requests were, when he heard someone in the crowd finally speak up.

"Free Bird!"

Colin just chuckled. His pick touched the strings, bushing across them lightly, playing the cords for the infamous rock song. Colin was a little surprised. Not at the fact that someone had requested Lynrd Skynard at a folk show, but that it had taken that long. Granted Colin didn't pay much attention to larger concerts, but a ritual as infamous as that was more than well known to Colin. He'd actually gone out of his way to learn the first 30 seconds of the acoustic cords.

After those 30 seconds, he stopped. "I'm not too sure you wanna hear that without an electric guitar somewhere on stage." A small chuckle arose from the crowd. "You know? You're the first person to actually ever do that. I'm just surprised it took as long as it did."

Colin waited just a moment longer to make sure no actual requests were about to pop up. With that, he brushed his pick over his rosewood yet again. Anyone who listened to the band would eventually identify the song as "The Quiet Shores". He always sprinkled a little bit of October Falls across his setlist, if anything to give his vocal cords a well needed rest. Usually every two to three songs, he'd play something from one of their pure folk albums. He closed his eyes as he played, leaning back on the wooden stool a little bit, his fingers dancing across the frets as the music echoed throughout the small cafe.

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:30 pm
by ZombiexCreame*
There was a slight silence that filled the audience of the coffee shop. Tim absently drummed his fingers on the table and waited for Colin to begin playing again. However, before that happened, someone had actually shouted out a request. He was slightly surprised about this and gazed around for the owner of the request. It was a male voice, and it sounded relatively young, so it might be... Ah. Tim's eyes locked onto Patrick, a boy that he recognized from school. He didn't have a whole lot of classes with the guy, but he did find it rather interesting that they both ended up at the same coffee joint at the same time. Then again, this wasn't the most obscure place in town. Not anymore, anyway.

Colin began to play a few chords of Free Bird and stopped after about a half of a minute. He claimed that Patrick wouldn't want to hear it without an electric guitar on stage. Tim pondered this for a second but decided that the guitarist on stage was probably right. Free Bird just wouldn't sound right without an electric guitar.. Regardless, he doubted that Colin would make the song sound bad or anything. Just... different. Tim wanted to stage his opinion that Colin should play anyway, but he didn't want to sound too pushy or dumb... He was indecisive. Should he say something or-

Too late. Colin had begun to play again, another song that was unfamiliar to Tim's ears. Granted, he had never heard of any of these songs before, so it was pretty interesting. "If only I could play the guitar or something. This reminds me that I need a new hobby or something," he thought to himself, leaning his head onto his arm which was resting on the table.

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:30 pm
by gambit508*
Chris frowned as the boy waited for more requests, behind the guitarist was a clock which clearly showed the time was not time for listening to music, however Chris had to go.

He stretched as he rose from the table, grabbing his book and walking out, wincing slightly as someone yelled out what he knew was the name of a song. However, not one he ever listeined to, Chris grinned as the boy started playing what he assumed was the song as Chris exited the cafe, taking off down the road.

(Chris Davidson continued elsewhere

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:31 pm
by T-Fox*
((We've been waiting for El Scorcho for a month as of today. I've tried multiple times to PM him, I doubt he's still on the site. I'm just gonna keep going.))

The soft acoustic music rolled to a close. A little bit of applause reached his ears, before he stood. Glancing down to his set-list, he nodded a little to himself, closing his eyes and breathing deeply. He continued to play, and sing his heart out for the remainder of the night. A bunch more songs from The Decemberists and October Falls were chosen, but he also played some more songs... accoustic versions of Empyrium and Agalloch, music that was already in the folk area. There was some more traditional folk, and a little bit of soft acoustic rock sprinkled in. Colin had always lived by the motto that variety was the spice of life. While all the music had the same beautiful feel, the same magic, each song was just different enough that it spoke just a little differently to his audience.

He had decided to end with something completely new. A song that, while he hated the band for the most part, he loved this one song. "I hope you guys enjoyed the show everyone." He smiled, realizing just how fast the time had flown. He loved to sing for people who truly enjoyed it. And these shows never felt like they lasted long enough. "I think I'm going to end with something new. If you've heard it, feel free to sing along." He knew there was no way he could emulate the singer's effect... He was going to go with clean lyrics, and hope it flew well.

He took a deep breath. The lyrics in this song were such a far throw from anything he'd ever sung in public before. While the message was love... It was a goodbye song. He wasn't singing it to anyone in-particular. Heck, he'd never had a boyfriend before. He just thought the song sounded absolutely beautiful.

I'm gonna ride this plane out of your life again.
I wish that I could stay, but you argue...
More than this I wish, you could've seen my face...
In backseats staring out, the window.

I'll do anything for you.
Kill anyone for you.

