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A Quiet Time

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:58 pm
by selphie_trabia*
Picnic cloth on the grass. Chips on the picnic cloth. Knitting Needles in the hands. Book lying open underneath chips packet.


Sarah flopped forward on the picnic cloth, propping herself on her arms. Bayview Secondary wasn't as big as Crescent Hill, but the school still had its quiet spots.

She released her knitting needles briefly to dip a hand into the chip packet, drawing out a small cluster of delicious fried potato slices covered in red artificially-flavoured chilli dust. Sure, Sarah could bake herself some cupcakes for a snack, but she'd always been partial to the cheap charms of prepackaged goods. She wiped her hands of the flavouring dust on her picnic cloth and resumed knitting, turning the page on her book as she munched away.

Bayview Secondary wasn't perfect, but it was far from the hell that Crescent Hill had been.

((OOC: Looking to establish a small base of friends for Sarah, so anyone coming in shot can assume that they may already know Sarah as the quiet kid. PM me for details if you need 'em.))

Re: A Quiet Time

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:58 pm
by Hollyquin*
[[Hayley Kelly: Debut.]]

Hayley scowled.

That was hardly surprising: she didn't have much to smile about today. Nothing but stress, stress, and more stress on her mind. Not to mention her hair was a frizzy mess, tucked as it was underneath her floppy brown beanie- she blamed the humidity, which was contributing to the warm weather that anyone but her would have enjoyed. The sheepskin boots she was wearing weren't helping much- as she strode into the grass, she kicked the shoes off, getting her feet filthy as she walked through the lawn, barefoot, carrying her shoes in one hand.

Too tired and too lazy to walk much further, she collapsed in the grass fairly soon after. She sprawled across the grass, pretending to forget how short her dress was, realizing there was no one who would see her, and then realizing she didn't care either way. She looked around quickly, as she had a decision to make. There was only one person in her vicinity- a tiny little Asian girl, knitting and eating chips. She looked vaguely familiar...Samantha? Sarah? Something like that. Hayley took a moment to think, and evidently deciding that the girl wasn't a threat, she pulled a cigarette from her bag, lighting it with a tiny purple Bic. She laid back on the grass, putting one iPod earbud in her right ear and pumping the volume up loud, taking the occasional drag from the cigarette and staring into the sky.

Re: A Quiet Time

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:58 pm
by selphie_trabia*
((ooc: No problem. We can work with this. XD))

Quiet. Serene. Smoky... Smoky?!

Sarah smiled to herself and then sniffed the air, coughing a little as the acrid smell of cigarette smoke wafted by her nose. She scrambled around on her picnic cloth, curling up, then uncurling to sit upright.

She glanced over at the intruder, mentally summing up the other girl in her head. She wasn't particularly good with names, but she'd seen that girl around in the school before. This girl was popular at school... with the boys, at least, and if rumour was not wrong, she wasn't bad at her studies either.

Sarah made a point to keep a small inner catalogue of people she'd met at school by characteristics. She'd long since learned that most people didn't mind being called "Hey, how have you been?". Well, most of the time, so long as you said it with as earnest a smile as possible and pretended that you actually knew their names. At least, Sarah thought so. Sarah didn't really mind when others didn't know her name. There were too many students in the school to remember all those names anyway.

Sarah rearranged the things on her picnic cloth, unashamed at her staring. She was almost sure that Bayview Secondary didn't allow smoking and she didn't really like smoke herself. Maybe she should speak up against it.

Then again, maybe she shouldn't. The other girl didn't look like she wanted to be disturbed. Sarah reshuffled herself again, moving a little away from what she perceived to be the direction of the smoke.

Re: A Quiet Time

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:58 pm
by Hollyquin*
Hayley flipped restlessly through her iPod. Musical ADD, she called it- the utter inability to listen to one song for more than thirty seconds at a time. As a result, she'd listened to (a small part of) a good fifteen songs before she was through with her cigarette. Sitting up, she crushed the butt into the grass, burying it in the dirt mostly on a whim. Grabbing her bag- a large-ish messenger bag with a graffiti design on it- she dug up her lunch, which apparently consisted of a granola bar. She sighed- she really had to pay attention to what she shoved in her bag for lunch in the morning.

