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Patrick Temple

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:34 pm
by SquareRoot*
Name: Patrick Temple
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Business, hunting, writing, reading.

Appearance: Patrick stands at 5'10 and weighs around 179 pounds. He is lightly muscled, though also has some fat on him. His face is somewhat gaunt with narrow hazel eyes and short blonde hair that he keeps slicked back most of the time. His nose is somewhat longer than normal, and is thin. His facial hair is a slightly darker blonde, He is usually clean shaven, shaving each morning when he gets up, though he does develop five o'clock shadow later in the day. He believes strongly in appearing professional, and for that reason tends to wear a suit in the winter, or dress shirt, dress pants, a black vest and a tie in warmer weather. He wears a wrist watch in all seasons, specifically a timex with moving hands and which also glows in the dark (the back lights up when a button is pressed, and the hands and numbers glow).

Biography: Patrick was born in a small town in the Iowa countryside to Edward Temple, an accountant for a small company, and Jocelyn Temple, a nurse at a nearby hospital, both devout Catholics. He is the youngest of the Temples' two children, the other being Richard Temple, who is three years older. Though both his parents were very busy and did not spend much time with him, they remained a happy family and went out for a family activity at least once per week, which was almost always hunting when he deemed the brothers were old enough to go, and season permitting. This began around ten for each of the brothers, as Edward gave his sons shooting lessons in their backyard with a BB gun, and slowly teaching him about gun safety. Once they had learned this, Edward began taking them along on hunting trips, at first with the boys just tagging along as Edward went out into the woods behind their rather isolated house, but with them later hunting as well, perhaps a bit earlier than entirely legal. When Patrick was twelve, however, the firm his father worked at went bankrupt, and he was forced to look for other work. Fortunately, Edward had managed to find a rather well-paying job, however, it demanded that the family move to another state.

Patrick and Richard got along as best brothers can, with Patrick pulling pranks on Richard, and Richard tormenting him back most of the time. This led to the two getting into fights rather often when younger, which had to be broken up by either their parents or the baby sitter. However, as the two got older, they began to get along better, and after they moved, Patrick began depending on Richard for emotional support most of the time, as he had no friends in their new home. When nineteen, Richard moved out and went moved to Canada to work at a degree in computer programming at Carleton University. This, strangely, has strengthened the brothers' bonds even more, with them constantly chatting over online messengers and sending email back and forth every day.

After losing all his friends from moving, Patrick began to emotionally withdraw from other people, not wanting to go through a similar event, and reacted coldly to any attempts that children at his new school made to become friends with him, developing something of a shell to protect his emotions. Through the years he increasingly became anti-social, rather going off by himself than being around other people.

At age thirteen, he found himself to be rather talented at math, and began to take an interest in his father's work. This made his father rather happy, as he thought it could be used as a method for the two to bond, and took Patrick under his wing, teaching him what he could about business and accounting.

Once in high school, his anti-social tendencies continued to grow, and he found himself preferring to sit alone in the library than to hang out with classmates. He instead took to studying more on business and how it applied to the world. Shortly after this, he began to dress and act more professionally for school, coming in wearing suits and ties, and taking his grades very seriously. He took an accounting class a year early, and proceeded to take every economy and business course the school had to offer, attending summer school if necessary. Throughout this, he continued going on hunting trips with his father, finding it to be something of a release from all the school work and seriousness.

In school, when forced to do group work, he found it more efficient to use his fellow classmates than to work in tandem with them, and eventually decided that this was true of all people. He began to think of his fellow classmates less as people, and more as assets and liabilities, depending on how they worked and behaved during group projects, and was quick to turn down anyone that may hamper his group's progress. This, along with his anti-social tendencies, makes him seem rather cold personality-wise.

In order to deal with being alone most of the time, he has become rather sarcastic and snarky to amuse himself. Outside of school, he relies largely on his family, particularly his brother, for support. Aside from them, he confesses at church whenever he has the chance, as he finds the experience relieving. Another method he uses to cope is writing, whether it be short stories, poems, or rants. Most of the inspiration he gets for his little stories come from other books, however. His favourite author at the time happens to be Tom Clancy.

Advantages: He views his fellow students more as tools than as people, assets and liabilities to be used and disposed of, at least in a group, and will not hesitate to kick someone who is dragging him down out. He has experience in hunting and is therefore experienced with a riffle and with navigating through the brush. His hunting skill may also come in handy if he should need to find more food, as he will be able to hunt for local wildlife.
Disadvantages: He is rather cold to other people, and since he treats them more like tools than people, this may prevent others from aiding him. In addition, if his emotional shell is cracked, by other students or stress, he may buckle under the stress and become emotionally unstable, perhaps even unable to function properly. The lack of emotional support from his family may also cause him to buckle.