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Cooling down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:37 am
by Outfoxd
((continued from All That Glitters...))

Ray made it to the food court without further incident, though he found himself trying hard not to go back into JC Penney and say "fuck it" to being calm and reasonable, but he forced himself to keep going. If he got booted out of the mall, he wouldn't be able to get a present for Alicia, and he'd feel like three kinds of shit. He figured he could get something to eat, calm down, maybe walk around the other stores, and if he still hadn't found something he could always go back to Penney's and nab a necklace.

He went to the McDonald's booth, something he never indulged in because he was trying to keep his weight down to avoid inevitable cuts, but right now he was in a total "fuck it" sort of mood, and something greasy and disgusting sounded appealing about now.

A little while later, Ray was seated and tearing into a couple McDoubles and a large fry, feeling like shit and not giving one, either. That creepy motherfucker at Penney's had got under his skin, though he hadn't noticed it until now. Something about the way he talked, the way he acted like only he had the right to look at the gems, just wasn't right.

Ray polished off the first burger and sucked down some of his Coke, leaning back in his chair for a minute. He wished he had a mall map with him; it'd be nice to plan his next move.

Re: Cooling down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:37 am
by Fanatic*
((Enter Teo Weinstock))

Teo lounged in the food court, hucking down a foot long subway when he noticed Ray devouring his MacDonald's meal. He needed to pick up Natasha from her job in about half an hour but he had plenty of time to relax and Teo was never one to spend time alone. He didn't really know Ray that well but now was a good as time as any to say hi. Teo knew that the more friends he made in school, the more likely he would have connections in the future. Something his father always said, it scratched at him like a rat in a cage. Slipping out of his seat and absentmindedly tossing his empty wrapper into a nearby bin he approached Ray.

Grabbing a nearby chair he spun it round as he landed so he was facing backwards on the seat. Playfully slapping Ray on the shoulder he grinned widely. "What's going down Stone Cold? I see you've got that Coke in a choke hold."

Re: Cooling down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:37 am
by Outfoxd
Being still wound up from the encounter in Penney's, Ray had to try hard to stop himself from glaring at the guy who slapped him on his shoulder. He managed, somehow. The guy was Tito? Teo? One of the football players for Bayview's team. Ray had seen him on the field sometimes when he was leaving his own practice. Big, solid dude, didn't seem like a bad guy.

Indeed, the Stone Cold line did make Ray smirk a little, put him at ease. He leaned back in the chair, finished another sip of the Coke. "Nothing much. Chilling, mostly. Been a tough day so far. "

Re: Cooling down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:37 am
by Fanatic*
"Yeah", Teo grinned, "I'm waiting for my girl to finish work, so I've got about 30 minutes to do nothing in. Kinda irritating, but hey a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do yeah?"

Teo tapped his foot absentmindedly to the invisible beat going through his head. "Tough eh? Anything you want to share with The Teo?"

Technically Teo wasn't as confident as he made himself out to be, as to be honest he'd heard a few things about Ray, including a little crime spree, but that was probably a rumour. It wouldn't do to bring it up anyway regardless of truth. So instead he opened his arms up in in a half shrugging gesture and lent his head a little, slipping his mouth into his regular disarmingly charming (at least the girls thought so) stupid grin.

Re: Cooling down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:37 am
by Outfoxd
Ray sat back and sipped at his soda again, using it as an excuse to think about what he wanted to say. Teo didn't need to know about that guy; wasn't anything to concern him anyway. Ray was wondering why Teo was engaging him. Not that he minded, anything to get his mind off the previous encounter was a good thing. He didn't need to go around starting fights here like he did back in the D.

"Been hunting around for a couple hours trying to find a present for my sister. Haven't been doing too well." Absently, Ray's fingers started to unwrap the second cheeseburger, but he did find he wasn't quite as hungry anymore. Already the first and the Coke were starting to settle in his stomach like a stack of bricks.

Re: Cooling down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:37 am
by Crash*
(Aaron Boismier continued from Autodidact)

Approximately fourty-five minutes had passed since the group departed the school, and finally Aaron found himself pulling into a free parking spot at the back of the mall. The dinner hour had now dawned on the group, and with it came rush hour traffic. It had taken the group at least ten minutes of waiting in the turning lane before they could even get into the mall's parking lot, and another five to find a free parking spot.

