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Samantha Fang*

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:27 pm
by Order of Strife*
Name: Samantha Fang
Gender: Female
School: Bayview Secondary
Grade: 12
Age: 17
Hobbies and Interests: Hunting, Basketball, Making New Friends

Appearance: Samantha has jet black shoulder length hair which can sometimes be found tied in some manner of knot. Her face has the frail features of a porcelain doll. Her eyes are a piercing shade of brilliant green which seem so vibrant and full of life, exuding a kind of radiant energy that you can almost feel. One of the first things you'll notice about her is her smile, so warm and full of energy. Samantha stands at just around five foot three and weighs a mere 125 lbs.

Samantha has an incredibly light frame due to her shortness of height and lightness of weight. This is of incredible annoyance to her whenever she tries to hold any manner of rifle, but her relative experience with her hunting activities has taught her to hold one properly enough so that it doesn't get in the way during long range shooting. She often makes a habit of wearing hoodies and other similar outerwear several sizes larger than her frame whenever not engaged in any type of athletic activity. These articles of clothing often end up devouring her every subtle feature in a tidalwave of wrinkled folds.

Biography: Samantha Fang is the younger sister of Adam Tenser. It's hard to distinguish this from first glance, because Samantha is of asian descent and Adam isn't. This is because they are half siblings. They share the same mother, but have different fathers. You can tell they're family if you look close enough, though. They both have the same eyes and the same smile. You just gotta look really really close because Adam never smiles purely out of habit. You could say that Adam and Samantha are polar opposites. Adam is always so bored and recessed, only making friends with people he finds interesting, like that biting girl. Samantha could barely suppress her laughter as she watched him trying to explain to their mom why he needed to go to the store to pick up gauze wrap and peroxide. Unlike Adam, Samantha likes to make friends with all the people she meets. In fact, she couldn't imagine a world where she wasn't friends with everyone.

Samantha has always had a love for hunting and the great outdoors. She really enjoys it when her father takes her on weekend hunting trips. She knows her way around a rifle, how to shoot and maintain one. Her skill with a knife as a tool reaches moderate levels. Samantha truly enjoys the immersive experience she can only find while hunting big game, you could say that it's one of her passions. The thrill of the hunt and the spikes of adrenaline that can only be found when she fires a rifle prove a potent and addicting combination for her.

During the summer's end and school's beginning, Samantha can't often arrange time to go out on hunting trips so she sates her need for the rush of adrenaline by playing competitive sports. Basketball is one of Samantha's favorites, and although it isn't anywhere close to replacing the thrill of the hunt she gladly accepts it as a feeble substitute until she can once again roam the outdoors. Being particularly short and light, Samantha doesn't have near the advantage that others have. She enjoys herself nonetheless.

Samantha more or less tries to enjoy her time spent in school. Always preferring to be outdoors, Samantha can often be found doing schoolwork under the trees on the school lawn where she can feel the breeze on her skin and try to guess the names of the bird calls she hears. She actively participates in school pep rallies and constantly gets high marks in most of her classes. It helps take her mind off of her joy for hunting until she can find the time to schedule another trip into the wilderness.

Advantages: Samantha is a pretty good shot with any manner of rifle. Her abilities with a knife are decent, being as they come in fairly useful as tools in most wilderness settings. Her small size makes her a small target and allows her to go places that would otherwise be unreachable by a person of normal size. Being an experienced hunter and tracker, Samantha can leave less of a footprint in natural terrain, reducing her ability to be detected. Also in any setting that will allow, Samantha can use tracks left behind to determine if someone has been through the area recently.

Disadvantages: Samantha is far from being particularly robust. Her light frame limits the size of the objects she can carry. Samantha can be easily weighed down by moderate loads. Her small size also makes it difficult to ready any kind of rifle in close quarters