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Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:15 am
by Namira
((Shopping for SOTF --> Bounce))

Bounce was very fond of the library, not for the literature it contained, but for the row of workstations hidden away in a back corner. During many lunch times, or on those occasions that she had a free period, Bounce could be found occupying one of the computers. It was nice and quiet, and she found that she was seldom interrupted by others, as they tended to have 'better things' to do than go to the library.

At that moment, Bounce was signed in to the official SOTF website, an unrelated RP, and one of the more informal fansites. She was in the midst of replying to a particularly wild, speculative theory on the 'off-camera' fates of a number of the V3 participants. By this point, the discussion was getting outdated, but it didn't stop some people throwing their ridiculous ideas out periodically.

Her fingers strafed the keyboard - Bounce had plenty of experience typing, and could do so at great speed - piecing together a typically sarcastic reply. Bounce had been warned more than once on the board for being rude, but most people that knew her online understood that was... well, that was just what Bounce was like. Hitting the 'reply' button, Bounce changed tab to the SOTF website and wondered what she could do.

It has been a while since I last looked over Version 1. Maybe I should reacquaint myself. ... Daisuke? That is a good a starting point as any I suppose.

Bounce went to the Version 1 section, then quickly scrolled to Daisuke Andou. She then contented herself reading and watching the various bits of information about him.

Hm. This always happens between versions. I have to resort to re-reading. It... is not a good thing that I look forward to the next season of something that plays with lives, is it?

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:15 am
by R-S-Lee*
Montgomery Pondsworth really did not want to go to English class. After all, he could speak the English language just fine. Why should he have to waste yet another hour of his life learning more about a language that he'd been speaking for his entire life?

Having nowhere else to go, Monty just kind of wandered into the library. He had no desire to pick out a book or do any studying. Monty just kind of wanted to go somewhere quiet.

He hated everybody in the damn school and they all seemed to hate Monty right back. The library was one of the few places where he wouldn't have to deal with the other people in the school.

Everyone in this school is either an unrepentant asshole, a righteous prick, or a whiny emo. It's too bad I have the luxury of being all three...

Aside from the wackjob of a librarian, there only seemed to be one other person in the library. Some classmate of his on a computer in the workstations at the back corner. Monty didn't really know her. He just knew that he'd attended Math with her last year.

What's her name again? Yel...something? Some kind of Russian name. Why the fuck should I care?

The girl, whatever her name was, was small, sickly looking, and defenceless. An easy target for somebody like Monty. She was surfing some internet site and didn't seem to realize that there was anybody else in the room.

Despite his desire to be alone, Monty found himself curiously strolling up to the girl. He didn't know why. In all honesty, Monty would rather walk away and pretend that the girl had never existed. But, that just wasn't something that Monty was able to do.

He felt compelled to make this girl miserable in some way. Monty didn't care what levels he stooped to or how much trouble he got into, or even what kind of person this girl was. He just wanted to make sure that this stranger realized just how pathetic she was.

Glancing at her computer screen, Monty saw that she was surfing a Survival of the Fittest website, researching some obscure contestant from the first version. It was a good show and all, but even Monty Pondsworth had issues with the idea of rounding up teenagers and making them slaughter each other. The fact that this chick was obsessed enough with the show to actually surf the sites during school hours was simply pathetic.

Unable to resist confronting the SOTF fangirl, Monty strolled up to her. He quietly placed a strong hand on her shoulder and looked at the computer monitor with an expression of mock interest.

"Hello, Yellowski. Catching up on a little bit of SOFT? Great show, isn't it? The gruesome slaughter of high school students is just so entertaining!" Monty said snidely, interrupting the small girl from her research. "Hey! Wanna hear a little spoiler? ...That kid that you're reading about... He dies!!!"

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:15 am
by Sister Grimm*
((Alice continued from Fencing...No, not that kind))

Somehow, Alice reached the library first. How that was even possible, she didn't know. Victoria left first, but she didn't seem to be here yet. Maybe she really did have homework. Even as the thought crossed her kind, she pretty much shot it down. The only reason Victoria picked the library was because it was relatively deserted on a usual day. Keeping that in mind, it wasn't hard to figure out what Victrola had in mind. As much as she'd enjoy it, Alice wasn't up for a make-out session in public.

