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Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:37 am
by BetaKnight
(This is it ladies: The famed and fabled Stag-ette group. If you want to send your female character to prom with the girl mob, this is the place for you.)

Aislyn bounced on her toes and fought the urge to peek out the window again. Her father would hear the rustle of the blinds, and he'd already ordered to calm down and stop haunting their front window. His last teasing comment still rang in her ears. Would you calm down, Cess? You're going with a group of friends, practically a herd of other girls. It's not like you have to worry about getting stood up by a boy. They'll get here when they get here.

The plan was for the other girls to assemble at her house, where her dad to drive them to the dance and then pick them up at the end of the night. Aislyn felt a moment of panic at the thought of her father in the car with a group of her classmates. Oh god, please don't let him try to be funny and say bizarre, off-the-wall things. I think sometimes he forgets that teenage girls are not like teenage boys.

Not for the first time, she really regretted not getting her US driver's license yet. Letting out a dramatic sigh, she wandered over to the mirror and inspected her hair and make-up. No use crying over spilled milk. Driver's license this summer, after school gets out.

Gently brushing an errant curl over her shoulder, she turned her head to the right and studied her profile. Dad'll be fine. He won't embarrass me since he wants this to be a nice evening. He's probably even relieved that I'm not going with a boy. At least this way, he can't try to do his "I could kill you with one hand" routine like he did before we left Italy.

That stray memory gave her a moment's pause as she pictured her dad and Vivian together. She loved her father dearly, but a career spent in the Navy had not made him one of the most open-minded men. Well, honestly, Viv is so gorgeous that Dad'll never find out unless someone specifically says something. And I doubt anyone will, because that would put a definite damper on the evening. It'll all go great. Stop fretting and borrowing trouble, she firmly ordered herself.

Seeing that every hair was in place and her make-up still practically perfect thanks to the MAC beauty counter in the mall, Aislyn looked over her shoulder towards the den. She contemplated going to the window again, but instead, she fidgeted with the hem of her Kelley green dress while she waited for the other girls to arrive.

Re: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:37 am
by KamiKaze
Carol Burke did not have a date. Simply, no one had asked her, and she didn't ask anyone.

In fact, she had completely forgot about prom, actually. What can she say, her friends back in Nevada would always refer to her as "Cadet Carol", due to her spacehead tendencies. Although it was in a loving, teasing way, it was true; she really was that much of a space cadet.

But, once she remembered? She freaked, and started to wonder if she could get things done at the last minute. Well, she bought her prom ticket, which was good. But as for the dress? Well, Carol wasn't wearing a dress. In typical Burke fashion, she was wearing a hand-me-down, from her sister. Thing is, though, that it was a suit. To be specific, a black suit. Her sister refused to wear a dress to prom when she went, and got this suit. When it came Carol's time, she insisted that Carol wore it, despite her protests. But, once she put it on? It actually made her look cool, like one of those guys from Men In Black or The Matrix. She even snagged a pair of dark shades to complete the look. Overall, it wasn't too bad, after all. And it fit. Sure, people would confuse her for a guy yet again, but hey. It was actually kind of funny, really. And, well, she looked badass.

And now, she was standing on the steps of the McCreery household. God, she hoped this was it. After fidgeting on the doorstep a bit, she rang the door bell, and played with the shades on her head, wondering if she would make herself look like a fool. But then she reminded herself that things would turn out well in the end, as they always do. Yes... they shall, right?

Re: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:37 am
by Dropbear*
Walking down the sidewalk was usually not a huge task. Sapphire McLeod, however, had never worn such a long purple dress, with tall black heeled shoes and distracting jangling violet earrings and necklace. Sure, she could have asked her mum to drive her down, but Aislyn's house was only a couple of roads away from her in the first place. She had walked to the school past her house, although not in the state she was in now.

Almost falling over for the umpteenth time, she swore, grabbing onto the cold metal fence to regain balance. Already she was regretting not asking someone to go with. That being said, who did she know that wasn't taken? And then there was the enormous hurdle of even talking to them without completely falling apart. And then the actual formal itself... Maybe it was better this way.

Finally she reached the steps of Aislyn's house, shaking her short hair out of her eyes. Looking up, she saw... A guy in a suit?

"Hey, I thought this was for the single ladies?"

Taking a few steps more, she raised an eyebrow. From the back, his hair was kinda cute-

"OH! Sorry! Carol, isn't it?"

Sapphire blushed furiously and covered her face. She hadn't thought about any of the girls thinking of wearing something other than a dress. They weren't even anywhere near the prom and she was starting to screw things up.

Re: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:37 am
by Danorum*
If my heel breaks, it's over. If my hair gets messed up, it's over. If my makeup smears, it's over.

