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Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:34 am
by Sister Grimm*
((Alice Blake continued from Fix))

The drive over was short and uneventful, just the way she liked it. The last thing she wanted was to keep Victoria waiting. When she thought about it, she didn't reply to her text. Hm, maybe she was busy. Well, if she wasn't at the arranged spot, she could always walk up to the Alibi. Really, it was the only place Victoria ever visited when they went to the mall.

Personally, Alice didn't like the particular establishment. Too noisy, too crowded, For the most part, Alice liked things calm, quiet, collected. She liked being able to hear whatever was said in the area around, be able to know exactly who was in the area. Too many people frequented the Alibi for either to be possible.

In any case, if the parking lot was any indication, the mall was packed. It took her a minute or two to find a spot, and another minute to maneuver her car into the narrow space. It took a little effort to get the door open with knocking against the neighboring car, and even more work to get out without making contact.

Of course, having her slim figure helped a bit.

After a second, she was clear, pausing only to lean back in and lock the doors with the key. The car was old, old enough that she had to lock it manually each time.

Okay, so it was about time for some good news. Yes, she won the brief fencing match, but immediately after, she got one of her best friends slapped in the face. She could use some good news. She slid the keys into her pocket before starting down the row to the mall.

Really, the only time she ever visited the mall was when Victoria brought her along. Really, she had no desire to go on her own. The only thing she ever bought that wasn't food or similar necessities were books, and she could get those at her job.

Her suspicion that the mall would be packed was confirmed when she stepped through one of the double doors and into the lobby. Luckily, the spot she mentioned in her text was just inside the entry way. She scanned the tables that were visible, but failed to spot Victoria. Well, she'd wait for a few minutes and if she failed to show, the Alibi was just up stairs.

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:34 am
by Yvaine*
((Victoria Logan continued from The Alibi))

It took Victoria Logan longer then she had planned to reach the bottom floor and Alice. Her movements were slow, almost lethargic, without any sense of urgency. She wanted to see Alice more then anything, but she just couldn't summon the will-power to walk any quicker. While she was looking forward to Alice, she wasn't looking forward to explaining her current appearance. Disheveled, she'd tell the instant she saw her that something had happened and she instantly overreact. If she had one complaint about Alice, it was that she was almost over-protective. The smallest thing was cause for concern, and if it was anybody else, she'd consider it overbearing.

Alice wasn't just anybody else. Maybe it was because of her background, with her parents and all, but it didn't bother her as much as it would with just anyone. If she wanted to be sappy, she'd say it was true love, but she'd been in so many relationships over the years she wasn't even sure she'd recognize the feeling if she felt it. Make no mistake, Alice, well, Alice...She did love her, she knew that. There was no question. But was it true love? How the hell should she know? Of course, this was the longest relationship she'd been in, and they hadn't even slept together. Not for lack of trying, of course.

Maybe it was because of that, her feelings towards the other woman, that she went out of her way to hide most of her problems. Before descending the stairs, she stopped into one of the restrooms, anxious to at least mask the events in the school parking lot. A splash of cold water on her face helped the trembling, and some deft hand motions brought her hair back into it normal style. While at the sink, she went ahead and washed the rest of her eyeliner away, that being easier then replacing it. She couldn't hide the burn on her neck though, and she was sure that Alice would notice, one way or another. She would just have to deal with it at the time.

Satisfied she'd cleaned up as best she could, Victoria left the restroom, and started down the escalator to the lobby. It didn't house the food court, but Alice had picked one of the restaurants dotting the mall outside the main area. About halfway down, she spotted her girlfriend, and a smile flitted across her lips in spite of her emotion turmoil.

Upon hitting the ground level, she quickly ducked through the crowd, before reaching the table where Alice was sitting. She wrapped her arms around Alice, planting a quick kiss on the side of her neck before letting go. Instead of taking a seat opposite her, across the table, she pulled up a seat directly next to her. "Hey, babe." She said simply, wrapping her arm around the taller woman's waist and getting comfortable snuggling against her. "Sorry if I made you wait." Even sitting, Alice was still easily taller then her, so she had to look up to make eye contact. "How's Bounce?"

