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Down the back of the building

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:00 pm
by nowave*
[Alexander Campbell Debut]

Alex looked to the left and right, making sure that it was quiet in the little alcove behind the building. Slowly he unzipped the guitar bag he carried with him. He sat down, leaning his back against the stone wall. Looking up at the sky, he glared slightly.

Too bloody hot...

Taking the guitar out of the bag he placed it on his knees, and slowly unscrewed the back, removing a small bag of marijuana. He took out a set of cigarette papers and proceeded to make himself a joint. As he rolled, he listened for the sound of anyone coming around the back of the building.

Finally, he finished rolling the joint and placed it between his lips and lighting it. He smiled to himself. He had asked a few friends in class to come and join him for a few, he smoked his joint waiting patiently as he exhaled the smoke.

Re: Down the back of the building

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:00 pm
by Hollyquin*
[[Jasper-Declan MacDermott- Debut.]]

Jasper-Declan was running.

Of course he was running- as long as the sun was on his face, the boy was always running. The exertion seemed to have no affect on him- his facial expression remained blank, though he occasionally looked up at the sky, blinking into the sun. He planned his path around the school- mentally calculating how many laps he could do without being late for his next class. He passed various students as he ran- no faces that he had names to give to, not that that meant much, given Jasper-Declan's rather limited circle of friends. He made his way to the turning point, where he'd loop around around the school building, and he stopped.

He sniffed the air. He knew that smell.

Jasper-Declan slowed his pace, walking towards the scent, as he knew that most likely he'd find a friend as the source of it. He knew where to look- an alcove behind the main school building, hidden from sight from anyone who wasn't looking for it. Even the smell had trouble escaping from it- it was dumb luck that he'd smelled it at all. His facial expression hardly changed when he discovered Alexander lurking inside, though the smallest hint of a smile appeared. It was nice to have someone to be with every once in a while.

"Alexander," he said, nodding, overly formal as always. He sat beside him against the wall, curling his long legs up to his chest and staring into the sky, not saying anything more.

Re: Down the back of the building

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:01 pm
by Little Boy*
[[Jay Holland Debut]]

Jay Holland walked about as casually as humanly possible around the side of the building, bobbing his head slightly to the tune of YYZ, a grin fixed upon his face. With the volume cranked up as high as his new iPod would allow it and his new headphones jammed firmly over his ears the world beat to the sound of Neil Peart's drums. As he made his way around the back of the school, Jay simply couldn't think of a more perfect day. The sun shone brightly in the sky, but he'd actually had the forethought to dress light for once something he wasn't very prone to do.

He pulled his iPod out of his jean pocket and checked the battery, despite the fact he'd checked it only a little while before. It didn't hurt to look anyways, Jay didn't know how long it was supposed to last for. For the moment though, everything was alright in the world. Jay congratulated himself in his mind, once more, for actually managing to save up enough money to buy an iPod rather then blowing the cash on something stupid. Like food. His stomach growled at the thought. He'd have to get something to eat eventually, he recalled he hadn't exactly had the most filling breakfast. But first he had more pressing matters to attend to, more specifically an open invitation from one of his friends, Alexander, to share a joint behind Bayview Secondary. Drugs may not be the focal point of his life, at least not anymore, but Jay saw no reason to be so cruel as to reject them entirely. He was a nice guy that way.

There were some things in life that even I can't postpone...

He smirked even more at that thought as he rounded the corner. Sure enough, sitting on the ground guitar case nearby was Alexander Cambell, his hair that wonderfully unique tint of blue just barely showing due to the sun.

Sitting nearby, his long legs propped up near his chest was another boy who Jay knew only in passing, a kid named Jasper. Jasper something or the other Jay thought, he had another weird part to his name Jay wasn't entirely sure of. In any case, he was pretty sure the kid wouldn't get too ticked off if he just called him Jasper. Jay removed his headphones and adjusted his trademark black wool knit cap, smiling down at the pair.

"Well look, if it isn't my three best friends in the entire world! Alex, Jasper and a prelit fattie!" Jay said grinning.

