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Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:10 pm
by Pickle Jello*
Jake Mason put down his backpack and books. He sat down on a picnic table. He looked over to the field. The grass was very green. There was a slight wind, which made the grass sway. He looked up at the sky. It was bright blue with a few clouds in it. He looked at the clouds, trying to see if he could find any that looked like anything, but he didn't recognize any. He saw a small flock of birds fly around where he was looking. They were medium-sized black birds, but he couldn't recognize what kind they were. He idlly looked towards the fence. A robin landed on the other side. He just watched the bird. It walked a little bit, then stopped. It then put its head in the ground, an earthworm in its mouth, and flew away. He then just sat on the picnic table, his eyes just looking forward, not really looking at anything. He was relaxed.

Re: Tranquility

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:10 pm
by DAv*
Geoffrey Angevin walked through the Campus, enjoying the warm Sun. He had just walked from he cafeteria and was happy with himself when he walked up beside the picnic table, noticing Jake Mason dozing there. Eager to look into another aspect of the school, he walked forward with a smile on his face "Hi there Jake, how're you?" He said in his best cheerful voice.

Re: Tranquility

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:10 pm
by Pickle Jello*
Jake, while resting, saw another person walk towards the picnic table. He stopped right next to him. He recognized him as Geoffrey Angevin. He never really knew him, but he's seen him a few times at school. He heard Geoffrey say "Hi there, Jake, how're you?" It was a normal greeting that could be made to anyone. Not the part where he said "Jake," however. That part only applies to people named Jake. "Jake" could be interchanged to whoever that person's name was. Back on subject, Jake made a normal reply to that. "I'm fine." He then decided to continue to "How are you?" He felt that might be a good way to start a conversation, which would give him something to do.

Re: Tranquility

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:11 pm
by DAv*
"Pianist, shy and harmless." Geoffrey thought as he remembered the notes in his little book on all his classmates, seeing in him a good person to weed into their confidence for future opportunities. He sat down on the table itself, pulling out a small bag of M&M's from his pocket and started to open them as he went on "I'm doing great, a fine day, easy work and fun times. What's not to like? How're you? Still powering on with your Beethoven pieces?"

Re: Tranquility

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:11 pm
by Pickle Jello*
"I'm doing great, a fine day, easy work, and fun times," was Geoffrey's reply. He continued with "What's not to like? How're you? Still powering on with your Beethoven pieces?" as he pulled out some M&M's. "He just asked me how I am earlier, why did he ask me it again?" Jake thought to himself but didn't say out loud. "I'm doing pretty good with Beethoven," Jake started off. "I'm currently practicing Fur Elise, and Moonlight Sonata. I'm doing quite good with Fur Elise, and the first movement of Moonlight, the second movement, I've got all the notes, I'm just having trouble timing them. The third movement, however, is really hard. I can't even get through the first page of it after a month of practice. It's really hard. I get what I call 'Beethoven's cramp' in my arm after practicing it for about half an hour. Good thing I'm not playing the second and third movement for my cousin's wedding in a few months." He looked at Geoffrey's M&M's. "Mind if I have some?" he asked.

Re: Tranquility

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:11 pm
by KingKamor*
((Eva Lancaster, Pre-Game Start))

It was a nice day outside. There was only a little wind, the sun was out, and her free period had just arrived. As she walked across the quad, she adjusted the easel under her arm and rearranged the palette and paints in her hands before continuing on. As she walked past some tables, she noticed some male students talking with each other. She didn't want to waste time talking with anyone when she could be painting, so she continued on to the edge of the quad.

Once she came upon a specific tree, she set the palette and paints down on the ground. After she found a good vantage point, she set up the easel. Once that was stood up, she put a spot of each color on her palette and took out her ipod.

After turning the playlist to "ok go," she picked up her brushes and began.

(("Do What You Want" by Ok Go.))

Re: Tranquility

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:11 pm
by KingKamor*
The tree that she chose had a large knothole in it which, to her at least, looked like it had a crooked nose and the face of a wrinkly old witch. To start the painting, she made a few long strokes for the tree itself, plus a series of dabs for whatever leaves she wanted to be in the line of sight.

She tapped her foot and bobbed her head a little to the music pounding in her ears from her large black Skull Cany headphones. "Do what you want. Come on! Come on! What can go wrong? D-d-d-do what you want!"

It was hardly an appropriate song for the relatively tranquil scene she was trying to paint, but she didn't really care very much. As long as she was able to paint without anything distracting her.

It wasn't long before she began on the witch's face.

Re: Tranquility

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:11 pm
by KingKamor*
Eva continued with her painting. Sometimes, a drop or paint would get on her shirt or jeans, but she simply ignored them. She leaned back a little get get a better look at both the painting and the tree. After she deemed the tree a little too light-colored, she dipped her brush in some brown and continued.

