Lexie Logan-Price

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Lexie Logan-Price


Post by KelleyA* »

Name: Lexie ‘Chugs' Logan-Price
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Grade: Senior (12th)
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Science Fiction, Techno Music, The Internet, Tech Club, Roller Skating

Appearance: Lexie has pale skin and grey-blue eyes which she usually frames with long fake eyelashes. Her hair is naturally red, and it has been dyed jet black with bubblegum pink streaks at her fringe. She has freckled skin which she covers with blusher, and has some cases of spots on her back as well as blotches around her mouth as a direct result of bulimia which she cleverly conceals with cosmetics. Her hair is short and is in a stylish bob cut, though she wears extensions on special occasions. Her nails are always painted pink, and have jagged uneven edges from where she bites them, although she usually has to remove nail polish for her job when preparing food. She always has a crucifix hanging from one ear lobe, and a love heart from the other. She usually sports an oversized tee-shirt with a caption or a picture of a cartoon character, complimented with a chunky belt and completed with black leggings and flats, her wrists are adorned with many colourful bangles, sometimes she wears a beret and has a distinct fondness of long flowy scarves. She is of average height (5.3 foot) and is very slender, she weighs 111 pounds. Due to having very small breasts, she stuffs silicon fillets into her bra, but despite making obvious attempts to hide her lack of bust, she uses this as a conversation starter. She has a heart shaped face with small ears and nose, with dark eyebrows and average looks which she tries to improve with cosmetics.

Biography: Lexie is the oldest child of Roger Logan and Leigh Price, an unmarried couple who have been in a partnership for almost twenty years and are both writers for a department store catalogue. She has a younger sister called Sheila whom she finds as an annoyance due to her precocious and judgemental nature towards Lexie and her social life. Lexie had a standard, if not boring upbringing, and was always ready and willing to break the mould, she often clashes with her younger sister who is more conservative. The Logan-Price's are originally from Kenosha, Wisconsin but moved to St Paul, Minnesota as Roger and Leigh were transferred to that branch of the 'Avalon Home Saloon' department store. When Lexie was seven years old, she had one friend named Eva Borycki who was coddled by her parents and as a result was overweight. Due to this Eva was bullied nonstop, and as a result ran away from home where she fell into a pond in the local park and drowned in the early hours of the morning. Lexie vowed never to become fat, and often skipped meals in fear of putting on weight, sometimes after eating she would sneak off to the toilet to vomit. After moving to St Paul, Minnesota the Logan-Price household was stressed and often bad tempered whilst unpacking and adjusting to their new life. After walking in on Lexie (who was eleven years old at the time) forcing herself to vomit, Sheila (Lexie's junior by three years) told their parents and Lexie was put into counselling.

When some of her peers discovered Lexie was in counselling, she was dubbed a 'headcase' and was whispered about in the corridors. She soon peirced her ears and started to wear heavy make up. Nearing the end of middle school, other girls started to develop and get wider hips, shapely legs and breasts. Due to her anorexia nervosa and bulimia, Lexie wasn't as filled out as other girls and soon felt embarrased with her boyish frame, she spent her allowance ordering silicone cleavage enchancers from a catalogue. After a while she fitted in with other girls as she now had less of a boyish frame, and people had already forgotten she saw a shrink on weekends stopping them from thinking of her a freak at face value. It took one aerobics class in Phys Ed to bring it all back, whilst doing doing jumping jacks. One of the enhancers slipped out and hit the floor for all to see and Lexie's bust was uneven. Even the teacher laughed and Lexie was a joke once more. Sometimes the mockery became too much to handle and she would spend lunch break alone in the audiotorium without a teacher's knowledge. To avoid being caught out should a member of faculty enter, Lexie hid in the sound and lighting booth which soon became her comfort zone in school.

Lexie's grades had been failing as a direct result of being targeted for jokes and bullying, and the spells of isolation spent in the audiotorium worked wonders and she soon found her inner calm once more, pushing her grades up to average C's and B's. She was an all-round student, and had no favourite subject and had almost the same grades in each of her classes. Lexie welcomed the prospect of High School approaching, seeing it as an opportunity to meet new people and forget the embarrasment that came with middle school. Lexie, and the female student body were now allowed to wear cosmetics, Lexie soon began experimenting with her looks and opted for dark eye make up and foundation to minimalise her freckles, making her somewhat more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. Her legs began to become more womanlike so she flaunted them by wearing leggings and pantyhose instead of trousers. She became more confident and started wearing brighter colours and bangles, as well as dying her hair black, this wasn't appreciated by her parents, but they were glad Lexie was happy and had made her own identity. Her sister, however, thinks of Lexie as a techno geek and prefers to keep her natural hair colour and wear mainstream styles.