She sighed as she slung her jacket over her shoulder, still too warmed up from her fencing match to even consider wearing the leather jacket. Hell, even if she was open to Victoria's idea, the place wasn't even deserted. A brief scan of the room showed two other people, aside from the librarian at her desk. One was a boy, around the same height as her, and the other was sitting at the computer, off in the corner, so she couldn't tell who it was immediately.

What she could tell was that the boy was making a bee-line for the other person, so it was a student. Taking a few cautious steps forward, she stayed inside ear-shot, but off to the side as not to catch anyone's attention. Now that she was closer, she recognized the other student as her friend, Bounce. She also recognized the boy as Monty Pondsworth, someone she unfortunately had history with. He had the tendency to pick on Victoria. Well, he picked on her too, but that she didn't mind as much. To mind something, she'd have to care first.

What she did care about was that jackass picking on her friends. A small frown played across her lips as she set her jacket on the back of a nearby chair. She didn't have much experience chasing of bullies, but she did know that some people found her The scars that were easily visible with just her t-shirt on. Most of the scar running down her right arm was plain to see, and the one on her neck peeked up from the collar.

She tapped his shoulder, feeling a small bit of satisfaction at being the same height as he was. Boys, not just bullies, found that intimidating, so that really could only work in her favor. "I believe my friend is trying to read something there. Do you think you could take your comments somewhere else?"

Never a good idea to start a conversation as confrontational. That usually escalated things, and she didn't want to deal with the violence that Monty would probably resort too. Make him think it's not worth it, that his time would be better spent elsewhere. She'd be perfectly fine with him making a sour comment and leaving, but she doubted it'd be that easy. No, he'd call her a dyke, as he has in the past, or something else equally derogatory, and then she'd be his target. Well, she'd go from there.

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:15 am
by Namira
Although Heather was in an aggressive mood - distrusting Daisuke and the others as-

A slight tremor ran through Bounce as a heavy hand landed on her shoulder, breaking her concentration. An angry remark died on Bounce's lips as she turned her head and saw exactly who had interrupted her time on the computer. It was less a fear than that she was taken aback by the sheer size of her 'visitor'.

Oh. Fantastic. The Neanderthal.

Bounce had shared a class with Montgomery Pondsworth, but even had she not, she would have been fully aware of his identity. He was probably their grade's biggest bully (in both senses of the word), but even if he wasn't, he was certainly the most malicious. Despite their proximity the previous years, Bounce had pretty much escaped Pondsworth's attentions, perhaps because he had seen better targets. She didn't really know for sure. He didn't seem to be directed by any sort of logic anyway, just an irrational hatred of... well, pretty much everything.

Once Bounce's initial surprise wore off, it was replaced with nothing more than irritation. What kind of nerve did Pondsworth have to interrupt her? Bounce didn't tend to mind if her internet sessions were broken up, but only on the conditions that it was either for an important reason, or by one of her (admittedly few), friends. Pondsworth didn't have one, and wasn't. Accordingly, this pissed Bounce off.

For one thing, Bounce hated her first name, but Yellowski!? That transcended obscene. It was astonishing, but Bounce had actually found a nickname that she disliked more than her real name. That was... quite a feat. Not that she would thank Pondsworth for it.

"My name is not 'Yellowski', I believe you will find, but Yelizaveta," ordinarily of course, Bounce didn't give her Christian name in introduction, but Pondsworth didn't deserve to use her preferred nickname. "As a matter of fact, you may call me Liz, Lizzie or even Elizabeth, should it take your fancy. But on the other hand, perhaps you should stick to a single name. After all, there might not be room in that miniscule brain of yours to commit them all to memory."

A lack of discretion was probably one of Bounce's main flaws. She didn't know when to shut up. If somebody had annoyed her, then they could expect to bear the brunt of her ill-feeling. Unfortunately, it never occured to her that insulting Pondsworth wouldn't be the best of ideas. He was after all, more or less twice the size of Bounce, and she was fully aware of his reputation. Bounce really needed to learn to think through the consequences before opening her mouth. Nevertheless, true to form, Bounce persisted, exactly who she was talking to having not yet struck her as a problem.

"Furthermore, as I am reading up on a version 1 character whose name is not Adam Dodd, I am fully aware of what fate he enjoys. Nonetheless, I feel I should reciprocate the spoiler you have revealed. So, here is one in return: You. Are. An. Idiot."

