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Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:55 am
by chibinanashi*
Located near the drama room was the music room. In there, someone had the curtains opened to let in the sunlight that was not hidden by clouds. The instruments put out to display in the room each sparkled with a ray of sunshine hitting them. Located near the windows was a black piano. It wasn't anything elaborate, but the school made sure they spent their money wisely when it came to performances in the public.

Seated at the piano was a young man. A leather jacket laid on the bench. He was clad in a white tank top and black jeans. His brown hair wasn't parted neatly and he looked scruffy. The music that played as his fingers touched the keys was nothing short of flawless, reflecting his many years of practice. No one would have guessed that someone like Daniel, who looked like a gang member with a jock build could play music.

Re: Minuet

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:55 am
by Brackie
((someone delete this post please?))

Re: Minuet

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:55 am
by Slam
((Lucy Ashmore continued from Tending the Flowers))

Lucy may not have been a virtuoso, but she enjoyed her flute playing. Ever since she had first seen that solo performance on the TV when she was younger, she always fancied a try of the woodwind; that try eventually became a hobby, and now she could play at a fluent level.

Despite that though, Lucy had never joined the school band. It wasn't that she doubted she would get in if she tried (Although her lack of confidence meant she wasn't exactly positive in her thinking), it was her natural shyness that prevented her from joining such a large group; after all, surely she'd bring down the entire performance by slipping up somehow.

Lucy, you know that's a load of bull.

Regardless, she couldn't muster the courage to join such a group.

However, that didn't mean she couldn't still enjoy her flute playing. On afternoons where she wasn't taking part in The Gardening Society activities or studying for school, she would sometimes take advantage of the school's large variety of music sheets and play her flute for a while. This afternoon was one of those afternoons.

She had just finished her last session, and was on her way to the music room. After another recent case of embarrassment on the campus whilst continuing her effort to branch out to people, Lucy needed some personal time to rethink her efforts.

"Maybe if I did a really bold stunt in public, like wearing a bikini to the school pool..."

Realising she had spoken out loud, her face blushed over, despite the lack of presence of anyone else around her.

See, if you get shy over things like that, then you're never going to get out of this rut, Lucy.

It was true: no-one had bullied Lucy for years now; she really should have grown out of it. Yet she couldn't bring up the strength to approach people easily, and that was something she was not happy with.

Anyway, you're here to play music remember? Relax.

As she reached the music room, Lucy could hear the tinker of ivory coming from within. It wasn't band practice today, was it?

Stepping up onto her tiptoes, Lucy peered through the window to see who was occupying the room; it was a very large person, sat at the piano. Lucy couldn't see his face through the window, but the fact of the matter was that he was in the room; it looked like she'd have to come back some other time.

Now hold on Lucy, this is your chance! Go in there and see if you can do a duet or something!

No, he was probably practising or something; it'd be very rude of her to interrupt him' she thought to herself as she brought her fingernails up to her mouth for chewing.

Stop making excuses and get in there!

But -


Yanking open the door, Lucy found herself looking straight into the room at the pianist. Not wasting a moment, she made sure she stepped over there with marched certainty, oblivious to whether he had even reacted due in fact to her keeping her eyes tightly shut as her heart pounded in her chest.

"Excuse me; are you practising for anything really important or are you available to help me in a duet?!"

It came out a lot more abrasively than she'd have liked, but she was far too nervous to be considerate of such things.

Re: Minuet

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:55 am
by chibinanashi*
The fingers caressing the keys of the piano stopped as Lucy spoke. Daniel slowly looked up from the sheet music that he was playing and turned to look over at the young woman. He blinked and seemed to slowly process what she had said. He looked Lucy up and down and recognized her posture. It reminded him of the girls who would run up to him, confessing their admiration for him and asking him out. He had never talked to those girls before and had figured they were only attracted to his looks. This was the first time a girl asked him for help.

Daniel stood up and smiled softly. "Help? First open your eyes. Don't be so nervous. When you look like that, people get the sense that you are weak-willed and they can intimidate you into doing anything."

