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Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:41 am
by Crash*
(OOC: This thread canonically does not have a set timeline. In-game/IC, it takes place over a number of days, so you can have your character come in whenever and vote, regardless of if they're already in another thread or not. Don't link any of your other posts to this thread. Also, it's one post per character in here. Come in, vote, and leave. This thread will go by FAST. Everybody has ONE WEEK to submit their Prom King/Queen votes. Don't miss out!)

(IC information: There is a box set up on a desk in the corner of the library. A stack of blank ballots and a pen are out on the desk, and there's a ballot box with a slot at the top just big enough to slip a ballot through. The Librarian is closely monitoring the voting and has a clear view of the ballots and you to make sure you don't tamper with them in any way or vote more than once. For all intents and purposes, the voting is tamper-proof.)


Aaron entered the library on his spare period, having been relieved from his volunteer duties that day by a fortunate twist of fate. The Nurse was in a meeting with the Principal, and the Nurse's Office was closed for the remainder of the day to be cleaned and restocked. Normally this would mean he'd have a chance to go home considerably earlier than usual, but since he had a piano lesson later in the day, he'd decided to come to the library to submit his vote for prom king and queen.

Picking up the pen from the table, Aaron tapped it on the desk a few times and stared at the blank piece of paper before neatly printing Peter Siu and Melissa Li on the ballot. He had classes with both of them, and both were genuinely sincere people who he definitely thought deserved their respective nominations.

He folded the ballot neatly with a crease down the center and deposited it into the box, snatching up his backpack and making his way out of the library.


(OOC: Different day than Aaron's vote.)

Claire's interest in voting for prom king and queen wasn't huge, but some of her few friends had convinced her that it would be polite to give two nice people a chance to have something special to remember their prom by. Agreeing whole-heartedly with the notion she'd opted to come to the library, but as she unfolded the ballot, she found that she couldn't think of who deserved the spot.

"As long as JJ doesn't get it."

Shaking her head free of the troublesome boy, she pressed the pen to the paper.

King: Ivan Kuznetsov
Queen: Acacia Salinger

Truth be told, the driving reason behind her vote was the fact that she shared membership on the Tennis Team with both of the individuals. Despite that fact, however, she was confident that she'd made two good choices. She enjoyed the company of both of them, despite the fact that the former always seemed a tad out of place.

Depositing her ballot, Claire turned and left the library.

(On with the voting, guys!)

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:41 am
by Ares
Niklas Kronwall walked into the library. It had been a hell of a week; perfectly described by a new American phrase he'd learned that day.

"Bitches be crazy." He muttered to himself.

As he walked in the direction of his favourite study area, he noticed the Prom King and Queen voting box on table. He walked over to it and pick up the ballot and pen. He just had to vote. Prom was an important part of American high school culture after all. After a minute of thinking about it, Nik wrote his King vote, Roy Archer on the paper. Roy had helped Nik with some English work before and was a decent guy. Now it was time for his Queen vote.

"Motherthefucker." Nik said to himself as both Evelyn and Autumn's names floated through his head. Deciding it would be fair to not vote for either of them, instead writing the name of a girl he'd talked to about Biology before. Claire Lambert.

With his votes submitted, Nik continued to his study area.


(OOC: Different Day)

Daniel Kensrue strolled into the library for one purpose. Prom voting. He was kind of apathetic about the whole voting thing, knowing he didn't stand a chance in hell of winning King, but he may as well throw a vote down for Queen. Grabbing the paper he wrote in for Queen, Jessie Anderson. The blank spot for King was still there so DK quickly wrote the first name that came to mind, Justin Corrigan.

"Meh." DK sighed as he dropped the votes in the box and exited the library.


(Same Day as DK...and technical debut of Brent)

Brent cruised into the library and straight to the voting box. He already knew who he was voting for, so it was a very quick process. Brent scribbled in the Queen vote, Jeananne Gilpatrick. For King, Aaron Boismier. He'd met the guy at Justin's party, and found out he was good friends with his Queen vote, so Brent figured what the hell.

With his votes submitted Brent turned around and headed for his car. There was a golf team practice to attend after all.

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:41 am
by landlocked*
Justin strolled into the library as leisurely as he could without looking odd - anything to extend the bathroom break he was on from Global History until the bell rang. The year was so close to over, fuck if he was going to do any worrying about classes until finals were breathing down his neck, if even then. What did it matter anymore, anyway?

