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Leave It at the Door

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:00 am
by Albiel*
((Private thread. Lloyd Ashcraft continued from My Plastic Fantasy))

Lloyd was not a big fan of drinking. To be quite honest, he was somewhat scared of it. After all, many stories of near-irreparable damage to one's reputation started with a single bottle of beer and just got worse from there. Therefore, he had decided that he was willing to risk being judged for staying away from alcohol if it meant he could retain control over himself in situations like this one, where he was surrounded by large quantities of people. However, for the first time in all of his days of coming to the Varsity, Lloyd actually felt like he could bear a drink or two. His recent encounter with Regina had left him with a variety of confusing revelations about himself that he would rather forget about. Risking looking a little too melodramatic, he sighed at the conflicting versions of himself he could see himself as: A socially-impaired weakling who couldn't hold a relationship, or a jaded cynic that didn't really care about it. Neither looked like a very pleasing prospect.

Yet a star-shaped sticker remained in his hand, stopping him from even considering asking for any alcoholic beverages. Because, even though he had faced rejection a few hours earlier, Lloyd was still interested in putting up a mask for other people; to let their opinions decide his actions. Right now, bottling up his emotions looked like the best option to take if he didn't want to gain the wrong sort of reputation. With this in mind, Lloyd decided to stop himself from exhaling yet another melancholic sigh. Instead, he decided to swirl his iced tea with the straw protruding from it, proceeding to drink from it with a bored expression that barely began to reveal how he felt. He looked out the window to see the night sky, but his attention quickly came back to the customers in other tables. As he looked at the people visiting the bar, he couldn't help but indulge in yet another cynic thought regarding how all this people probably depended on masks as much as he did. That was hardly a characteristic thought for the usually-outgoing teenager, who went on to try and forget about it. He was here to try to dispose of today's memories, after all, even if he did not have the benefit of alcohol to aid him in this task.

Re: Leave It at the Door

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:00 am
by KelleyA*
((Enter Katherine Daramour))

Katherine sighed, and it came out in a low rattle. Dammit, I need a drink. She was standing there in one of those vintage movie poses, leaning against the duke box, with one arm on her hip. Her mascara framed eyes scanned over the patron of the Varsity, going from biker to biker, passing over truckers and spotting the various 40 something gals wearing animal print jackets. And why am I here? Katherine, who had been a shadow attached to the ‘cool crowd' of Bayview Secondary had fallen from her lowly position in High School royalty after throwing a miserable excuse for a Halloween party the year before. She'd spent the last four months trying to get back into the cool crowds good books, but fell flat on her face at every attempt. You're not just a pretty face, you're an idiot too…

The song that had been playing faded out, and Katherine took the hand from her hip and slid a nickle into the slot, before turning round and bending down to search through the song list. Urge Overkill, Girl, you'll be a woman soon. She smiled and clicked the round button to play, and stepped back, humming along to the opening. She stepped back fowards again, and began to tap out the rhythym with her french tips, on the top of the jukebox. She gave the Varsity one more sweep before spotting a familiar face. Over in one of the booths was a guy with dark hair and bright blue eyes. He goes to my school...Luke something... He was alone, and drinking something. Well don't just stand there and look pretty, he's defintiely better company than half of the perverts lurking around here.

She dug a hand deep into the pocket of her denim jacket, and scraped up some change, holding it in her fist. She gave a smile to nobody in particular, and teased her fringe a little. She looked over at the boy, then diverted her eyes again to make sure he didn't spot her. I can talk to him I guess, too skinny for me to be interested like that... She took a breath, and walked fowards, some salty old trucker gave her the eye but she ignored him. She kept her own eyes on the sign to the ladies bathroom, and just as she passed the booth with the boy in it. The change fell from her hand, "Oh clumsy me!" She said in a blatantly forced voice. She ducked down, and scooped up what she could see in her hands. "Oh, can you help me out?" She asked, looking up at the boy drinking iced tea.

