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William Roger Haig

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:12 pm
by SquareRoot*
Name: William Roger Haig
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Medicine, Video Games, Chess, Reading (both fiction and non-fiction), Tabletop gaming.

Appearance: William is a pale boy, his skin a shade of pale white from staying indoors so much to read, and play games. He is moderately tall, standing around 5'8, though he has a very thin frame, and has little muscle on him, weighing around 151 pounds. He does not have a particularly striking appearance, instead possessing rather bland, scraggily rust coloured hair in addition to light green, oval shaped eyes. His facial hair is slow growing, resulting in something of a permanent stubble. His eyebrows are the same colour, and are thin and straight. His face itself is a bit bony, chin slightly narrow. His wardrobe seems to consist mostly of dress pants, rather plain t-shirts, and long-sleeved dress shirts he wears open over his t-shirts. He carries around a pair of reading glasses as he has some trouble reading small print.

Biography: William was born to Catherine Sarah Haig, a computer technician for a data management company, and Michael Haig, a corporate lawyer. He was raised in a middle-class household and has no siblings. His parents have remained married throughout his life and show no intentions of divorcing. His parents spent a great deal of time with him when he was a child, encouraging him to become active in sports, although this never really caught on, and helping him in school.

William eventually became a very studious child in school, and was often found with a book after the point where he learned how to read. He was not particularly friendly with the other children, but was not anti-social either. He had a small, but faithful group of friends who he spent time playing with, but other than this made little attempt to expand his social circle. This led to his father pressuring him to join the Boy Scouts of America in an attempt to broaden his comfort zone with other people. Despite not taking much interest in wilderness survival, William found himself enjoying learning about first aid and how to treat people, setting the stage for his desire to go into medicine later in life. During this period his father also encouraged him to join his uncle, an officer in the air force, in making trips to the shooting range, though he showed no talent or desire for it. (he has yet to hit the target once) He instead preferred playing video games (mainly those of the Real Time Strategy variety) and chess with those friends he did posses. Eventually his enjoyment of these games led to him joining a friend's tabletop gaming group, where he began learning how to set up his own campaigns. He is somewhat naive and idealistic, wanting to help people, especially his friends.

During middle school he became extremely interested in medicine, proclaiming his dream job as being a doctor or pharmacist, wanting to improve life for people by improving their health. Under encouragement from his parents, he purchased and read as many medical books as he could find, and entered into several summer first aid courses. In high school he began taking grade 11 Biology in grade 10 as one of his optional courses, and took grade 12 Biology in grade 11 in his excitement to learn more about the human body and how it works. He hopes to graduate into medical school so that he can continue to learn more about being a doctor.

William has never been comfortable out of his social circle, and could be described as extremely nervous, worrying about the slightest detail in almost anything. He has also been known to posses quite a short temper, going into a rage whenever something takes too long or doesn't go the way he wants. Despite this, when doing something he is interested in, he becomes rather eccentric, ranting on about it for hours at times. Despite how uncomfortable he is with people that aren't in his group of friends, William is extremely loyal to his friends, and has an extreme amount of faith in them, trusting them with his life. He has the odd habit of talking to himself when nervous or excited, which has gotten him strange looks from some. Though he is normally somewhat quiet, when he gets angry or scared he begins shouting at whatever or whoever is closest.

Advantages: William's knowledge of medicine and the human body also gives him knowledge of how to aid it, knowing how to treat at least minor wounds, and possibly buy time for the more seriously wounded. His preference for games that require planning has made his mind sharp enough that he will be able to quickly think out a game plan on the island to survive longer, such as searching for allies to travel with, or finding a defendable shelter in which to stay, and his loyalty to his friends will ensure that he stays by their sides.
Disadvantages: William's short temper can cause him to become irrational when angered, causing him to act brashly which could very easily put him in danger. His nervousness could also lead to paranoia, making him too afraid of what could happen to be effective. Because he has never been athletic, he would perform rather poorly in a fist fight, and his lack of marksmanship ensures that he would have difficulty with a gun. His habit of talking to himself and shouting when scared or angry, despite possibly keeping his sanity for slightly longer, could easily give away his position. His loyalty to his friends is also a double edged sword, as while it ensures that he will stand by them, it means he also would not expect them to betray him. In addition, his goal to help save lives may cost him his sanity if he kills one of his peers.