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Macon Carmody

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:47 pm
by KelleyA*
Name: Macon Carmody
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12th Grade
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Dated comic books, horses and comedy

Appearance: Macon is Caucasian, with dark brown hair that grows in thick curls. He tends to ignore hair styling, and likes his hair to grow out in an indie style afro of sorts. He had a fairly handsome face, but due to late nights, he has has bags under his eyes and a generally tired appearance. He has fairly thick eyebrows that usually slant above his eyes, giving him a sort of uninterested appearance. His nose is a fairly normal size, but has been broken before in a horse riding accident, it has long since healed and the scar is barely visible on the bridge of his nose. His lips are usually dry and he sometimes has stubble growing on his chin where he doesn't shave often, his teeth however are straight and square and have the same appearance as those belonging to Hollywood A-Listers. Macon has fairly long ears, but they aren't long enough to be considered big. He has some scarring on both earlobes from infected ear piercings made several years ago that have been removed.

He has fairly wide shoulders, and despite appearing scrawny, he is rather toned. He likes to wear a short string necklace with a fake shark tooth as its pendant. He favours leather cowboy boots or converse, and wears tubesocks on every occasion. He likes to wear torn jeans or three quarter lengths, usually khaki or cargo. He wears spiked belts and often has a key chain hanging from a belt loop which holds his cellphone, keys and lucky charms. He wears band and brand tee-shirts ranging from the Ramones to Jack Daniels Whiskey, when it's fairly cold he likes to wear faded longsleeve baseball shirts. When it's raining or extra cold, he'll wear the same outfit but with a parka. He comes up to 5 foot 11 inches and weighs 148lbs.

Biography: Macon was born the only child of Paul and Dianne Carmody. Dianne being a journalist for the local paper and Paul previously working on ranches in Wyoming, they would have appeared to have been a strange match. Due to Dianne coming from a fairly wealthy background, they managed to design and build a plantation style house on the outskirts of St Paul with several acres of land. Four years later, Macon was born. Dianne gave up journalism, and began to write a series of romance novella's that didn't exactly fly of the shelves, but were fairly popular amongst housewives nationwide. Paul missed his original roots, and decided to buy a dozen horses and separate the land into fields and create stables. When Macon was two, the Carmody riding school was buzzing amongst the girls of St Paul, and they Carmodys were never short of money, even after Dianne was cut off from her family because she was 'nothing more than a cowboy's wife nowadays'.

As a child, Macon would always play on the ranch, never needing to leave the vast wonderland of fun and excitement. He could be an explorer, climbing up the hay bales in the barn. He could be a hunter, chasing after the family dogs or he could be a daredevil, riding on the back of the tractor. Due to this, he never truly met any other kids his own age. His mother realized this, and persuaded her husband to allow her to teach Macon at home. As the years rolled on by, Macon would watch other kids playing in the park as he went grocery shopping with his mother and began to wonder why his only friend was the Carmody riding school. He was always fairly smart, excelling mainly in Maths, IT and Science, but falling slightly in subjects where creativity was required. His vast well of an imagination had dried up upon discovering that he was well and truly alone.

Macon managed to persuade both his parents to let him go to middle school, it took a while, but his father decided it would be good for him to know his peers. Macon's social advances were awkward and often unwelcome, and he'd often be excluded from games and clubs. He was picked on for his hair, for his clothing style and for being a 'redneck'. He didn't let the insults phase him, and only tried to curry favour with his aggressors. He went as far as to letting a girl pierce his ears with a safety pin, which soon led to an infection. He was then called names and laughed at, but he finally felt happy. He wasn't being excluded anymore, he was funny. He didn't appear to realise that they were laughing at him, rather than with him. He soon began to play jokes and make himself look like an idiot for more laughs, becoming the class clown. Being funny, in his opinion, was the only way for him to be accepted.

Freshman year came, and girls soon began to appreciate his toned body, a result of lifting and shifting heavy objects back home and helping maintain the school. Some advances were made, but he always dismissed them. He was practically raised around girls, and could only think of another girl as a bigger sister or a friend. After realizing he had been single for a fairly long time, he finally began to question his sexuality. It became more obvious, and he was too afraid to raise the issue with his parents or peers. He began to smoke weed to calm his nerves, as well as drinking alcohol recreationally, which contributed to many late nights. As the next year passed, he slowly became more detached and was described as a 'stoner' amongst peers. He soon gained a crush on a boy in school, and would often try to muster up the courage to come out of the closet and ask him out. After several months, he finally managed to do it. The boy had moved to New York the weekend prior, unknown to Macon. He was soon afraid of being lonely again, and his fears and worries battled each other in his head leading him to lose focus on the task at hand. Because of this, he fell off his horse and broke his nose against a fence.

He grew more and more detached to his parents, and spent a lot of time in his new domain, the upper level of the barn which was now his studio style bedroom. He dated a guy online for a couple of weeks, and would often waste his time smoking weed and watching cheesy comedy movies on TV, often quoting lines he had learnt amongst his peers, taking them for his own. As he withdrew further and further into his own shell, he began to buy comic books and would often fantasize about the masculine heroes and characters involved, wondering if there was ever somebody like that for him. His grades slipped drastically, and he was soon placed in remedial classes. In senior year, his only purpose amongst peers was to host parties at the riding school when his parents were away. Using this, he could be in the good books of the popular kids, but was never truly in their social circle.

Advantages: His fairly athletic build up would give him the edges in some melee fights, and would be a bonus in making it easier to navigate the island. Being thought of as a shambling stoner by most of his peers would mean they would underestimate him, should he choose to play.

Disadvantages: Macon wouldn't be trusted my many, if all of his peers, and would spend a majority of his time alone. He has a few crushes on various male students in the student body, and may hesitate to attack and kill them, leading to his own downfall. If left alone for a long period of time, his worries and doubts may catch up with him rendering him extremely depressed, making him an easy target.