Re: Leave It at the Door

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:00 am
by Albiel*
Lloyd was interrupted from the riveting activity of staring at his table by the change of tunes that started to sweep over the sports bar. Obviously, this was an all-too-common event, yet every time it happened it made Lloyd consider donning his headphones. It's not that he didn't enjoy the bar's music, it's just that he was much more used to choosing his own. However, he had not taken the headgear out of his right pocket since earlier today, and he really wasn't in the mood to change that. As things stood, he was content with listening to the musical preferences of others. With this line of thought finished, his mind went completely blank once again. Lloyd, recognizing his gradual success in getting over the matters that troubled him, allowed himself a small smile, if only to reassure himself.

The glass of tea was raised so Lloyd could take a sip out of it again, this time neglecting the straw, yet the drink stopped at his lips when he saw that a person had stopped next to his table. Normally, Lloyd wouldn't have really done much in this situation, but he quickly realized that the girl asked for his help, not to mention that he slowly started to recognize her as someone from his school. These two factors prompted him to break from the norm, allowing himself to aid her.

"Oh. Sure!" Lloyd said with a smile before he leaned and started picking up any change the girl might've missed. Once he couldn't notice any more of the currency on the floor, he held all of the coins in his right hand and suspended it in the air, now looking at the girl to indicate that he was handing them to her. Amazingly, Lloyd's smile remained on his face with an air casual enough to look as if he wasn't bothered by anything. Thankfully, the question of whether it was because of this distraction or due to recovering too quickly did not cross Lloyd's mind. Instead, he decided to merely ask if he did indeed recognize her. Admittedly, Lloyd was not very good at talking to strangers, but surely going to the same school was better than being completely unaware of each other, right?

"Say, aren't you from Bayview Secondary?" He said after waiting a few seconds in an attempt to not hurry the question.

Re: Leave It at the Door

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:00 am
by KelleyA*
It works as usual. Katherine thought and smiled, the guy had been nice enough to pick up the rest of her change. He seemed nice, but then again, just about everyone at bayview as nice as pie. Didn't stop some of them from being snide and judgemental though, she held her manicured hand out, for him to tip her change back into.

"Say, aren't you from Bayview Secondary?" He asked, rather suddenly. Katherine put her free hand against the backboard of the booth, and leant a little to the side, sticking her hip out in the other direction. She blinked, and thought of something to say. If you act like a slut, people will treat you like a slut. In fact you're not even a slut, you're just a wannabe!

"Uhmm..." She said, and it dragged on. "Oh...sorry, I was miles away, a heh." She said, and smiled yet again, her cheeks beginning to ache. "I'm Katherine Daramour, and yeah I go to Bayview. You're....Floyd right?"

Re: Leave It at the Door

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:00 am
by Albiel*
"Lloyd Ashcraft, yeah." Came the completely unbothered reply; Lloyd realized that he of all people had no room to criticize others for forgetting names. Sure, he did not forget his classmates' names an hour after hearing them anymore, but his tendency to not form ties with anyone during his first high school semesters had earned him a reputation that he was thankfully able to shake off through the act of befriending other people. The thought of how long it had been since those days passed briefly through his head, which proved to be relaxing to meditate.

"It's nice to meet you." He leaned his hand so that the money on it would return to its owner and then allowed himself to return to his seat. He also noticed himself being overly nice, or at least more than usual, but didn't pay the farce any heed; it felt good to act as if he had absolutely no problems to bother him. Indeed, it was much more satisfying to create an act for his benefit rather than for that of other people. He decided to carry it on.

Re: Leave It at the Door

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:01 am
by KelleyA*
"Lloyd Ashcraft, yeah." Lloyd said.

Ha, thought he was Luke, or Floyd or...or something. Katherine thought, her arm started to tire. She stepped fowards, about to slide into the seat opposite him, but stopped. Ask first.

She opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off quickly. "It's nice to meet you." Lloyd added, he looked a little mellow or spaced out. He sank back into his seat, waiting for Katherine's reply.

"It's very nice to meet you too." Katherine said, folding her free arm over her stomach. You're acting a little withdrawn now, don't throw yourself at the guy. Your gonna make a friend or something, not ask him out for a date. She took a deep breath, and tipped her head back. Gazing towards the bar, and listening to the sounds of Urge Overkill floating around the Varsity.

They never get tired of putting me down
And I'll never know when I come around
What I'm gonna find
Don't let them make up your mind.

She suddenly tipped her head back fowards, and what was supposed to be two cooly asked questions instead came out as a gush of words. "CanyougivememychangeandcanIsitdown?"


Re: Leave It at the Door

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:01 am
by Albiel*
Lloyd barely raised an eyebrow when Katherine moved towards the seat opposite to him, even if he did find it rather odd for such a sudden action to be taken. He wouldn't have complained, of course (He was being far too polite for that), but company was one thing he wasn't expecting tonight. Whether he wanted it or not, not even Lloyd himself knew.

A brief silence was broken by a downpour of words emitted from the girl he was talking to. Lloyd remained with a very small smile on his face, not knowing if he should feel amused or awkward. One feeling that certainly floated through his mind was confusion. After all, despite the flustered mood the girl's tone conveyed, there was no way that he was up to the standards normally required for having girls become embarrassed just by being around him. Sure, he had been complimented on his personality before, but that was pretty much scraping the bottom of the barrel as far as compliments went. Not that Lloyd particularly cared; he wasn't really much of an attention-seeker.

"S-Sure!" Lloyd said, briefly closing his eyes to avoid his averted gaze from pointing out the slight unsettlement Katherine's tone had caused. His voice was not as easily concealed, and he couldn't help but delay in his response a bit. Still, Lloyd began to realize that he barely remembered the problems he had before he started this conversation. If only so that this distraction would continue a little longer, a part of him started to genuinely wish that Katherine would indeed sit at his table. To convey this, he handed the change back to her and, with his now unoccupied hand, gestured towards the seat in front of him.

Re: Leave It at the Door

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:01 am
by KelleyA*
Katherine smiled, and planted the palms of her hands on the table, then slid onto the bench. She shuffled for a bit, trying to get comfortable. Eh, I hate these things! She leant forwards, accidentally bashing her ribs against the tables before looking up giving a fake smile that read 'I'm A-Okay so don't even ask' A lock of hair slid from the side of her face and dangled in between her eyes, she blew it back and quickly slid her lips back into a pleasant smile.

She reached her hand out and took the change, before stuffing it back into her pocket. She didn't bother counting, this guy looked straight enough. As far as she knew, and based on what she remembered from seeing Lloyd Ashcraft in the halls and corridors of Bayview Secondary, was that he was an average Joe, everyman, boy next door type. He was moving scenery and didn't have any definitive characteristics, at least not any you could discover by catching him out the corner of your eye on your way to calculus. All in all, he was, in her opinion a background character, but then again, without a boyfriend from the football team, so was she.

As she sat there, opposite the boy with the iced tea, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. She'd been so used too being wrapped around a football players arm or escorting some rich kid to a dance, that she never really loosened up and had a proper social experience. Okay, that was an exaggeration, but the feeling was still unfamiliar. Whether it was being coached through pageantry as a little girl, or relying on her good looks to be a hostess of sorts in High School, her only purpose was to please other people. She was everybody's doormat, and had only recently stopped being too high and mighty to realise it.

She crossed her legs under the table, and felt the awkward bump and scrape of her thigh against the table, she felt something rubbery rub against her flesh and realised it must have been discarded bubblegum. There shouldn't be anything awkward about this, I'm just talking to a guy for Pete's sake. Katherine thought, and looked over towards the toilet signs. "Is there anybody else sitting here?" She asked.