At that point, Bounce was relieved to hear a familiar voice. It belonged to one of her few 'real life' friends, a list which comprised a mighty two people. Alice Blake could probably be labelled as Bounce's slightly more 'normal' friend, since the other one, Ileane Heldin had very similar interests to her. Alice though, was something of a tether to reality in many respects. Bounce really needed somebody to speak to so far as things that weren't SOTF were concerned...

Bounce offered Alice a slight smile as the other girl stepped in to back her up. Bounce didn't resent being defended, although she had her doubts as to the effect of Alice's words. Pondsworth wasn't exactly the type to be shifted so easily.

It would be so much more simple if everyone just left each other alone.

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:15 am
by Yossarian*
((Mike Maszer Continued from Summer in Paris, Light from the Sky. Don't mind me, just passing through, and I don't see a point in reviving/bumping the already dead thread. Also, sorry for extremely low quality of the post... My final exams are getting closer and closer, so my creativity is currently somewhere else))

If there was a word to describe Ariel's last sentence it would be 'chaotic'. Mike had a little problem with understanding her, but the one thing was clear: She had to go. Fast.

"Goodbye" She said...

"Yeah, bye..." Mike replied. When she left the library, he scratched his head, and asked himself loudly "I said something wrong... Again?

Every other person in the world would probably take her explanations as a normal thing. After all she was stressed after skipping the class, still had some things to do etc... But not Mike. Why? Well, because that kind of speech was hitting his most vulnerable side. Mike's biggest fear was always fear of being abandoned and deceived by his friends. Lame excuses or even lies about important duties instead of a simple 'NO', that was the thing Mike truly despised. No wonder, that at first, Ariel's nervous speech was translated by Mike's mind as 'Fuck Off, I don't want to talk with you'.

On the other hand, Mike wasn't an idiot, who jumps into conclusions too quickly. He barely knew Ariel, so how could he know, if it wasn't just her normal behavior, or if she really needed to get to her locker, or maybe even if he scared her someway? There was no reason to follow the path of hate, just because he misunderstood her.

"Whatever... No point in thinking about it anymore..."

Mike was ready to leave the library as well. It was still quite full of people, but there wasn't really anything more interesting there. Well maybe except from the argue between typical idiot-looking bully, and a girl with a Russian accent about version 1 of something called 'SOFT'... Whatever it was.

But before he left, he noticed something interesting on the book shelf. Could it be...?

Catch 22 by Joseph Heller... Bingo! My favorite book! I read it in Polish 20 times already, but never in English.

Mike took the book, checked it, and left the library. Now at least he had something to do...

((Mike Maszer Continued Elsewhere))

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:16 am
by R-S-Lee*
The girl had taken Monty's bait. She was unable to resist retorting to Monty's snide comments. And, she was just making herself more and more open to Monty's abuse.

[font=Optima]"My name is not 'Yellowski', I believe you will find, but Yelizaveta. As a matter of fact, you may call me Liz, Lizzie or even Elizabeth, should it take your fancy. But on the other hand, perhaps you should stick to a single name. After all, there might not be room in that miniscule brain of yours to commit them all to memory."[/font][font=Optima] [/font]

Aw... How cute? She thinks I care!!! This is gonna be funÂ…

Monty had, of course, known that her name wasn't really Yellowski. It was just the first name that had rolled off his tongue. As she continued to attempt to insult Monty, he found himself tempted to laugh in the girl's face. But he kept quiet, wanting to hear what else she had to say. Besides, he now knew how to get under her skin. Simply getting her name wrong was enough to get on her nerves. The fun was only about to begin.

[font=Optima]"Furthermore, as I am reading up on a version 1 character whose name is not Adam Dodd, I am fully aware of what fate he enjoys. Nonetheless, I feel I should reciprocate the spoiler you have revealed. So, here is one in return: You. Are. An. Idiot."[/font]

It didn't matter what this girl said to him. Monty had been insulted far worse in his life.

"Well, Yellowzetta, at least I'm not the little fangirl who has nothing better to do than to obsess over a terrorist attack." Monty pointed out

[font=Impact] "I believe my friend is trying to read something there. Do you think you could take your comments somewhere else?"[/font]

Monty ignored Alice completely. He knew her quite well and he really did not care about what she had to say.

