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Montgomery Pondsworth

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:42 pm
by R-S-Lee*
Name: Montgomery Pondsworth
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School

Hobbies and Interests: Sports in general. Monty enjoys Hockey, Football, and whatever other sport that takes advantage of his large build and desire to inflict pain. Unfortunately, Monty is no longer allowed to join any of these groups and he now spends his days picking on the weak and waiting for the day to end.


Monty is an extremely large teen. He is six and a half feet tall and weighs 203 pounds of almost solid muscle. Most of his muscle mass is centered in his upper body, which gives Monty the appearance of a weightlifter. And through the occasional workout and gym class, Monty has been able to maintain this figure despite his inability to play sports. He is a white boy with noticeable abs and poor hygene. His hair is a relatively dark blonde colour and is consistenty messy and unstyled. With a small, compressed nose and dull, green eyes, Monty's face seems almost transfixed in a look of pure hatred.

At the time of his capture by Danya's people, Monty had been wearing a thin, grey jacket, which he usually keeps unzipped. He also wears a red wife beater, brown sweat pants, and white sneakers with Red laces.

Biography: Monty Pondsworth was born to Barry Pondsworth and Debbi Shore, two unemployed teenagers in Odessa, Texas. Upon the birth of their first and only child, Monty's parents got married and Barry got himself a job as an Oil rig worker to support his child.

Things were fine for the struggling little family, until two years later when his father developed a drinking problem. Barry Pondsworth began spending all of his nights away at bars and began distancing himself from his family. As his father grew more and more bitter at his place in life, a youthful Monty became close with his mother, a kind, young, and caring woman.

By the time Monty was three, his father could take no more. He raand Monty was left living with his mother. Afterwards, Monty and his mother moved to Reno; where she got a job as a Cocktail Waitress at a small casino. Monty was enrolled at a small Catholic school.

For some reason, after the move to Reno, Monty found himself developing a hatred for the people around him. He couldn't explain it at the time, but Monty found himself despising all of the children and the teachers. He grew into an extremely quiet and angry child.

In the second grade, Monty was on his way home when confronted by a bully. A kid from the third grade. As the bully tried to push Monty around, Monty found himself retaliating by repeatedly punching the kid in the stomach. The third grader fled and Monty found himself at his happiest.

It was then that Monty realized something. He loved to hurt the people he hated. He loved to prove his superiority to them. He began to verbally and physically abuse the people around him in an attempt to belittle himself and make sure they know that Monty is their better.

As Monty grew older, he began to grow more violent. He regularly bullied students, even getting suspended several times for his brutality. Monty soon grew to be the most despised person in his school and found himself in the center of attention. Despite the hatred he'd earned, Monty was still satisfied with the fact that the students had begun fearing him and continued to assert his dominance over the weaker children.

It wasn't until he was fifteen that Monty finally wound up spending some time in Juvenile Hall. He spent three weeks in custody after brutally assaulting a classmate by the name of Tobias Quinn. Quinn spent almost a month in the hospital and Monty was tried and found guilty of assault before Quinn's hospital stay had even ended. Monty is presently on probation and requires heavy supervision on school outings.

After Monty had served his time, Debbi decided to move her son away in an attempt to get a fresh start. The mother and son moved to St. Paul, where Monty proceeded to bully the people around him

Today, Monty has a fairly complicated relationship with his mother. Although he is still verbally abusive to his mom at times, Monty is actually surprisingly protective of her. If anyone dares to do anything to Debbi Shore, Monty tends to retaliate with force. His mother is the only person that Monty has ever cared about, even if he would never admit it.

Prior to his arrest, Monty had also been quite the sports buff. In an attempt to find an outlet for Monty's rage, his mother began signing him up for whatever sports she could. Monty found that he was excellent at certain sports and began to grow into an extremely athletic child. However, his arrest record has left Monty unable to join any of the local teams.

In the end, despite his brutality and hatefulness, Montgomery Pondsworth is not a psychopath. He is an asshole and he is a bully, but he is not insane. Monty does not entertain thoughts of rape and bloodlust, he simply uses brute force in an attempt to prove his superiorty. He is not a giant force of pure evil, he is just a hateful teenager.

Advantages: Monty already has a history of violence and should have little problem with committing murder when his life is at stake. He is tough, very independent, and willing to fight for his life. There also happens to be a slight hint of humanity in Monty's protectiveness of his mother.

Disadvantages: He has absolutely no friends. The student body thinks of him as a sociopath. Monty can be arrogant, irrational, and rash. He has very little self control and is likely to get himself into trouble. Monty also openly hates homosexuals, other races, and the handicapped, (although, honestly, there aren't really any people that he does like). He'll make an obvious target and is sure to be despised by his competitors.