Reading Up on The Past

As one might imagine, the school's library is filled with, well, books. Tables and chairs are placed around the room in neat little groups, and everything always seems to be in its rightful place... perhaps because Mrs. Collins, the school's librarian, has horrible OCD.
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Reading Up on The Past


Post by gambit508* »

(Chris Davidson coming from Courtyard Classics)

Chris Davidson glanced around the libary as he walked through it. His almost permament smile on his face widened as he spotted what he was looking for. "Yes!" he whispered, after all you didn't want to break the rules. He started running his finger down the books as he read their titles, Crusades, Joan of Arc, thousands of stories about good people when he found what he was looking for. He grabbed the leather bound Bible and started over to the sitting area.

Chris took a seat as he started to flip through the Word of God, reading it intensely.

(Chris continued Le Cafe)
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