James "Jake" Mason

Within lie those students who were submitted for Pregame but did not participate in V4 proper. Profiles marked with an asterisk (*) either never appeared in threads or else never interacted with other characters, leaving their canon status unconfirmed until and unless they appear elsewhere.
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Pickle Jello*
Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:11 am

James "Jake" Mason


Post by Pickle Jello* »

Name: James "Jake" Mason
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Piano, guitar, video games and acting

Appearance: The features that stand out the most about Jake are his size and his hair. He is 6'4, 210 pounds, and has red hair. His hair is about two and a half inches long and curly. He doesn't fight the curls or go with them, he just combs through them, making his hair on the sides straight and the top curling in random directions. His hair always covers his ears. His eye color is a mixture between blue and green and not very noticeable. He almost always has a smile on his face.

He tends to not follow any fashion, just wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt under his sky blue hoodie. He always wears black laceless shoes and white socks. He wears glasses with lens's frames that are gray and rectangular with rounded edges.

The 210 pounds are mostly fat. The fat is all at his belly. However, because of what he wears, when he's wearing clothes, it isn't very noticeable. However, when he has no shirt on, it's clearly visible. This fat is due to him overeating and not exercising as much. He exercises quite extensively, but doesn't understand portions and eats a lot of fat even after exercising, so he doesn't lose much weight from exercising.

Biography: James, or Jake, was the first born to his parents, Lynn and Robert. His parents gave him the nickname of Jake when he was a baby because they liked it and it wasn't usual for the name "James." He has two younger siblings, Raymond and Caroline, two years and ten years younger, respectively. He used to fight with Raymond a lot, but they got tired of it and stopped. He and Raymond are quite friendly with each other. Obviously, from time to time, they still fight, but not very often. He teases Caroline quite a bit, but doesn't mean anything bad out of it. However, since she's young, she sees it as being mean. She definitely likes Raymond better than Jake. His relationship with his parents isn't very bad, although it's not as good as with Raymond.

At age eleven, when his family got a piano and gave him lessons, after a few weeks, they saw his talent for playing the piano. Two years later, he tried to teach himself guitar, but failed and got lessons. He was talented with guitar as well. He enjoys playing both. This is mainly because he likes making music. He is terrible at writing songs, but can sight read music and perform prewritten songs very well. He likes to play classical music, especially by Beethoven. He has played in many recitals and his cousin even asked him to play for her wedding. He can sing as well, but he's very modest about this talent. He doesn't think he's very good at it, but others think that he's good. Just about the only time he does sing is when he's in a play.

He was in Boy Scouts since being a Tiger Scout in Cub Scouts to becoming an Eagle Scout. Since he is now 18, he is no longer a scout, but he has been on trips like canoeing in Northern Tier and was even in the National Scout Jamboree once. Every year, he went to summer camps and did what Boy Scouts usually do, earn merit badges, go camping, and do volunteer work.

Jake is smart but lazy. He has a C average in school. He is inconsistent with finishing his homework. He spends a lot of time surfing the Internet and playing video games. He is not as diligent as he should be. He usually starts his homework around 6 PM and gets distracted by the Internet along the way. It does get done, but pretty late at night, so he doesn't have time to study or look over notes.

Jake is a little shy. He rarely starts conversations with people he doesn't know well. When someone else starts a conversation, they usually have a good conversation. He has quite a few friends because of how he can have a nice conversation. His friends all agree that he has a good sense of humor. He makes jokes that are hit or miss, sometimes being funny, sometimes being just weird. Rarely are his jokes tasteless. He openly admits to being a nerd a lot. He likes nerd things. However, when he talks about being a nerd, he's mostly exaggerates it. Many people can tell that he isn't very much of one.

One of his talents is acting. Even though he is shy when talking, he isn't very shy when acting. Since he's been given something to say already, he isn't so shy since he doesn't have to worry about saying something that people would take wrong. He shows a lot of emotion with his tone and body language, so much that anyone who judged him solely by his acting would never guess that he is shy. He is very good at memorizing lines. He always memorizes an entire scene with him within a week and an entire medium-length play within a month, even when he is the lead. Because of how much he likes acting, he is a member of the Drama Club.

He is a Catholic. He's not terribly religous, but he does go to church every Sunday and say some prayers. He hasn't been confirmed yet, but plans to in college. Although he is a Christian, he dislikes fundamentalists, and the holier-than-thou attitude. What he likes to do is use the Bible to prove that they're worse off than who they are condemning.

He doesn't think much of his future. He wants to be a musician in a band, but he's aware that that job will only pay if he's successful, which he isn't sure he will be. He plans on going to college, but he procrastinates on sending applications. He hasn't been accepted into any yet.

Although he is large, he doesn't fight with anyone except his siblings. He doesn't like hurting people at all. Every time he accidentally hurts someone, he feels sorry about it. All he ever does is fake hits, usually just with his friends, not seriously. This mostly came from having parents to be able to teach him not to. It also comes from the fact that he lived in small areas with very little neighbors around his age for most of his life. He can't even act threatening. If someone threatens him, upon seeing him they might be intimidated by his size, but once they actually threaten him, they will see that he's harmless.

He doesn't really try to become stronger than he already is. He just exercises in gym class and taking long walks and bike rides. Almost every week, he rides his bike 15-20 miles in one day. He is pretty fit, just not strong. He is in no danger of being obese, the fact that he's slightly heavy comes from slightly overeating. He likes fatty foods more than he likes foods that are good for him. He doesn't really pay that much attention to how much he eats.

Advantages: He has good friends, and nobody really hates him. When he needs to hide, he's pretty good at hiding. His experience with the Boy Scouts, and even being an Eagle Scout would definitely be an advantage when it comes to survival.

Disadvantages: He doesn't like hurting people, let alone killing them. He is only mildly athletic. He isn't a particularly fast runner, so he'll have a hard time escaping if someone sees him. Also, his height and his red hair are very noticeable. Since he usually dresses in bright colors, it doesn't blend in with anything well.
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