Re: Down the back of the building

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:01 pm
by BetaKnight
((Annaliese Hansen continued from 9 out of 10 Students Say Statistics Sucks))

Annaliese blew a strand of bright red hair out of her eyes. "Ugh, I hate having to run from Stat clear across campus for my next class." Tugging her backpack more securely against her, she trotted towards her goal.

Surverying the sea of humanity that was pushing and shoving in their attempts to make it to their lockers and next classes on time, she made the executive decision to run around the backside of the main building. "I am so not in the mood to do the 'fight your way upstream, little salmon' routine," she muttered under her breath.

As she rounded the corner, the familiar scent of marijuana smacked her in the face. If I double back now, there's no way that I'm making it to Lit on time. Squaring her shoulders, she rolled her eyes and powered forward.

Stopping in front of the little posse of stoners, she was unsurprised to see it was Alex Campbell, JD MacDermott, and Jay Holland. "Hola, stoners," she said in greeting, complete with a jaunty little wave. "While it's your choice to sit here and completely bake away what few remaining brain cells you collectively have, I would like to point out that you're hurting the 'Legalize Marijuana' campaign initiative with your little 420 demonstration here."

Sliding her backpack off her shoulder, she quickly opened it up and began rummaging through it. "I know I have a few of those fliers left...." She plucked out a handful of papers and quickly flipped through them before haphazardly stuffing them back into her bag.

Letting out a little huff of irritation at not finding what she was looking for, she straighted up and eyed the group. "'Kay, I don't have any of the fliers left from the hemp booth at the Farmer's Market, but basically, gentlemen, you're seniors. And you're sitting here, in front of all these windows." Annaliese raised her hand and gestured at the row of classroom windows that had been opened to take advantage of the beautiful weather and warm spring breezes.

"Seriously, once the teachers and students get a whiff of your smoke, they're gonna be calling campus security out here to see who's dumb enough to violate federal law and blaze on campus. And since, by some minor miracle and the grace of God, you idiots are still eligable to graduate, if you intend on graduating from this school, you all had better ditch the dank and move on."

Shouldering her bag, she glanced down at the watch buried in the plastic bracelets around her wrist. "Shit, I'm gonna be late now! Later!" Feet pounding against the pavement, Annaliese rushed off towards her next class.

((Your friendly neighborhood mod, stopping by to let you guys know that if you decided to continue on using drugs AT SCHOOL, there will be realistic consequences for your characters. ))

((Annaliese Hansen continued in Theoretically))

Re: Down the back of the building

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:01 pm
by nowave*
Alexander smiled as Jasper turned up at the side of the building joining him in the shade. "Hey man, how's it going." he said, leaning back against the cool stone wall. He softly exhaled the smoke before he passed it on to Jasper. He leaned his head back against the wall, smiling to himself. A friendly haze washed over him as the marijuana took it's effect.

He heard the tinny strains of Rush played through headphone and looked down to see Jay as well. "Hey man." he said, tucking his weed back into the back of his guitar and sealing up the plastic. "You want to get some better smoking music my friend" he said to Jay, jokingly reopening an old argument.

The ensuing war of words that was sure to break out was swiftly interrupted by Annaliese. While others in his position may have argued, he simply looked at her as she spoke. In truth, he hadn't noticed the open windows, and while they're alcove put them out of line of sight with them, maybe she was right about the smell. Damn, another spot ruined by this bloody heat. No chance of a sly one on the quad either, it was packed with folk. "Thank you Annaliese." he said, perhaps a little testily. He knew her from the legalise marijuana project, but not too well.

"She's got a point guys." he said as he packed his guitar into his gig bag, watching as she left almost as quickly as she arrived. "Tell you what, later on today, we can fire up to mine for a proper smoke, yeah?" he said. He liked the two of them, they were among his few true friends.

Re: Down the back of the building

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:01 pm
by Hollyquin*
Jasper-Declan only nodded slightly in response at Alex's words. He was concentrating on the way the cold stone of the wall felt against the back of his neck in the summer heat. Fantastic. He took a moment to adjust the purple bandanna he was wearing warrior-style around his head. In conjunction with his white button-down shirt, purple pinstriped vest and black slacks, he looked a bit like a pirate.

