Hayley Carlsen

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Hayley Carlsen


Post by harnrave* »

Name: Hayley Carlsen
Gender: Female.
Age: 17
Grade: 12th Grade
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Netball, Chemistry, Maths, Computer Games, Novels, Comic Books/Graphic Novels

Appearance: Hayley is 6ft and looms over most that she meets. Often she will slouch to avoid this and appear smaller however it tends to be ineffective and only succeeds in making her appear slightly awkward. The clothes she wears fit long wise but are baggy on her width wise; her hair is tied back in a tight ponytail for practicality. She wears no makeup and her hair is a pretty dark brown, never dyed. Her complexion is slightly tanned with pimples and her eyes are her most striking feature, often varying between green and blue depending on the environment. These are hidden behind glasses with thin rims. At most times she walks around with her head down and no expression, which on her face, looks like a frown. When she looks at people she smiles to try and be nice however her eyes are constantly analysing and searching for something, making people around her self-conscious.

Biography: Hayley was initially born in Australia of a Catholic family. She has two older siblings, a sister who always seems to get what she wants and a brother she was very close to, until he left for overseas. In high school she began to try and overachieve to attract attention away from her sister. However despite achieving good marks, Nicole still seemed to have all the friends, all the boys and the love of her parents. Comparatively Hayley had very few friends, has trouble talking to boys and is always being compared to her siblings and found wanting. When she finally had a circle of trusted friends she became louder and felt like she was free to be herself, a Leo, confident and sure the world was right. It seemed as if she had found her niche; that's when her father got a new job, forcing her to move to America for the rest of her schooling.

When Hayley came to her new school she had difficulty adjusting and making new friends. She often comes across as cold because of her reserved nature and does not completely trust those few she now calls friends. She believes her brother, Brian, betrayed her when he left Hayley to the mercies of her parents and sister. She then became cynical, despite trying to see the best in people, and believes that people are most likely just waiting to screw her over. Despite this she is very loyal to those she considers friends and would not betray them, at least until they betray her.

Her favourite subjects are chemistry and maths but she is careful not to tell others this as it would increase her image as a nerd. She also excels at puzzles and most things requiring logic. Outside of school Hayley loves fantasy novels, comic books and computer games, things she considers her last connection to her brother and an escape from the rest of her family. While with friends however she will try to hide this part of her nature and conform to their standards. She is always afraid that everyone will eventually turn their backs on her and controls most her thoughts and actions to prevent this, rarely acting on impulse. She sees the world differently from others and has a strict view on how everything should be. If losing control of herself, or if the world isn't as it should be to her mind, her personality tends to fragment. To keep control of herself Hayley took up Netball and often drinks to let it all out when nobody is around. Her height makes her an excellent goal keeper though the team and her don't get along very well.

Though a senior she hasn't experienced a relationship and doesn't care about gender as much as finding somebody who can love her and never leave. She is always searching for that characteristic in people but half believes that it doesn't exist and that human beings in general only care for themselves.

Advantages: She is very logical and her body size gives her great strength not to mention making her imposing. (Her general disposition may help with this.) She doesn't completely trust anybody and will rarely act impulsively. Loyalty is important to her and she can often have an ends justifies the means view of the world.

Disadvantages: Due to her silent imposing nature Hayley hasn't made many friends and indeed many believe her to be a very cold and snobbish character. She is also a control freak; it is unknown how the situation may affect her. She doesn't always pick the best of friends and will often go along with their ideas despite her better judgement.
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