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Come As You Are

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:20 am
by Yvaine*
Etain was nervous for once in his life. Nervous, maybe even a little frightened. It wasn't every day he brought a cute girl to prom. He could still scarcely believe he'd mustered up the courage to ask her in the first place. Confidence was never a problem for him, not really. But around Kris, sometimes he felt, well, tongue-tied. He'd been trying to find a chance to ask her for a while before the skate park. In fact, he decided pretty much the time tickets went on sale. Asking was an entirely different problem. He knew he should ask sooner rather then later, seeing as Kris would be bound to have her share of admirers that would be fixing to ask her too. Truth be told, he didn't really have high hopes. Not that he considered himself unappealing, he just thought Kris would rather stay friends. In light of that, he was still in a state of mild disbelief that she said yes. Not that he was complaining, mind.

So, he was sitting in his dad's car, parked in front of Kris's house. If anything, he was more nervous now. Would he meet her parents? What would he say? What would they think? Geez, asking her in the first place was easier then this!

Absently, he flipped out the mirror over the windshield, checking himself over as best he could. He'd spent a decent amount of time dressing up. More then he'd spent any other time, at least. Considering his normal attire, that wasn't much. He was wearing a little more then a t-shirt and jeans now. Seeing as how he suddenly had need so somewhat dressier attire, he went shopping. Nothing too fancy or over the top. Some mild cologne, white dress shirt worn over a black vest, with a matching suit jacket set on the back seat, with black dress pants and some of so shiny black dress shoes. He'd even combed his hair into something that was somewhat presentable. Of course, that meant he didn't have his trademark hat on, which he was somewhat disappointed about. Still, for a special occasion such as this, he'd manage. It was, after all, sitting next to his coat in the back seat.

Etain glanced up at Kris's house, drumming his fingers on the wheel. He was five minutes early yet, and he wasn't sure if he should wait in the car a little longer or see if she was ready now. The Irish boy switched on the radio, playing through the stations. He just needed something to keep himself busy. Sparing another glance up at the house, he almost immediately looked back to the radio and the digital clock. Four minutes. Okay, that was about as long as he could wait. Turning the car off, he slid the keys from the ignition and climbed out. Etain checked himself in the car mirror once more, making several minute adjustments before walking up the path to the front door and ringing the bell.

Re: Come As You Are

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:20 am
by Namira
This was the first time since ... well, ever that Kris had put actual effort into her appearance and ensuring that she was looking good. Ordinarily, she hated dolling herself up, it took more time than it was worth, and it was rather pointless to say the least; appearances gave you nothing in skateboarding. But tonight... it was prom. That made it all different, and for once in her life, Kris actually wanted to make it 100% certain that she was at her best.

Of course, Kris being Kris, this still didn't take her all that long, and she was ready and bouncing off the walls ten minutes before Etain had said he'd be there. Kris had left her hair well alone, simply because she didn't think there was enough of it to style (it barely brushed her ears). She had, however, gone out and bought a dress, with significant help from her mother. Amilie was good at that sort of thing. Kris... was not. Suffice to say, the dress was a pale blue colour, midcalf length and to Kris' mind, way too cumbersome. Kris had opted out of heels, as she knew that Etain was around her height, instead wearing some slipper type affairs. It was probably a good look, but Kris already longed for her torn jeans and Birdhouse shirt.

Yeah, try that on at prom and you'll get kicked straight out. It's only one night, you can deal.

"Stop fidgeting," Kris glanced up from her place on the sofa and gave her father a sheepish grin. Erik Hartmann continued on. "He'll get here when he gets here, and he isn't due yet." Erik spoke in Swedish. It was an odd convention in the household, but conversations could take place in three different languages; Swedish, English, and German (though generally only one at any given time, as switching mid-speech would just be silly). Every member of the family spoke all three languages to varying degrees of ability, and it made communication interesting, to say the least.

"Sorry, it's jus-" there was the sound of the doorbell ringing and Kris sprung up like a jack in the box, causing her dad to laugh and shake his head. Dashing over to the front door, she practically yanked it off its hinges.


