David Morris

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David Morris


Post by Polybius »

Name: David Morris
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Grade: 12
School: Bayview Secondary School
Hobbies and Interests: Fighting, soccer, MMOs.

Appearance: David is shorter than most of his classmates, since he is only 5'6". Along with that, he's thin and pale, but he still manages to stay in shape thanks to his love for soccer. David's not exactly attractive; his face has a few blemishes and he has two small scars: one on his chin and one on his left cheek; they were caused by fights and playing soccer constantly. His face is mostly shaven, but there's always a small hint of stubble around his sides and neck. His slightly squinty brown eyes and his nose that curves a little to the right side both look almost too small for his face. His head is covered by straight, thin dirty blond hair that is always kept short and tends to occasionally stick up at random angles. Even though the trip is during the summer, he doesn't mind wearing a red hooded sweatshirt with jeans and old, warn-out grayish-white sneakers.

Biography: David was born and raised in St. Paul, and he couldn't enjoy life in Minnesota more. His family has been mostly kind to him; his parents, Douglas and Caroline have raised him in a nice middle-class neighborhood where they can satisfy all of his needs. His sister Brittany, two years younger than him, is sweet and polite, which garners her quite a few friends.

The little oddity in the Morris family is David's minutes-older fraternal twin brother TJ. TJ, unlike the other Morris siblings, is violent and rebellious. More than anything; TJ enjoys fighting and his prime opponent is David. Around when they were Elementary School age, TJ attacked David from time to time, and David couldn't do anything to fight back; TJ was bigger than him; it was a fact of life. Sure, their parents always broke them up and punished TJ, but as with most children, punishments didn't last long on the psyche, and they were back at it in no time.

By adolescence, David had gotten used to the fights and began fighting back. Their fighting soon went to a level where it was almost a sort of friendship between the two, and they both enjoyed it. As a result, David began sporadically fighting with other students who constantly bully or agitate him. This has resulted in detentions and even three short suspensions, lasting at most three days, as they never resulted in much injury, and weapons were never used; his parents strangely don't seem to mind, they just give off a "boys will be boys" feeling and don't ever talk about it again afterwards.

Fighting isn't his only interest, fights other than with TJ only happen every few months, his principle interest is soccer, where he plays as a striker on the Bayview team. He's been playing it in various leagues since around the age of 6, and he hasn't faltered since. On the team is where he makes many of his friends, which has resulted in him being a rather popular person around Bayview. He has many close friends but isn't as popular as other jocks and the like. In general, he acts kind and courteous to anyone who doesn't try to get on his bad side.

An interest that isn't very public is him playing MMOs; starting with World of Warcraft, but he changes every so often. He doesn't care much about getting experience and skills as much as he enjoys playing through new and interesting things, and that aspect has made him switch to a different game after he gets bored with the one he has.

Advantages: :David has gained a large amount of fighting experience over the years, so he'll likely have the upper hand in physical combat. He's kept an athletic schedule; consequently, he can run fast and has high energy. He's also a relatively small target, which will actually come in handy since most of the students haven't handled a gun before and can't aim that well.

Disadvantages: David is small and rather skinny, so even with fighting experience he has some disadvantages over those bigger than him. He has absolutely no idea how to use a gun, so in a gunfight, he'll likely lose. Finally, even though he's been in small fights, he's never faced real, life-or-death combat before, and of course, that can change everything.

((I'm going to add TJ as an NPC and explain his absense from the trip sometime when I think of it... just for the record.))
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