So leave yourself intact...
'Cause I'll be coming back.
In a phrase to cut these lips...
I love you.

He opened his eyes, uncharacteristic for his normal shows. He was just so nervous. He glanced out over the audience, looking for some kind of a reaction. His eyes fell on a stoic, attentive crowd. He wasn't quite sure if that was a good thing or not.

The morning will come!
In the press of every kiss...
With your head upon my chest...
Where I will annoy you.
With every waking breath...
Until you decide to wake up.

I've earned through hope and faith...
On the curves around your face...
That I'm the one you'll hold forever.
If morning never comes for either one of us...
Then this I pray to you wherever.

I'll do anything for you...
This story is for you...
I'll do anything for you.
Kill anyone for you.

So leave yourself intact...
'Cause I won't be coming back.
In a phrase to cut these lips
I loved you...

A deep breath. Less to get ready for his next line, and more to calm himself. He was just glad that his singing hadn't suffered... Although he was having a hard time holding onto his guitar pick with the sweat on his palms.

The morning will come.
In the press of every kiss...
With your head upon my chest...
Where I will annoy you.
With every waking breath...
Until you decide to wake up.

The morning will come!
In the press of every kiss...
With your head upon my chest...
Wh-Where I will annoy you...
With every waking breath.
Until you... decide to wake up.

Yeah, he did stutter. Right in the home stretch too. He doubted he'd ever forgive himself for making a mistake like that. Why was he even so nervous, he sung for these people all the time! The worst that would happen would be that someone tells him to stick to what he's good at... Hell, they all knew he could play, he didn't need to prove anything to anyone in that room.

He sighed, and looked up at the audience. He tried to feign a confident, warm smile, awaiting to see everyone's reaction.

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:31 pm
by ZombiexCreame*
As the night wore on, Tim found himself growing more and more relaxed. Despite the fact that he didn't recognize even a single song, he still found himself sufficiently entertained. This came as a surprise to him, as usually he grew bored easily when music was involved. Tonight, however, was different. In a way, he didn't want the little mini-concert to end. Once Colin's music stopped, Tim would have to get up and return to his life filled with homework and chores and responsibility. The thought made him cringe and reminded him that he had a short essay to write on photosynthesis due tomorrow. Ew.

Tim's attention perked up a little as Colin announced that he was going to end with a new song. So the concert was coming to a close. He fidgeted around with his empty cup of coffee and leaned back in his chair to listen to the next song. Perhaps he could say something to Colin after the show? 'Good job?' Would that sound cheesy or dumb? Maybe he should just quietly leave.

Colin sang the next song just as nicely as the others. Tim didn't join in, his singing voice was just dreadful, but he listened very carefully to the lyrics. He tried to translate them and relate them to his own life in some way or form but failed at it. Lyrics just weren't his forte. Instead, he just listened and tapped his fingers on the edge of his coffee cup.

As Colin finished the song, Tim glanced around briefly, raised his hands, and began to clap. He nodded at Colin in an approving sort of way, for he wasn't bold enough to shout "bravo!" or "encore!" He didn't even realize that Colin had stuttered at all. Perhaps he had actually noticed it but paid not a lick of attention to such a minute detail. In any case, his trip to the coffee shop had been a good idea.

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:31 pm
by T-Fox*
As soon as Colin heard the applause, he almost felt his shoulders slump, the worried tension melting from him. He seriously had no idea why that whole thing made him so nervous. There were about 12 or 13 people still sitting around the cafe. Most of the audience usually had wandered in and out by the time his show had ended, the only people always being there at the end being himself (obviously), the owner, any workers, and one or two older gentlemen. People who probably would have been here anyways.

The shop closed in an hour, and well... Damn he needed a coffee. He stood from the stool, holding his guitar by the neck, and took a bow. "Thanks everyone. I'm glad everyone enjoyed the music, and the show." Stage presence had never been Colin's specialty. Although those that he talked to said it really was a moot point. This was a tiny cafe, a free show, and amazing music.

He placed the accoustic back in it's case, tugging down on the latch, smiling when it made it's satisfying click. The music over the speakers had already started back up. Usually it was playing a mix of music like his, but every Thursday after his show, the owner always slipped in a Ska CD. The music was upbeat, and conversations back and forth had already began. Sliding the guitar case next to the stage, he made his way slowly to the front of the shop, his coffee already waiting for him. "Pretty good turnout. Make a decent amount?" He looked up at the owner, sipping the black 'bolivia'. It was a breath of fresh air, and something very nice for his throat. Even though he had the water up on stage, it wasn't really anything soothing. This was always his favorite part of the night, getting to talk to everyone about the show. He usually had one or two new-comers that talked to him each time he played.

But for now? Coffee. Lots of it. He watched the crowd, and saw a few regulars shuffle out the door.