Jasper-Declan stared into the sky, taking a moment to realize that Alex was offering him the joint. He took it cautiously, staring at it for a minute. Marijuana was certainly nothing new to him- he'd been around it for the better part of his adolescence- and though his friends always offered, he'd rarely partaken. It didn't change him much- it made him sleepier and hungrier, for the most part. Once or twice he'd felt oddly giddy, and he even laughed, something he almost never did- he wasn't sure he liked that, really. He was still considering when he felt another presence.

"Well look, if it isn't my three best friends in the entire world! Alex, Jasper and a prelit fattie!"

Jay. That name came to Jasper-Declan's mind immediately, though he didn't know why- they must have met at one point or another, or at least they'd had a class together. He considered pointing out that they weren't best friends, and in fact hardly knew each other, but decided against it and instead reached out to hand the joint to Jay.

It was then that Annaliese arrived, providing with something interesting to watch, at the least. He almost resented being called a stoner, but he was used to it by now- it was just the crowd he'd chose to run with. He couldn't say he was exceptionally upset with this turn of events- after all, he wasn't the one smoking. He nodded at Alex yet against, picking himself up off the ground, dwarfing the other two boys. "Shall we carry on elsewhere, or shall we go our separate ways for now?" he asked in typical Jasper-Declan style. "Perhaps we, or rather you two, can't smoke, but we do have about twenty minutes remaining in our lunch period."

Re: Down the back of the building

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:01 pm
by Little Boy*
Jay barely had time to take in a good whiff of the marijuana before a red ball of energy bounded around the corner opposite to him. For a moment, Jay found himself paralyzed, thinking this new entry was a teacher or even worse, police. After a second however, Jay breathed a sigh of relief as his brain clicked together the pieces and realized that it was only Annaliese. Jay smiled to himself.

I must be the only teenager in this school dumb enough to mistake Annaliese Hansen for a cop..

Jay didn't even have time to formulate a greeting before Annaliese shot off into a rather compelling argument against the groups little session behind the school, leaving him struggling to keep up. Jay blinked as Annaliese mentioned the open windows and glanced up at them not once, but a few times as Annaliese yammered on about how they were undermining her efforts to legalize weed.

Jay was fairly certain that Annaliese stuck in a few insults as well. Not that he took much offense, the girl had the courtesy to warn them about the possibility of being caught which was something Jay hadn't even thought about. That was a lot more then the group could have expected from many of the other students at Bayview Jay thought to himself. Jay was still glancing up towards the open windows when Annaliese took off, leaving him just as startled by her sudden absence as he was by her appearance. He gave a laugh when he realized she had already bounded around the corner behind him while he was busy gawking upwards.

"Man, she goes fast." He murmured mostly to himself.

Alex stood and grabbed for his guitar bag. "She's got a point guys. Tell you what, later on today, we can fire up to mine for a proper smoke, yeah?"

"Shall we carry on elsewhere, or shall we go our separate ways for now?" Jasper said. Jay found himself amused by the boys manner of speaking, so overtly formal when there was no need to be. No wonder he had remembered him from... from wherever Jay knew him from.

"Perhaps we, or rather you two, can't smoke, but we do have about twenty minutes remaining in our lunch period." Jasper added as he stood, stretching out his long legs.

Jay nodded his head enthusiastically. Jasper was right, just because they couldn't blaze behind the school didn't mean they couldn't head somewhere else, no sense ruining an entire lunch period. Jay fiddled with his iPod in his pocket and felt his stomach gurgle again, he found his mind drifting towards the prospect of food once more.

"Yeah, that sounds good Alex. Hey listen, I'm like, dying of starvation here. Why don't we head out to eat someplace? There's gotta' be a cheap burger joint 'round here someplace." Jay stuck his hands in his pockets and smiled at his friends. "Unless of course, you'd rather just hang around here."

He hoped it was the former. Jay knew in the back of his mind that the only way he was going to eat today was if he could convince his friends to buy him some lunch. He fiddled with the 1.35 (all in change) in his pocket as he spoke. He wondered to himself how exactly he managed to get a dollar thirty-five in the first place.