He took his time at the vote box, as well, although that was partially due to the fact that he hadn't entirely thought his votes through. His choice for King came easily enough - JJ Sturn, but Queen was a little more tricky.

Sure, there was Frankie, but she'd never actually want to be prom queen - too "juvenile" for her, probably. He'd have chosen Rosa, instead, but her history with JJ wasn't exactly a secret. Although the shitfit that would probably ensue if she and JJ did end up prom king and queen would be totally hilarious. But nah...

After a bit more deliberation, Justin scrawled Riley Flynn's name next to JJ's for queen, and deposited it into the ballot box, once again taking care to be as slow as possible. Where the hell was that bell?

He idled in front of the box for a few more moments, bouncing on the balls of his feet before he heard someone clear their throat behind him. A quick glance backwards revealed that it was Abigail Atkins, tapping her tacky-ass heels at him and looking like she'd shit herself if she didn't get her vote in the box as quickly as she could.

"Uh, sorry. Don't hurt yourself or anything," he said, and with an eyeroll and a flick of his hair, he began the equally-slow journey back to class.

Abigail shot Justin a dirty look (once his back was turned to her, anyway) and stepped up to the ballot box herself. She had chosen her votes far in advance to avoid this exact scenario, especially considering how late in the period it was - sure, she had lunch now, but if Justin made her late to her next class just because he didn't have the sense to think ahead...

She sighed as she grabbed a sheet of paper and began neatly writing the names of her friends on it - Samya Franklin and Ilario Fiametta. Just calm down, girl. It's not worth getting all flustered over. Deep breath. Abigail let herself relax as she slipped the sheet of paper into the ballot box and turned to leave. The thought of her debating buddies as prom king and queen helped a bit - sure they were far from the only ones that deserved it, but seeing them win would make her so happy. The brief moment of anger and embarassment with Justin forgotten, she gave Mrs. Collins a friendly wave as she left the library. Whatever happened, prom was going to be awesome.

((Hopefully it's cool that I just vote with these two - Eric, Regina and Natalie aren't attending, so I figured I wouldn't bother using their votes.))

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:41 am
by Mimi
(It's too early for writing. :C)

Frankie grinned to herself as she stared at the masterpiece in front of her. Written in large, bubble letters with heart dotted i's was Justin Corrigan, which she promptly stuffed into the Queen box. She wasn't normally the type to bother with shit like that, but hey she was already there. Not to mention Justin would love to have a tiara of his own.

Her choice for King was more so a throw-away than anything else and she quickly scribbled Ilario Fiametta down. Who knew, maybe he'd get laid and lighten up a little.


"If I vote for you, then you haveta vote for me." Sierra bargained to Josie, and quickly scribbled Josie Vernon on her ballet. Craning her neck, Sierra attempted to sneak a peak at Josie's vote for King, but the taller girl wasn't sharing.

"Fine, I bet you're voting for, like, Chuck Beckworth or thomething." Butterflies trampled her stomach when she wrote down her own vote, Vincent Barrows.


Autumn rubbed her hands together, spreading the glorious hand sanitizer over the 'infected' surfaces. She had only cast one vote, Nik Kronwall, because honestly, if Nik was king then his only suitable queen was herself.

But she definitely wasn't going to be as vain as to vote for herself. That would just be breaking whatever semblance of rules the voting process had.

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:41 am
by ZombiexCreame*
Josie Vernon nodded at Sierra. It was a fair bargain. Besides, she had no one else in mind to vote for. She honestly wasn't too familiar with anyone except Sierra, which was sad to say the least. With a shrug, she wrote down the name Sierra Manning on the line for the Queen vote. Unfortunately, her mind screeched to a hault when it came to her vote for a King. She barely knew any guys! How embarrassing. Biting her lip, she rolled her eyes as Sierra suggested Chuck. "I'm not voting for him, I barely know the kid!" she yelled as she tilted her paper away from Sierra. A few seconds later, the name Charlie Beckwith was placed on the line for King. She couldn't think of anyone else, really.


