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Stephanie Henderson

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:20 pm
by CJanosi*
Name: Stephanie Henderson
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: JROTC, tennis, football(tight end), GODspeed Christian Club.

Appearance: At first glance, Stephanie looks like another blow-dried conservative princess. She is very pretty, albeit in a rather common way, possessing oval-shaped blue eyes, flaxen blonde hair(shoulder length but always tied up), and well-tanned skin that is nearing a bronze shade. She has a narrow but firm jaw, thin lips, a long, thin nose, and meticulously plucked eyebrows. Stephanie's skin is slightly worn, not at all a leather hide but definitely not as smooth as others'. However, upon closer examination, it is clear that Stephanie is very committed to physical activity. She has well-developed muscles in her arms and legs, due to her JROTC and sports training. Her torso is v-shaped with a slim midsection and broad shoulders(for a girl her age, at least). She's not entirely flat in terms of curves, but they're not the first thing you would notice about her. Stephanie is around 5'9 in height, give or take maybe an inch, and weighs 179.3 pounds.
She tends to wear dresses in public, but obviously wears pants and such during her activities.

Biography: Stephanie and her two brothers, Richard and Michael, were raised by firm hands and were taught to be strong at an early age. While their parents weren't abusive by any measure, the threat of punishment was always dangling over the childrens' heads. Stephanie, being the middle child, had neither the natural responsibility of the elder Michael nor the softness directed at younger Richard, and as such rebelled at times to gain attention. This usually involved minor things like picking on her brothers or making mess, but over time Stephanie grew out of her petty stage.

At ten, Stephanie had led conflict-free life in their small bubble of happiness. One day, her uncle visited the family and brought stories of his life in the Marines. Stephanie took a strong liking to the idea and immediately declared her desire to join the Marines to her parents. They were naturally apprehensive of this.

By sixteen, Stephanie had begun her hard training for the Marines, an idea that she still held onto. After joining JROTC in her freshman year, she piled football and varsity onto it, putting a strain on her body that she at first had a great deal of difficulty dealing with. She never made many friends aside from her teammates and lab partners and such, due to her rather acerbic and in-your-face personality. But those who do know Stephanie can attest that she is worth talking to at least once.

Sophomore year, Stephanie was hit by news from her brother Richard. He revealed that he was gay to her, a fact that was difficult for the rather sheltered girl to hear. Her family was Catholic, although not practicing, and conservative, albeit not active there either. Stephanie made the decision to stand by her brother, drawing ire from her few friends, namely the ones in GODspeed, in which she was a vocal member.

Having grown up with two brothers, and in a neighborhood with only two other girls her age(and about a dozen boys), Stephanie has taken a shine to more masculine hobbies. She's an avid football player, enjoys video games, and is a strong arm wrestler. She is still feminine and enjoys makeup and pink and things like that, but she is definitely a guys' girl.

Advantages: Physically tough, very alert, and not the type to give up when the going gets tough. Being more fit than most other teenagers, she'll likely give anyone a run for their money in a fight.

Disadvantages: Pigheaded, emotionally cold, and the person least likely to adapt to their surroundings- she is set in her ways and probably won't change to accommodate to kill-or-be-killed.