He then pulled a little at his tank top and stepped away from the piano's bench. "Are you a woodwind? Brass? Was there a particular duet you had in mind...?"

Shaking his head, Daniel sighed softly. "How rude of me. My name is Daniel Blessing. Yours?"

Re: Minuet

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:55 am
by Slam
"Help? First open your eyes. Don't be so nervous. When you look like that, people get the sense that you are weak-willed and they can intimidate you into doing anything."

Nodding slightly, Lucy mustered up her strength to open her eyes and look at the man. Now that he wasn't sat over a piano, he looked a LOT bigger.

Her heart was thumping in her chest as she stood in his shadow, but its pace softened when she finally noticed the warm smile on his lips.

There you go; see? If you want people to give yourself a chance, you have to be willing yourself.

As she smiled back at him slightly, she nodded her head as a slight thank you.

"Are you a woodwind? Brass? Was there a particular duet you had in mind...?"

"Oh, I'm a woodwind." she answered meekly, still nervous enough to be unable to pay attention and focus on her own words simultaneously, but her confidence was growing slowly. She could feel that things were going well again for her, and perhaps she could get this social encounter right for a change.

Hang on; I don't know any duets.

It was an awkward fact: Lucy had never had a reason to memorise any duets, and the few that she had performed were but shadows in her memory. How was she supposed to answer his question now?!

Her face went blank again, until he spoke once more.

"How rude of me. My name is Daniel Blessing. Yours?"

A chance to stall whilst you think of something; take it Lucy!

"I'm Lucy, thank you." she replied, her small smile emerging in response to his own.

Okay, now you've thought of a duet right?

Crap; still nothing. Think Lucy, think!

"Oh, actually I came in here because the music teacher said that... that I should find the duet he left for me to practice! Yeah, that's it!" she laughed nervously; she may not have lied a lot, but she wasn't strictly bad at it either.

Moving over to the cabinets were the music sheet was kept, she frantically began searching for any duet she thought she'd be able to handle.

Nothing too advanced now; you don't want to look like a bragger!

Re: Minuet

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:55 am
by chibinanashi*
Daniel simply watched as Lucy searched the cabinets for the duet.

She didn't have one in mind at all did she? What kind of girl is this? Well, better not let her feel embarassed.

He then turned and looked at the teacher's desk and spotted a duet there. Daniel looked it over carefully noting how it wasn't simple but it wasn't too complex. It'd be perfect for someone who was experienced but not a professional.

"The teacher left one over here. Is this what you were looking for?" Daniel asked Lucy, showing her the sheet music.

Re: Minuet

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:55 am
by Slam
"The teacher left one over here. Is this what you were looking for?"

Wheeling around a little hastily, Lucy looked up at the sheet Daniel was holding, and felt a taste of relief that she wouldn't have to keep stalling.

"Oh, yes! That must be the one!"

Laughing slightly nervously, she moved over and looked at the duet on offer right now. It didn't look too complex, nothing she couldn't play with a little work; but what about right off the bat?

Don't be stupid Lucy, you asked him if he could help you with it; remember? He'll probably be fairly lenient.

She knew it made sense, but what if she did TOO well? Then she'd look odd for asking for his help, and she'd look like a huge boaster, and he'd think she was a freak, and


Right: calm down. Breathe.

Shutting her eyes, Lucy took a breath in as she regained her composure.

Not literally!

Snapping her eyes open again, Lucy looked at Daniel once again, offering a weak smile.

"Yeah, that's definitely the one! It looks like you'd start, so, you know, if its not too much trouble and you're still up for it then I'll get playing as soon as you get going!"

Laughing weakly yet again, and forgetting to grab a copy of the sheet, Lucy headed over to the music stand near the piano, pulling out her nostalgic flute and quickly checking her fingering, before looking at Daniel with a waiting, forced smile.