The assignment was simply to paint something on the campus. It was due in a week, but she liked to start early and end early, unlike some people she knew. The art teacher seemed to enjoy her attitude towards assingments like that, so she continued to do so.

She pushed a few strands of hair back, only to find that he headphones were blocking the hair from going behind her ear, causing them to fall back in front of her face. Slightly annoyed, she blew them to the side and continued painting the foreground.

By that time, the song had changed.

(("Don't Ask Me" by Ok Go))

Re: Tranquility

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:11 pm
by KingKamor*
Just as she got to the witch's wrinkled nose, Eva's pocket began to vibrate. It snapped her out of her music-induced trance with a full-body twitch. "Ah, jeez," she mumbled to herself as she let her headphones fall from her ears and wrap around her neck as she reached into her pocket with a paint-spotted hand. "Hello...? Oh, hey, Dad... No, I told you that I was going to paint a little more after school today... No, I'm not going to a party or anything, calm down... Dad, I'm not going to get high. You know how I feel about that stuff... Yeah... Okay. I'll see you tonight... Yeah, bye." She hung up and let the phone slide back into her jeans pocket.

For a length of time, she stared at her easel. She wasn't even processing what she was painting anymore. Every day, her father called during her free period to ask what she was doing and tell her what to do and what not to do. "Ass hole just wants control over my life..." she mumbled to herself as she set her headphones back up on her ears.

Ok Go was still playing. After a pause, she pulled her ipod out of her other pocket and changed it. Anything else would do, she just wanted something different to be played.

(("Somewhere in the Between" by Streetlight Manifesto))

Re: Tranquility

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:11 pm
by Namira
((Kamor, chill out and wait for somebody to reply instead of posting every half hour. People will get to you - there's no need to rush in that many posts. If you really, really want to add something, then just edit it into the original post. Double-posting is bad unless you're trying to make it known you're leaving the topic, but quadruple-posting?

Eeeease off.))

Re: Tranquility

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:12 pm
by DAv*
Geoffrey listened to Jake as he spoke before handing him the bag of M&M's "Peanuts I'm fraid. The only ones they had left in the shop." He let Jake have the M&M's as he went on "A shame about the cramp but it's worth it. I remember when you played at the last recital. Your first movement of Moonlight Sonata was superb. Oh, an congratulations on your cousin as well."

Geoffrey suddenly heard the voice of Eva and looked over, suppresing a tut of annoyance at her loud words. Surely the girl wasn't that inconsiderate? He was speaking with Jake, having her discuss loudly about what she was going to do tonight was a distraction at best.

Re: Tranquility

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:12 pm
by Pickle Jello*
Geoffrey handed him the bag of Peanut M&M's. "That's okay," said Jake. "I like the Peanuts better." That was the truth. He heard a girl speak loudly. He looked over for a second and saw Eva painting. He wondered what she was painting. He would probably go and look after the conversation with Geoffrey was over. Geoffrey continued to say "A shame about the cramp but it's worth it. I remember when you played at the last recital. Your first movement of Moonlight Sonata was superb. Oh, an congratulations on your cousin as well." "Thanks," was Jake's reply, what he'd usually say to those things. Then suddenly something occured to Jake. "Wait, when'd you hear my recital?" Jake asked. "I never brought you to one."

Re: Tranquility

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:12 pm
by DAv*
Geoffrey shrugged at the question "My parents make regular donations to the school's art department, we get invited to pretty much every recital there is when there's a student involved." He paused in thought for a moment before letting his eyes wander back to Eva and her painting, starting to wonder what it would show when completed.

Re: Tranquility

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:12 pm
by Pickle Jello*
"Oh," said Jake. He didn't know that. He saw that Geoffrey was looking at Eva's painting. He turned himself around so he could see Eva painting, but he still sat near Geoffrey. He decided to just watch her paint. It looked like she was painting the tree she was near. She looked frustrated. Jake figured that it was what she was angrily talking about what she would do tonight or something.

Re: Tranquility

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 6:12 pm
by Killer_Moth*
((Jennifer Romita cont'd from Some Enchanted Evening))

Jen walked across the campus with purpose. Already feeling much better after last night, she felt that she needed to go with the confident look, take the initiative before the story of last night got out. She wore a short black skirt, with dark tights showing off her thighs, and a tight red sweater. Yeah, confident, cool, sassy. Nothing to indicate just how pissed off she was.

Eva was painting something. How very like her. Jen had tried to convince the girl that there were things she could be doing with her time that were far more interesting, but still she insisted on carrying on with her ‘Art' And there were boys there as well. Jake and Geoffrey. She hadn't thought they were friends, but they made quite a pair, looking like Asterix and Obelix, sans moustaches. She smiled and waved at them seductively as she walked past and over to Eva.

"It's a tree" She felt disappointed. If Eva was going to paint, then why didn't she do some exciting things? She had the boys sitting right there, and she wanted to paint a tree. "Really girl, you can paint trees anywhere. Why drag all your equipment here for that?"