Fiona Sparki came upon the ballot box and grinned in delight. Oh, prom was always fun! Plucking a ballot from the table, she stared at the white paper in thought. "Hmm..." Her vote for Queen was obvious. She was definitely voting for Evelyn Reed, the girl from her English class. I mean, that girl was nice and pretty. Unaware of Evelyn's obvious dislike for Fiona, she wrote down her name with a flourish. Now came the King vote. Hmm. There were plenty of friendly guys in the school. Although she didn't know Aaron Boismier very well, she thought he was pretty nice so she wrote down his name and slipped the ballot into the box. Aaron Boismier.

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:41 am
by GameMaker*
JJ walked into the library. Prom votes, huh? When he had been younger, JJ had always wanted to be the Prom King. It meant you were the most popular kid in the school, the one who everybody looked up to. Plus, the Prom Queen was always sure to be somebody pretty good looking.

He could care less about becoming Prom King now, though. Most of the girls who he could think of becoming Prom Queen either hated him or barely knew him. He still did care about who the Prom King and Queen were, however. He wanted to make sure they were people who deserved it.

Claire Lambert. The vote for Prom Queen was easy. Besides, she'd never know he did it. He didn't know if she'd become Prom Queen- he hoped she would, but he thought she wouldn't be. It would be one of the popular girls, probably. Somebody like Rosa.

Justin Corrigan. Everybody probably expected that he'd vote for himself as Prom King... but eh, fuck them. Justin was just as good a pick as anyone for Prom King, and better than most. JJ would have picked Mike, but he had a feeling Mike would be too drunk to be the best Prom King. ...Speaking of that, Justin probably would be too...


Mike walked in. He wasn't too happy about voting- he had things to do. He didn't feel like voting for himself, but he knew he had to at least vote for Riley. He quickly scribbled four words on the ballot, placing it in the box and walking out.

Prom Queen: Riley Flynn. Prom King: Fuck off.

Ah, Prom King and Prom Queen. The two most pointless fucking things in highschool existence. I might as well make some good votes, though. Omar Burton grabbed the ballot, and thinking for a few seconds, wrote down his Prom King name: Aaron Boismier. He was a smart, nice guy. Plus, he seemed like somebody who would actually enjoy becoming Prom King. Omar stood there for about a minute after that, thinking about who to pick for Prom Queen. Then, in a flash of inspiration, a name came to his mind. Sierra Manning. She was a nice person, like Aaron. He was almost certain that she did not think she'd get Prom Queen... it would be a nice surprise for her if she did.

Omar put his ballot in the box, and walked out of the library.

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:41 am
by Badb*
Casually Walking into the Library, Dom strolled up to the ballot box, and after what amounted to around ten seconds or so of careful deliberation, Dom wrote down the only two names he thought deserved it: Justin Corrigan and Claire Lambert. As fun as writing JJ Sturn and Rosa Fiametta would be, Dom decided not to waste his vote.

He stuffed the ballot in the box and strolled out again, he had stuff to do.

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:41 am
by Solomir*
Marybeth really wasn't sure who to vote for Prom King and Queen. Well, she knew who to vote for Prom King: JJ Sturn. As prom king, it didn't matter who was Queen, JJ would make sure it would be a night to remember.

A smirk spread across Marybeth's face. If it was going to be a night to remember, there was one person as Prom Queen that would make sure that was the case: Rosa Fiametta

With the voting out of the way, it was now time for Marybeth to start asking around to see what everyone else voted. Or to convince the people that hadn't voted yet to vote JJ or Rosa (or even both!)


"Cmon Peter, you have to vote," Tiffany pouted, pulling against Peter's attempt to escape this inevitable fate. Sadly, Peter lacked both the strength and enthusiasm to actually break free from her vicegrip.

"Fine then," Peter sighed in resignation. He took the slip of paper that Tiffany handed him and walked over to one of the tables away from the ballot box. He scrutinized the blanks for several moments; there were a lot of different criteria he could use to make his choices....
[color=2a2a2a]Your name and the hottest guy/girl you have on your mind as of right now works.[/color]
A verdict was determined. He fished a pencil from his pocket and went to work writing down his votes. Ilario Fiametta and Melissa Li, two very overworked and definitely overstressed people who were in dire need of a good relaxing night at the prom. Then again, they might be so stressed that they wouldn't even show up at the prom.