Vivien had to walk half the way to Aislyn's place. His sister, Sylvie, had driven him up to her workplace which, despite being closer, was still quite a ways away. Purse in hand, hat on head and dress in season, Vivien looked like the type of person that would be transported everywhere via limo. He looked and felt out of place walking around on the sidewalk, though compliments from passersby had him beaming with pride.

Deciding to go dateless was a no-brainer for Vivien. Why spend an evening tied down to only one guy anyway? This way, he had an open opportunity to flirt with other dateless guys, as well as the ones going with their beards or pity dates.

That, and nobody asked to go with him.

The red dress he wore was purchased from Arabelle's. That store had its fair share of hideous dresses, but it was balanced out by the inclusion of the one Vivien had purchased. He went there alone, but browsed the shop with Sammy Franklin. Where did she disappear to anyway? Vivien hadn't seen her for quite some time now, despite going to the same school.

He would have thought about it more, if he hadn't arrived at the McCreery residence. Sapphire and Carol were already there. Sapphire looked kinda pretty in her purple ensemble. Vivien himself thought of wearing purple and was now glad to be crimson clad; too much purple could be a major eyesore. Carol, meanwhile, wore a black suit. Though it did make her look strangely badass, she definitely looked like a boy. More so than Vivien, which was a bit of a confidence booster for him. He was excited to see both of them, mostly because of the time he spent walking by himself.

No running in heels, no running in heels, no running in heels.

Walking up to the girls, he grinned widely and sang out his friendliest "Hey there!" Turning to look at Carol, he feigned surprised, and gasped.

"Carol! You too?!"

Re: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:37 am
by Crash*
"Honey, it's going to be the best night of your life."

"I know, Dad..."

"Squeeze in closer!"

Kelly Lambert shifted her feet nervously, awkwardly repositioning her newly purchased digital camera so that she could squeeze Ryan and Claire into the same shot. At 6'3", Claire's father towered over her, but fortunately for the family his ability to place his hands on his daughter's exposed shoulders made for a wonderfully Kodak moment.

Claire's dress shimmered in the evening sun, the black satin with emerald green accents bringing out the full vivacity of her amber eyes. Her hair had been carefully and elegantly styled by Marta, the family's hairdresser from El Salvador, for approximately three hours. Two flowing strands of of auburn hair were equally parted along both sides of her face, running smoothly downwards and gently caressing her cheeks, stopping just underneath her chin. The dress hit most of the right spots on Claire's figure so as to slim her, with the exception of the bottom, which Kelly had just finished hemming a few hours beforehand (and fortunately it didn't look drastically altered) so that it stopped just above the knee.

"Say cheese!"

Claire beamed. It wasn't hard to be happy at the moment. As nervous as she was, her dad's strong embrace and the feeling of being all dolled up, one that most teenage girls didn't experience often, was enough to make her giddy.

"One more..." Kelly warned, and shortly afterwards the camera audibly clicked again.

"Can we go now?" Claire urged her dad with a short glance at her phone. The girls would be gathering soon.

"I'll get the car ready," Ryan offered with a cursory glance towards Kelly before turning his attention towards Claire's newly polished escort.

"Come here, honey..." Kelly urged. Her voice was getting shaky, and Claire obliged, giving her mom a hug before she left.

"It's just prom, Mom, it's not my honeymoon."

"I know, sweetie," she cooed. "I just...never thought I'd actually see this day," she reminisced, briefly recalling her late son Kevin internally, but attempting to cover up her amazement for her daughter's sake. She pushed her daughter a back a little, taking another moment to take her beauty in.

"You're gonna knock them dead," Kelly encouraged, and Claire mouthed a delicate "thank you" in return before turning and joining her father in the car.


The blue-gray Ford Taurus SE pulled up in front of the McCreery household, and after a final exchange of words and two kisses on the cheek, Claire opened the passenger door to the car and stepped out onto the sidewalk, clutch purse in hand.

"Phone, keys, ticket," Ryan reminded his daughter.

"Check, check...check," she echoed while checking the handbag, just as they had so many times before.

"See you when you get home," he offered, and Claire closed the door to the car before it drove off down the road.

Turning for the first time to notice the gathering outside the house, Claire was immediately intrigued by the suit that Carol had shown up in. Part of her had always wished she was sassy or edgy enough to pull off a more risky style...she'd had to settle for refined and elegant, however.

Heels clacking as she stepped up the walkway, she stopped a few feet short of the girls to admire them in all their glory.

"That's...kinda hot," Claire jabbed in jest with a playful smirk towards Carol. She turned to notice Sapphire for a moment, and after taking her in offered the traditional "you look great" compliment that was expected at most formal occasions between friends. The next sight, however, caught her completely off guard - in the sense that she had to actually stare somewhat rudely for a moment to tell that the other 'girl' accompanying them was Vivien.