Despite all that, however, Aaron had found the car ride rather enjoyable. His hazy start to the day had quickly been replaced by pleasant and engaging conversation between him, Roy, and Aislyn. Melissa had stayed quiet the majority of the time, seemingly lost in thought, but it came as no surprise to him. She'd always been rather fact, he was surprised she'd tagged along in the first place. Nevertheless, Aaron's "the more, the merrier" philosophy had yet to fail him.

Sure enough, as the group proceeded towards the food court, Aaron could spot the ever-increasing lines from a considerable distance. He sighed a little in exasperation, but realized quickly that patience really was their only option. Taking a step back towards the tables, he slipped his spring jacket off over the corner of one of the chairs. It didn't really occur to him that finding a four-person table in the crowded mall had taken far less time than finding a parking spot, of which there were more.

"I feel like Chinese..." he muttered in a half-daze, staring up at the various signs across the strip. "I'll be right back," he directed to his friends, making his way over to the line at the Manchu Wok.

Re: Cooling down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:37 am
by Fanatic*
Teo nodded along to Ray's comment, while surreptitiously checking his watch. 20 minutes or so until he had to meet his girlfriend. "Yeah, it's always tough to find something for siblings, what's your spending limit?"

Taking the opportunity to look around he noticed the food court was beginning to fill up with, as Teo liked to put it the 'after school - after school special,' that is to say the kids who spent time doing something constructive after school before hanging out at the mall just before dinner. Realising that he had left his bag (with all his football gear and ipod) in his original seat Teo lifted himself of his chair.

"Hold that thought, gotta grab my bag, don't want anyone taking off with it," and with that Teo moved off to grab his bag from across the court.

Re: Cooling down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:37 am
by ifnotwinter*
One of the problems with having a large family, Erik reflected, staring dismally into his wallet, was that there were always birthdays, holidays, and siblings desperately needing money. As the only one with a steady job currently - Kimberly had quit her job at a bookstore after fighting with the manager - he'd become the go-to guy, and unfortunately, had always been a bit of a pushover for his younger siblings.

Didn't help that they knew that, either.

So now he was in the lineup at the Manchu Wok, with three dollars sixty-seven cents to his name, along with his bus pass, which he somehow doubted they'd take as legal currency. Still, maybe he had enough for something. If he was lucky. He was working on the weekend, after all, so it wasn't like he had to save up for something.

He glanced around the crowded food court, hunching his shoulders more out of habit then anything else. As the line moved another half an inch forwards, he reached around to tuck his wallet into his back pocket. At the same time, he caught sight of someone vaguely familiar heading for the line.

His face broke into a cheerful grin as he recognized the other boy, and he lifted one hand in a half-wave. He knew Aaron from school, at least somewhat, but even if they weren't particularly close Erik was nothing if not friendly.

"Hey, man. Joining the eternal wait of the damned?"

Re: Cooling down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:38 am
by Outfoxd
Ray held his current net worth back as Teo took off to grab something. To be honest, he wasn't quite sure, as his stepdad had handed him the bills and told him to get Alicia something as discreetly as possible. He hadn't really had time to count.

He looked around and noticed that the dinner crowd was starting to file in and pick up, and Ray was suddenly grateful he'd been so pissed he came to eat early. He saw a few people he knew from school just coming in, nobody he really talked to (though he didn't really talk to people that much yet anyway).

Ray looked down at the second Mcdouble with distaste. He could feel his stomach cry out for him to not bite into it. He was glad he only wasted a buck-six on the thing. He wrapped the burger back up in the paper and looked around for a trash can. He spotted one a few tables over. He took careful aim, and with an arcing shot he threw the burger into the can.

"I'm in the wrong sport, maybe." He muttered. He swept the Coke back up and finished it off, feeling the carbonation drop into his stomach and burn there for a second. He shot the cup at the same can that he chucked the burger, and missed this one.

"Or not. Shit." Ray picked himself and headed over to the trash can to properly dispose of the cup.

Re: Cooling down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:38 am
by Tythanin*
((Melissa Li continued from Autodidact.))