Peter slipped his votes into the ballot box. He turned and was surprised to see that Tiffany was still working on her ballot. And she was the one that had dragged him all the way here.
[color=2a2a2a]Seriously, how long does it take to write her name and yours anyway?[/color]

Peter Siu. That was the easy one. The other vote wasn't as easy. Tiffany didn't want to vote some other girl to be Peter's Prom Queen, but she was supposed to vote for both. Maybe if she... no, she'd heard that people didn't usually vote for themselves. I mean, it was the humble thing to do, right?

Tiffany didn't like dilemmas. She preferred that decisions be clear cut: right or wrong, and nothing in between. Yeah, life wasn't always like that, but it'd be so much better if it was. Maybe she should just vote one of the unpopular girls. There'd be almost no chance she'd be Prom Queen, but at least then Tiffany wasn't supporting some other popular girl. It also meant that Tiffany would have less of a chance of being Prom Queen too....

The sound of footsteps alerted Tiffany to the fact that Peter had already put his vote in. No more time to think then. She shut her eyes and scribbled her choice's name on the space: Tiffany Baker. See no evil. She quickly folded up the slip and put it into the ballot box.

"Who'd you vote for?" Tiffany asked Peter sweetly. She wasn't really expecting an answer, but maybe he'd tell her anyway.

Peter said nothing. He just smiled and put a finger to his lips. Tiffany sighed inside; she could probably get the answer out of him with a little bit of work. Or she could just wait a few weeks until he forgot about keeping quiet about it. She could wait.

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:41 am
by AtomicWaffle*
Alex Rasputin walked into the library, cringing. He had a splitting headache, and really, really wanted to go home. Still, he felt kind of obligated to vote for Prom King and Queen, and he knew if he didn't do it now he probably never will. Stumbling over to the desk at the corner of the library, he picked up a piece of paper and scribbled the first two names that came to mind.

Steven Hunt
Melissa Li

Speaking of Steven Hunt, Alex Rasputin turned around to see the guy staring him in the face.


"Boo." Steven muttered, grinning. Alex looked a lot more disheveled now that Steven saw him up close... he hadn't really talked to the large Russian in a while, they were both pretty busy. Last year they seemed to be better friends, but he'd gotten a bit distant entering this year... Steven had meant to ask him if he was busy, but judging from the dark circles around his eyes and the pained expression on his face, he didn't seem like he would be in the mood to go anywhere but unconscious right now. If Alex Rasputin, of all people, was in noticeable pain from a headache... it had to be bad.

"Oh... hey man. Are you okay?"

"No. Sorry Steven, I've gotta get home. I can barely stand."

Steven was brushed aside as the large athlete brushed past him, then broke into a jog. He seemed to explode out of the school and stumbled into the parking lot. Steven then directed his attention back to the ballot box. Voting for things was always an experience for Steven. He never liked voting for one person because whoever he wanted to win whatever was being voted on never won, and he didn't like jumping on the bandwagon because it always made him feel dirty somehow... So, for the most part, he either voted for himself, or Jesus. He picked up a ballot and wrote:

Prom King: Steven Hunt
Prom Queen: Steven Hunt

Satisfied with himself, he strode out of the library.

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:41 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Brook Brooks wandered into the library after yet another chemistry class. Just as it had all year, today's session was absolutely no fun. To combat the stress of coming out of such a place, Brook had first intended to make another near-ritual stop at the gazebo in the center of campus. The arrangements weren't the best he had ever seen, but there was always something for him to learn from any garden; especially if he wanted to become one of the best agricultural specialists and botanists in the country.

His motives for appearing at the library instead of the gazebo were begrudging. I could be doing more productive things, but the sooner I get this voting thing out of the way... the better. "Ya never know how ya might affect things..." Brook hadn't even realized he finished his thoughts aloud as he made his way idly around the libarary. Even a place full of texts for the class he hated most seemed more fun than the class itself, after all. It wasn't the gazebo, and yet it helped him to relax all the same.

"Alright..." Brook said with a stretch once he finished walking through the sports aisles, a subject that never really struck him as excellent reading material ('What kind of cross-country runner would rather read about cross-country running', Brook often thought). "Might as well do that vote thing...." Swaying a bit in his step, Brook mosied over to the ballot box, staring blankly at it for a second or two before noticing the pens and the stack of actual ballots. Grabbing one of each and finding a clear spot of the desk to write on, he clearly printed two names and dropped the slip into the box.

