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Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:05 pm
by Outfoxd
Lily Maclaughlin hated slow days, especially when there was an impending deadline to uphold and a shortage of stories to put into it. She'd been in wandering the halls of the school for a little while, hoping to get some photos of a feature-y nature, some evergreens that'd at least take up some space, but for the most part, no one was "putting out", so to speak.

Finding nothing indoors, Lily had taken her battered Olympus outside where, after taking a few more shots of students milling around, she promptly gave up and sat down in the grass behind the main building. She started to look through the pictures she'd taken, but there was very little of interest, as she figured when she was actually shooting.

"God..can't somebody do something interesting around her for once?" She muttered. She already knew the answer. She brushed a strand of blond hair out of her eye and tucked it behind her ear, and noticed a sparrow on a branch of one of the yard's trees. Figuring a nature shot would be nice to have on file, she pulled her camera back up and trained it on the bird. She twisted the lens to get the full benefit of the telephoto, blurring out the background behind the bird so it wouldn't clutter the shot, and focused.

Before she could take the shot, the sparrow flew off, probably in search of worms or whatever else birds did in their free time that didn't involve sitting still for photos.

Lily let the camera fall to her lap, defeated. "Thanks."

Re: Shutterbug

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:05 pm
Michelle was leaning against a tree relaxing herself as the day went by. Nothing special was happening today. There was no sports, no projects, nothing at all. One would believe this to be a boring day and would forget it from there minds as soon as next week. One would would be impatient and try to move on as fast as possible for something to happened. One would simply ignore the peace they had now.

Michelle wasn't like at all. She enjoyed the peace and slowness of this day. She would savor it and remember for a short while and would miss it when she would actually had to do something. She sigh at the thought of working again. With this she grab her bag and open it. He hand scavenge to find the treasure she was looking for. Searching past her history books and a few random objects. He hand finally touch the plastic feeling and pulled out the plastic bag. Within it was what she was looking for. Her sandwich. With this she open the bag and pulled out the sandwich. Taking a bite from the snack she notice from a distance a blond girl strolling by. The girl was carrying a camera and Michelle presume that she was taking pictures. Why else would you have a camera for?

The girl sat down in the grass not to far away from Michelle and she look at her camera. Michelle ignored the girl afterward and finish her sandwich and put the plastic bag back into her school bag to be thrown later in a recycling box or something. She pulled out her history book and flip to her bookmark. Before reading and delving into the world of warfare she took a glance at the blond camera girl again and notice her raising a camera. She wonder what she was taking a picture of and her eyes scan the area. Before she found what is was a bird flew off and the blond girl promptly drop her camera afterward. Michelle wonder if the girl was doing fine. Debating between reading and talking she decided the book would be more interesting and delve herself into it.

A few minutes later Michelle couldn't get the blond girl out of her mind. It bugged her for some odd reason. Things like these should never bug her but it did for someone reason. In defeat she put her book away in her bag and put it over her shoulders and walk towards the camera girl. When she got close to her she look at the girl hair first before all other features. Michelle like the hair color compare to the plain brown she sees often and appreciated. She also the way it was cut and she felt the girl took care of her hair to a certain degree at least. Michelle notice for a minute that she was just starring at the girl and most of look weird and blush at how stupid she most look. Feeling embarrass she spoke up and regain her calm at the same time "My name is Michelle O'Cain you are?" she asked the camera girl.

Re: Shutterbug

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:05 pm
by Outfoxd
Lily had been staring blankly at the viewing window of the Olympus when someone called her name. She looked up, seeing a face that looked vaguely familiar, but then again, writing on the school paper meant she'd come into at least passing contact with most of the people in the school.

Pleased to be distracted from her irritation, Lily set the camera in the grass beside her, turning it off as she did so. She didn't think there'd be anything terribly pressing to shoot that would require her to have the camera instantly at hand. Still, she could hear her mother's voice in her head, "A good journalist is ready for everything, whether it's a fire or a tender moment with a child."

Lily smiled as she answered the girl. "I'm Lily. Lily Maclaughlin. I wanna thank you. Another few minutes of staring at that thing," she gestured toward the camera, "and I was gonna shoot myself."

Re: Shutterbug

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:05 pm
(I'm alive! So sorry for the month late reply XD!)

Michelle nodded. Not quite knowing what to say. Introvert at heart she rarely talks to other students so this was quite different then her usual behavior. Guessing there was nothing to lose she might as well reply. "Nice to meet you Lily..." She said and sat down beside her. Looking at the girl she notice her irritation and wonder how she could do her work if she would be easily annoyed as this. Wouldn't she freak out as soon as she get nothing? She wonder but gave up on it.

Feeling a bit humorous (which is not often to say the least!), Michelle pointed at the camera and said "If your going to shoot yourself I doubt the camera would kill you or make a good picture. You should aim for something different" She said is a calm voice knowing fully well she it didn't sound sarcastic. "What are you doing with your camera anyway Lily? A photo book?" She ask slightly curious.

Re: Shutterbug

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:05 pm
by Outfoxd
((sorry for dipping out, but I'm just returning myself))

Lily smiled, a little uncomfortably, at the joke, stroking the Olympus as she did so. The girl's tone made it hard to place whether or not she was trying to be funny.

"Er, no. Looking for nice feature shots for the school paper. Something to take up a little space." As she talked, Lily reached into her pocket for her phone to catch the time. Class would be starting soon.

Lily swept her camera up in her hands and stood up. "I've gotta get going though. It was nice meeting you!" She waved, and turned on her heels to leave.

Re: Shutterbug

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:05 pm
Michelle watch as the girl stood up and dash off. Feeling like there nothing else to do Michelle just fell on her back with boredom. Eventually she got up and decided to go do something. Probably read... Or well something... She didn't really care she just wanted to go somewhere.

((Michelle continues to The Intellectuals))