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Lloyd Ashcraft

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:48 pm
by Albiel*
Name: Lloyd Ashcraft
Gender: Male
Age: 17 (Though he turns 18 in a couple of days)
Grade: 12th
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Forums, Drawing, Writing

Appearance: Lloyd looks a couple of years younger than his actual age due to his sometimes childish mannerisms and his slightly below average height, standing at 5'5. This coupled with the fact he shaves twice a day allows him to say he is one or two years younger than he actually is with little difficulty, a trait he takes advantage of whenever possible. His weight is 130 lbs; lower than average, yet not dangerously so. His default expression is that of a confident smile, which accurately reflects his personality when it comes to interaction with others.

More often than not, Lloyd's physical appearance will make you feel as if he isn't actually listening to you. He wears his gray headphones wherever he goes. Hidden in one of his pockets is his black iPod, connected to the headphones through an unnecessarily large gray cable. Despite wearing said headphones, which are connected to each other by a slim piece of plastic behind Lloyd's head, at all times, he is more than willing to listen to people and will take off the headphones if anyone request it.

Lloyd has straight naturally ebony hair that reaches from slightly below his neck towards just below his eyes. His hair's cleanliness is not taken care of too well and is often unarranged. This is more to blame on Lloyd's habit of procrastination more than anything else. His round aqua eyes are large and display a deepness that Lloyd seldom demonstrates to others. Above his eyes are two thin eyebrows that are the same color as his hair.

Lloyd is immensely physically weak and is definitely one of the worst students PE class will ever see.

Lloyd's clothes are fairly average, if a bit more colorful than average. His completely white long-sleeved shirt has a few white letters with black borders. Above this shirt is a red zipper jacket. The sides of the torso are gray, as well as the sleeves. The jacket is not really meant for his age group, which causes it to go slightly below what would be expected from an average piece of clothing. It was this effect that prompted Lloyd to get it in the first place, not to mention the fact the collar went beyond the usual place. The jacket is almost always left open, a custom that is only broken in times of extreme cold.

Biography: Lloyd's family is, mostly, ordinary. This doesn't stop him from completely hating his parents, who he deems too strict. However, the hate seems to be completely unfounded, as they are content with giving him whatever he wants. While his family is certainly above-average in the financial department (A benefit obtained from the fact that Lloyd's father heads a company for gardening tools, as well as very recent ventures into the casino business), Lloyd has never mentioned this fact to anyone, as he considers himself to be as normal in that area as everyone else. His parent tends to work a lot, but Lloyd doesn't mind in the least. His mother stays at home for most of the day, the most common exception being when she goes to pick Lloyd up from school. Still, the only really uncommon trait parents have is that they are a bit overprotective of him, in the sense that they wouldn't even dream of letting their son go abroad to study somewhere else, a goal that Lloyd has set in his mind. While he has never put it in practice, Lloyd has acquired a good deal of firearms knowledge due to reading a decent amount of marksmanship books. This is not likely to translate into perfect accuracy in the case of him getting a gun, for he has never gone beyond the realm of theory when it comes to weapons.

Despite never watching cartoons, anime or any other sort of media (Apart from the occasional manga book, which he has a massive collection of due to a time in which he was interested in them), Lloyd has an immensely high sense of idealism. This, coupled with the fact Lloyd is an Atheist and spent most of his youth as a social recluse, has created a bizarre mix of idealism and selfishness. See, Lloyd is more than willing to defend someone, but only if a sufficient amount of drama has been created prior to the victim's predicament. The exceptions to this, of course, are Lloyd's extremely close friends, yet Lloyd doesn't seem to have any of those at the moment. This sort of media has also created a bizarre trait in Lloyd that causes him to pity his age which, although extremely young for a normal person, is not the type of age you would find in your average main character. Lloyd is aware of the concept's ridiculousness, and thus tries to stop himself from mentioning it to anyone but his family and extremely close friends.

During his first two years of high school, Lloyd didn't even bother to remember a single name from his classmates. However, as time went by, he started opening up to other people and eventually became pretty easy to be around with. Though Lloyd never mentions a single detail from his personal life to anyone else, he establishes his personality in the first few moments of meeting a person. It could probably not be said that Lloyd is among the popular crowd. However, it would also be incorrect to consider him a social recluse, even if his first years at school were spent as one. Lloyd is not against having friends and does in fact have a few, such as Nichol Lee Shi. He is also currently dating; naturally, with no sexual benefits in mind.

Lloyd has a very boring brand of asexuality. He does not hate sex or have any moral opposition to it, he just finds it meaningless. Of course, this would not be enough of a justification for Lloyd if the act itself brought an amount of fun, but even that has vanished with time. Lloyd considers the activity as normal as reading, but with a lot more social problems thrown into the mix. Sex brings compromise you see, and that is one thing Lloyd is not good at. He enjoys hanging out with girls and even the occasional date now and then, but sex is an issue Lloyd is not likely to tackle any time soon.

Atheism, however, is a completely different matter. Lloyd is prone to alternating from religion to religion. He has gone from Catholic, his family's religion, to Atheism, to Norse Mythology (Albeit at a very, very young age). These days he is stuck in Atheism, yet has taken to the role quite well in his own mind. Naturally, this is not the best thing to go around mentioning at school, so he keeps it to himself.

Lloyd is extremely philosophical and, given his massive amounts of free time, has the resources necessary to maintain this trait sharp and ready. He maintains a journal updated with things ranging from his day-to-day activities to his thoughts on normal things common in life. The journal may come off as whiny or filled with angst to other people at certain points, but Lloyd intends to keep the journal safe from prying eyes for as long as he can.

Advantages: Pretty decent thinker. Unaffected by sexual advances. Good knowledge of guns in theory.

Disadvantages: Socially awkward around people he doesn't know. Completely useless in any sort of physical task. Prone to acts of extreme foolishness due to idealism. Does not take death well. Spends valuable time procrastinating and, if alone, wallowing in self-pity.