Re: Come As You Are

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:20 am
by Yvaine*
Etain stood at the door waiting for Kris, shifting from one foot to another. He should have waited a little longer, a little closer until the agreed time. She might still be getting ready, or her parents might think, hell, lot's of things. Geez, he was such an idiot. He certainly felt like one. The suit felt stuffy and constricting, way too formal him. He didn't need a t-shirt and jeans, but he wanted something...easier. And what if Kris had second thoughts? What if it just something based on impulse. He shook his head, trying to relax. It was that he was thinking about it too much. He should've waited a little longer.

Really, relax. It's okay. Honestly, you're as ready for this as you're going to be. It's fine, Etain, really. It'll be cool. Kris is cool, she thinks you're cool. We'll be okay. It'll be fun, you just need to relax. Do you really think Kris is getting this worked up tonight? Right, that's likely. Still, even if she isn't that serious, it's going to be good. It's going to be fun for both of you, no worries. I mean, even if it isn't a date per say, it would be cool just hanging out, the two of them. That didn't mean he mind it being a date, of course. Still, sd long as Kris was having a good time, he wouldn't mind too terribly.

When the door opened, his reaction was in two parts. First he jumped, more out of surprise then anything else. The second was a slow smile as he registered who was standing at the door. Etain, grinning like a fool, ran his hand through his hair, ruining any good he'd done with a brush. "It's very good ta, Oi mean, ya look, uh, I tink..." He trailed off briefly, his eyes darting away as he realized how foolish he must sound. After a moment, he looked back as his grin widened. Confidence, Just remember, confidence.

"Oi tink Ah'm tryin' ta say is that ya look wonderful. Oi'm right happy ya said yes, if'n ya didn' get tha' before."

Re: Come As You Are

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:20 am
by Namira
Kris positively beamed at Etain for the first few moments after opening the door, she was that pleased to see him. Of course, she hadn't expected him to stand her up or anything, but Kris was just glad that the waiting was over. Etain didn't look too comfortable in his suit, but Kris didn't really care. So far as prom dates went, she couldn't have asked for a better match-up. They were good friends, and they shared a huge... well, Kris hesitated to refer to her passion as a hobby, so settled with 'interest'. Kris had never really considered Etain in a romantic sort of way, but hell, nobody ever said you needed to be crazy about your prom date.

Even if it's not really my scene... it's worth it for a special night, right?

Her smile returned full force, with a hint of a blush, when Etain complimented her appearance. That wasn't something Kris got a lot, and she wasn't very good at handling it.

"I'm happy you asked, Etain," she replied to his last statement. "Um, would you like to come in or get rolling? I think maybe my papa wants to meet you..."

Re: Come As You Are

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:20 am
by Yvaine*
Her dad wanted to meet him? Well, it wasn't crazy, or anything. He meant, it wasn't totally unexpected. Hadn't he planned for this? Well, not planned per say, but, you know, thought it would happen? Yeah, but that didn't make him any less terrified. Her father! Did this count as a date? What kind of questions would he ask? He was nervous before and that didn't help any. Why did Kris seem so calm? The Irish boy rain his hand through his hair again, offering a shaky smile. If this would just be a one time thing, it wouldn't matter, but what if Kris wanted something more? Then he would have to see her father sooner or later.

Etain wanted to just, you know, run back to his dad's car and get out of Dodge. "Oi, uh, Ah dunno-" He started, shifting nervously while glancing away from Kris to the entryway of her house. He looked back at her smile, and the blush coloring her cheeks and offered another grin of his own. It wouldn't be so bad, would it? He wasn't the type to talk without thinking, so he didn't see himself making a total fool. Of course, he wasn't usually this nervous. But, as the saying went, what was the worst that could happen. Etain winced, deciding not to answer that. Okay, so he'd talk to her dad, try to make a good impression and take her to prom, whereas he would sweep her off her feet. Hopefully. Well, failing that, he wouldn't make her dad think he was Jack the Ripper. Still not bad, all things considered.

"Well, alrigh'." Etain offered another smile, hopefully one that wasn't as shaky as he felt. "Ya'll be doin' the introduction's, I hope ya know." He added with joking wink.