King: Liam Brooks
Queen: Tiffany Baker

Brook smirked and began to walk out of the library. It took a lot of willpower to keep him from writing 'Cisco Vasquez' or 'Nabain Cullen' in for the slot of queen, but he somehow managed to take the whole thing seriously. Tiffany herself was nice, but... well, he'd have to see what happened.
(Only a few short minutes after Brook's vote)
If anybody were to ask Felicia Carmichael, she might peg it as an emergency. The 'emergency' to her was that she really needed to check her e-mail. She had just become involved in a roleplay forum thanks to an invitation from her friend; the space-age setting and theme to the forum highly amused Felicia and certainly offered a challenge. She had submitted two characters for review the previous night, and she had been making any excuse she possibly could to try and get to a computer in order to go check. So far, all of her excuses had failed... but when you have a class in close proximity to the library and claim to have a massive stomachache before suddenly rushing to the bathroom, things can often work out to a girl's liking.

One acceptance... the other needs work. Fine, not bad... Felicia was happy enough just to know what she needed to know, having checked her email on a computer that faced away from the front desk. Sometimes the email clients were blocked by the ever-annoying 'web content filter', but proxy servers and IP disguisers did wonders to get around that. Her problem solved for the time being, Felicia was ready to head on back to class before she noticed the box in the corner. Oh yeeeeeeeeah... I might wanna take care of that!"

Queen: Eiko Haraguchi
King: Atticus Finch

Felicia smirked once she dropped her vote into the ballot box. She thought Eiko deserved the chance to fully experience being an American schoolgirl, and what better way than to be prom queen? As for her pick for king, well... she didn't know too many guys that well, leaving Felicia to pick her favorite lawyer; the hero of 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. She wondered if those counting the votes would get the reference as she headed back to class...
(not in the same day as Brook or Felicia)
Get in. Get it done. Get out. It's really that simple.
Ivan walked into the library and practically stared ahead. His green glasses, nearly a trademark at this point in time as Lincoln had his beard and Michael Strahan had that gap in his teeth, served to obscure exactly where his eyes where looking. His made his direct manner of stepping seem nearly robotic in a way. In truth, Ivan simply didn't want to be at the library at this point of time in the day. It was getting to be late afternoon and he wanted to go home and feed his rabbits, but...

Ivan rotated his right shoulder to drive the point back to the front of his mind. He didn't particularly want to be here, but the fact that he owed somebody a favor was an understatement. Hurrying without fuss to the ballot box, he hastily wrote down two names. The first one was easy.... the second one required a bit of thought, though. Rather than go with the girl that had helped him from the court to the nurse's office, he decided on another member of his team. He was thankful to Claire, but.... Ivan wasn't sure. He just thought that Aaron and Acacia would work better together in his mind. That, and he was admittedly impressed by her skill on the courts....

King: Aaron Boismier
Queen: Acacia Salinger

Having completed the deed, Ivan made haste to get out of the library. My thank-you is complete.

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:42 am
by Sunnybunny
Samya ran into into the library, nearly knocking some freshman chick over. She was probably going to miss her lunch break, but she had chips she could eat during English, so no worries there. She had been waiting for this day for a while. Voting for prom king and queen was a right of passage in her opinion. It was a bit pathetic to be so excited about prom, but all those Disney movies must have gone to her head. She didn't have a date, but at least her dress was on point and ready.

She walked up to the ballot and pondered her choice. She had so many friends, and quite a few associates to choose from. Mmmm . . . would going with the popular choice be best? Got it! She got her light blue gel pen out of her bag and wrote down her choices. And giggled really hard at the last one. She was sure he had no idea she existed, but it was all good in her hood.

Prom Queen: Abigail Atkins
Prom King: Dustin Royal

She stuck her ballot in the box and ran off to the lunchroom. Maybe she could bum some lunch off of somebody.

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:42 am
by R-S-Lee*
One afternoon, Wayne had headed to the library to borrow a copy of Roderick Thorp's "Nothing Lasts Forever". Normally, he wasn't much of a reader, but this book happened to be one that he'd been meaning to read for a while now.

Of course, upon arriving and grabbing his copy, Wayne caught a glimpse of the ballot box for the Prom King and Queen. Wayne was definitely hoping to attend with a certain strikingly beautiful escort. Of course, he had yet to find any willing women to play the role of said escort, but that was beside the point.

Meh... I may as well...