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:34 am
by Sister Grimm*
Nothing surprised Alice. Well, let her rephrase that. Nothing surprised her often. When Monty hit Bounce, she was fairly and rightfully surprised. Out of all the outcomes to that situation, it was the one she wasn't expecting. Her getting hit? No, that'd be too easy and too forward. It was the first time in recent memory she'd been genuinely surprised. She didn't like being surprised. She liked when a situation was calm and in control. When she knew everything and everyone around her. When Victoria wrapped her arms around her, she smiled. When she kissed her neck, a blissful shiver ran down her spine. Her hand rose, settling on Victoria's before she took a seat next to her.

"Hey, Vic." She said simply, referring to her pet name to the woman. Not quite a pet name so much as a nick. She'd expected her to take the seat across the table, but smiled when she sat next to her. As she wrapped her arms around her waist, she did the same, instead wrapping her arms around her shoulder. She ignored the glances from some of the young men in the area, instead focusing on Vic. "Don't worry about it." She said leaning against the Victoria the same way she was leaning on her.

When Bounce came up, she felt her smile slip, if only a little. Bounce had ran off before Alice felt like she'd down what she could to apologize.She hoped she'd get a chance to see her again, sooner or later, if only to make up for getting her slapped. Even now, she fought back feelings of guilt. She wanted to be happy now, content to be around her girlfriend. She'd deal with her feelings later, when she wasn't around the person who made her happy the most.

"Bounce is..." She hesitated, not sure if she could honestly say. She seemed fine, or at least, better then when she was struck, but she couldn't be sure. "I think she was okay, she left before I could be sure." Alice looked down for a second, then back up, her gaze settling on Victoria long enough for a broad smile to spread across her face. "I love you." She said dreamily, before looking away, past Victoria toward the entrance.

When she looked back, her eye caught a small mark on the back of her neck. She froze, looking closer briefly before looking to Victoria. "What's that?" She asked, concern leaking into her voice. "Are you okay?" She looked back, her eyes widening as she did. It looked like a burn mark, circular, about the diameter of a cigarette. "What happened?"

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:34 am
by Yvaine*
Dread. Pure dread. She knew Alice would find out. It was never a question. She just wished she hadn't found out so fucking soon. She was too damn clever. Most of the time, she founds her intelligence sexy. She loved that Alice was so smart. Right now, though? It pissed her off. A lot of things were pissing her off. It was to busy, too noisy, to crowded. She felt claustrophobic, overheated. The crowd seemed to be pressing in on her, and for the first time, she wanted Alice to let go. She flt ill.

She shook free, shrugging away from Alice, shaking a second or two, a uncomfortable frown spreading across her lips. Everything right now, just pissed her off so much. Even Alice, the girl she loved more then anyone, was getting on her nerves. The part of her that was rational told her she was just frustrated, that she shouldn't snap, shouldn't say something she'd regret. The part of her that wanted to break something wanted to start shouting. About Monty, about anything that she fucking felt like.

Her movements were twitchy, short and clipped, just like her speech. "Alice, I...I really don't want to fucking talk about it." She glanced up at her, at the look in her eye and the concern on her face, and she softened in spite of herself. She set her hands on the table, clenching into fists as her breathing evened. No, she needed to hold onto that anger. Anger, she understood anger. She didn't want to relax, to calm down. She needed that anger, otherwise, she'd break down right at that table.

Thinking about Monty was all it took. That fucking bastard, smiling as he burned her. That was enough to get her fired up. She shook her head, as if Alice has spoke again. "You want to know? Really?" She slammed her fist onto the table, noting with grim satisfaction that the tremble was gone. No, she wasn't in shock anymore, not like the Alibi. Now she was good and pissed.