Re: Come As You Are

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:20 am
by Namira
"Great! Don't worry, he won't keep you long. He just wanted to say hello. Papa! It's Etain!"

Kris stepped aside and motioned for Etain to enter the house before beginning to head back to the living room. She tried to go a little bit quickly and wound up tangling her legs in the dress and stumbling a little. Kris really wasn't used to these kinds of clothes, and it showed. Turning back, she smiled sheepishly at her date, hoping that she hadn't looked too stupid just there.

Walking back into the living room, composure regained, Kris smiled at her father, who gave her a wry grin in return. A lean, bespectacled man with a thick thatch of blond hair and a warm face, Erik was very intelligent without losing any of his personable nature. He pushed those glasses up his nose with one slender finger and regarded his daughter.

Kris stepped to one side and gestured behind her. "Papa, this is Etain."

"So I gathered," her father looked past Kris and gave Etain a smile. "It's very nice to meet you. Kristina has been gushing about this from the moment you invited her," he stood, crossed the room and offered his hand to Etain. "It's the most enthusiastic I've ever seen her about something that's not skateboarding, so I certainly appreciate that."

Re: Come As You Are

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:20 am
by Yvaine*
((Sorry for the insanely long delay. I intended to post this past weekend, but my internet was down. Before that, well, Red Dead Redemption. I understand that last one is less of an excuse, but it stands. Liking the new avatar, too, I might add.))

Okay, big moment. Her father, of all people. What if he messed up somehow? What if he made some minute slip that he wouldn't even notice until the whole room went dead silent? Or, what if her da decided that Etain wasn't good enough? What if any number of things happened that would ruin everything? Did he look alright? Etain started to comb his hand through his hair again when he caught himself. His hair must already look a affright, there was no cause to make it worse. No, her dad would clap eyes on him and think him some skater punk, unfit to even associate with his daughter. He would probably send him off and everything would be for naught, the car, his suit, everything.

Etain suppressed a groan. This was why he avoided dating. It wasn't enough that he over-thought everything, it was that he always went the worst direction with it. In reality, her dad would probably just say hello, get a read on him, and send them both off. No great catastrophe, nothing terrible. Even bearing that in mind, it did little to ease his fraying nerves. Did Kris seem worried too? Was that anxiety he saw in Kris, or just honest nerves that any teen going to prom was going to experience? Honest to God, he was going to be exhausted tonight, no matter what happened. He could already feel a tension headache coming on.

Relax. He told himself. Honestly, it's no big deal. Meet her da, and head to the dance. Simple as that. Etain forced himself to relax, taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out. 1, 2, 3... After a second, he felt a little better. At least not sweating bullets. Once it was just him and Kris, he could relax. Sure it was prom, but he could relax around her, even if they were going to be dancing together not too far from them. If all it took was letting her da know he was a decent guy, he could manage that. Course, that might be easier said then done, but he was somewhat optimistic.

Honest to say, he was relieved when he saw her father. He'd been building him up to be some sort of pro-wrestler type, the kind of guy that could snap him in half. It was crazy, sure, but it was a relief all the same to see that he looked more like one of his teachers then Hulk Hogan. Etain crossed the room and extended his own hand in turn. "How're yeh?" He asked, somewhat breathlessly before letting Kris's father speak. Etain offered a smile of his own. "Ta be honest, Oi've been under the impression it'd take some kinda war to get her mind of skatin', but Oi'm glad Ah could help all tha same."

Re: Come As You Are

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:20 am
by Namira
((No sweat, I'm not always on the ball either.))

"I'm quite alright - although I must say that keeping an eye on Kristina was a little wearing. She's been quite the bundle of nerves this evening."

"Papa!" Kris cried out, slightly embarrassed that her father would say such a thing so casually, but not exactly surprised by it. Erik had a wry sense of humour and that sort of remark, especially to a date, was frankly par for the course for him.

Erik tipped his daughter a wink and looked back to Etain. "Yes... I believe it would at that. I'm not sure whether I should thank or curse my brother for introducing her to that board of hers..."

