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All that glitters...

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:04 am
by Outfoxd
Ray never felt at home, never at his element, when he was shopping, especially when it was for something you wore. When he got clothes, they were always dull, solidly colored, and with as little unbuttoning, unzipping, untying, un-anything as possible.

He wore a lot of t-shirts.

This was why he was feeling intimidated now, standing in JC Penney and staring at the racks of clothes as if they were daunting mountains that he had been tasked with scaling. When he had gotten home from school that day, his stepdad had slipped him some cash. Alicia's birthday was coming up, and he wanted Ray to get something nice for her. Ray was grateful for the money, but not for the duty; he never felt like he got his sister the right thing.

He kept looking at the women's clothing for a few minutes, then turned away. It was lucky that the glint of jewelry had caught his eye. A set of rings and necklaces were glittering in glass cases across the walkway that cut through the racks of clothing, and he walked over. His sister was a sucker for fine jewelry, one of the few vices she seemed to have, and these looked like good pieces.

Though, goddamned if he knew which kind to pick. They all looked good, but again he didn't understand the intricacies of jewelry. So he found himself standing at the jewelry case at a stalemate with himself, half hoping the person who normally attended it would come back and help, half hoping they wouldn't so he wouldn't have to worry about them trying to upsell him on something.

((continued from Vaulting))

Re: All that glitters...

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:04 am
by TrueSylvaen*
"If'n you're going to arse around here, boy, you can piss off."

Nabain looked up after his modest threat, still gazing at a piece of Lapis Lazuli intently, admiring the simple curves of the ring and sharp lines of the blue gem as it sparkled gently. "You're makin' the light sources shift'n. Normally, a git like you I'd call a waste of space, but since the space you're occupin' is restrictin' my fine, precise vision... You ain't even that'n."

He knew he was laying on the insults a little thick, shifting from one leg to the other in his ersatz crouch to get a different angle. Truth be told, he just wanted to look at the beautiful, shiny and above all unchanging stones before him, alone. He'd already chased off the attendant with a few well-placed scowls and a 'try it, hun' face, but what he really wanted was a little solitude in a brightly lit place.

"You deaf, git? Piss off."

Re: All that glitters...

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:04 am
by Outfoxd
Ray was taken by surprise, as much by thickness of the accent by the appearance of someone who Ray was damn sure hadn't been there like ten seconds ago. He turned around and looked at the guy. He was sure he'd seen him around school before; those clothes and that hair were distinctive. The words that came tumbling out of the stick-guy's mouth were certainly inflammatory, but Ray held his tongue. There wasn't a point in starting a fight in the middle of JC Penney's, and it wasn't like the kid was saying anything specific. He wouldn't get much from breaking this guy in half.

Though that shit was totally uncalled for.

Ray wished, for just a moment, he was good at sarcasm and the fine art of verbal combat, but it just wasn't his thing. Hell, that's why he wrestled. Only thing you had to know there was how to put your opponent to the mat and keep him there.

"Just lookin' for a present." He half mumbled, leaning over farther to get a look at the jewelry. Yep, those were gems. That was about the extent of his jeweler's knowledge.

Re: All that glitters...

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:04 am
by TrueSylvaen*
"Holy shit, the hulk don't smash'n. Heh heh heh hneh hneh..." Nabain sniggered to himself, straightening up. He finally took a proper look at the boy, double-taking at the shrimpy little nerd that stared -in his views- without respect at the gleaming, glittering jewels. He hated people who didn't respect beauty. He hated people who pretended to be ordered with crappy little enhancements. Glasses? Weak. Breakable. A vulnerability. He loved this.

"A present'n, huh? Tell you what, if'n it's for a girlfriend, just take me home with ya. I'm all the present'n she'll ever need... eh hneh hneh hneh!" Inside, Nabain cringed at his own joke, irritated that he needed to resort to such displays of uncouth boasting to earn him some privacy. Not that it was his fault, if people did not learn the presence of a superior human seeking solitude, they couldn't possibly be people. Not proper people, anyway.

He took a step, and then another. Each one heavily weighted and calculated to cause the maximum amount of thump to the minimum amount of knee-flexing. "This place ain't'n right for you, git. So make like a git 'n' git!"

Re: All that glitters...

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:04 am
by Outfoxd
Ray tried to ignore the guy, but the lewdness of the guy's remark about his girlfriend, however untrue, was one hell of a way to get his attention. The remark, combined with that accent that reminded Ray of the way some of those British mobsters in the crime movies talked, grated most of his nerves away.

Ray turned to face the guy this time, squaring his hips with him with his feet staggered, his right spread out and ahead of his left. His hands were out of his pockets now, still down, but free. He wasn't about to catch a sucker punch if this guy was planning to do more than threaten.

Ray tried one last time to keep civil. He was damned if he'd get into a fight in the mall, not for anybody, but this guy was taxing him. "Public place. I'm just pickin' out what I want, and I'll leave you alone. I ain't gonna be more than ten minutes."

Re: All that glitters...

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:04 am
by TrueSylvaen*
"You ain't'n gonna be function'n in another ten minutes, git. This place'n has a reverence'n, a beauty that you can't behold'n. You thinkin' you kin just gawk at this beauty? You ain't'n gonna get a decent present if'n you ain't'n appreciatin' beauty."

He stopped, hands thrust deep into his pockets, eyes slitted in condescention. "If'n a git like you can't appreciate a simple stone, how you think'n you can appreciate a woman? If'n you can't appreciate a woman, how'n you think you can pick the right'n gift? You're an embarassment, git. You'n got no knowledge of'n your girl, you're disrespectin' the human soul, and thereby'n you've no place here'n.

He leaned down a little, closing the distance. "Either zen yourself'n, or git. Final offerin'."

Re: All that glitters...

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:04 am
by Outfoxd
Maybe it was the unfamiliar accent, or the odd sort of ideas this guy had about what should've been something simple, but Ray felt himself getting more and more unsettled. Where before he'd been prepared to stand his ground and defend against an attack, Ray found himself just wanting to be out of the guy's way. Something about him didn't sit quite right.

Ray raised his hands in what he hoped would be a nonthreatening gesture. "Alright. I'm out. I don't know what your deal is, but I ain't gonna bother you anymore." He glanced back at the jewelry case for a quick second, and decided against trying to ask anyone over to help him. He just wanted to get moving.

He backed up a few steps, keeping his hands up, and turned on his heels. He was hungry anyway; maybe he could think about a gift better after getting something in his stomach.

((continued elsewhere))

Re: All that glitters...

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:04 am
by TrueSylvaen*
Nabain snorted, and turned back to look at his beloved, unchanging and above all safe stones.

"There there, little ones. Naba will show you his worth, just give him time, just give him time..."