Lesbian, emo whore. Why should I even bother acknowledging her?

So, instead, Monty continued his verbal assault on the little Russian girl. After all, she was proving to be the easier target and the one who would be much more fun.

"So, is this what you do all day? Reminisce upon the glorious murders of high school students? Entertain yourself with one of the most horrific tragedies of our generation?" Monty ranted on, with the hint of mocking laughter in his voice.

"You are pathetic."

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:16 am
by Sister Grimm*
Alice frowned, glancing at Bounce briefly before looking back to Monty. So he wasn't going to acknowledge her, eh? It seemed that Bounce had things well in hand. She had to admit, her replies were humorous. As humorous as they were, they didn't seem to be having much effect. Monty still tormented her, despite her friends best efforts. Glancing around the room for Victoria, she was disappointed to see she'd yet to arrive. Right now, strength in numbers might discourage further action on the dullards part.

When he called Bounce pathetic, Alice nearly snapped. Few things bothered her. Calling her names, bullying, neither had any effect. She just didn't care. When someone picked on her friends, on the other hand, then she cared.

A growl escaping her lips, she placed her hand on Monty's shoulder and wheele3d him around so that he was finally facing her. This was one of the times that she was thankful for her height. If she had to look up at him, she doubted she'd have any chance of scaring him off.

"Why do you insist on harassing others?" She hissed, her eyes narrowing. "Is it the attention? Is that it? Did your mother never love you, so now you torment others to gain some semblance of attention and satisfaction with your otherwise empty life? Stop me if I'm wrong now."

She was on a roll now. She was on a roll, and she was angry. She jabbed a finger into his chest, a spiteful smile on her lips. "That must be it. Your mother never loved you, so you take out your anger on those around you, those happier then you." Her hand fell back to her side as her smile widened, though it still retained it's contempt for the boy. "Your the pathetic one."

Though her expression remained the same, her fists clenched and unclenched, with the slightest tremor running through them. All one would have to look at was her hands to tell how angry she was at the moment. Off the top of her head, nothing else seemed to illicit this reaction from her. In recent memory, anyway. Nothing ever affected her that way, so she didn't know how to deal with it.

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:16 am
by R-S-Lee*
Before he'd gotten a reply from Bounce, Monty found himself being wheeled around by Alice. He rolled his eyes as he found himself forced to face her.

"Why do you insist on harassing others? Is it the attention? Is that it? Did your mother never love you, so now you torment others to gain some semblance of attention and satisfaction with your otherwise empty life? Stop me if I'm wrong now. That must be it. Your mother never loved you, so you take out your anger on those around you, those happier then you. Your the pathetic one."

It was at that point that Alice had crossed a line. As it happened, Monty quite actually quite liked his mom. And nobody, man or woman, was allowed to speak that way about his mother. The last person who'd had the nerve to speak to Monty about his mother like that had been hospitalized.

Monty felt himself being tempted to smack Alice right across the face. The only thing that stopped him from doing so was the fact that Alice was a woman. He no longer cared about belittling anybody. All he wanted was to hurt this girl, and, in his rage consumed mind, Monty could only come up with one comment that'd be able to do that.

"Well, at least I have a mother, you fucking bitch..." Monty finally muttered. His eyes glared at Alice's with a look of pure, intense hatred. His fists were clenched and shaking and his feet were planted firmly on the ground.

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:16 am
by Sister Grimm*
Alice looked as if she'd been struck, which was what she was expecting anyway. Her eyes widened as her jaw dropped slightly. With that one comment from Monty, the fight had briefly left her. She stated at him, an aimless, unsure look spreading across her face. Her eyes darted away from him, to her jacket. Her father's jacket. She felt a stinging in her eyes, and she quickly looked away as an errant tear streamed down her face. Hastily, she wiped it away, muttering under her breath. "You bastard."

I had taken her years to get over her parents and this bastard had undone everything with one comment. Three years of dealing with nightmares, with physical therapy, with consoling, all to make it so she could sleep at night. To make it so that she could through a day without picturing her parents mangled bodies in the seat next to her.