"Pondsworth, okay? You fucking wanted to know? That asshole Pondsworth!" She finally looked up at Alice, trying to ignore the look on her face, that look of concern that threatened to bring her down. "I was good and pissed at holding you up, so I slapped him! Right in his damn face. His saw fit to hold me there and burn me with his cigarette. Happy?" The words came out quickly, but they were level and clearly understandable, not like her outburst in the Alibi. No, her anger was there since the start, not coming in at the end like before.

Once she was finished, she slumped back in the chair, not touching Alice, not touching the woman she loved, not touching the woman she just exploded at. Briefly, the notion that she had ruined everything, driven away the person who mattered most. The thought sobered her, caused her to quiet. But she didn't apologize. No, she sat back in the chair, fuming, but feeling noticeably less angry then seconds before.

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:35 am
by Sister Grimm*
She'd mentioned before how her moments of being taken by surprise were few and far between. In fact, it was one of the things she prided herself on. One of the very few things she prided herself on. But when Victoria Logan exploded at her? She definitely didn't expect that. She blinked, stunned, not sure what she'd said to get that reaction. She watched in shock, her eyes wide and her mouth a thin line, as Victoria turned to her and answered her question. At first, she thought her question would go unanswered. It would have been fine. She would be concerned, worried, but she wouldn't have pressed. But it seemed once the subject was in the open, it didn't want to go away.

"Alice, I...I really don't want to fucking talk about it."

Alice had looked back to the table, a small frown on her face but silent. Her girlfriend didn't want to elaborate, it was fine. If she wanted to tell her what happened, she would. When her fist slammed onto the table, she looked up, the hand one her shoulder tightening instinctively.

"You want to know? Really? Pondsworth, okay? You fucking wanted to know? That asshole Pondsworth!"

When she shook away, she knew that she'd asked the wrong question. Victoria didn't get angry often, and almost never at her. They got along well, and always found each other agreeable. Hell, they found each other irresistible. Alice was in love with the woman sitting next to her. She knew that Victoria felt the same. Then something like this happened. It all took place so quickly, she could scarcely keep up. First it was tense silence, then Victoria was shouting at her.

She watched as Victoria settled in the seat, eyes wide. When it was clear she wasn't going to say anything else, she looked away, almost mirroring Victoria's position. The key difference was that the tension radiating from Vic was obvious. Alice just looked defeated. Her eyes were focused on the table, and her expression matched her posture. Comprehension escaped her. She couldn't understand why it was her she had exploded at. She could write it of as frustration. You know, asking a question at the exactly wrong time. But in the back of her mind, she started to wonder what else she had down wrong.

"Sorry." She murmured, her voice even lower then normal, her tone matching her mood. She straightened in the chair before hunching over the table, her elbows folded on the surface. The sticky surface of the table didn't bother her today, not then. Maybe she should be angry. It sounded like she should have the right. She didn't do anything wrong,only expressing concern for the woman she loved. A simple 'what happened' and that was how she was repayed?

It was pointless. She could try to talk herself into getting angry about it. If it was anyone else, it might even work. Not Victoria. No, she sat there, playing back what she had said over and over. It was only then that she recognized what was said, not the tone or direction. Finally, she looked up, her expression as bleak as her voice. "Pondsworth? He did that to you?" After a second, the implications set in. Again, it was her fault someone she cared about was hurt by that brute. First Bounce, now Victoria? No damn wonder why she kept to herself. She'd gotten the two people she cared about hurt within two hours of each other. Some friend she was.

It was around then that she started to feel angry. It chased away the depression in seconds and it left her sitting there, her fists clenched. It was just as much his fault, right? What was his problem anyway? Why did he have to harass her friends? What did she ever do to him. If he was there at the moment, she would have struck him. No doubt or question about it. She was angry, just like Victoria. The difference being, her's was channeled, targeted. If she saw Monty, there would be a fight, there was no doubt in her mind.