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:31 pm
by ZombiexCreame*
Tim watched from his chair as Colin thanked the audience and replaced his guitar into its case. The musician wandered over to the front of the shop, picked up a coffee, and began to chat with the owner. As Tim realized that the show was over, he stood up and walked over to the nearest trash can. Upbeat music was playing throughout the establishment and several people were engaged in what seemed like pleasant conversations. Tim somewhat envied them... He didn't really have anyone to chat with at a time like this. He didn't really think that any of his school friends would ever accompany him to a place like this. It was just... so refined. His friends were more partial to loud pizza joints or mall food courts. How could they not enjoy the intoxicating aroma of coffee or the relaxing atmosphere of the cafe? Tim wasn't too sure, but that's just what set him apart from most people. He didn't mind being a little different.

Dumping the study cardboard cup into the trash can, he passed another glance towards Colin and then back towards the door. Should he just head out then? It wouldn't be a bad idea... He did have that essay to write. Then again, it just wouldn't feel right. Tim felt as if he shouldn't leave until he said something to Colin. Something nice or friendly... Tim rarely spoke to strangers but figured that today he would change that. He needed to become a bit more social.

Tim approached the boy but still maintained a modest distance between them. He didn't want to get up in the guy's face and frighten him or anything. He wanted to seem casual. "Why is a simple social interaction causing me so much damn stress? It's just a school-mate." "Nice show. You did a great job out there," Tim said with a smile, giving him a thumbs-up. He vaguely wondered if he should say anything else but stayed silent. He didn't want to blab on and ruin any attempts to stay casual.

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:31 pm
by T-Fox*
\Colin was very pleasantly surprised to see someone else his own age approaching him. Actually, he was extremely happy to see someone else his own age in the cafe for that matter. His usual crowd consisted of 20 and 30 something's, who had been through their 'rockin youth' already, and had settled down into a routine life, and into softer music. The bands he preferred though, he was surprised that they didn't have bigger followings with youth though, with some of the lyrics and meanings. But then again, you can't expect kids today to care about depth and meaning. "I must be turning into a 30 year old too." He thought to himself. "Might as well be screaming 'KIDS GET OFF MY LAWN' into the halls at Bayview!".
Colin offered a warm smile to the approaching fan. Well, assumed fan. He didn't show any of the signs that the very rare dissenter did. He had never thought he was as good as everyone else seemed to... But it seemed so rare that anyone ever had any naysaying to him.

"Nice show. You did a great job out there."

It was everything Colin could do not to break out into a sheepish grin. Two years of regular shows, and he still couldn't seem to handle a compliment all that well. "Thanks! That means a lot to hear." He took a quick sip of his coffee, without looking down. "This your first time here for a show? I can't say I've ever seen you around here; As familiar as you do look..." Colin wasn't the amazing social butterfly either, but at the same time it wasn't completely beyond him to offer the occasional friendly banter. He took a second to think to himself. "I swear I had a class with you Freshman year... You do go to bay-view, right?" His foot kicked back lazily, the toe of his brown leather shoe catching on the decorative mold of the counter.

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:31 pm
by ZombiexCreame*
"No problem, I really enjoyed it," Tim said to Colin with an earnest smile. He took a moment to glance around the cafe and watched as a few people exited the cafe. As Colin asked Tim if this was his first time here for a show, he glanced back at Colin and gave a somewhat shy nod. "Oh uh... Yeah, actually it is," he admitted. There was a brief pause, and he continued again. "I come here somewhat often... Well, on occasion. I get coffee sometimes. This is actually the first time that I've seen anyone preforming or anything. I'm not usually big on music, but I decided to stay and.. Believe it or not, I really enjoyed it!" Tim exclaimed, nodding slightly.

As Colin asked if they had a class together freshman year, Tim took a moment to think. "Gee, I dunno... Freshman year was so long ago, eh?" he asked with a chuckle. "But yeah, I definitely go to Bayview. I think I've seen you around." Tim thought for a few more seconds and suddenly remembered something. His eyes bugged slightly at the realization. "Oh, right! I do remember! Beginners Art, right?" Tim suddenly wished he hadn't said anything at all... Art had been such an embarrassment. He couldn't even begin to count the number of times he had screwed up in art class... Spilled paint, broken pottery, ripped paintings... He almost shivered at the thought.

"Yeah... As I said, freshman year was so far away," he added, folding his arms in front of his chest. It was hard to think of Colin as being in the same grade as Tim. This kid seemed so accomplished, preforming shows at cafes. Tim had never come close to doing anything so... major. Unsure of what else to talk about, the blonde-haired boy smiled and decided to bring up a topic that he was sure all seniors were excited about. "Pumped for the school trip? I know I am."