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The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:30 am
by SOTF_Help
Prom had been going for an hour, now, and the party was really getting started. Mr. Kwong surveyed the room as he walked back inside; he had just finished (with the aid of a couple of security guards) ejecting a trio of Juniors who had thought it was a wonderful idea to sneak into the bathroom and smoke weed. Now, they were all looking at suspension next week.

Now that most of the strange requests had been handled, the DJ was playing typical dance music: quick, upbeat, rhythmic, and, above all else, loud. The crowd of students seemed to be having a good time, though, and so far the trouble had been relatively mild. A couple of teachers had even jokingly started dancing; Mrs. Bishop and Mr. Shikata were doing an exaggerated 1950s style hop, completely out of tune with the blaring music.

Mr. Kwong smiled. He could stand the noise, and really, the students deserved a chance to let off some steam and have some fun, after working so hard all year. Mr. Kwong was usually one of the toughest (meanest, some would say) teachers at Bayview, but he knew when to lighten up a bit, like at debate meetings and Prom. No one could be a hardass all the time.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:30 am
by BetaKnight
Roman Jackson smoothed down the front of his suit jacket as he surveyed the prom hall. Everyone looked like they were having a good time, and they were looking good while doing it. He knew that he looked good himself, since his mother wouldn't have had it any other way. From the moment she'd found out that he was going to prom, she had continually reminded him that prom was THE most important event in a girl's senior year. It hadn't mattered to her that he and Samaya were only going together as friends. She'd pulled out all the stops to make sure he was the perfect prom date.

They'd gone shopping and bought a new suit, which his mother justified by saying that he would need a new suit anyway for graduation. Of course, she then had the suit tailored so that it fit him perfectly. His vest matched the color of Samaya's dress exactly. Samaya's corsage was delicate and tiny and "ladylike". His hair was artfully styled to Mom's exacting standards, and the shoes were polished to an almost mirror-like shine.

The only flaw in the night so far was their late arrival. Since they were going as friends, he and Samaya had decided on doing something less formal for dinner. Applebee's had seemed like a safe choice. Safe and incredibly slow. So slow that now they were nearly an hour late to the dance.

And of course, there were MORE pictures once they'd arrived at the dance. At home, he and Alex pose for pictures together. Once he picked up Samaya, he'd taken more pictures at her house. Here at the dance, they had their "official" prom picture taken. Not that Roman minded having his picture taken with Samaya. Even if she wasn't his date-date, she looked good and Roman was glad she was here with him.

The driving, rhythmic beat of the music pulsed in his ear. Know it would be hard for her to hear him, he leaned over so that he was practically in Samaya's ear. "Hey, want to go grab a table for our stuff, then we can go dance or just sit and hang out and visit or whatever you want."

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:30 am
by Arscapi*
Samaya walked into prom on Roman's arm. She was glad she'd agreed to go with him, she'd been having a great time, even if they'd only just now made it to the dance. Roman had managed to handle her large family with unexpected ease. Even though this wasn't an official date, Samaya couldn't help the butterflies that had formed in her stomach while she was waiting for Roman to arrive. The lime sherbert dress was a little more sedate then her normal attire, but it still had a low neckline that was an essential part of her wardrobe. The floor length dress made her like a princess, from the Disney movies she was really to old to be watching anymore.

Samaya nodded her agreement to Roman's statement and slowly wove her way through the already crowded room. She stopped to greet friends and to get double takes on some of the outfits her classmates had chosen. She finally found a table near the back of the room. Turning, she waved to Roman to let him know that she'd found a spot. Then she put her small handbag on the table, claiming their space like countries of old claimed territories.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:30 am
by Moth*
Gloria felt so awkward, arriving late...Hopefully no one would notice.

The dark-skinned girl shuffled inside, hands clasped in front of her with her gaze trained to the floor. She reached up to twirl a strand of hair that'd escaped her ponytail, looking around for someone she knew. It was so crowded...

"I wish Mom hadn't done this," she mumbled, slinking over and leaning against a wall. Her mother had been acting suspicious all week, going out to the mall all the time, buying hair supplies, new make-ups...Gloria had just been ambushed that afternoon; her mother applying the make-up to her face to make her eyes and lips darker, pulling her hair back into a ponytail and spritzing on hair glitter, and shoving her into a warm yellow dress with matching elbow-length gloves. She kept telling Gloria that every girl should attend Prom.