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:35 am
by Killer_Moth*
((Theo Behr cont'd from Public Therapy))

Theo skulked around. He didn't want anybody to see him like this. They'd only laugh at him and how stupid he was. Imagine, getting angry and picking a fight with Monty. He really didn't have a chance. Maybe he did need to get his dosage increased, keep him calm.

He was calmer now, but his gut still ached. There was a serious bruise coming up, and he hoped that there was no serious internal damage. There probably was. He'd been hit right in the liver, but the shock could have seriously hurt any part of his abdomen. He'd better get to the hospital and have it checked out.

He slumped against the wall to catch his breath, when he heard some voices, and a couple of words that were very interesting: Pondsworth? He did that to you?
Did they know, could they even see him? He looked round the corner.

Great, the dykes. Damn bitches, more obsessed with themselves than anything. They never really paid attention to Theo, but now, now they could be useful. Clutching his side, he walked round the corner.

"Hi girls. Couldn't help overhearing. You want Monty? I want to see him suffer. Bastard just attacked me upstairs. Let's talk."

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:35 am
by Yvaine*
Maybe she should have kept quiet. She'd exploded at Alice, the one person she knew would always be in her corner. The girl who didn't judge her, didn't care about her less then stellar reputation. Even then, she regretted her actions. She didn't regret the anger, no, that was what kept her from spazzing out right there. She regretted directing it towards Alice. Now that she was spent, she finally looked up toward Alice, sitting slumped in the seat, in almost the position as she was. Hell, she'd gone and made her feel bad. She was only trying to find out what had happened and she'd freaked out at her. Tentatively, she reached out, seeking to to hold her, something, to try and tell her she was sorry.

Before she could make contact, she shifted, leaning against the table, hunched over, her face still facing away from Victoria. Her hand hovered in the air for a few seconds, like she wasn't sure if she wanted to continue to motion or now before it fell back to her lap. "Sorry." she whispered. Alice would probably hear that, and if she couldn't? Well, Victoria couldn't really muster anything else. The anger was gone, replaced by regret. She leaned back in her chair, wrapping her arms around her chest, just below her breasts. "Sorry."

When Theo approached, she almost thanked his arrival. Not that she knew him very well, or at all, but it was something to take their minds off her outburst. Theo, Theo, Theo...Yeah, she recognized him a little. Yeah! Now she remembered that she didn't know him at all, really. She knew who he was, as in that he existed, but that was about it. Really the only personal fact she knew was that he was one of those conspiracy nuts. Fine, that was cool. And he wanted to help with Pondsworth? Even fucking better!

"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me at all." Referring to his run in with Monty. She twisted in her seat so she could look toward him. He wasn't the tallest guy ever, but she still had to look up to make up for the difference in stance. "I'd love to help in getting back at him. What did you have in mind?" Of course, there was no reason to point out what he did to her. Then again, there was no harm in it. As long as she didn't point out her reaction, she should be fine. But, of course, there was no reason to volunteer that unless he asked.

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:35 am
by Sister Grimm*
There was an awkward silence after they both settled into their seats. Neither wanted to say anything, but Alice was kinda of hoping Vic would say something, anything, to account for her outburst. An apology would be grand, maybe if she would just hold her, something to let her know she was sorry. Until something happened, she would just sit there, fuming about Pondsworth, and surprisingly, Victoria. It wasn't that she angry at Victoria, she was angry she'd exploded when she just wanted to express her concern. She loved that woman dearly and wanted to do what she could to make sure she was okay, but instead she got chewed out for trying to find out what happened.


The whisper caught her attention. She looked up, slowly, before glancing at Vic. Maybe she did regret choosing Alice as he stress relief target. She seemed like she regretted it. Alice straightened in her seat, shifting away from the table. "It's alright, Vic." She said wrapping her arm around the smaller woman's shoulder. "Don't worry about it." She leaned in, giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

Now that the most pressing concern was addressed, she turned her attention towards what she said. Montgomery Pondsworth, ergo, the bitter bastard who had reduced her two best friends to tears. Vic hadn't mentioned it, but her eyes were red, a sign that she associated with crying. She hadn't mentioned it, and she wouldn't ask. But Pondsworth, something had to be done about him. It was too much, and she needed to tell him not to mess with her or her friends.