She took a shaky breath, looking around for Victoria once more. Right now, she needed her support more then anything. It was that moment that she almost turned tail and ran. In fact, she took a step back, away from Monty. Her fist clenched together, taking pain to keep her focused. For once, she welcomed it, along with the pleasure that came along with it. It brought her back from the edge.

She took that step forward again, so she was even with Monty. Her quivering, fearful expression vanished, replaced by one of determined resolve. There was no way he'd get her twice. Not like that.

"Did I hit a nerve? What is it? Does she beat you? Maybe she drinks? How about sleeping around, eh? Is that closer? I mean, there must be some reason you act the way you do." In the corner of her eye, she saw his clenched and shaking fist, and realized that this may be what pushed him over the edge. It was obvious he wanted to hit her.

Good. She thought as she met his eyes with a glare that could almost match his. Right now, she wanted to hit hit him, probably as much as he wanted to hit her.

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:16 am
by R-S-Lee*
Monty seemed to be getting to her. He saw the tear in Alice's eye and began to show faint signs of a smirk on his face. As she started to step away, Monty began to feel stronger and more confident.

And so, even as Alice turned back around, Monty's feeling of security remained. He calmed down slightly, only for her to just rekindle the fire of his rage.

"Did I hit a nerve? What is it? Does she beat you? Maybe she drinks? How about sleeping around, eh? Is that closer? I mean, there must be some reason you act the way you do."

Once again, Monty struggled to maintain his composure. There was only one thing that he wanted more than the chance to smack this woman across the face. And that was to win this war of words.

No matter what she said, he couldn't let her get the better of him. If Monty lost his temper, he would lose. He could not allow himself to be bested. So, he decided to stay on target and reply.

"Well, there must also a reason why you are such an emo whore." Monty added, taking a deep breath in an attempt to keep himself from smashing Alice's skull against the wall.

"Was it your parents? Did they not like having a lesbian daughter? Did they despise you as much as I do? Perhaps the reason why they died in that car crash is because they just couldn't handle having a bitch like you for a daughter. I'll be they died because THEY FUCKING WANTED TO!!!"

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:16 am
by Sister Grimm*
Alice was expecting a reply similar to the one before, so it didn't hurt nearly as much a before. That's not to say it didn't hurt at all. Mentally, she wondered if she had the stomach for this argument. As apparent as it was that she was reaching him, he was hitting her just as hard. The only difference was that she wouldn't let it show, not again. One break in composure was enough. She wouldn't cry again, not in front of him. Not to mention Bounce. What would she think of this little display? Alice was always calm, always level headed and here she was about to break down at a few words about her parents.

Instead of another tear, a slow smile spread across her lips, however humorless it was. She tilted her head, her eyes still locked on his. He'd given her his best, and while it stung, she was still standing. While she was fine now, fine enough that she could still get under his skin, this whole thing, along with his words, would cause her problems next she tried to sleep. Memories long since buried, brought up by a goon with an anger problem.

"Emo Whore?" She asked, with more skepticism then necessary in her tone. She shook her head, chuckling softly as she did. "Now you just sound desperate." Right now, she was focusing on maintaining her jovial, insult proof exterior. If his insults no longer had any effect, where would he go? If he was going to resort to violence, he already would have.

"If you really want to know, my parents accepted me coming out to them. Not like things like fact, or common sense ever mattered to you, right? They died..." There was a brief hitch in her voice, followed by a brief pause as she collected herself. "They died when our car hit a patch of ice. See, my parents were respectable. They don't take to drinking like I'm fairly certain your mother does."

She leaned in close, her eyebrow arched. Her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "Did she molest you? Is that why your so screwed up? Maybe it's an Oedipus complex. Warmer, colder, help me out here, Monty. I really want to know what's wrong with you. Why do you feel the desire to make others as miserable as you?"

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:16 am
by Namira
((I would appreciate it if you guys didn't skip me. I do need to sleep you know - is it too much to ask you be a bit more patient and respect some kind of posting order?))

Clearly, there was no sense in trying to get through Pondsworth's thick skull with insults. He was either too fixated on what he wanted to say or too much of an idiot (probably both) to even process what she had said probably. That was what Bounce was assuming, anyway. Subsequently, Bounce entirely ignored Pondworth's other remarks. He could rant and rave all he wanted, the fact of the matter was that she didn't really care. Oh sure, she'd risen to the bait beforehand, but Bounce had spent a lot of time arguing on the internet, and she knew when there was no point continuing. Furthermore... she didn't score points, so she wasn't concerned about something so petty as 'winning' an argument.

