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Have A Heart

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:49 am
by Sister Grimm*
This was a bad idea, she was convinced. Horrible, even. Alice wasn't the kind of girl you took to the prom. Alice wasn't the kind of girl who wanted to go to the prom. She would have been perfectly content to spend the evening at her place, with Vic. Especially after the night they'd spent together not too too long ago. Just the memory alone brought a private smile to her lips and a flush to her cheeks. It was enough to make her fidget in her spot, sitting on the edge of her bed. O, dear reader, how she would have been happy to curl up on the couch with Victoria. How happy she would have been to curl up on the couch with Vic and maybe watch some stupid movie on tv. As long as it was just the two of them, she would have been perfectly happy, no matter where they were. But Vic wanted to go to prom. With all those people. There was no way Alice could say no to her, so to the prom they would go.

Of course, considering Alice had never been in a relationship before, it wasn't surprising to know she'd never been to a prom either. As such, she had no idea how they were supposed to go. She knew the basics, sure. Dancing, swaying in her case, staring in your date's eyes dreamily...Not her scene, to be sure. Especially if there were other people. When she went to Vic with her concerns, her girlfriend had just smiled, kissed her lightly and told her not to worry. Of course she was worrying just the same. Alice wasn't the type to let things play out. She wanted a plan, a strategy. She couldn't just wing it like Vic did all the time. But, no. Vic just told her not to worry.

So, Alice was sitting on the edge of her bed, wearing only her underwear while Vic sorted out whatever outfit she was going to be wearing. Vic was the last person Alice had to feel self-conscious around, but she still sat there with her arms folded across her non-existent breasts. It was laughable, that she'd have to cover herself up around her girlfriend. After all, she'd seen it all before. And then some. She thought to herself with a grimace. Yeah, Vic had been around the block once or a hundred times. Yeah, half the school knew what Vic looked like naked. Alice still didn't trust anyone, didn't love anyone, more then she loved and trusted her. If Vic though Alice could handle the prom, then she must be able to handle the prom.

"You owe me big time for this, Vic." Alice mumbled, looking down at the floor. She was nervous, nervous, and hating that fluttery feeling in the pit of her stomach. She wanted Vic to suddenly call it all off, but she knew that wasn't going to happen. She meant, Vic had already bought both their outfits already, she wouldn't call it off now, oh well, try again next year. Alice would just have to, well, bite the bullet. One of her hands fell away from her chest before running haggardly through her hair. What was the worst that could happen, anyway? Vic would pick and slinky dress and everyone would laugh at scarred up, anorexic bitch? Well, that would be bad. Alice shook her head, trying to clear those thoughts away. Vic knew what was best. She usually did.

Re: Have A Heart

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:49 am
by Yvaine*
Vic just knew that they were going to have a wonderful time. Prom, dancing, bonding, it was everything she could want that didn't involve hearing Alice scream her name. Of course, there would be time aplenty for that when they got home. The prom would only last so long, and Vic already had a fantasy of seeing Alice slowly strip out of her outfit. It was vivid enough that it had the strong possibility of turning her on, then and there. But, as nice as a quick roll around the bed would be, Vic made herself up, and she would hate to have to reapply her makeup. Beside, she could foresee Alice's turn getting ready becoming quite an ordeal. It took around twenty minutes to set herself up, but Alice would have given Vic a heart attack if she'd put makeup on in the last five years. Maybe before her parents died, but not a chance afterward. Well, she'd just have to help her along with that too, then.

"I didn't really know what to do for your get-up, babe." Vic poked her head out of Alice's closet, offering her girlfriend a placating grin. "I didn't know top go with a dress or a suit, and whatever I picked, what you'd look best in. You've got the body that would pull of a suit, but I think you'd look dead fuckin' sexy in a nice slinky dress, something that would show of those long legs of yours." She stepped back into the closest, taking the hanger holding up Alice's outfit before stepping back out into her girlfriends bedroom. She took one look at Alice sitting on the edge of her body, looking nervous and delicious and all manner of alluring. If the idea of seeing Alice naked was titillating before, seeing her like that nearly drove her crazy.

Vic sat down on the bed, draping the dress over Alice's lap. It was a slim-fitting, black number that cost half her paycheck. The other half half had gone to her own dress which she was presently wearing. "So, I picked you a nice dress that'll show of that slim figure of yours, as well as those legs." She trailed a finger absently down her arm as Alice spoke, bringing a seductive grin to her lips as she leaned closer to Alice, whispering in her ear. "Alice, when we get back, I'll tie you up as tight as you want, I'll beg as much as you want. You're right, babe, I owe you. I'll do whatever you want me to do." She leaned back abruptly, planting her arms on the bed behind her. "All you have to do is put on that dress, sit pretty while I help you out with some makeup, and dance with me in front of the rest of the school. No big." She winked, leaning in for a kiss on the cheek. "Just remember: dance, then sex. I promise."

Victoria stood in front of Alice, pausing for a moment to admire her nearly naked for before offering an encouraging smile. "Here, get dressed and meet me in the bathroom." Vic turned on her heel before ducking into the bathroom. The younger woman spared another glance out at Alice before looking herself over in the mirror. She'd styled her hair in a sort of wave, not too different from her normal fauxhawk it was amazing how a few changes could it a more formal appearance. Green eyeliner with a matching shade of lipstick was about the extent of her makeup choice, and she sort of figured she wouldn't strain herself helping Alice along. Her dress drew it all together. She'd wanted something that showed off her busty figure to nice effect, and she was satisfied with her choice. Her dress was a sleeveless number, with a low cut down the front highlighting her cleavage. The dress overall, an Irish green matching her lipstick and eyeshadow, was slinky and clingy in all the right places, showing off her narrow waist. The hem of her dress stopped just before the floor, hiding her white stilettos.

Not bad, in her opinion.