Her cell phone alarm went off, and Alice almost jumped. From her pocket, smothered by her jeans, came the default cell phone ringtone. She pulled the phone from her pocket, shifting to allow the phone some room to be pulled fee. Hell, she'd forgotten all about the Dungeons and Dragons game Bounce had invited her too. She'd been to the one the week prior, and it seemed that Bounce wanted her tagging along for this one.

Before she could move, she heard a voice addressing them. She glanced over her shoulder at the newcomer, but she didn't know who he was. But he had a bone to pick with Pondsworth? Good enough for her, he guessed. Glancing back to Vic, she leaned over, closer to her so only she could hear. "I have to go, but I'll have my phone. Call me if you need anything, alright? I love you." As she finished, she kissed her again before standing from the table. She nodded at Theo before leaving, walking to the parking lot, and after a minute of searching, found her car. It would be a short drive to Aaron's house, the designated meeting spot. Maybe five minutes, allowing traffic or red lights.

((Alice Blake continued in D&D Night))

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:35 am
by Killer_Moth*
Theo pulled up a chair at Victoria's invitation, just as Alice got up, made her apologies and left. Jesus H Christ, don't make it too obvious you hate me.

"Well, Victoria, it's not really a plan at the moment. We get together a group of people who hate the bastard as much as we do. I don't think there'll be too much of a problem with that. Now, as much as I'd like to just all beat the shit out of him, in the long run, that achieves nothing. No, I have a more permanent solution in mind."

He was sweating a bit. That wasn't a good sign. Was she looking at the sweat? No, she was probably as uncomfortable as he was, given that her slut friend had gone. Why was he looking to these people to help him? Because there is no such thing as a conspiracy of one. One of the first things you have to realise is that all plans and plots need to be acted upon, and he didn't have the influence to do what he wanted to right now. Not alone. But if he could get enough people and enough evidence, then he had a good shot at making this work. Even though it was awful. It wasn't a plan, it was barely an idea.

"I want Pondsworth expelled from the school. After all, it's in the best interests of everybody. He clearly doesn't want to be there. I don't know of anybody who wants him there. So, whaddya say?"

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:35 am
by Yvaine*
She'd about given up on Alice forgiving her. but when she felt her arm wrap around her, she had to fight back a smile. It was like her to forgive her, no matter what it was she did. It was comforting, to know that she knew her well enough to realize that outbursts like that were few and far between. It was times like that when she didn't regret being in a sex free relationship. Not that she wouldn't balk at the concept should Alice bring it forward. Until then, she was content just to be with her.

It seemed to be a more figurative sense as her phone went off. Victoria jumped, while Alice, always calm and controlled, removed the the device and checked the cause of the noise. Maybe it was that thing she went to last week, with Bounce. Vic fixed with her with an easy grin, the one that always seemed to be on her face. "Does your fellowship need you?" She asked, her smile widening a little to emphasis the joke and take from her mind the idea she was trying to make fun of her. Not that she'd assume that anyway. When she leaned over to bid her goodbye, she returned the kiss, bringing a hand to the back o her head to extend it for a few seconds before letting go. "Alright, I'll see you later."

Victoria watched her leave, and although she'd never admit it, found her eyes being drawn to her backside. Abruptly, she turned back to Theo, flashing a nervous smile. It wasn't that being around people she didn't know made her feel odd. Theo seemed nice enough, or at least, having common enough interests. He didn't like Monty, and that was enough to endear him somewhat to her. No, her slip, where she found her eyes...It was was enough that she wanted to think about it. Maybe she didn't want to wait until Alice brought the idea forward.