Re: Down the back of the building

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:01 pm
by nowave*
He chuckled, watching as Jay desperately tried to subtly hint that he was hungry. He emerged into the sun and looked up, holding his hand over his eye's and seeming to scowl, before looking back at Jay. "Burgers huh?" he said. "Well, if you're buying." he said.

Alex had gotten used to Jay's mooching ways by now. "Well, there's the burger joint at the mall... nah, we wouldn't get back in time. Cafeteria it is I guess." he said. He began to walk toward the front of the school, taking the lead in front of his two compatriots.

He cut quite an image, the skinny boy in the overlarge jacket. Underneath the blazing sun, his hair tint glared brightly, blue to all eyes. The jacket flapped in the wind and his badges caught the sun for a second as he walked towards the door, still chatting away to the others.

He talked to them both as he walked. "I'm thinking some kind of do tonight gentlemen, or at least some form of small gathering." he said. He wandered down into the cafeteria, looking around for anyone he knew.

[Alexander Campbell continues in Hey, what kind of meat do you think they put in these burgers?)

Re: Down the back of the building

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:01 pm
by Hollyquin*
Jasper walked behind Alex, purposely walking quite slowly to avoid overtaking him. He considered mentioning that he'd have no problems paying for both Jay and Alex's meals- he had a good amount of money on him, as his parents gave him money all the time and he found little use for it. But he recognized that they really didn't have time to go all the way to the mall, and so remained silent.

He adjusted his bandanna again, as beads of sweat were forming underneath it thanks to this intensely humid weather. The occasional breeze that rolled through provided relief, blowing Jasper's long hair around and cooling him off nicely. He found himself vaguely aware of the many conversations going on between the many students they were passing him. The words passed through his mind like flower petals in a breeze- just barely touching him before moving right past. He was in his own space now. As he often was.

"I'm thinking some kind of do tonight gentlemen, or at least some form of small gathering."

Those words punctured the shield that had formed around his mind, waking him from his trance. He blinked and looked down at Alex, nodding.

"Of course I shall be there, Alexander. I could think of a few others to invite, if you're amicable."

[[Jasper-Declan MacDermott continued in Hey, what kind of meat do you think they put in these burgers?]]

Re: Down the back of the building

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:01 pm
by Little Boy*
Despite the chuckle, Jay was fairly certain that his plan had worked, and that Alex would buy him lunch out of the goodness of his own heart for once. This thought along with his grin vanished rather quickly at Alex's next words.

"Burgers huh? Well, if you're buying."

Jay knew he had been caught yet again, and only managed to elicit a rather awkward laugh as a response admitting his intentions. Not that it exactly mattered, if he couldn't pawn a burger off Alex it wasn't the end of the world. He could quiet his stomach with a handful of fries.

"I'm thinking some kind of do tonight gentlemen, or at least some form of small gathering." Alex continued on with.

Jay liked the sound of that. He wracked his brain and found himself mildly surprised to realize that the last party he'd attended was nearly a week ago.

Man, am I becoming a hermit or something? What did I even do this past week?

In any case, Jay was happy for the invite. He beamed at his companions as they rounded the corner.

"Of course I shall be there, Alexander. I could think of a few others to invite, if you're amicable." Jasper responded. Jay found himself rather happy, Jasper wasn't someone he knew too well, but damn was he proving fun to talk too. Jay hoped he eventually loosened up, or at the very least drop such refined formalities from his speech. Jay was beginning to have to divert his full attention to make sure he knew what the kid meant. Listening to both Jasper and Geddy Lee, screeching out the headphones around his neck, was proving to be quite a challenge.

"Sounds good man, you know I'm up for it. You want me to pick up anything? Milk, eggs...?" Jay said. "Vodka?" He merrily added on.

Jay found him stomach churning at the mere mention of the drink, his last altercation with it had been less than pleasant. The stains still hadn't washed out of his carpet. But when it right came down to it, Jay thought to himself, real friends enable. And when he considered it that way, Jay was pleased to note that he could be quite the genuine friend.

[[Jay Holland continues in Hey, what kind of meat do you think they put in these burgers?]]