Re: Leave It at the Door

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:01 am
by Albiel*
Lloyd blinked twice and tried not to nod at Katherine's obviously fake smile. The table that was inconveniencing her did seem rather uncomfortable but, truthfully, Lloyd hadn't noticed until just now. Perhaps having small troubles like this one put in perspective to bigger ones made them disappear altogether. Lloyd briefly contemplated how many troubles he could have not only dismissed, but also remained ignorant of, during his, according to him, usually worrisome life.

By the time he was finished with this line of thought, Lloyd noticed his blue eyes had started trailing off to the ceiling, the lights located in there leaving them slightly irritated. He decided to save himself by acting as if he had nothing to say, which seemed to be an action consisting of stirring his drink with his straw. This movement proved excessively brief, for another thought quickly crossed his head. Am I coming off as uncaring again...? Probably don't want to make another girl mad today. He looked up at her while holding a much more realistic smile that seemed closer to indifference than happiness, yet looking much more natural on his face than the one he wielded before. He started talking.

"Oh, no. There isn't." Lloyd remained respectful in his demeanor, despite not knowing the girl very well. He saw her around campus every once in a while, and he was aware from her appearance that she must be the type of person with a few male admirers. For obvious reasons, Lloyd didn't join them. However, he did not hold popularity against anyone. After all, it would be nothing short of hypocritical for him to judge someone's pursuit of social acceptance.

"So, you're a Senior too, right? Actually, now that you mentioned your name... I think I've heard from classmates of a few parties you've organized." He said, not realizing yet that the last one she had made had turned out, to put it mildly, quite unsuccessful.

Re: Leave It at the Door

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:01 am
by KelleyA*
Sorry about taking so damn long, writing *even posts* is a bit sore for me right now Image

So he was here all alone, drinking iced tea and mulling thoughts over in his head away from his peers. He obviously wasn't friends with any of the 'responsible adults' here, and Katherine doubted anybody would go to the Varsity just to drink iced tea for the hell of it. She was amused for a moment, imagining the look on the bartenders face when Lloyd 'another snot-nosed high school punk' didn't try to get some booze, or even a soda. Iced tea? She dismissed this and decided to think of something else, after all, the only reason she came down to the Varsity tonight was because she was curious to to actually see one of these joints. That and she hadn't had sex since October, and she was looking for a cheap ride from somebody who DID NOT go to Bayview. She failed on both terms, firstly being disgusted with what was on offer and secondly after finding somebody she'd even consider hitting the hay with, she found out he was part of the Bayview Student body.

"So, you're a Senior too, right? Actually, now that you mentioned your name... I think I've heard from classmates of a few parties you've organized." Lloyd said. Katherine was about to sigh, but quickly decided against it. She didn't want to be too off-putting. Even though sex (with someone other than herself) was off the menu, she hadn't exactly been doing too good in social terms, and after chatting for two seconds with Lloyd, she realised that a fresh start wasn't impossible. She wasn't a basketcase, and knew how to socialise, but she was rather rusty, relying on other people to do it all for her.

"Yeah....parties." She replied, looking at Lloyd with her eyes half closed. She wasn't sleepy or anything, but mentioning of her fall from High School Royalty was a sore subject, and she couldn't help but get a little slow and irritated. "Not exactly my favourite topic, ya know. The last one didn't go down too well. Not good at all." She traced her tounge against the inside of her cheeks, her throat getting a little dry. She looked down at the glass of Iced Tea before staring over at the bar, then fumbling with the spare change in her pocket. She smiled once more, not wanting to seem too unenthusiastic.