She clapped her hands together, more to focus herself then any other thing. "So." She said suddenly, flashing that smile designed to either put you at ease or put you in the mood, depending on the context. "Sorry about Alice, by the way. She really doesn't do well around strangers." Giving a shrug, the kind that said 'what can you do?' she glanced back in the direction Alice had disappeared in before looking back to Theo.

"Now, you seem to have this thought out. I'm not a planner, this sort of thing is beyond me. You tell me where to go, what to do, and as long as it will get Monty out of our collective hair, I'll follow. I might be going out on a limb here, but I think you can factor Alice into your scheming as well. I'm sure she wouldn't mind seeing him sent off." She leaned against the table, that easy smile still in place. He seemed awful nervous, didn't he? It could be the fact they were planning to go up against Monty Pondsworth, but that might just be the obvious solution. "So, how do we intend to get Monty expelled? If his actions around school haven't done it, what can we do?"

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:35 am
by Killer_Moth*
"It's not so much that I have a plan, more an idea. Like you said, he's pulled a lot of shit recently. I reckon he's on a very short leash right now. All we've gotta do is give him a little push, and he'll fall off the wagon, and right into our hands."

Damn, he was babbling. And worse, he was creating some very mixed metaphors. He briefly checked his watch. Damn, Monty had caused him to miss his last medication. That was why he was so on edge. Calm down, she's listening. And she doesn't hate you.

Yeah, but she's also a lesbian with a girlfriend. You're not gonna get anywhere. You'll get the pills soon. Just keep it together until then.

"So, yeah. There's bound to be a lot of people who'd want to see him out. I reckon we need to get a bunch together, and then we brainstorm from there. But not too many. If this get's out, then we'll probably be in some deep shit ourselves. If you don't wanna do it" She won't "Then you don't have to. But Any names you can suggest… Well, you're more social than I am. You can imagine, but I don't really socialise, what with the… Well, you know.

"Hey, if I'm being crazy now, please, let me know. It'd help. Probably. And I'm babbling. Sorry."

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:35 am
by Yvaine*
She had to admit, the way he stammered and stumbled over his words and phrases, it was kind of cute. Still leaning against the table, she rested her chin in her hand, her smile widening slightly. "Relax." She said easily, nodding slightly. "Monty isn't here, so there's no reason to get excited." Despite her advice, the rate his words spilled out didn't slow. Shaking her head slightly, she leaned back in her seat, folding her arms again. If this was how he was planning, how would he be when they actually acted on whatever it was they decided on? Would he be all jittery and nervous then, too?

When he pointed out she'd be more likely to garner help then he would, she gave a half-hearted shrug, her smile slipping as she grew serious. At least, more serious then she was before. "Maybe. I'm sure if I asked around, I could find some folks willing to help out. I'm sure we're not the only ones harassed by him." Now that she thought about it, Bounce might be willing to help out as well. Monty had hit her, right? Yeah, she seemed like the type who wouldn't mind getting a little revenge. Of course, she'd need Alice to ask if they wanted any chance of her help.

After he spoke again, her eyebrow arched and her smile returned. "I hadn't really noticed. Keep talking, maybe I'll see what you mean if you do." Of course she knew what he meant. The poor guy seemed on the edge of a panic attack. Being on the wrong end of a Monty encounter could do that, she supposed. Maybe he found her intimidating. Now that was good for a laugh. Alice maybe. Victoria, on the other hand? Oh, she cracked herself up sometimes.

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:35 am
by Killer_Moth*
She was calm, she was cool, she was confident. Theo wondered how he had managed to get himself talking to a girl like this. He knew that at any moment, he'd say or do something dumb, like he always did, and then she'd hate him, just like everybody did.

She said she hadn't noticed anything unusual about him. Let's face it, until Monty exacerbated things and caught him on a bad day, he hadn't had an episode for a couple of years. Maybe he wasn't as well known as he thought. He'd assumed that everybody kept away on account of his condition, but here was somebody who was able to talk to him. He found himself calming, just knowing that she was listening, really listening. He took a few breaths to compose himself again. He could control this thing, rather than it controlling him.