As her date and her father spoke, Kris stood to one side, slightly awkwardly as it happened. She was anxious to get going, anxious to see a little nod of approval from her father. Kris was really hoping that Etain would get a pass. Jeez, she'd probably been building him up as some kind of superman - that wasn't fair to him, now her father would be expecting way too much... Erik tried to stand by her, but it wasn't always the easiest thing for him to do. Kris' lack of interest in academic fields was a hard pill for him to swallow and more than once he'd expressed disapproval at her direction in life.

She just hoped that this would be one 'direction' that her father took kindly to...

Please Papa... just... like him, okay?

Whilst Kris was agonising, Erik was continuing the conversation. "So, have you got plans for the evening? Should I expect Kristina home in the small hours, or will you be keeping hold of her for a couple of days?"

Re: Come As You Are

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:20 am
by Yvaine*
Etain had only just walked into the room, but it didn't seem to be going that bad. At least, he hadn't said anything to screw everything up yet. He was a little stuck when it came to that. Usually, he didn't put that much thought into what he said. A general idea to pick things up, but that was all. Here talking to Kris's dad, on the other hand...Well, he didn't figure he'd have to screen himself too much, but that didn't make him any less nervous about what he might say. He could easily see himself saying something embarrassing and torpedoing the whole evening, just because a slip of the tongue. But no pressure or anything. At least her dad seemed am alright fella, going on the few words exchanged so far. At least it wasn't the Inquisition he'd been thinking up.

"Oh, Oi can understand tha' feelin' sir." He offered, flashing Kris a weak grin when she called out before looking back to her father. "Well, me opinion may be a bit biased there, so Ah suppose we should leave it as a hypothetical." Etain joked, silently hoping he didn't sound as jittery as he thought he did.

The boy wore a polite smile as her father continued. It was a fair question, the next one he posed. Were he a girl's father, he'd be inclined to ask the same thing. In this case, he wouldn't like answer. Not because of some ulterior motive, it was just that he made reservation at a nice restaurant in town and was hoping to keep it a surprise. Well, it wasn't like Kris would like it less just because she knew about it sooner then planned. If she liked it all, that was. He guessed it couldn't be helped. It wasn't like he could bloody well lie to him, was it?

"Well, Ah hate ta ruin tha surprise, but Oi'd made reservations at a resturant. Fer when prom finishes up, and all. Oi honestly couldn' tell ya when prom finishes up, seein' as this is me first and all." Etain paused and offered a shaky smile. "Ah do know me own da will be waitin' up fer me so it won't be too terribly late. Oi also don' think he'd look too favoribly on me keepin' your daughter hostage, but tha's just a guess."

Re: Come As You Are

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:20 am
by Namira
Kris tried to be inconspicuous as she waited for Etain and her father to finish talking, listening to what they were saying whilst attempting to appear as if she wasn't paying any attention. Kris being Kris, this wasn't going particularly well, but it seemed as if Erik was too busy talking to keep an eye on what his daughter was doing. Just as well, since he was bound to have had a cutting remark at the ready if he'd noticed. Kris just wanted to make sure her dad didn't disapprove of her choice of date or anything... adding another disappointment to the list was not how she wanted him to regard the night of prom.

Kris just about managed to prevent herself from an outburst when Etain mentioned what he had in mind. The surprise wasn't ruined - just sprung a little early was all and if possible, made her that little bit more hyped up for the evening. Etain was making such a huge effort for her... it was really sweet. Still, actually going out to a restaurant made it all the closer to an official 'date', and Kris had to wonder exactly what her friend's motives were. They were pretty close, after all - hanging out with each other a lot, was it too crazy to suggest there might be feelings there?

If so, Kris wasn't entirely sure what to make of that.

Erik smiled at Etain again. "That sounds lovely. As for bringing Kristina home... well, the two of you just remember that you only get one prom night, so as long as you let me know what you're going to do, I don't mind if I don't see you both until tomorrow. You can tell your father that any potential uh... hostage situation has my approval."

