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The Ghetto Lounge

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:33 pm
by Hallucinojelly*
"To: Violet

Hanging out round Ryan's. See you in class."

From: Trent

Violet snapped her phone shut as she finished reading the text; her fingers tightening around the plastic casing. She wasn't having a good day as it was, but that message soon gave rise to a new level of irritation she hadn't had for Trent in a long time. Recently the two had been seemingly avoiding each other, yet they weren't willing to tell the other person why exactly they were doing so. All she had gathered from his choppy texts was that he had started to hang around with some guy called Ryan, but the name was completely lost on her.

Apparently, this guy was like liquid gold and could only be admired by letting no-one else know about his existence lest they steal him away with a spoon, but hey, if it kept Trent out of her hair for a while, then she welcomed good ol' Ryan with open arms.

Slipping her phone back into the pocket of her jeans, she lay back against the trunk of the tree she was sitting underneath, allowing herself a few minutes of peace before she thought of something better to do for lunch. Maybe she could go for a quick swim to pass the time?

No, wait, I didn't bring my costume today.

Tch, figures.

Breathing in the warm summer air, she got the feeling the pool would've been busy today anyway, so it's not as though she was missing out on anything special. Still, there weren't many other ways to kill time around here, and everyone else was so busy lately she didn't know what to do with herself.

'Guess I could write up that Film essay or something.

Re: The Ghetto Lounge

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:33 pm
by Badb*
((Courtney Bradley, continued from Strike))

Why did I even draw an elephant? I mean, it has no significance whatsoever... It's totally pointless!

Courtney was bored. This was a rare occurance, but that didn't mean it didn't still happen from time to time. And when it did happen... Courtney's clumsiness usually meant she'd be walking home with a fair few cuts and scrapes.

Noticing that all the tables near the gazebo were taken, Courtney sighed and sat down in the shade of a large tree, putting her bag in front of her. There was a girl sat against the tree, but she looked like she was doing something important.

She looks busy, I'd better not bother her.

Courtney opened her bag and took out an old, battered book on analysing dreams she had taken from the library. She looked at the names of previous people who'd taken the book out (some of them obvious jokes) and flicked through to the letter E.

...To see an elephant in your dream, indicates that you need to be more patient or more understanding of others. Or perhaps there is a memory that you are holding on to for too long.


Re: The Ghetto Lounge

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:33 pm
by Hallucinojelly*
Violet watched as the athletic-looking girl came and sat close to her, breaking her fleeting concentration. She didn't recognise her from any of her classes, but she'd definitely seen her around the campus a couple of times. After all, there weren't that many red-heads around Bayview, especially ones whom didn't have pasty, speckled skin. Leaning into the sunlight, her eyes squinted as she tried to make out what book the girl was reading; she was keen to start up any conversation that would eat up a few minutes at least.

After a moment of intensely fruitless observation, she sighed and tumbled forward, leaving her bag in the dark of the tree.

"Hey, whatcha readin'? Anything... in-ter-esting?"

She let the last word loop around her tongue before she sat upright next to the girl, trying to work out what it was again before she had any time to answer. Either the sun was getting too much for young Violet, or perhaps she was just so bored she needed to vent a little, but she was aware of how close she was getting to the girl.

Although wearing a thick purple hoodie in the middle of the year probably wasn't helping much with the heat thing.

Re: The Ghetto Lounge

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:33 pm
by Badb*
"Hey, whatcha readin'? Anything... in-ter-esting?"

"Huh, What?" Courtney shook her head, and looked at the girl who was now sat unconfortably close to her.

"Oh, hello." Courtney tryed to recall the girl's name. Victoria? No. Violet? was that it? Yeah, Violet, that was it.

Courtney thought she had seen her a couple of times before, but couldn't quite put her finger on where she remembered her from.

Oh yeah, that cheesy horror movie!

Courtney remembered a friend dragging her to go see some cheesy slasher movie, which he said was directed by Violet, who he'd decribed as some "crazy horror film girl."

She recalled the hostess of it having quite the reputation for blood and gore, but Courtney never could quite believe the outlandish rumours. Then she saw the film and promptly had nightmares for a week. She was still sore about that part.

"Nothing much." Courtney looked back down at her book. "A book on dreams, that's all."

Re: The Ghetto Lounge

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:33 pm
by Hallucinojelly*
"A book on dreams?"

Violet didn't think much of dream-reading, deeming the entire practice a waste of time since people could never remember them anyway. However, she'd brought this conversation on herself now, so there was no way she could back out of it without seeming like a bit of a cow.

"So... any good dreams lately?"