As Wayne picked out a slip of paper, he began running through his head for possible Prom Kings and Queens. There were so many good options. Justin Corrigan. The Kronwall brothers. Max Neill. Rob Jenkins. Riley Finn. Evelyn Reed. Rosa Fiametta. Claire Lambert. Tiffany Baker. Autumn O'Leary.

And since there were just too many choices for Wayne to genuinely pick one, he just decided to go with two people who probably didn't have much of a chance. After all, it wasn't as if his votes would really matter.

Prom King: Alice Blake
Prom Queen: Victoria Logan

Let it be known, world. I am a proud supporter of Sexy Schoolyard Lesbians everywhere!!!

With an immature smile on his face, Wayne deposited his ballot and headed off with his book in hand. The image of those two was now going to be stuck in his head for a couple hours, and Wayne really couldn't be happier about it.

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:42 am
by Gwbiii*
Sarah saw the ballot box as she walked into the library on yet another free period. She sighed, frankly, she didn't see the point in it, prom was over-rated anyway, she probably wasn't going to bother going, since no-one was going to ask her anyway and wait, haha, that's brilliant.

She sniggered as she took up a piece of paper and scrawled across it:

Queen : Sarah Xu
King: Vincent Murdoch

Sarah, you're throwing away your vote...
What if someone who actually deserves it loses out to one of those popular kids, what then?
Ah, well, that's why the preference system exists right? So, who's it gonna be? Who could use a bit of popular acclaim? Hmm...

2nd Preference:
Queen : Raine Schwarz
King : Patrick Fischer


She walked off feeling, well, more interested in something else. Maybe she'd read or something. Or do some German, now that was a good idea.


Mia noticed the ballot box in passing. Well, she knew exactly what she was going to do, never hurts to give yourself a little nudge. But she didn't want to get stuck with some foul-smelling type so, hmm, decisions decisions decisions...

Queen : Mia Kuiper
King : Omar Burton

Because in her mind, King and queen just didn't sit if it wasn't a little Elizabethan. Maybe the fellow Shakespearean might even come out of his shell, that could be interesting. She continued on her most regal way.


Richard Han figured it was about time he voted, so, picking himself up from his usual spot and making the short trek to the ballot box in the library, he wrote down his choices.

Queen : Katelyn Wescott

For King? Well, first he'd thought of voting for Sarah Xu, but as appropriate as he thought that was he figured he should be at least sort of serious about this.

King: Roy Archer

He rapidly made consecutive symbols with his hands, whispered "Promvote no Jutsu!" and placed his vote in the ballot box with a flourish. Then he walked off, suddenly wondering if the library had a cookbook section...

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:42 am
by BetaKnight
Edison browsed the stacks, looking for something interesting to read while she waited for the Aca Dec meeting to get under way. As she turned, she noticed the voting box for prom king and queen. Not that Edison particularly cared who won either award but she could practically hear her mother nagging her to take an active interest in the senior class activities.

She grabbed a pencil and quickly filled out her picks. She left the prom queen section alone since there was no way she or anyone she really cared about would even be nominated for prom queen, let alone have a snowball's chance in hell of actually BEING prom queen. Instead, she made sure to fill out what she thought was the most important part.

Prom King: Anyone BUT JJ Sturn

Not that that would help narrow the field, but it would be one less vote for JJ.

Movement at one of the study tables caught her eye as she noticed some of the sophomores and juniors showing up the for meeting. She quickly dropped her ballot into the box before heading over to get things started.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Evelyn had heard that prom voting had started, so she made sure to swing by the library during lunch. She already knew who she was nominating. Obviously, she couldn't nominate herself. Because that would simply be too tacky. It's not like anyone would know but me, but voting for yourself is just too sad! I have standards. Plus, she knew where her duty lay.

Prom Queen: Riley Flynn
Prom King: Justin Corrigan

With a satisfied little smile, she slid her ballot into the slot. There, now we'll have a proper king and queen.

Mission accomplished, Evelyn flounced out of the library.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Aislyn ducked into the library, hurrying to drop off her book before heading out to swim practice. The library was practically deserted except for a few people crowded around the prom ballot box.

Oh, geeze! That's right, I still haven't voted for prom king and queen. Might as well kill two birds with one stone. She quickly jogged over and grabbed one of the slips.

Hmmm…who to pick, who to pick….

She quickly scribbled down her choices, going with her gut feelings.

