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Window Shopping

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:02 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Jennifer Perez was walking throughout the Promenade's upper level, wandering randomly through department stores, looking at clothes. There were so many many designs, some different from everything she had seen before. Fashion changed so quickly it was impossible to keep up with without being a millionaire.

Jennifer didn't even try to keep up with the current styles. Instead, she made her own. She was looking at the new clothes, trying to find things she liked enough to replicate.

Jennifer was wearing a bright red ankle-length skirt, and an orange tanktop, both of which she had made herself. Jennifer sewed all her own clothing, sometimes following patterns she bought, sometimes making her own. She had started sewing because it gave her something to do when her parents were arguing. Her mother's sewing machine was old and loud, and it could muffle anything short of yelling with its rhythmic clattering.

Jennifer's parents were divorced now; her father didn't even live in Minnesota. Still, her friends found more to bicker about than her parents ever had, and it fell to Jennifer to work things out for them. Sewing, and walking around searching for ideas, formed her escape.

She walked into Macy's, and walked to a display of frilly skirts. They were in dark colors, but with a little work, Jennifer thought she could make something similar, only not so dreary. Not so boring. Not so funereal.

Jennifer continued looking through the store for about half an hour, but then she started to lose interest. She wasn't moving enough, and there was nothing too interesting in the store. Besides, by the time she was ready to work on her next project, the "in" fashions would probably have changed somewhat, and there would be more new things to see.

Jennifer wandered out of the store and the mall, into the open air.

(Jennifer continued in Phantasmagoria)

((OOC: Sorry for starting a thread and then ditching it. No one turned up over a week, so I figured I might as well move Jennifer on. Someone can lock this if they want. I don't know what standard procedure is.))