'What am I doing here? I should be at home, practicing my piano and doing my homework. But no, I agreed to go out to eat dinner with people I barely knew...why did I do this again? Right, my cell phone was out of batteries. ...That's really not a good reason, now that I think about it.' Melissa absently thought to herself as she followed Aaron inside the Promenade's food court. The trip to the mall itself had been rather soothing in a way. The chatter from Aaron and those other two (she remembered that their names were Roy and Aislyn...or something of the sort) helped drown out her insecurities even if she didn't pay much attention to what they were saying. It wasn't that she didn't care (she did care even if she couldn't remember what they had said), she just couldn't get into it. Her life didn't really offer opportunities to converse about things besides school.

Her life revolved around school, extracurricular activities "that were beneficial to her future education", and every Sunday going to a Buddhist church and offering her prayers to her deceased ancestors. Time was not wasted watching the popular TV shows since television would rot her brains and her body, spending time at the mall was just wasting time that could be better put into making a better future for herself, and a young, intelligent girl like herself didn't need to bother with sports. It sucked. So she didn't bother speaking in the car. She was certain they didn't mind.

Coming up to the table that Aaron had chosen, she dropped her backpack onto an empty chair and looked around the food court for something she wanted to eat. Hamburgers? No, they were great but they were supposed to be a rare treat. Chinese food? She ate Chinese every day at home why would she want to eat it now? Pizza? ...Sure, why not? Give her tastebuds a little taste of Americanized Italy.

She walked into the line, pulling out her wallet to withdraw the appropriate amount of bills. It was a good thing she had been saving her lunch money. It gave her enough for times like this. Things went right for her once in a while...gave her a spark in the inky blackness.

'Chiiiiina Womaaaaan~'

Re: Cooling down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:38 am
by BetaKnight
((Aislyn McCreery continued from Autodidact))

Aislyn laughed at Roy's comment and gave him a friendly bump with her shoulder at they approached the mall's food court. She was really enjoying the time she was spending with her classmates. When they had been stationed in Italy none of her friends were old enough to drive. If they were going farther than the local piazza, they were dependant on the kindness of a parent. And while that was better than walking, the atmosphere definitely was more subdued when an adult was in their midst than it was when they were on their own.

I had no idea that eating dinner in the mall was this popular. She let out a low whistle as she scanned the growing lines at each food counter. "I know people keep saying that Americans are getting fat because they eat out too much. I just didn't realize that they were all at our mall."

Aislyn stopped for a moment to study the scene before her. "I wonder if all those people over at the Starbucks realize that those sugary frappuccinos they're drinking as just as bad for you as a Super Sized Big Mac meal is," she commented to no one in particular. She wrinkled her nose as the barrista pulled a shot for someone's order. "Besides, that's not even real Italian-style coffee. And who on earth makes their sizes in three different languages? You can't walk into your local caffetteria and order a venti. They'd stare at you like you were a moron for ordering twenty. Twenty what?"

Shaking her head, she noticed that Aaron had claimed a table for their group and that both he and Melissa had headed off towards food. "Oh, sweet!"

Without much thought, Aislyn followed Melissa into the Sbarro's line. Scanning the large overhead menu, she settled on a slice of supreme pizza and a medium order of their pasta. MmmmmÂ…pizza. You can't really mess up pizza. And I'm sure their marinara is just fine. She put her hand on her stomach. At least neither of the boys heard my tummy rumbling in the car.

Rocking on the balls of her feet in boredom, Aislyn peered over Melissa's shoulder as the shorter girl counted out her money. Man, she was quiet the whole way over. And even now, it's like the secrets of the universe live in her wallet. Giggling a bit, Aislyn leaned forward and lightly poked Melissa in the back. "We're not in school anymore. It's okay to talk, you know."

Re: Cooling down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:38 am
by DetectiveArcher*
((Roy Archer continued from Autodidact))

Grinning despite his loss, Roy was more than a little surprised to find himself having a good time. He'd forgotten he'd been humiliated as the quartet crossed town to the sounds of music, jokes and laughter. Imagine that. Miracles happened every day. Stopping in the center of the court, he watched the others all pick their poison. Taking a moment to rub his temples, he fell in step behind Aaron. Chinese sounded good.

Taking his spot in line, Roy let his busy hands move from his temples to his eyes. He was getting a headache. Maybe it was the rapid change in temperature he'd just been through. The warm, late spring air to the pool, followed by the exit of the water and the subsequent air conditioning of Aaron's car. Or, he realized, stuffing his hands into his pockets and looking around, it might be the ceaseless noise of commercialism.