Re: Minuet

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:55 am
by chibinanashi*
Daniel smiled softly as he watched Lucy try in vain to calm herself down. She was so panic-stricken that she had forgotten the music sheet. He took the other copy and brought if over to her. He pointed at a spot on the music sheet. "There's a trick to this duet. There's a repeat within a repeat here. I've played this piece with other students and most of them don't seem to spot it. Of course, this sheet music is old and almost faded." He shrugged and glanced over to her, laying a hand on her shoulder and squeezing it lightly.

"You'll be fine. If you mess up don't be afraid and stop playing. Just play what you feel is right. Kind of like improvisation." Daniel nodded and returned to his seat, beginning to play. The melody was soft and slow, a serene feeling emitting from the music.

Re: Minuet

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:56 am
by Slam
As Daniel slid the sheet over into her stand, Lucy felt her cheeks blushing up again. Dummy! How could you forget something like that? Now he definitely thought she was a moron!

Shut up.

"There's a trick to this duet. There's a repeat within a repeat here."

Looking at where he was pointing, Lucy noticed that there was such a thing after all. Good thing he'd pointed it out too, otherwise she would've probably skimmed over it, and then he'd look at her like she was some idiot who couldn't read a music sheet, and then he'd laugh, and then-

"I've played this piece with other students and most of them don't seem to spot it."

Oh, ok. So she wouldn't be the first to make that mistake.

"Of course, this sheet music is old and almost faded."

Lucy breathed out a sigh of relief, oblivious to his presence. Looks like he was trying to relax her, or at the very least stop her from worrying. Then again, maybe she was just hoping for the best.

Then, he squeezed her shoulder lightly; a wave of relief spread over her. If he was trying to unnerve her, would he give such a comforting gesture?

Unless, maybe he was unstable on his legs or something, and he was grabbing her for suppor-

Moving on.

"You'll be fine. If you mess up don't be afraid and stop playing.

Right, don't be afraid. You probably won't mess up on something like this anyway; it's simple enough. Just calm down, and let your fingers do all the work.

"Just play what you feel is right. Kind of like improvisation."

Nodding at him, slightly less tense than before, Lucy waited as he moved to the piano and began his tune. The melody was sweet; calming even. She felt her nerves subside, as she listened to him play, losing herself in the tune. He was so big, and rough looking, yet he played so beautifully.

Then she realised she'd missed her cue.


Re: Minuet

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:56 am
by chibinanashi*

Daniel stopped playing and he glanced over to Lucy. He stood up from the bench and walked over to her. Daniel's hand formed a gesture akin to a gun and he pointed his index finger gently to her forehead. "Your head's in the clouds, isn't it?" Daniel asked her with a good natured smile. Removing his hand, he turned so he could look at her music sheet.


Daniel pointed to her cue. "This is where you come in."

He circled around her and bent down a little bit to look into her eyes. Daniel's bangs fell into his eyes.

"...You're nervous. I don't think it's because of the music either. Is there anything I can do to make you less nervous, Lucy?"

Re: Minuet

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:56 am
by Slam
She was embarrassed again; how could she forget her cue? The music was right there! Sure, he played beautifully, but that shouldn't have meant she couldn't follow a piece of paper for the love of Christ!

"Sorry…sorry…" she mumbled under her breath as she scoured the piece of paper, pretending to be looking for her cue; she knew where it was really, but with any luck she'd be able to pull it off as not being able to recognise it.

And then he'd think she couldn't play, and then she'd be back to where she started, again.

Suddenly, she noticed the finger pointed at her forehead. ‘Dummy', she imagined him calling out to her, as he picked up his sheets and kicked her out the room. Please, don't take too long doing it…

"Your head's in the clouds, isn't it?"

Looking up, she saw that warm smile once again, and her fears began to scurry back into the dark corner of her thoughts; he wasn't some big brute who was going to smash her dreams in for screwing up, and he wasn't some Mr. Lyzan who got way too caught up on perfecting the E Minor note. No, he was just a really friendly guy.

Good girl Lucy; now relax.

Nodding with a small smile as he directed her to her cue, Lucy looked at him again; he was so kind. As he stooped down to look in her eyes, she tensed ever so slightly. Was he about to spi-

Be quiet.