"," Claire noted, breaking out of her unbecoming gaze and shaking her head a bit. "You're a knockout."

Re: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:37 am
by Sunnybunny
Prom was for memories. Prom was for romance and sparkles and having a date (which she didn't). It was for spiking punch with the mini bottle of Crown that she stole from her Granny's stash. But mostly importantly, prom was a dance. So she'd decided to ditch the idea of being some kind of extra-ordinary beauty and leaned toward being the hottest version of herself.

And was anything hotter than pirates?

She wore a bright green short dress with a black lace overlay. The bottom of it was . . . she'd describe it as flouncy, it had a few layers of black tulle. Adding on a black belt with a large silver buckel made her more piratey in her opinion, as did the smooth black riding boots. Her earrings were delicate silver pistols, and she had a chunky cuff bracelet with black stones. However, the most important part of her transformation wasn't a part of her wardrobe at all. It was her hair, which she had cut short, ala Rihanna, and streaked with blond highlights. It was the complete opposite of the long flowing locks she'd always wanted but she felt surprisingly good about it. In fact, she almost felt . . . sexy. She didn't know if people would think she was a fashion genius or a freak, but did it really matter? This was the last dance, the big . . . ugh, it was way too early in the night to be sentimental.

At the Franklin household, there were so many pictures taken, Sammy could sucessfully create a modeling portfolio. There was a ton of laughing, and even a few tears. I guess being a complete sap runs in the family. She even managed to escape the house curfew-free. A huge smile crept across the teen's face. There was absolutely no telling how much fun she'd find herself having tonight, date or no date. At least she wasn't alone. And going with friends (or associates, though Samya rarely distinguished between the two) was the new black, at least that's what all the prom magazines said.

Hopping out her mom's Infinity, she blew kisses to both her mom and her grandma. She grinned and waved at the group of girls, then ran over to them.

"Oh my gosh, you ladies look great!", she gushed. And they all did. Claire looked like a real lady, more princessy than Samya could ever hope to be. Purple was really Sapphire's color. And Carol was wearing a suit. That took guts, and she was probably dressed nicer than a good bit of the guys. And Vivien looked fantastic. My very own public service.

Sammy turned to Vivien. "I see why you were so picky about that dress, stranger. You look like a staaar."I hope we all have the BEST. NIGHT. EVER.

She looked up at the sky and made that wish on the first star she saw.

Re: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:37 am
by BetaKnight
From her post near the door, Aislyn could hear a collection of feminine voices outside. They're here! THEY'RE HERE! Clapping her hands together in giddy anticipation, she darted to the den to announce the arrival of the other girls. "Dad! It's time!" With a careless flail of her hand, she surveyed the room. "They're here! Have you seen my purse? It's time to go! Turn off the tv, please. Where are the keys and the camera?"

Lucas McCreery leaned back in his Lay-Z-Boy, folding his hands across his flat stomach as he gave his daughter an indulgent smile. "Uh, Cess? Honey? You gonna…I don't know, let the other girls in?" he asked, raising an inquiring eyebrow at her.

Aislyn pursed her lips, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment. Get a grip, girl! Even Dad is laughing at you! In a much calmer tone of voice, she answered her father. "I'm gonna go let the girls in. Dad, would you please take some pictures of us, then drive us to the dance?" Without waiting for his answer, she marched back to the front door and opened it.

"Ladies, you all look fabulous! Sapphire, I love your jewelry! Please, come in." Aislyn gave them her warmest smile as she ushered them in. I see that green was a popular color this year, she noted as Sammy and Claire came by in their green and black dresses, which couldn't be more different in style, cut, and shades of green. Claire looks every inch the proper lady where Sammy's pirate-ish dress is so unique that she's probably going to be the most memorable girl at prom. Carol is rocking that sharp suit, Sapphire looks stunning in that purple dress, and oh. MY GOD! Vivien looks like she belongs on the red carpet!

For a brief moment, Aislyn felt underdressed and a little insecure as she compared herself to the others. They all look so amazing. I bet their moms helped them pick out what they're wearing and do their hair and stuff. The sound of her father clearing his throat interrupted her train of thought.

Lucas McCreery held the camera in his hand and snapped a quick picture of the girls milling about in his living room. "Well, if it isn't the best looking group of girls at Bayview," he said, surveying the girls with an affectionate grin. "If you ladies don't mind standing over there by the fireplace, I'd let to get some pictures before I squire you off to prom."

After some quick arranging, the photos were taken and the group prepared to head out. "Sarah said she'd meet us at the prom," Aislyn explained to the others as everyone gathered up their things. "And I guess Jamie will too, since she's not here yet. So if you guys don't mind piling into my dad's SUV, we'll get outta here and hit the dance."

((Everybody continued in The Dance Must Go On))

(Hopefully this is okay with everyone. If not, let me know and I'll fix it)