And now she was stuck until it was over. The girl sighed again, going to get some punch.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:31 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Kimberly was late to Prom, but that was alright, she didn't have a date and she didn't really give a damn about the dance anyways. She was mostly just here to be here, and to bring a little real fashion to the scene. Real fashion, in this case, meant a black, knee-length, lacy dress with silver chains dangling off it, (which, unfortunately, made her sound like Santa's sleigh when she moved, but whatever); black boots with three inch high heels, which hurt some but probably not half as much as those strappy affairs a lot of girls were wearing; a necklace featuring a large skull crying ruby blood (well, actually, it was glass, and she'd bought the thing for way too much at Hot Topic, but rubies were cooler); and, of course, her black fishnet gloves. She'd left her fedora at home, for once, because she didn't trust the coat-check with it and she didn't fancy wearing it all night long.

Stepping into the room, keeping her balance surprising well, she looked around. Prom was about how she'd expected. She'd skipped the Junior Prom, and it looked like she hadn't missed much. There were tons of girls in dresses, some classy, some slutty, most boring, and a bunch of guys looking like cheap Chinese knock-offs of businessmen and celebrities. It was actually sort of amusing.

Then, there was the table of food. It was probably all unhealthy crap to let the girls who'd starved themselves for days to fit into their dresses rebound back to their normal weights quickly.

The worst thing, though, was the music. It was all nasty pop stuff, ear-piercing drivel of the lowest order. Kimberly held the firm belief that worthwhile music had died at the same time as John Lennon, after a brief bout of terminal disco, and everything afterwards was either picking over its corpse or spitting on its grave.

Still, at least it was mildly interesting to watch the people at Prom. And she could always squint a little and pretend that something like Carrie was going to go down.

With that thought in mind, Kimberly edged towards the fire exit. There wasn't any point taking chances, and she could watch people well enough from anywhere in the room.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:31 am
by Super Llama*
"Maria, what are you doing?"

"Wait for it..."

"Wait for what?"

"Just wait..."

After a moment, the current song finished up, and after a brief moment of silence as the DJ switched songs a rapid drumbeat started up, and Maria started laughing.

"Oh my God, he really did it!"

"Did what?" Duncan just looked at Maria perplexingly until the guitar started up, and after a few seconds it dawned on him that the song playing was Hot for Teacher. Clearly the DJ wasn't really paying attention.

"Oh, I hope I don't in trouble for this, but it was so worth it." She says, trying to hold back the laughter and only barely succeeding, as Duncan just let out a sigh. "Yeah, we should probably just stand out of the way for a while."

"Okay, okay." As the two moved towards the edge of the room, Maria found herself standing next to a girl covered in chains, a slight tinkling sound emanating from her dress every so often. "That's a pretty noisy dress." She said, stating the obvious. "Kind of reminds me of this one time when I was a kid, and there was this public playground with a chain-link swing, and one day the chains snagged my elbow somehow, and when I tried to pull away it just RIPPED the skin off my elbow. Remember that, Duncan?"

"Huh?" Duncan exclaimed, wondering how the hell she was reminded of THAT. "Er...yeah, it was pretty gruesome."

"Yeah, I'm surprised I didn't get stitches or anything. Of course, my mom complained to the city after that until they put this plasticky-rubber stuff over the chains." Maria continued, unaware at the moment of how far of a tangent she was going off on.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:31 am
by Dropbear*
"Damn it, we're late."

Breathing in deeply, Ben Powell stopped running outside the doors of Prom '08. After a mishap with his dog deciding that his tuxedo was a nice mat, and his parents car breaking down with them eventually having to call in Courtney Bradley's dad to drive them there, he was on the edge. This was supposed to be a happy night, not a frantic rush around to here, there and everywhere.

Calm down. You're here. That's all that matters.
Right. I think. Yes. It's OK. OK. Everything is OK.

Looking around at his date, Ben sighed. "I'm sorry this has gone horribly wrong... We're here now." Nodding slowly to the beat of the music inside, he breathed in and out. Calm. It was all going to be OK.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:31 am
by Slam
Right, let's see how they party over here.

Alice Boucher wasn't at all concerned about arriving late: she'd only showed up because she wanted to get a good chuckle out of the evening, as well as have something to tell all her friends back home about so they could join in the laughter about how crappy an American Prom was. Some might say that really she was being stupid by spending all that money on a ticket just so she could laugh at some people, but it was just a matter of telling her parents that she was trying to be more social in order to trick them into blowing their cash on it, so no biggy for her. Plus, if she went some other sap wouldn't get to, so even more points!