That wasn't to say Bounce didn't find it highly amusing when Alice turned Pondsworth around and started her own verbal attack on him. Especially since it came to 'At least I have a mother'. Still, the apparent pettyness of the insult wasn't quite as marked as it could have been. Bounce knew that Alice was pretty heavily affected by the death of her parents. A simple insult became far more damaging than it usually would. But that was pretty much Pondsworth all over. He wasn't intelligent enough to come up with clever or subtle insults, he just bulldozed his way through.

Bounce found it funniest when Pondsworth yelled out, causing the librarian to angrily shout at the three of them to keep it down. He was obviously so riled up that he couldn't even keep the whole thing low key. Then again, Bounce wasn't sure if Pondsworth cared about a suspension or the like. Sensing Pondsworth was getting to the point of exploding with anger, Bounce quietly stood up, positioning herself behind him. She wasn't much of a fighter, but she sure as hell wasn't going to let Alice get hurt just for sticking up for her.

Friends are friends. I will not allow them to be injured on my behalf.

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:16 am
by R-S-Lee*
Alice Blake just did not know when to stop. She responded to Monty by continuing to insult him and his mother. And, once again, Monty barely managed to hold back.

"Now, if you were a dude, I would be bashing your head against that computer. But, since you're not, I'm going to give you one warning." Monty finally said, the anger in his voice growing more and more apparent.

"If you don't shut the fuck up about my mother, then I am going to hurt you. I will hurt you so badly, that those cuts on your arm will be the least of your concerns. You will be so disfigured, that not even your junkie slut of a girlfriend will be able to stand looking at you. Do you understand me?"

Monty was aware of the librarian's attempts to calm them down. He was also conscious of the fan girl behind him. But he did not care about them. This wasn't about Bounce anymore and it had never been about the librarian. This was about him and Alice

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:16 am
by Sister Grimm*
Well, it seemed that Alice had finally put him on the edge. While she steadily grew more and more depressed, her grew more and more angry. Fine, angry meant irrational, and irrational she could could handle. It meant he was easy to lead, easy to draw out. Unfortunately, if she did draw him out, he'd probably make due on his promise. As strong as she was, she wouldn't be able to contend with the ape in front of her. Her agility may be of use, but she really didn't want a fight in the first place.

When he did speak, he wasn't telling her anything she didn't know. He had no reservations about tormenting women, but under no circumstances would he strike one. Even if she made him as angry as he was.

His threat threw her off. She could almost feel the venom in his words. There was no doubt he'd hurt her if she made another comment about his mother. She didn't take kindly to his choice of words describing Victoria, but he seemed to be winding down. Far be it for her to start him up when they seemed to be in the clear.

"Fine. Leave my friend alone, and you won't hear another comment about your mother from me. Savvy?"

Granted, it wasn't as intimidating as his line. She didn't really threaten him, so she doubted it's effects. He was the type of guy who only understood violence. Show him your not to be messed with and he'd leave you alone. She found his button, just as he found hers. Well, it wasn't a secret she was sensitive about her parents. Anyone who knew her realized that. His mother, on the other hand? That might be handy to know

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:17 am
by Namira
Bounce folded her arms, bowed her head, and sighed. This had really been ridiculous, and hopefully the last exchange concluded it. She wasn't sure whether or not Pondsworth had the good sense to go now, or if he was too riled up to just walk away. To think that she went to the library to avoid contact with other students. That had backfired in a huge way.

Pondsworth. Ugh. What an obnoxious person.

"You are quite the gallant," Bounce muttered upon hearing Pondsworth's 'if you were a dude' comment. How incredibly moral and upstanding of him that was. No matter that the entire thing had been entirely at his instigation, even though Bounce had been curt as always in her reply.

Although she appreciated Alice's intervention, what Bounce really wanted to do was get back to the computer. She hadn't been on it just to kill time, she'd been on it because she wanted to. Pondsworth could say whatever he wanted to about SOTF, the fact was that Bounce liked it. iF he thought she cared about his opinion then he was overestimating his own worth.

Now leave, please. I was in the middle of something far more important than conversing with you...