As disappointing was the granola bar was, it didn't make Hayley any less hungry, and she ripped the wrapping off the poor thing and stuck it in her mouth. Looking up, she noticed that girl again...Sarah, she was almost sure of it. Hayley was fairly good with names- she'd learned that learning names quickly was the real key to getting people to like you. She made a face- people are so pathetically easy to satisfy!- but shook it off. Sarah had been looking of her, she was sure of that- probably because she was smoking. Hayley had a bad habit of forgetting that, in fact, other students weren't addicted to cancer sticks and in fact often disliked the intrusive quality of their smell. She scratched her head, smiling sheepishly in her direction as a sort of indirect apology.

Hayley perked up suddenly- in looking at Sarah, she noticed what she was holding. A book. It suddenly occurred to her exactly how long it had been since she'd read anything new (for the record: about two weeks, a horribly long time by her standards), not to mention how few people in this damn school bothered to read anything anymore. She crawled across the grass, leaving her shoes and her bag behind, with absolutely no regard for the effect the dirty ground was going to have on her bare legs. She made the short distance across to Sarah's blanket, and, with absolutely no preamble, asked:

"So, what are you reading?"

Re: A Quiet Time

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:58 pm
by selphie_trabia*
A sheepish smile! So the other girl wasn't actually evil! Sarah gave a similarly sheepish smile back and ate another small fingerful of crisps.

"So, what are you reading?"

Sarah looked up at the girl, fear registering in her eyes for the briefest of brief moments before she managed to answer. She put her needles on the cloth beside her and moved her book so that the cover angled up towards the girl's face, pointing at the title.

Book 2

A pause.

"It's not really that good but I like Tamora Pierce's works. I grew up reading the Lioness quartet." she mumbled with a slight smile.

She squirmed a little, uneasy as to how to proceed. Then, after another moment's pause.

She smiled a little more warmly, "Want to sit? You're welcome to, but please don't smoke. Just watch out for the needles, because they're pointy. You're scary if you're standing over me like that anyway."

Re: A Quiet Time

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:58 pm
by Hollyquin*
The scarcity of intelligent people at this school only made it better when Hayley did find the odd reader. Admittedly she was maybe a bit disappointed that it was only Tamora Pierce- not exactly highbrow, that- but, shit, she was the kind of person who reread the entire Artemis Fowl series every couple of months. Despite her massive intellectual superiority complex, Hayley's taste in reading material tended towards the adolescent fantasy. So, she grinned in response.

"Shit, yeah, I remember Tamora Pierce! I still have a copy of Trickster's Choice floating around my room somewhere. I've been re- ah, fuck, hold up."

Suddenly remembering that her bag, not to mention her shoes, were about twenty feet behind her, Hayley ran back over to where she left them- cursing to herself at the amount of dirt that had ended up on her knees from the initial crawl over- and dragged them back to Sarah, sitting down next to her. She started rifling through her bag- notebooks, cigarettes, pens, condoms, folders, a small water bottle that reeked of alcohol...she grabbed a small, paperback book with a red cover, flipping it up to face Sarah. "The Color of Magic- Terry Pratchett," it read.

"I adore Pratchett," she said with a smile. "I keep having to go back and read this one over and over, though, since there's so many fucking books in the series, and I end up getting lost, and then I just start over again..."

Realizing that she was ranting just a bit, Hayley shut up. She was just so happy to have someone who know, cared about books. As much as Hayley loved being a juvenile delinquent, she preferred being an intellectual.

Re: A Quiet Time

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:58 pm
by selphie_trabia*
"Shit, yeah, I remember Tamora Pierce! I still have a copy of Trickster's Choice floating around my room somewhere. I've been re- ah, fuck, hold up."

A child of delicate sensibilities, not to mention a fairly sheltered middle-class upbringing, Sarah winced visibly when the other girl swore, then quietly amended her memory of the event to bleep out the swearing.