Prom King: Roy Archer
Prom Queen: Sierra Manning

Even though he'd never admit it, Roy would LOVE to be prom king, I can just tell. And Sierra's so funny and outgoing. She'd be the perfect prom queen for Roy. She'd make him loosen up and have some fun!

Chuckling to herself, Aislyn put her ballot in the box. As she did, she noticed the time as it changed on her watch. Oh, holy crap! It's already sixteen after and I'm not even in the process of getting changed! Damn, I'm gonna end up with at least four extra laps at this rate. She ran from the library, her backpack bouncing against her with each step.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:42 am
by Yossarian*
"So, who did you vote for?"

"For the Queen? Uhm... Rosa is awesome, and quite sexy..."

"Still thinking with your cock, aren't you?"

"Oh, knock it off..."


"JJ? Are you crazy?"

"Come on, he's not that bad as everyone are talking..."


"Did you vote already?"

"Not yet. I'll do it tomorrow. The box is in the library?"



At first, Rob Jenkins was not really sure, what the hell was going on around him. Everyone was talking about some Queen and King, comparing girls etc. Lots and lots of trash-talk, Rob hated. And he would probably just ignore all the rambling if not another conversation he overheard.

"So, you decided already?"

"Yeah, I voted for Melissa. She's awesome."

"Good choice, dude!"

Allright. That was disturbing. One little research later, it turned out, Melissa is one of most popular candidates for the Queen... Of the Prom. Rob felt like he got hit by a train, transporting tons of bricks.

OH MY FUCKING GOD! THE PROM! I completely forgot!

One sprint later, Rob was already in the library. He quickly located the box and took the pen.

Think, think, think. What popular girls we have around the school?

The last thing Rob wanted, was to see Melissa winning the title. Why? Well obviously, even if you are one of the most recognizable figures in school, because of your efforts in sport, you still cannot even dream about a single vote, if you are not completely pro-social, and you don't have 'OMIGOD, I'm so cool' attitude. And seeing Melissa with some other guy with the crowns, on the main stage? Yeah, Rob knew what will happen next. Some dance, sweet trash-talk, and they'll end having wild sex somewhere in the park. No. Fucking. Way.

Luckily, this time the crowd turned out to be helpful.


"I voted for Claire Lambert. She's cool."

"Yeah, but she'll probably lose to Sierra Manning"

"You think so?"

"Yeah, I asked here and there. She has some fans around the school, and lots of friends to vote for her"

Rob smiled a little.

Perfect... I don't know who are you Sierra, and honestly I don't care, but I wish you good luck, with winning this thing.

Seconds later, another vote entered the ballot:

Prom Queen: Sierra Manning
Prom King: I Don't Fucking Care

Feeling much better now, Rob left the library, and went to the gymnasium for some more Basketball.


Mike was confused. He just wanted to return the 'Catch 22' he borrowed the other day, and he certainly didn't expect, that it would be impossible, because of wild crowd storming the library. As he definitely didn't want to get smashed by the mob, he decided to wait for the bell. The purpose of the crowd kept bugging him however. Seconds later, he spotted some long-haired dude in Megadeth blouse, who was just passing by the crowded corridor. He looked like a cool guy, and someone who wasn't consumed by the madness spread around, so he decided to stop him, and ask, what was going on.

"Uh, hey dude. Sorry for stopping you, but can you tell me what's going on around here? I don't think that I understand this commotion."

"Oh..." Max Crowe responded. "They are voting for the Queen and King of the prom. Complete bullshit, if you ask me. Prom itself? Sure, it's still a party. Not my personal favorite type, but still a party. But choosing the 'Queen and King'? More like 'The Biggest Buffoons Around The School Awards'. I'm trying to avoid library as much as I can lately. And now, sorry, but I'm in a hurry"

"Sure, no problem. Thanks for the response."

Max went away, and soon enough, the bell rang, and the crowd finally went away. Mike entered the library. He planned to just give back the book and leave, but when he spotted the voting box, he couldn't resist himself from doing stupid joke. He took a piece of paper and pen.

Hmmm... The Biggest Buffoons Around, he said? Hey, I know exactly, who that would be!

*scribble scribble*

Prom Queen: Cisco Vasquez
Prom King: Ham Sandwich

Mike threw the vote int o the box, and left the library, still laughing. He even forgot to return the book because of this.