Idly handing off her ticket and signing in at the desk, she looked around. On that evening, she was wearing a long light blue gown with a sequined lacing, another present courtesy of her parents. Sure she loved the two of them, but they were so easily to manipulate half the time, meaning easy-to-get free clothing for her when she had already blown her 200€ allowance. Thank Christ for rich people and their disposable income.

Looking around the dance floor, Alice was already finding herself entertained. Teachers were making idiots of themselves on the dance floor, freaky loners were hanging out by the walls (Ironically, Alice was doing the same thing), and sappy couples were getting their pictures taken for something to gush over in twenty years when they realised all the passion was gone. This is why she didn't bother with guys.

Alice grinned. There were plenty of things to laugh at here.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:31 am
by Arscapi*
(Thea continued from The Big Night )

Thea smirked at the other students that had come in late and reminded herself to thank James for picking her up on time. She'd spent a lot of time and money on her prom and was glad she was experiencing all of it. They'd arrived only a couple of minutes after the dance had started. She'd just completed a circuit of the room checking in with friends and checking out their dates. She smiled at James and wondered if she could get him to dance, now that they'd been here a while. She turned to ask him when she heard what song was currently playing. She let out a groan knowing that they were going to get in trouble for it. She hoped Max was here somewhere to take care of it.


Samaya waited for Roman to join her, before sitting down. However, she didn't stay in her chair long. "Hey, think we should go and have our official picture taken," she asked just as Roman was sitting down.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:31 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
This girl walked over to Kimberly and started commenting about her dress, and, more precisely, the noise it was making. Sure, it wasn't quiet, but it wasn't that loud compared to the nasty pop music. Kimberly was about to say as much, but she noticed the girl—Maria, her name was Maria—launching into some tangent about something only she and her friend remembered or cared about. Kimberly sighed.

"Yeah," she said, deciding to answer the question even though the girl had moved on. "It's so that if I get bored and fall asleep, the jangling will wake me up and I'll be able to catch myself before I hit the ground."

Hopefully that was enough of a message that the random comments about her garb weren't appreciated. It wasn't that Kimberly was self-conscious, far from it, in fact. She just didn't like justifying her choices to people. She did her own thing; why couldn't they stick to theirs?

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:31 am
by BetaKnight
((Aislyn McCreery continued from Girls Just Wanna Have Fun))

Aislyn couldn't help but tap her foot to the pounding beat of the music. Looking out at the crowd, she felt a wave of nostalgia. Loud teenagers dressed up dancing to even louder music. The only real difference between tonight's prom and the discos she and her classmates went to in Italy was the language. Of course, she probably didn't have to worry about trying to tactfully turn down unwanted drunken attention here at the prom.

Speaking of which, she glanced over at the girls she was with before scanning the crowd a second time. Not spotting the object of her concern out among the sea of face, Aislyn let out a relieved little sigh. You're borrowing trouble again. Just relax and have a good time. No one is going to cause a scene or do anything stupid. Not this close to graduation. We're all going to have a good time.

Turning fully to face her fellow "staggettes" as they'd chosen to call themselves, she posed the most important question of the night. "So ladies, are we ready to strut out onto the dance floor and show them all how it's done?"


Just as Roman relaxed into his seat, Samaya seemed to hop up from her, wanting to go take their "official" prom pictures. Remembering his mother's eighty-billion directives about being a good prom date, he gamely pasted on a grin as he got back on his feet. What in the HELL is it about girls and pictures at prom? How many times can you look at pictures of the same freakin' dress?

In keeping with his role as the gentleman, Roman caught Samaya's hand and safely tucked it into his elbow before wading out into the mass of humanity that was the hall. Taking a second to eye the dance floor, he considered the best route to the picture area. Directly across the dance floor would be quickest, but presented the greatest probability of being separated from his date. He definitely wanted to avoid the refreshment area until after the pictures were taken. Nothing would ruin the evening like an unsightly stain from an accidentally spilled drink.

Deciding to skirt the edge of the dance floor, he happened to catch the tail end of a conversation between Maria and...someone wearing the most awesome dress he had ever seen.

The black dress, complete with chains, did not belong at prom. Oh no. A dress of that magnitude and hotness belonged on some A-List celebrity walking the red carpet. Some sultry, smoking hot sex goddess. Someone like Meghan Fox.