"Thanks, that's good to hear. Erm, I don't know if there's anything else really to say right now. Just, if you think about it, and let me know, then that'd be cool. Shall we just meet up in school, or whatever? Or is there anything you want to do now?"

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:35 am
by Yvaine*
It would seem her words had little effect. Or, at least, not as much as she hoped. He still seemed nervous, and his rapid breathing would attest to that. Was it something she said, something she was doing without noticing? Whatever it was, the guy still hadn't relaxed, and she was almost starting to worry. At least he looked like he was trying. Still, it wouldn't surprise her if he fell into an asthma attack. Of course, she had no idea if he was asthmatic or not. It just seemed to go along so well with what she already knew about him, she'd be more surprised if he wasn't. In any case, it would probably be best for both of them if she calmed him down. Monty wasn't the subject of conversation, so maybe that wasn't the problem. Of course, he didn't have to be nearby to have that effect.

Fortunately for both of them, before she said or did something, he seemed to compose himself. His breathing evened out, and he seemed to calm down all together. It seemed that the planning session had wound down, and now it was taking a turn into awkward silence. Not if she could help it. she opened her mouth to speak, but he cut her off. She smiled lightly, she eyes the boy up and down, somewhat surprised he asked. Not that she thought him a coward, but the fact he spent most of their conversation trying to remain calm, it seemed like he'd taken a big chance.

"Seeing as how my friend ran off again, my schedule suddenly opened up. If you want to do something, I'm available. If not, I'm sure I can come up with something. So, what I meant to say is, it's up to you."

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:35 am
by Killer_Moth*
This was something he wasn't used to. A gorgeous girl was offering to spend time with him. He hadn't prepared for this at all. Should he take her up on the offer? It would be a real experience for him, but he wasn't sure he could handle the stress, not so soon after a run in with Monty.

"Would you mind, just… Can you wait right here. I'll be back in just a minute. I've gotta go to the…" He trailed off, pointing towards the bathroom, as we stood up from the chair. He stumbled slightly as he extricated himself, and walked away, before returning, grabbing his bag, smiling sheepishly, and finally walking into the men's room.

He stopped in front of a sink, and looked at himself in the mirror. He wasn't attractive, he knew that. A late bloomer, his parents called him. So why was Victoria interested in him? She was gay, wasn't she? That said, he had heard some rumours about being with guys as well. Still, she was very definitely in a relationship, and he wasn't planning on doing anything to screw that up.

He rummaged around in his bag until he found his pills, and measured out his dosages as he was used to doing. Anti-Anxiety, Anti-Depressant, Anti-Psychotic. And people wondered why he seemed so against everything. He took a flask of sterile water that he'd boiled himself, and swallowed the pills. That was better. Even though he knew it was psychosomatic, he felt his pulse rate slow just at taking them. The routine, that was the important thing.

But, Dr. Brock was also wanting him to be more social. Maybe this could help. If he got to hang out with Victoria, then maybe Brock would be so impressed that he'd forgive the Monty incident. Yes, everything would be so much better, except-

What did she get out of it? She was cool and hot at the same time. Was it just because of a shared hatred of Pondscum? Or was there something more. He could feel the suspicions nibbling away at the corner of his mind. He turned to one of his therapeutic mantras, suitably adapted for the circumstance. I can deal with this. There is nothing to be afraid of, or to be nervous about. Victoria is not trying to hurt me. I can be friends with this person. He splashed some cold water on his face and returned to the table.

"Sorry about that. I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long. But, yes. If you want to hang out, or something, and I don't mean like, well, y'know, but just as friends. Not that you're not hot, ‘cause you totally are, but well, you've got Alice, so. I mean, we could be Platonic, and all that. Anyway, if you're up, then I think that, yes, I'd like that."

There, he'd said it. He still found himself stumbling over his tongue when he spoke to her, and was certain that he'd put his foot in it when he called her hot, but overall, he was proud of himself. So why was he still anxious, as he looked at her?