As various things spilled out of the other girl's bag, Sarah's eyes widened. She wasn't sure she wanted to hang out with someone who had cigarettes and condoms in her bag. Then again, a lot of students were doing... well... doing things... after and during school. It wasn't her place to judge. Plus the other girl, while intimidating, wasn't actually harming her in any way.

"I adore Pratchett. I keep having to go back and read this one over and over, though, since there's so many fucking books in the series, and I end up getting lost, and then I just start over again..." the other girl said.

Another wince at another swear word.

"Not... my favourite Pratchett book. I have an extensive Pratchett collection and prefer the books about the Night Watch. Mr Pratchett is an excellent writer." Sarah replied after some thought, "This book is similar and I like the way Tamora Pierce makes her fantasy somewhat gritty."

There was another pause. Sarah blushed, "You have... uhm... things in your bag that fell out."

Re: A Quiet Time

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:58 pm
by Hollyquin*
Hayley couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Sarah's visceral reaction to her swearing, but chose not to say anything. She wasn't sure exactly how well she'd get along with someone who couldn't abide by cursing- Hayley would guess that her most commonly used word of four letters or more was 'fuck'- but hell, anyone who knew Pratchett was worth getting to know. ...Even if they did prefer Men at Arms to, say, The Light Fantastic.

"I've got a big collection back home too. My problem is more that, like, f-uh...I'll get through, like, three books. And then I start reading something else. And then I get back to Discworld and I feel like I have to start from here again, you know?" She smiled. "I've gotten through most of them at one point or another, though. Rincewind is still my favorite. ...Well, that's not strictly truth. Death's my favorite. But he's everywhere."

Hayley only then noticed that the contents of her bag were everywhere. The girl had no shame- she only laughed and started shoving everything back in, taking care not to crush the cigarettes and giving the suspicious water bottle a long look before deciding it wasn't worth it and putting it away. She yawned and looked back at Sarah.

"...My only problem with Tamora Pierce is that she takes herself seriously. Which is, you know, what most authors do, but I'm attracted to authors who don't in the least. Like Pratchett, or, like, Douglas Adams. Or on the other side of the spectrum, Palahniuk."

She paused, mid-literary rant, and realized that she hadn't yet been properly introduced.

"You're...uh...Sarah, right? I'm Hayley. I think we might have a class together?"

Re: A Quiet Time

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:58 pm
by selphie_trabia*
"Death is everyone's favourite character." she offered, "I like Captain Carrot. He's honest and straightforward while still being really formidable."

"...My only problem with Tamora Pierce is that she takes herself seriously. Which is, you know, what most authors do, but I'm attracted to authors who don't in the least. Like Pratchett, or, like, Douglas Adams. Or on the other side of the spectrum, Palahniuk." the other girl said.

Sarah didn't really have anything to say to that, so she kept quiet, ate another chip and picked up her knitting. Her fingers moved along the loops of wool on the right needle, as she counted stitches before deftly turning the work around and starting the next row.

Finally, the girl stopped packing, "You're...uh...Sarah, right? I'm Hayley. I think we might have a class together?"

Sarah's mind wandered as her fingers flew over the needles. Knit four. Yarn over then slide one, knit one and pass slipped stitch over. Yarn over knit one back. Knit four...

A full five minutes later, she answered Hayley's question. "I've never heard of Pa lah nuick." she said clumsily.

Another pause, "Yes. A few."

Re: A Quiet Time

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:58 pm
by Hollyquin*
Hayley grinned. "True enough. I'm just happy you know Pratchett, to be honest. If you haven't noticed, no one in this school reads."

She leaned back on her hands, looking lazily up at the sky. It was hot, hot and humid, two things Hayley despised. She pulled off her beanie, shaking out her dark hair which had grown quite frizzy. She made a face as she dug a hairbrush out of her bookbag, hidden underneath all the other crap that resided there, and started tugging her way through that hair. Thankfully it wasn't very knotted- less thankfully, brushing it was doing next to nothing for the frizz.

