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Ileane Heldin

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:08 pm
by AnimeDutchess*
Name: Ileane Heldin

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Grade: 12th

School: Bayview Secondary School

Hobbies and Interests: Anime, Manga, Games, SotF

Appearance: Ileane is about 5ft 7in, at 180lbs; she's a little overweight, but definitely not in an unattractive way. Her eyes are a grayish blue, and her hair is a dark brown color, cut short like a boy's. Her skin is a healthy pale color, and her eyelashes are naturally long and full, although she doesn't much care for them.
Ileane usually wears white long-sleeved shirts with anime t-shirts over them, along with a comfortable pair of jeans and sneakers. She wears only two pieces of jewelry – her slightly oversized class ring with her birthstone, and a tiny, rusty key on a chain around her neck.

Background: Ileane is a kind-hearted girl with very few street smarts. Once completely naïve, she is now somewhat cynical and snarky, but only shows this when she is under pressure or by herself. She goes out of her way to help others, even when she does not know how to help them.

She is a rather calm otaku, keeping any opinions about yaoi to herself until she is around other fangirls, where she then breaks them out with glee. Many people see her as boyish, but are surprised to find that she is also very blunt and foul-mouthed. Ileane has a relatively open mind, will try anything once, and will pull through most any situation if she absolutely has to. She is sensitive, and used to lash out at people who taunted her. She now ignores the few that still do.

Ileane has both parents and two younger brothers, Charlie and Dominick. Her relationship with Charlie has always been strained, especially since he has now grown much taller than she is. She gets along much better with Dominick, who is eleven years younger than she, and must often be protected from Charlie's preteen wrath.

Ileane's parents are honest, hard-working people, and they have instilled that into their daughter. Ileane has lived in St. Paul, Minnesota all her life, and has a close group of life-long friends.

During elementary school, she was very...emotional. Ileane would cry easily, and could quickly become angry. It was because of these emotional responses that many people teased her, and slowly, her idealistic view of the world became skewed. She did not know how to make the other children stop their teasing.

In the 6th grade, however, things changed. A new kid by the name of Sora Najikano moved to town, and, with her last shreds of hope, she tried to befriend the boy. It worked.

Through Sora, she learned about the world of anime and manga, which allowed her to make even more friends in middle and high school. As she made these new friends, she slowly began to realize that the nasty things that the other kids had said to her didn't matter; they just wanted someone to exploit to make themselves feel better. She decided to not let them have the satisfaction, and thus became oblivious to any remaining taunts. While her naive nature is still there, deep inside, she has been hardened by the world somewhat, and her first reaction is to respond to it with snark.

Her parents had gotten her hooked onto SotF when it first started to air and has not missed an episode since. She isn't sure if the killing is real or not, but her love of the "show", especially the first season, is extensive; she even bought the "Character Biographies" that had come out after Season One in order to write better fanfics. Her account on a popular fanfiction site is mostly comprised of Adam Dodd/Hawley Faust slash and Hawley/Madeline het. This love of SotF is a secret, kept from most of her friends.

Advantages: She's nice, and honest; she could get a group going, or at least join one and keep it together. Her determination to get things done, if it kicks in, could drive her to win the game. Her obsession with SotF could give her an edge, somehow, if she can separate the fact from the fiction.

Disadvantages: She's not very physically fit, and serves no purpose in a group. She doesn't lead, probably won't fight, can't make up a master plan…she'd be voted "Most Likely To Become Cannon Fodder" if the position existed. Also, no one ever said she was fully over all that teasing in grade school