Re: Leave It at the Door

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:01 am
by Albiel*
As a brief silence swept the table, Lloyd heard the change he had returned to Katherine rattle in her pocket. Had this action been done by itself, it probably wouldn't have attracted Lloyd's attention, but its combination with Katherine's apparent interest in the bar gave Lloyd the impression that she was hoping to buy a drink. Out of politeness and a relatively generous amount of money that was once meant for his date with his (now ex-)girlfriend, he opened his mouth to offer one, but proceeded to discreetly shut it in contemplation. Do schoolmates offer drinks to each other...? Could she interpret it as an alcoholic drink? I don't want to come off as weird to someone I just met... Came the sudden barrage of thoughts that went on to invade his currently socially-impaired mind.

This was a much more common occurrence than Lloyd would have preferred. He usually was a decent conversationalist when dealing with people he knew, but meeting strangers tended to be a problem for him. Even his very thoughts seemed to scramble under this sort of situations. After all, how was he supposed to know what the other person liked to talk about, when he had never met her before? Even his last attempt at conversation had proven to be a sore point for his new acquaintance. With that out of the picture, what could he talk about now? For a moment, the claims he had received of not caring enough seemed ridiculous. He seemed to be caring too much right now, even to point of realizing it himself. Holding back what could be an easily-misinterpreted smile at the thought that he wasn't beyond saving yet, he figured he might as well reclaim the topic he had brought up, even if it wasn't Katherine's (Or his, for that matter) favorite subject.

"Oh. I-I'm sorry to hear that. Well, parties are not that rare, are they? Maybe the next one you throw will make up for the one you're talking about." He said, completely unaware of how long it had been since Katherine's last attempt at organizing one.

Re: Leave It at the Door

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:01 am
by KelleyA*
"Oh. I-I'm sorry to hear that. Well, parties are not that rare, are they? Maybe the next one you throw will make up for the one you're talking about." Lloyd said, a twang of what could of been his nerves or maybe shyness led this, but by the end it smoothed out into a less shaky statement.

Katherine looked up, briefly making eye contact. She gazed away, back towards the bar, looking at the plethora of shiny bottles stacked behind the bartender and his husky patrons. She tried to think of something clever to say, but she knew she was getting ahead of herself so decided to a tad nicer. "Nah, I think I've gone way too far beyond that point, although if I ever do throw one you're invited." She said, and gave a playful wink. "But anyway, this conversation got off to a shaky start and I'm'm gonna go get me a drink and you think of something to say, okay?" What she had said was bitchy and rather mean, but the way she had said it, and meant it was the way two friends would talk. Nice yeah, but maybe Lloyd wouldn't quite percieve it to of been said like that.

She planted both palms on the table, and stuck her heels down on the floor, she looked down towards the bars footrest with a relatively cool gaze and slid out of the booth. She stood up, and rubbed her hands down her hips, smoothing out her skirt before turning to Lloyd, just to listen to his initial reply.

Re: Leave It at the Door

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:01 am
by Albiel*
Lloyd smiled at Katherine's invitation, not because of the prospect of befriending new people at one of her parties, but because he took it as a sign that the topic had not made the conversation's mood as tense as he expected. The wink that followed only reinforced this belief, which was promptly shaken, almost broken, by her following statement, which commented on the conversation's awkwardness. He remained silent for a couple of seconds, unaware if Katherine said that due to exasperation or playfulness. He quickly concluded that, whatever the reason, it would be convenient to respond to her so, during the time she was gone, he could indeed pick his next topic with an appropriate amount of tact.

"Right. Of course." He said in an amused tone, though he didn't feel confident enough to include a laugh, or even a chuckle, in response to what he hoped had been a joke. Instead, he turned to look at the table, as if to signal he was content with starting the respite from talking.

Re: Leave It at the Door

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:01 am
by KelleyA*
"Right. Of course." Lloyd had said, not serious or anything but rather lightly. That settled it, no harm done by a slip of the tounger and Katherine was free to get herself a drink. She turned round and walked fowards, her heels tapping at the wooden floor. She leant in past a man wearing a navy parka, he paid little attention to her and turned back glumly to the glass of beer and the bowl of peanuts set before him. On her other side, a rather chubby man with a handle bar moustache and a bomber jacket winked at her, she dismissed it, not wanting to make a scene.