The tone of disbelief ran rife in her voice, but the subject had caused her to fall out of favour with this girl a little too early, and so she inched away from her to quickly grab her bag. Holding it close to her body, she sat with her knees up to her chest as she tried her hardest to at least appear interested in what this girl had to say.

'This girl?'

Dammit, I don't even know her name yet.

Score 1 for Violet; grand-master of etiquette.

Re: The Ghetto Lounge

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:33 pm
by Badb*
"A book on dreams?"

"Yeah!" Courtney looked back down and flicked through the pages. "I got it from the library a couple of days ago, it looks pretty interesting."

Courtney looked down to find a half page spread of a forest with several different descriptions of how different parts of forests meant different things.

"So... any good dreams lately?"

Courtney could hear the tone of disbelief in Violet's voice, and guessed she was a skeptic, or whatever they were called.

"No, not really." Courtney said. "My dreams are mundane compared to some of the crazy stuff in this book."

Re: The Ghetto Lounge

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:33 pm
by Hallucinojelly*
"Oh? So you've never... dreamt of like, onion rings that attacked you or anything?"

Violet was a little disappointed by the girl's answer, hoping for something a little crazier so that the skeptic had something she could prove to be pure nonsense. Yet at the same time, she was a little pleased. After all, the girl didn't seem half as bad as Violet thought she'd turn out to be once the whole 'dream' thing came up, so maybe she should give her a little slack.

"I'm sorry, by the way."

Realising she hadn't explained why, she did so.

"For being a little weird about it. I just, I dunno, I just don't believe that dreams can really tell us anything, y'know? Like, I know I make all those horror films and blah, blah, blah, but it doesn't mean I think any of it could be real. Y'know?"

She stared at her for a minute, before she came to another realisation about what she'd been saying.

"Dammit, sorry. I'm just sitting here yappin' away, and I don't even know your name."

She felt bad about feeling it, let alone telling the girl herself, but she couldn't help but feel a bit guilty about not knowing the girl's name, especially since they'd been to the same school for a good while now. It was probably because the girl was part of the whole sports crowd or something, she didn't know, but still, after bugging her like this, Violet felt a little bit like a fake for not even knowing who she was.

Re: The Ghetto Lounge

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:33 pm
by Badb*
"Oh? So you've never... dreamt of like, onion rings that attacked you or anything?"

Onions, why would I? ...Nevermind.

"Um, No." Courtney shook her head. "They're of the mundane variety."

"I'm sorry, by the way."

"Huh, why?" Courtney asked, looking back towards Violet.

"For being a little weird about it. I just, I dunno, I just don't believe that dreams can really tell us anything, y'know? Like, I know I make all those horror films and blah, blah, blah, but it doesn't mean I think any of it could be real. Y'know?"

"Yeah, I know." Courtney said, closing the book and smiling. "I like to keep an open mind about things."

Courtney thought she must have said something wrong, because Violet just sat there in silence for a minute or two. Courtney suddenly realised how awkward the whole silence thing was.

"Dammit, sorry. I'm just sitting here yappin' away, and I don't even know your name."

Wait, she... doesn't know me?

Actually, that explains a lot.

"My name's Courtney." She said, "You're Violet, right?"

Re: The Ghetto Lounge

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:33 pm
by Hallucinojelly*
"Courtney, right."

She committed the name to memory as she sat and listened to the distinctly British accent emanating from her lips. Violet had always found it funny that so many students at Bayview came from other countries; she and Trent used to joke that the school was like one of those places you'd see on the news, where the families would stay after a hurricane.

Violet's eyes widened a little.

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

Had she seen her before somewhere? It didn't really matter to her that much, but it was a little odd having someone she barely knew knowing exactly who she was.

I guess she could've seen one of my movies or something. I mean, I do make an awful lot of them. Maybe she saw them on Youtube?

Re: The Ghetto Lounge

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:34 pm
by Badb*
"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"A friend of mine showed me a couple of videos." Courtney explained, scratching the back of her neck. "Pointed you out this one time, I tend to remember these things."

Courtney flicked through the pages in her book, realising how creepy she'd made that sound.

I swear, I need to stop saying stuff like that. People'll start thinking I'm some psycho stalker or something.

Courtney looked down at her dream book, noticing that she'd flicked the page to a two page spread of a man laying on a bed that had been scrawled on by the last person that had taken the book out of the library. It... wasn't pleasant.

Well, That's... uh... nice...

With a look of shock on her face, she quickly closed the book shut and placed it in her messenger bag.

Note to self, flick through the book BEFORE taking it.

Re: The Ghetto Lounge

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:34 pm
by Badb*
((Courtney Bradley, Continued Elsewhere.))

Re: The Ghetto Lounge

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:34 pm
by Hallucinojelly*
((Crappy version of Violet Druce continued elsewhere))