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Wayne West

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:13 pm
by R-S-Lee*
Name: Wayne West
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School

Hobbies and Interests:
Wayne West is a complete geek or "Pop Culture Junkie" as he likes to call himself. He plays countless videogames, has watched more movies and television shows than anybody he knows, and has a comic book collection that is about the size of a small comic book shop.


At five feet, eight inches and 190 pounds, Wayne is slightly flabby and Caucasian. Wayne has brown hair, thin enough that he doesn't have to comb it, but long enough to make sure that his scalp is not visible. brown eyes. Most of his body fat is contained in his belly, although his face is notably pudgey. His face suffers from a small zit beside of his slightly-hooked nose, and contains the constant hint of a boyish little smirk.

At the time of his kidnapping, Wayne was wearing a green zip-up hoodie, with a T-shirt depicting Jay and Silent Bob underneath of it. He is also wearing long jeans without any belt. His running shoes are almost pure black, containing slight hints of grey on their sides. He also tends to wear clothes that are several sizes too big, in order to hide his extra weight.

Biography: Wayne West was born to a pair of newlyweds. He grew up in a happy household, having lived in St. Paul for his entire life. His parents are loving, supportive, and caring, which has left Wayne quite happy with his life.

Wayne has two younger brothers and one baby sister. He is the oldest of the family and tends to think of himself as the mentor of his siblings. He genuinely cares about his brothers and sister and would like to be around to watch them grow up.

Wayne has a fairly decent school life. He has several good friends, gets mid-seventy marks without studying, and gets by every day without any difficulty. Wayne stays out of trouble and effortlessly lives a quiet, safe life.

Wayne is kind hearted, but also tends to be a bit of a wise ass, which can irritate a few of his peers. He likes to crack the occasion joke and attempts to be the funniest person in the room, usually by quoting movies and television shows. But, in the end, he doesn't have any real enemies and has made sure to keep it that way.

As a major pop culture geek, Wayne constantly goes on and on about movies, video games, and comic books. He frequently compares his real life to fictional characters and his thoughts are dominated by objects of pop culture.

Wayne's interest in comic books started in the first grade when he saw the Superman movie. He loved the idea of ordinary people going out and doing amazing things and began to read more and more comics as he grew older. Comics brought out the optimism in him and continue to fascinate him to this day.

This abduction into the SOFT game is the only truly major thing to really happen to Wayne. He's gone through his life fairly quietly just passing the time away until his real life began. He had intended to try and get a job in comic books as a writer, but that obviously is not going to happen. Wayne loves his life and he does not intend on letting it end.

Advantages: Wayne is a good kid, intelligent, and very friendly. Wayne doesn't really have any enemies and could easily stay out of trouble. He also wants nothing more than to survive and, when push comes to shove, will do whatever is necessary to survive. Wayne also comes with absolutely no psychological traumas or sinister pasts, which makes him far more balanced than MANY former competitors.

Disadvantages: He is bad with guns, has no survival skills, is hesitant to kill, and happens to be a very poor fighter. Wayne is a bit too trusting and has very little independence. He is also a bit of a coward and could potentially. Although he is a nice kid, Wayne does have a tendancy to annoy some people with his geeky behavior.