Roy didn't normally mind the mall. He liked being the center of attention, even if he didn't exactly say as much. He thought his actions might give it away, but hoped not. Nobody liked a guy who hogged the spotlight. But, every once in a while things got to him. Noise, crowds, annoying little kids. Especially fucking kids. Watching a boy who couldn't be older than 10 zig zag through the tables, Roy resisted the urge to trip the little shit. Nothing against the brat; Roy just didn't like kids.

Digging out his wallet, Roy checked his financial situation. Groaning at the lack of funds, he counted the last of his monthly allowance. An allowance. He could scarcely believe that his parents still felt him worthy of an allowance, but not a car. Truly, the world was without justice. A twenty, two fives, and three single notes. It would buy him his late lunch (or, was it dinner, now?) and still last him for the rest of the month's bus rides.

Scanning the menu, he couldn't quite pin down what he had a taste for. Nodding from Aaron to the illuminated, plastic marquee. "What're you getting?"

Re: Cooling down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:38 am
by Crash*
"Hey, man. Joining the eternal wait of the damned?"

Aaron turned on his heel to notice Erik Laurin fall into line behind him, delivering a comment which he couldn't help but chuckle at. The line certainly seemed long enough, but truth be told it was actually moving fairly quickly. The efficient workers at the Manchu Wok seemed to be used to the crowds in St. Paul at rush hour, and were processing things quickly.

"Sure am! I had a craving," he explained, casting his eyes upward as Roy fell into line behind Erik, also addressing Aaron as he indicated the sign. Being the center of conversation was an unfamiliar feeling for the normally timid Aaron. He wasn't very good at being the center of attention - or rather, he didn't enjoy it - but a friendly outing at the mall with some friends was an opportunity he didn't get very often with his hectic schedule.

He'd found some grey hairs in his head after taking a shower the other morning...

"Maybe I could use a bit more 'me' time..."

After realizing Roy was giving him a funny look since he'd essentially spaced out for a minute, Aaron shook his head clear of the daydream and looked up towards the menu. He realized he was now second in line. Roy's interjection couldn't have come at a better time.

"Probably the orange chicken plate. I tried a sample a while ago, it's pretty good..." he decided aloud, and satisfied with his decision, approached the teller to order and pay for his food.

Re: Cooling down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:38 am
by Fanatic*
Teo grabbed his bag as the dinner rush started to pile up. It was earlier than usual today, although he didn't go to the mall much. Glancing at his watch he frowned, he still had 15 minutes before Natasha finished work so he shouldn't get worried.

Bounding back over to Ray with his bag in hand Teo moved to sit down again. "Sure filled up fast today, you know girls always like..." He trailed off as his vision focused on the clock behind the wrestler. It was 20 minutes faster than his watch, he was late. "Oh shit!" he exclaimed as he aborted sitting down and bolted upright. "Hey look man, I mixed up some times so I really gotta go, I'll chat later, and good luck with your sister!" Teo yelled as he hurried away through the crowd. It wasn't long before he disappeared up the escalators, his face ashen, with a look like he just left the gas on at home.

((Teo Weinstock continued elsewhere))

Re: Cooling down

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:38 am
by ifnotwinter*
As Aaron moved up to pay for his food, Erik fished his wallet out again and peered in dismay at the contents. Three dollars and sixty seven cents, mostly in small change, peered back at him - despite all his wishing, they hadn't magically multiplied. Glancing between the menu and the small heap of coins, he finally shook his head, and stepped up to the teller.

"Just a coke," he said regretfully, sliding a small heap of change over the counter towards her. She gave him a slightly baleful look, apparently unimpressed at his miniscule order and the fact that about half the amount he was paying appeared to be in pennies, but passed him his drink and looked past him to Roy.

Taking the Coke, Erik stepped to one side, tucking his wallet back into his pocket. He looked at Aaron and raised his eyebrows, grinning wryly. "I'm pretty sure my family thinks of me as some sort of mobile ATM right now. You have no idea how happy I'll be when my sibs finally get - and keep - decent jobs."

Looking back at Roy, he sketched a quick wave with his free hand. "Incidentally, mind if I sit with you guys? I was supposed to be giving my little brother a ride home about half an hour ago, but he's running late so I figured I might as well come up and get something to eat." He paused, and directed his gaze at the Coke. "Or, er, drink, as it may be. Anyhow, if he gets to socialize, then I might as well too, right?"