Despite becoming more of a character amongst her peers, Lexie still spent alot of time at home, mainly browsing the internet. She has vlogs on youtube, several accounts on social networking sites and writes fan fiction to keep her english skills up. After being urged by her counsellor and parents, Lexie began to get out more and looked into extra curricular activities where she then joined the Tech Club, and learnt how to work the Sound and Lighting equipment, something that had caught her interest back in middle school. She soon became adept at this, and sometimes helped out with school productions alongside the technician. Although she still has eating disorders, Lexie's social life was becoming healthier. She made some friends, but didn't join any defined cliques or social groups. Lexie soon realised that she was good in conversation and could be pretty funny when she wanted to, her confidence flourished even more and she began dying pink streaks in her hair and got her ears peirced. After freshman year, Lexie soon became popular enough to be invited to parties. She was nervous at first but soon made a name for herself when her peers discovered that once she started drinking, he went on and didn't stop. This earned her the nickname 'Chugs'. Despite being considered a light weight on initial appearance, Lexie soon managed to beat boys in shot challenges and keg tipping. This was a talent she certainly did not want her parents to ever find out about.

Lexie's high school years were somewhat fun, and she soon came to realise that they really were the best years of your life. She sometimes wishes she could go back to Middle School and learn to accept herself for who she really was, saving herself from embarrasing and miserable experiences. Lexie's odd yet positive nature sometimes results in her pointing out that her breasts aren't real, and she would often take a slip-in out and show it around as an ice breaker or conversation starter, although odd, it is admired by some of her friends showing how daring she can be. Lexie soon had a boyfriend named Will Bradford, who was a fairly handsome guy who worked backstage on school plays and musicals. Their dates often consisted of going to the movies, mainly to see Science Fiction films, which were Will's favourite, slowly but surely this also became Lexie's favourite movie genre. They had movie nights with friends and popcorn in Will's basement and Lexie decorated her room with retro move posters depicting alien invasions and creatures from the deep. After several months of dating Will and his family moved to Hackensack, New Jersey leaving Lexie feeling dull and miserable, for a while she returned to her old ways of staying at home on her laptop.

Lexie took up a second hobby, and began roller skating to keep fit. She would often go early in the mornings and after school around town, listening to Techno and Electronica on her iPod. Soon enough, after growing confident with her somewhat 'vintage' hobby, she soon began to roller skate to and from school, carrying her skates with her through the halls, and leaving them in her locker during lessons. Lexie still maintains her average C's and B's but occasionally get A's in English and Science. Lexie is currently in her first job as one of Mr Swansons lackeys at All-Star Bowling where she often has to stand behind the counter bored, watching her friends bunch up together in one of the end lanes. On her breaks she sometimes sneaks into the back alley to smoke a cigarette or two keeping one eye open to make sure she doesn't get spotted then fired. Despite being bored some of the time, Lexie enjoys her new life style, and despite not enjoying counselling, is glad that she went in the first place.

Advantages: Lexie is known in high school for being cool and friendly, and could be severly underestimated should she choose to play to win. Lexie's middle school experiences have given her a sceptical look on most of her peers, and would most likely enjoy the thought of paying back her past tormentors. Lexie would be fairly easily trusted, and wouldn't find it a challenge to join a group should she feel the need to. Lexie's small frame gives her the natural advantages of stealth.

Disadvantages: Her anorexia nervosa and bulimic tendencies may lead to her malnourishing herself in the game, where she needs all the nutrition and energy she can get, she may find herself lagging and becoming fatigued. Due to her small frame, she will be easily overpowered by any attacker and will find it an almost impossible challenge to defend herself. Lexie was born and raised a city slicker, and has had no experience in camping out or trekking through the wilderness. As a result, she may become easily overwhelmed by her new environment and could have a hard time navigating and exploring.
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