The bangles around Katherine's wrist jangled as she waved her manicured hand, to get the barkeeps attention. He was a husky man with a waxy complexion and a cowboy hat over his balding head. His water eyes squinted at her, and he leant fowards making creases in his vintage pearl snap shirt. "What will it be?" He asked, his eyes still studying her closely as if she looked like some sort of riff raff who would start throwing punches at any second.

Katherine thought for a moment, before leaning fowards and asking "How much for a screwdriver?" She could hear the last bars of the song she chose on the jukebox fading away, and she jangled her change again, feeling the coins tap against her french tips.

"You old enough?" The barkeep asked, his eyes still staring down at her.

Katherine used her free hand to pull the zip on her denim jacket down a bit. "Yes, I'm 22." She lied. She leant fowards placing both hands on the bar, and drew her arms in closer together. Her upper arms, pressed against her breasts and her cleavage began to bulge through the narrow opening in her jacket. She felt a little cheap, dirty even but she was thirsty as hell.

"Good enough for me." The barkeep said, and turned around to take a bottle of vodka from the shelf behind him.

Katherine smiled, and tipped her head down staring into the polished counter top. She could make out her own obscure reflection in the dim light. She straightened her back, watching the cowboy mix orange juice and vodka together in a glass. She promptly zipped her jacket back up, and dug in her pocket for her money.

The guy set the glass down on the counter, "Nine dollars fifty." He said flatly.

Katherine frowned, and slithered past the jangling change to a bank note. She pulled out a ten dollar bill, and looked with unease into Alexander Hamilton's crinkled face before handing the note over. "That's just robbery." She spat. She took the drink and turned back round facing the booth.

"Your change miss?" The barkeep asked.

Katherine turned back round with a glare of annoyance in her eye. "Keep the 50 cents." She said, and slid back into the booth seat. She took a heavy breath, before setting her drink down on the table. She looked up and sighed, "Almost 10 bucks for one lousy drink, can you believe it?"

Re: Leave It at the Door

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:01 am
by Albiel*
One closed hand slowly flew to Lloyd's black hair as its elbow set itself upon the table. Though the pose gave him a somewhat pensive air, he failed to evoke any meaningful topics of conversation. Maybe I should just try coming up with something on the spot. He thought, rendering the last twenty seconds of contemplation even more useless than they had already proven to be. That's pretty much what everyone does anyways, isn't it?

The absence of thinking left Lloyd unable to find anything to entertain himself with and, reasoning that wearing his headphones could influence his new acquaintance's impression of him, he decided to simply start observing the bar once again. He couldn't quite pick up what Katherine was telling the bartender, apart from her last comment, which was made when she was already turning away. Lloyd was not perceptive enough to figure out that, if Katherine didn't care about losing small amounts of money, she probably would not have stopped to pick up her change when she first talked to him. Perhaps he would've made the connection if he had not seen her come back to the table after that, asking for his opinion on the establishment's prices.

"Yeah... Definitely." Lloyd said with a gesture signaling towards his own drink. He was relieved to hear Katherine start the conversation this time around. This made things much easier, especially because he sympathized with her comment. Perhaps it had been just the cynical mood he was in before he started talking to the other student, but the thought that three dollars and fifty cents was a slightly higher cost than usual had crossed his mind, though a bit dulled by the fact that this was not the first time Lloyd visited the Varsity and was thus used to the prices they had set on the drinks. It wasn't long until Lloyd realized that a mere agreement was not a good way to keep the conversation alive, and decided to extend it with a comment of his own. A quick attempt to conjure something up resulted in him taking note of his headphones, which were still comfortably set in his seat. Linking this to a topic, he began to talk again.

"So, do you listen to any music?" He said, hoping this comment would be interpreted as a prompt for Katherine to mention what kinds she preferred.