Re: Come As You Are

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:20 am
by Yvaine*
Etain didn't know quite what to say to that. Unless he misinterpreted what Kris's father was saying, it sounded like he was giving them permission to do whatever they wanted after prom. He was far from suggesting anything untoward, let that be clear. His plan extended to prom, dinner, then bringing her home. Maybe he'd read what her father said wrong. His mind raced as he tried puzzle out all the possibilities of what he said, readily apparent and otherwise. "A-Ah'll be sure ta tell 'im." Etain managed to stammer, glancing over at Kris like she'd be able to explain. Maybe he was over thinking what was said, and it wasn't half as confusing as he was making it out to be. Etain hesitated before extending his hand once more. "It was nice to meet ya, sir. I'll be sure ta have Kris back before ya have need to inform tha authorities."

Etain took a step back and offered Kris a tentative smile. This had gone well, hadn't it? Meeting her father? After all, it wasn't like they knew each other terribly well, but it seemed to go well. Well, in any case, that was one thing off his list that he was terribly nervous about. Of course, the night was young. There was still any number of places where things might go wrong. But he should stop worrying. If something was going to wrong, it would probably because he wouldn't stop thinking about it.

"Well, whenever yer ready?" He said to Kris as he led her out of the room. Etain managed to wait until they were walking back out to the car to ask. "That did go well, right? I'm nae missing some small hint that ya might have picked up on to hint at 'is displeasure? " He opened the car door for her and stood waiting for her to climb into the car. "Oi mean, Ah thought it went well, but yer 'is daughter, so ya might 'ave caught sometine that I didn'."

Re: Come As You Are

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:20 am
by Namira
Kris regarded her father incredulously. Just what was he playing at? He was never this easygoing and unrestrictive. Was he genuinely behind the spirit of having a great prom night, or did he have something up his sleeve? Either way, Kris was struggling to take this apparent liberty at face value. Erik was smart - Kris had experienced that the hard way more than once and she had to wonder if he wasn't gearing up for a repeat performance. After all, he wasn't naive, he had to think there might be... designs here.

Urgh you stupid! That's the case, then don't give him anything to catch you out with! Etain and me are only going as friends!

In the meantime, Erik was accepting Etain's offered hand and inclining his head slightly. "I'm sure the pair of you won't get into too much trouble. Just have fun, uh, safe fun. I'll see you later."

"Bye papa!" Kris called as Etain stepped back and made to exit. She breathed a private sigh of relief at the cue to leave the room. It had gone fine. Her father hadn't given any disapproving glances or any warning signs at all, really. What a weight off her shoulders that was. She returned Etain's smile, flashing it broadly.

"It went well, Etain," Kris said, clambering into Etain's car. "I mean, I'm not so sure about the 'whole liscence to kidnap' thing, but he seemed to like you. Or at least, he didn't dislike you, which is almost as good, right?"

Re: Come As You Are

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:20 am
by Yvaine*
Etain let out a sigh of relief at her response. That was the type of encouragement he was looking for. As long as there wasn't some subtle hint he was missing that suggested that the meeting went horribly wrong that escaped his notice. After all, his threshold for success here wasn't high. As long as he left without her dad thinking he was a total punk, he was fine. It seemed that threshold was met, so he was fine with the way things turned out. They'd both gotten out, just fine, and that was all that mattered right now. Next goal, making sure Kris had a good time. Easier said then done, he was sure.

"Well, if yer sure, then tha's good enough fer me." Etain offered her a grin before closing the door and circling around to the drivers side and climbing inside. "Don' worry to much about tha', Ah'll be sure ta get ya back 'fore he tinks ya skipped town. An' as long as he didn' decide ta send me packin', I'm foine with tha' result." Offering her another quick grin, he turned away to buckle his seat belt and start the car. After a second, he pulled away from the corner and started down the street.

"Tha only ting Oi'd like ta change was anouncin' tha dinner afterward. I was hopin' ta keep tha' a surprise. If'n ya promise to act surprised when we head over, me delicate self-esteem might just remain intact. O' course, that suggests I don't make a giant mess outta tings at that prom, aye? Tink Oi have it in me? Not makin' a giant fool out of meself, Ah mean?"