Realizing that he was staring just a little bit, Roman looked up to see who was actually wearing the dress. Catching the girl's eye, he tried to give her a non-awkard smile before complimenting her. "Ni-Nice dress," Roman managed to grind out, blushing furiously. "Let's go take those pictures." He hurried forward, tugging Samaya along in his wake in an effort to get away quickly.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:31 am
by Sunnybunny
((Samya Franklin continued from Girls Just Wanna Have Fun))

"So ladies, are we ready to strut out onto the dance floor and show them all how it's done?"

Sammy grinned. Was there any other reason to come to prom dateless? Of course, the downside of going stag (or stagette) was not having someone to fawn over you, give you a corsage, and generally making the night feel sparkly and romantic and special. Surprisingly enough, the guy she liked didn't show up to her locker bearing roses and declarations of his undying love. And after the whole mess with Abigail and Ilario (poor Abigail, she hadn't been the same since) there was no way on Earth she was asking anyone, let alone him. So tonight, she wouldn't be starring in her own Disney fairy tale with singing forks and spoons. It was a huge bummer, but hey, what could she do? At least she looked awesome, and her "dates" were fun. The car ride here was filled with giggling and gossip.

So . . . dancing. But not yet. There was someone she had to see first.

"Yeah Aislyn, I was born ready! I'll meet ya there, there's someone I've got to talk to first.", she said, giving the girl two thumbs up.

She strolled around the room, checking everyone out. Some loners here, a couple making out in the corner there, a . . . oooh, that was an awesome dress that girl had on, what with the chains and all. She'd have to tell her later. Scanning the room, she found her target. She launched herself at him with gusto.

"Mr. Kwooooong! How do I loooooooook?"

He managed to get himself together, and glanced at the girl. He'd known her since her freshman year, and she had always been energetic. She refused to be formal, often calling him "Kwongy", even in class. He often rewarded her with detention. Still, he would be lying if he said he wasn't fond of the spirited girl.

"You look nice, Ms. Franklin."

She let go of him and nodded. "You don't look half-bad yourself. Try not to ruin too many people's nights, I know how you roll.", she smiled. She ran off, headed to the dj to make a request.

Oh yeah, it's on now!

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:31 am
by Ciel*
(James Mulzet continued from The Big Night)

James was embarrassed about showing up so late to the prom, even though they were late only a few minutes. He felt like apologizing to Thea over and over, but he knew that would be overdoing it, so he kept quiet as they walked inside. Thankfully there were no big crowds waiting outside so they didn't have to wait a ridiculous amount of time just to get in. That would just drive him crazy.

A hour into the dance, Thea had finally settled down. She leaned on his shoulder and asked if he wanted to dance. James couldn't stand the music at the prom - he really did not like that kind of pop music, most of which sounded like nails on a chalkboard. The song that was on though... He liked it. He could get into this.

"Sure Thea!" He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck as he tugged on her arm. He was excited, but oh boy was he going to make himself look like a fool. "C'mon, let's dance! Time's a'wasting!"

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:32 am
by Arscapi*
Samaya stopped them a few feet away from Meghan and smirked at her date. "That was real smooth," she said fighting to keep the laughter out of her voice. "You know I could go powder my nose, if you wanted to go back and try that again." She couldn't help but tease him, her older brother had teased her relentlessly about her date. She took a few more steps and realized that she's already seen this background. "We've already done these pictures, I don't know what I was thinking. Honestly, my brain keeps skipping from one idea to another. I'm sorry. Do you want to go back and sit down or maybe see if there's anyone else you'd like to complement?"


Thea laughed at James' sudden enthusiasm and was surprised that he took the initiative to get them out on the floor. Dancing came easily to her, but she knew that James wasn't to sure about it. She didn't mind, she just wanted an excuse to hold him close. "I thought I'd have to drag you out here kicking and screaming," she said as her hands twined around his neck.

Re: The Dance Must go on!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:32 am
by Ciel*
"Oh come on. I'm not that bad, am I?" James laughed, feeling a tiny shiver run up his back as he felt her hands around his neck.

He was nervous. It wasn't like he danced every day of his life. Also, maybe the only real reason he got up to dance with her was because he needed an excuse to get close to her.

So there they were, swaying back and forth to a dreadfully slow song. This was about as far as his dancing skills went. At least he wasn't stepping over her feet like he was worried he would. James was trying his best to be relaxed while he and Thea danced. After awhile, James placed his hands around her hips. James didn't pull her in all at once because that would knock her off balance, but slowly worked Thea closer with the gentlest of tugs.

He let out a soft laugh, buried under the music. "You enjoying yourself?" He asked, the quiet air between the two becoming too heavy for him to bear.