Hayley continued brushing as she waited for Sarah's response. The girl seemed intent on her sewing. Hayley'd always had a vague interest in sewing- making your own clothes was the only way to be truly original in this day and age, after all- but she didn't have the patience. She really didn't have the patience for this pause in conversation, either- she twitched and started chewing on her lip as she waited.

"I've never heard of Pa lah nuick," Sarah said, and Hayley immediately ceased chewing.

"He's god. You'd hate him. He curses more than I do." She heard Sarah's response to her question about sharing classes, and then nodded. "Yeah, I thought so. We've got Chemistry next together, right?" She pulled her cell phone from her pocket just for a moment, to check the time. "Yep. We've got, like, fifteen minutes."

Re: A Quiet Time

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:58 pm
by selphie_trabia*
Sarah thought about Hayley's statement, long after Hayley made it. She was almost sure that people in the school read. There was a library after all, which contained an extensive selection of books and students. A popular girl like Hayley shouldn't have any problems getting their attention.

She thought about voicing her opinion on this, but her thoughts were interrupted by Hayley reminding her about Chemistry class. She had completely forgotten about it, but then again, she found that forgetting things was easy.

"We have chemistry now?" she said in a rather confused voice. "Please. You go ahead of me. I need to finish this row first before all the stitches fall out."

She smiled apologetically and returned her attention to her knitting. Knit 4... The speed at which her fingers flew over the needles, drawing wool through, under and out, was rather impressive.

Re: A Quiet Time

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:59 pm
by Hollyquin*
Hayley made a face. She hated Chemistry with a passion, and had been considering cutting it. In fact, she was definitely cutting it- she had plans, after all. Sarah didn't exactly seem to be the type to be...encouraging of that. She hadn't said anything about Hayley's smoking, so maybe she was trustworthy, but...Rather than debate this in her head, Hayley chose to watch Sarah sew. It was poetry in motion- she didn't miss a beat, and it was obvious that this was something she'd been doing for a long time. She considered asking some questions, but in the end decided against it, not wanting to mess with the girl's rhythm.

Hayley looked back down at her cell phone and sighed. Ten minutes until class, now. If she wanted to make a quick escape- that is, if she wanted to leave without letting Sarah know she wasn't going to class- she'd have to do it now. She packed up her hairbrush, slinging her bag over her shoulder. "Aight, I'm out. I'm actually gonna hit the nurse's office...I haven't been feeling great, you know? I'll see you in Chemistry...maybe." She rubbed one eye, smearing her makeup and making her claim of illness a tad more believable, before walking away.

She stopped to fix her makeup the moment she was out of eyesight. Hayley hated lying to good people, but hell, what was a girl supposed to do?

[[Hayley Kelly continued in Always The Better Option]]

Re: A Quiet Time

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:59 pm
by selphie_trabia*
Sarah peered at Hayley, letting the words wash over her.

"Oh. Do you have a headache or something? You should take better care of yourself." she said gently, deciding that was all she would say about Hayley's smoking, "Please rest well. I'll let the teacher know you're sick..."

Sarah felt the stitches slide on her needles and quickly looked down to recount them. With a deft hand movement, she pushed the stitches all the way to the base of the needles, hoping that they would stay there. A number of seconds later, she continued what she was saying.

"I'll photocopy my notes......." her voice trailed off as she realised she was addressing air.

Sarah frowned and watched Hayley retreat into the background. She hadn't even gotten the other girl's locker number to deliver notes to. Was that girl really sick? Probably not. She pulled out a piece of paper and scribbled on it.

Hayley's locker number. Get. Deliver notes.

Sarah sighed, people would probably think she was a sucker for helping Hayley out but, even if she didn't quite believe Hayley's story, she still should help out. Hayley had reminded her about the Chemistry class, after all - it wasn't like she even remembered that she had a class to begin with!

She swept up her things, tied the picnic cloth over them and headed for her own locker to ready herself for Chemistry class.

[[Continued in White Noise and Titration]]