"...You're nervous. I don't think it's because of the music either. Is there anything I can do to make you less nervous, Lucy?"

Anything he could do?

"No, I'm alright now."

Her confidence began to grow, as a warm, sweet smile spread across her face.

"Let's play."

Re: Minuet

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:56 am
by chibinanashi*
Daniel paused for a moment more to look at Lucy, as if he could read her body language. He seemed to nod, satisfied with what ever it was he found and went back to the piano. Daniel sat down and glanced back over at Lucy.

"If you become lost...just improvise."

It wasn't a question or a demand. Just a simple statement that he wished to express.

And with that, Daniel began to play the musical piece as he did before.

Re: Minuet

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:56 am
by Slam
Music began to fill the room as Lucy let herself relax, the soft tinker of ivory calming her nerves. Daniel had just been very patient with her, and Lucy felt relieved to find her flaws not messing up his gentle demeanour.

At her cue, Lucy too joined in on the melody. The gentle noise emanating from the flute accompanied the piano's sound, as the two embraced to form a sweet melody.

Having never played the piece before, Lucy inevitably made the odd slip up: a missed note here, an overdrawn note there, but by letting the calm in the room support her, Lucy managed to play through without stopping in a panic.

Glancing at Dan between the notes, Lucy smiled behind her woodwind. He looked huge, there was no doubting that, but it turned out that he was a lot more than that: he was gentle, and kind, something Lucy had had a hard time running into lately. Well, except for the people at the flowers, but she had messed that one up badly.

It was true: Lucy always had more of a problem with women than it was with men. Her tormenters when she was younger had only ever been those horrible girls, and if anything her problem with men was just a natural shyness.

Regardless, Lucy still felt proud of herself as she had managed to talk to someone so well: she had managed to hold a genuine conversation, and she was even playing music with him now. It may be the first step in a long time, but damn it if it isn't a step.

Of course, he could just be pulling a prank on y-

No, I'm not listening to you.

Re: Minuet

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:56 am
by chibinanashi*
Daniel looked over to Lucy once the musical piece was finished. There was a wide smile on his face as he stood up and clapped a little. "See? I knew you could do it. It might have been perfect, but the fun is in the practicing. That's what I'd like to think anyways."

Daniel looked to the left, outside the window. He lifted a hand and pressed the palm gently to the glass as if in thought. "No one wants to practice with me. I don't know why though, I try to be inviting as best I can be. Everyone seems to have this..." His brow furrowed as he tried to think of the word.

"This...stereotype of me. Like I'm nothing more than some brutish looking guy. I must be rambling on..." Daniel turned to Lucy and he gave her a nod and another warm smile.

"Thank you for practicing with me."

Re: Minuet

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:56 am
by Slam
"Everyone seems to have this... this...stereotype of me."

Daniel was worried what people thought of him? Why? He was so friendly, even when she was acting like a total spas. How could someone like that be a bad person?

Then again, looking at him one more time reminded Lucy that he did have the appearance of a hardened street thug. Not that she was trying to be mean or anything! He did, though.

Still, he had just been so friendly to Lucy, she couldn't care if he was missing a hand and had an extra head: he was one of the nicest people she'd met in a long time.

"I don't care if you look like a stereotype." She smiled up at him. Wait, should she have said if he looked like a stereotype, and been a little less direct? Had she just unwittingly insulted him? No, that was silly.

And he had either not heard her, or he was simply not replying as he thanked her for playing with him.

She shook her head, still smiling as she looked down at the floor.

"No, I should be thanking you. I don't usually practice with other people, because I'm so awkward and nerdy..."

It was true, as much as she didn't like to admit it: she was unpopular, graceless, and not just a little bit uncultured. Why anyone would ever agree to practice with her was a mystery, but Daniel had looked past it and played with her anyway in the most nice of gestures.

"I had fun." she looked up at him, still smiling. The faintest hue of a blush bloomed into her cheeks, looking at the gentle Daniel Blessing.